Photoshop :: Plugins / Settings In CS6 Extended To CC?
Sep 7, 2013
I am ready to download Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC to a notebook computer that has the Creative Suite Design and Web Premium CS6 installed. Phtoshop CS6 Extended is already installed in this machine. I also have Lightroom 5.X installed in this notebook computer. Do I have to reinstall all of my plugins (onOne Perfect Suite 7.5, all of the NIK filters and all of the Topaz filters, plus others) in Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC?
Currently I am running PhotoShop extended CS5, 64bit. in which i have my fovorite plugins (Topaz, Nik and OneOne) running perfectly.
I have upgraded to Adobe Creative Cloud and installed PhotoShop extended CS6 using Adobe Application Manager as recommended. It didn't ask me if I wanted to upgrade or do a new install for PhotoShop. So now I CS6 running with no Plug-ins. I need my plugins! LOL.
I tried pointing to additional plugins in the CS6 preference to the CS5 plugin folder. Upon Launch it gave me a whole slew of error messages saying something cant load or launch C+ runtime error or what not. It does open up, but it only gives access to Nik and Topaz. OnOne doesn't show up under filters or extensions.
So, what are my options?
Just copy the plugins from CS5 to CS6?
I dont't want to reinstall all the plugins to CS6 if I don't have to as I've auto updated them over time to current versions online, so only have installation files for my original purchases.
I am trying to save and load plugin's settings, ex. dialog setting values and strings. OS platform is windows XP. First I programmed the way of using *.ini file. But that not appropriate for Macintosh. So, I like to know common way by using SDK's APIs.
.I'm trying to figure out if I have my preferences set up in Photoshop set up correctly...I have 18 GB of RAM and my smudge tool isnt responding fast enough, its laggin and sluggish. Here's my system:
Dell Precision 690 Xenon Quad Core 8GHrtz Geforce 560 Ti 1GB card 18GB RAM.. plenty of HD space in the TBs...
I am particularly trying to find out what settings I can best set for my system to move fast enough in Photoshop CS6 Extended....Prefs>Performace>
I'm happy with the NX version, but if I want to upgrade to XT, how do I do it? I looked on the upgrade options for XT and upgrading from NX, is not there.
Photoshop CS5 v12.1. Mac OS 10.6. I'm printing to an Epson R1800 printer.
Print. Choose Color Management. Choose Document. Choose "Photoshop manages color". Choose the correct printer profile that matches the paper I'm using. Choose Relative Colorimetric.
THEN, I click Print Settings...under the 4th drop downu I choose "Print setting..." again. Under "Basic" "color" and "Color settings" are grayed out as are some of the "Media Type" options.
Is this normal? The problem is my black and white prints are printing really badly. They have color tones. I've cleaned the nozzles on my Epson printer, done everything the print utility suggests. All the test prints look fine.
i recieved a prom pic from my daughter and i was going to print it and frame it, but 2 things happend.
The first one was that when i tried to print it it said it was tooooooo big 40inx60in so i resized it to 8.5x11 and it got very blurry, after about an hour i figured out how to get it sharp again (by accident) and forgot how i did it DOH!!! It was some kind of compairson with 4 of the same photo and resizeing the file from 9.5M to about 400kb and actualy adding some blur.
The next problem is when i printed it, it was so washed out it looked like an old 70's poloroid but on screen it looks great. Now I've read the color settings section but i think i might have set some settings wrong [U]and i don't think i fully understand what i'm reading . I know there are settings to either let photoshop take care of the printing or let the printer.Personaly i think i would like to let photoshop do it that way any email's or photo's i shoot will have a common baseline. The printer i'm using is an hp psc 2410 and the camera is a minolta dimage7i, is this a good camera / printer. I'm in adobe rgb(1998) mode and i think i saw somwhere in the printer software to choose between adobe rgb or the hp printer.Do these have to match.
Put simply how can i print it the way i see it on screen
I know ....long winded but i try to give all the info i can
I’m a long time Photoshop user but recently picked up LR4 to try to fine tune my workflow. I’ve noticed that after importing new files (RAW, I haven’t tried with jpg) into my library as I scroll through them (1-up, not in grid) the preview comes up and then after a second or so the WB changes to a much colder image.
Does LR4 initially preview at specific settings and then change to the individual image settings? Even if so, the final images seem very cool and I feel like I have to up the temp more than I should have to. My previous workflow was to sort in Bridge and then use ACR to import to Photoshop. I feel like I did much less tweaking of my WB this way. I feel like I’m starting from square one with LR4.
I own Design and web Premium CS6 and Lightroom 5.2 running with NIK and Canon Printer iPF9100 plugins running just fine on a Win7 machine.
I purchased and installed PhotoShop CC about a month ago/ When I start PhotoShop CC from the exec file the NIK and Canon plugins do not show up. If I am in Lightroom and ask to edit in PhotoShop CC the file opens in PhotoShop CC and I can access both plugins. If I am in Lightroom the NIK plugin is available and works just fine.
I have tried putting the plugins in: NIK: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Plug-ins
Canon: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Plug-insiPF9100 Print Plug-In for Photoshop x64Print Plugin for iPF9100 C:Program FilesCanoniPF9100 Print Plug-In for Photoshop x64Print Plugin for iPF9100 C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobePlug-InsCCPrint Plugin for iPF9100
My Canon dealer says the driver and plugin for my printer work just fine on other customers machines.
I upgraded from CS4 to CS6 and have not been able to see my plug-ins in CS6. I tried reinstalling them and dropping them in the CS6 file and still can't see them.
At first glance PS CC looks pretty cool, downloaded without a hitch and worked first time. There doesn't seem to be an alternative plug-in folder option in Preferences anymore, how do I get CC to 'see' my Nik Plug-ins?
I use Photoshop CS3. All plug-ins used to work before. Now with some of the plug-ins (liquify+vanishing point+artistic for example) the following happens:
- plug-in dialog window opens
- i can make changes and see the preview of them in the plug-in window
- i can apply the plug-in
- then PS displays a dialog saying something like "applying effect.."
- but when that is finished I'm back at my original image without the plug-in effect being applied (nothing shows in history window)
I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Photoshop but the problem remains. I even tried installing a demo of PS CS4 but have the same problem with that version.
The error appears on the plugins with a more sophisticated user interface, the ones with the basic UI (like gaussian blur etc) still work ok.
I have an old version of Photoshop (3.0) which I've never updated because frankly it still suits my needs.(which are limited). I realized recently that when I switched from Windows 95 to Windows 98 se a few years back I lost some of my filters, like clouds and mezzotint, ripple, lighting and a handful of others. When I go back and fire up the 95 machine they are there. Also I notice they are in the plugin folder but not showing up on the menu. The best investigation I've turned up is that Photoshop(at least on the 98 machine) says it doesn't recognize the file extention?( 8bf files )although the computer lists this as a recognized file.( 8bf )
I just got my hands on KPT 7 or 5 i dont remember, but does any one know of a good place to learn how to use the plugs in? tutorials or anything would be great.
Have looked pretty much everywhere (except the right place, apparently) for my Nik and OnOne software. Do they have to be installed into PS to work? They show up in LR and work fine.
I just purchased CS6 and noticed that some of the 3rd party filters I had in CS4 have not been migrated over to CS4. The specific plugins I'm concerned about are Noiseware Professional and Alienskins, both of which I am able to access in CS4's filter drop down menu.
None of my existing PS CS5 plugins (onOne, NIK, Perfect, Topaz) show up in my newly installed PS CS6. What is the recommended procedure for getting the plugins to be available under PS CS6?
Where should I / how should I install the Lighting Styles folder and the 8bf, 8bi and 8ba files included in the optional plugins for Photoshop CS6? (Win 32)
I've recently converted from CS5 to CS6. I noticed that CS6 was pointing to CS5 for plugins rather than CS6. I made the mistake of trying to move the plugin folder from CS5 to CS6, which made a bit of a mess. I ended up reinstalling CS6, getting the most current updates, and uninstalling and reinstalling my Nik plugins, and this time they went into the correct folder (CS6 instead of CS5) -- no problem, everything worked, except for Dfine which said it was only compatible with CS5.
I got the most recent version, which is to work for CS6; I uninstalled the old Dfine; installed the new one. Everything looks fine. Except that when I attempt to use it in CS6, it crashes completely and shuts everything down. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, and gotten new downloads, etc. But this continues to happen. Everything else seems to work fine. The plug-ins are all together where they are supposed to be.
They all show up on the filter menu. I've exhausted all possibilities on the Nik side, and now I'm wondering if there's something on the Adobe Photoshop side.
My Collection of Nik plug-ins are installed to PS6. I don't know how to get them into PS CC.I also want to know how to set up the link so I can jump from PS to LR and back while editing an image.I am working on Mac desktop.
I'd like to be able to construct some Actions which use third-party Plug-ins - Is it even generally possible ....? The simpler the construction scheme the better. I'm working with CS5.
i wish to try to run PScs6 without my Nik and Topaz plug ins to see if it improves there a way to do this short of simply deleting the plug ins?