Photoshop :: Online Radio Station Main Banner And Logo
May 20, 2012
I'm in the process of creating an online radio station and need a main 'banner' and logo creating.The URL for the website is URL....The words that I want to have on the banner are:
-More Music, More Variety!
Then we need quite a funky logo - this website is aimed at people in their 20s - 30s.Also can I have the banner in 2 edits:
I want to take a Radio Column with 10 Items and make two columns of 5 Items, so that onlu one of the ten radio buttons are selected. This is aide in spacing on the Dialog Box. I am trying not to re-write the whole program, just add a few options.
I tried to add another Radio_column, it seperates it, but its two separate sections.
making an image that has only text and a transparent background. I want to use this as a banner/logo for my website and would like the "text" to sit on top of my site background.
I have tried several things that I know of in PS CC, but when I upload it to my website I get the text siting on a white background, thus my site background does not show through.
I am doing an e commerce page selling fairly traded products or eco things. obviously i need a logo and company name, which i am working on right now. this needs to go on a banner. the other things i'd like to have done are company statement "about us" terms and conditions postage prices and times rescheduled payment options Newsletter options.
simple example code how can i set my lisp function to radio button ?
i found simple dcl - lisp codes , there is possibility for calling simple cad commands , but this is different about call lisp with buttons
which code i have to change and how for set my lisp on radio buttons ..
here is the sample codes ...
SAMPLE1 : dialog { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â label = "Sample Dialog Box Routine - Part 1"; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : column { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : boxed_column { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : button { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â key = "but1"; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â label = "Button 1"; Â Â Â Â
We've been using AutoCad for a while now , I'm just about to embark on a new project which I'm not quite sure on scale.
The aircraft I intended to model has a length of 137ft and wingspan of 140ft. Now I can't build it that big but it will probably be around 5-6ft in length once I settled on the scale I'm going to use. My question is do I draw at its original dimension and scale it in paper space or should I draw it in the size its going to be.
I am trying to revise an old dialog box so that I can add some new options but I'm finding it difficult to shorten the label for a radio button enough to get the box width to look reasonable. I read somewhere that Windows fonts cause the label lengths to hold extra space for each character. The webpage that I found this on said the solution was to make a new line for the label, which sounded great to me, but they did not tell how to do it. After much searching, I figured out how to add an additional line to the label, but my program now refuses to function correctly. I set the middle button before initiating the dialog in my lisp, but when I select a different option, the original button remains selected along with the user's choice. The program actually works, using the last button selected, but I really want the button to respect the pick by the user and deselect the default button.
This worked perfectly when I had only two selections, and it still worked perfectly when I added the third option, but it just doesn't like it when I try to add a new line for the long description in the middle of a radio column.
I'm barely functional with dialog boxes..
DCL in question: :boxed_radio_column { label = "Location"; width = 20; height = 2; fixed_width = true; fixed_height = true; alignment = top; :radio_button{key = "sl-AD"; label = "Spring Lake Applications";} :text_part{label = " and Distributor Services";} :radio_button{key = "sl-BP"; label = "Spring Lake BP Systems";} :radio_button{key = "gr"; label = "Grand Rapids";} } Â lisp has the following in this order:
load dialog - I have a loading function that works fine (set_tile"sl-BP""1") (action_tile"sl-AD"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â "(TGW-Setup_01 $key)") (action_tile"sl-BP"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â "(TGW-Setup_01 $key)") [Code] .....
Of course, these are just the pertinent sections of a much larger setup dialog, but I didn't think I needed to post all the functions that this program is doing, since you'd have a difficult time running this without my templates, printers and a number of support files.
Like I said, it seems to be choking on my adding :text_part { Label = "     and Distributor Services";} instead of making this a single line of the label for the button above it.
Why does this cause the default radio button to stop releasing?
I'm trying to set up a main dialog box with three radio buttons. Â the selected button will determine which 'next' dialog box appears when the next button is clicked. Â Â (defun c:steel (/ dcl_id) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "steel.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "steel" dcl_id)) (exit) ) (action_tile "angle" "(setq shape "angle")") (action_tile "beam" "(setq shape "beam")") (action_tile "channel" "(setq shape "channel")") (action_tile "accept" (cond ((= shape "angle")(c:angle)) ((= shape "beam")(c:beam)) ((= shape "channel")(c:channel)) ) ) (start_dialog) (unload_dialog dcl_id) (princ))
I have a little dialog box with seven radio buttons and a text box that generically accomplishes what it's supposed to do. To retain the current dialog values, I use the write-lline function to store the information and then use read-line to bring that information back in for other Lisps that I use. As long as the user doesn't open the dialog, whatever options were last selected will remain in effect.
However, if the user re-opens the dialog, then whatever defaults I have initially set up in the dialog will then become active (in other words, whichever of the radio buttons I have set to "1")
My question is whether or not I can have the dialog box set up so that if a user selects an alternate radio button, that radio button will keeo it's value whether or not the dialog is opened and until and if the user changes it..
As it is now, whenever the user opens the dialog box to change, say one radio button, the user then has to change the other radio buttons if the defaults don't match the current run requirements.
Here's the dialog and the lisp:
OPTIONS : dialog { label = "Â Â Counter to Cad Options";Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : spacer { height = 0.75;
when I browse image files I find that the Photoshop/Adobe logo has been replaced by the Netscape logo. When I attach a file in email the N-scape logo is there by file name/number not Photoshop logo. Anyone know why or have this issue?
When I try to convert RGB to CMYK in JavaScript code or existing online converters I always get the same and what I assume is the correct result.Example is: 69, 25, 209 > 67, 88, 0, 18 Â But when I do it in Photoshop, I get: 83, 84, 0, 0 Â Why this happens? I assume Photoshop is the correct one and sets the standard, but its highly annoying that I cant figure out which is wrong!
Great site! I have a question. I am saving a jpeg for the web, using the save for web function, it looks sharp and the colours are perfect in photoshop. But when I upload it to the web (a facebook group page to be specific) it looks as if somone has poured water over it or like the colours are smudged. Does anyone know how I can fix this!
Here's another backup question, has anybody used online storage? Does anybody know of any good companies to use, I'm looking for 400GB for myself, and 400GB for my husband. Is this feasable, does it cost a fortune, and what about security, people having access to my data?
I have a .pdf that I want to use in a presentation next week. The problem is, since we last used this .pdf, we have changed our logo. How does one switch out one image out for another?
Offline help for Photoshop is zero. Somehow the "i Adobe Help" shows almost no offline help documents; I seem to remember there being more than presently, re "Creative Cloud".
Online help can't be accessed using the top right-hand button.I just wandered around in the maze of web pages, found an invitation to a online live "chat", logged in with my email address and password for another of countless times, filled out a form including my full postal address...then waited from five people in front to...have a chat with someone who could only talk about installations, hadn't a clue about what I had written in the form, said my version of Photoshop was too old to qualify for online chat...anyway, despite the pleasantness of the person the encounter and website system added up to further evidence that Adobe "help" is unprofessional, a waste of time, low cost...And the bug to gety started by Ctrl+Alt+Shift should have been fixed months ago.
I used to have to log in as Administrator, to make Photoshop go; now at least I can have other software running, by the Ctrl++ working (did not work, originally); but now, not having help....don't like it.I am connected to the Internet. The whole time Photoshop claimed I was not, email was being picked up and at one stage I was having an online chat, also getting the same error when testing the "help" button.
I'll be going back to upgrading a big variety of alternatives to Adobe software. I thought having so many, from so many other providers, would be more expensive and less effective than learning the Adobe equivalents; I now believe I was wrong. The bugs don't get fixed and the "help" is a disasterous waste of time.the phone, earlier this year; now I can't find the numbers to phone! Also, the bugs took hours of time that would have been better spent learning the software.Adobe software is used by professionals; whom I believe have better things to do than spend hours because of bugs better suited to Beta/whatever editions. Having the latest version, in a "cloud", means getting the latest bugs first.
I purchased a photo online and it will only open in raw format. I try to save it and it turns into a washed out mess. I want this to look like the file I saw online. Is there a way to open and save without it turning into a washed out mess?
I sent my business card (cmyk, .tiff) I'm working on for a client to the printers, I got an online proof back and after an a/b test, the colors definitely are a few tints darker. The gent said this is because I am viewing my proof on a computer screen which is RGB...but wait, isnt the .tiff file I sent over (and also the same file I am doing an a/b test with) showing on my screen in RGB as well. After asking him "Doesn't RGB reproduce all the CMYK color spectrum?"
He mentioned something about Online and Offline colors not fully matching up when you view them, but to refer to the colors of the original .tiff file I sent. How can I ever fully know what I am approving is truly what I'm getting? Other than using spot colors. I'm not super familiar with the printers, and trying to learn as much as possible. Some resources on offline vs online color matching that would be awesome! I've checked a few places and will continue to.
I recently started using PS CS6 and edit the photos in ProPhoto. My stock agency requires flattened TIFF images for submission. They look fine when I send them, however after they load them on the site the colors are very flat. I understand that when saving for web I must save and convert to sRgb. Is there something I need to do to the TIFF file prior to submitting or is this something that needs to be resolved by the agency prior ot loading on the site?
Here are links to
1) a side by side comparison 2) the image as it appears on the stock site
I am trying to connect with Adobe Elements 10 on line. Normally when I bring up Elements, it says "Welcome Back Kenny" this is what it says now! services are currently unavailable. try again, or check your network connections. Error 400. I have never had this happen before. I am for sure on line.
PSE 10 has been working fine since installation a few months ago. Last week, I tried opening it, but the message ' Online services could not be initialized. Please reinstall' came up. I tried to reinstall using the dvd,and the message 'Please log in as administrator' came up. Once logged in as administartor, it still won't uninstall the originl so that I can reinstall it. How should I proceed?
I purchased a Bamboo Create and I have had nothing but, problems with the Adobe software that came in it. The other software works fine. However, Adobe thinks I should upgrade immeditaely even though I just spent $200 to the new Elements. In fact before 11 came out, I could not manage my photos because being locked out since I would not upgrade to 10. Now, I cannot get Elements to work to even manage storage because my online 2gb is full but yet I do not want all of those photos online. I want to delete many of them. But, Adobe keeps pushing the page to upgrade to 11, and then my elements 9 locks up and stop responding because it says that my online is full. 2GB what a chinchy amount of storage that is. This software does not work from the get go due to the Inspiratation Browser update with the Adobe Air debackle.  I have been thinking about going to 11, but I should not be forced to and the software that I just purchased should work. I had not realized how greedy Adobe was/is.  how to make the software that I just purchased work? how to manage my online storage without upgrading to 11. As soon as I upgrade to 11, Adobe will just come out with another $80 to $100 upgrade that I will hae to buy or else 11 will stop working. Â
After installing PSE11, when trying to start Organizer, I keep getting the message " cannot start online services---reinstall--". I have reinstalled many times, including once with no online services started after a restart of the computer. The Editor works fine. I am running a Dell with Windows 7.
I'm using Photoshop Elements 6 (I know it's old...). I created a photobook that I'd like to order, but when I press the order button I get an error message. It says " No appropriate service could be found. Would you like to look for new services?" I answered yes, but it said my services are up to date. Based on something I found in another forum, I checked my settings - they correctly say I'm in the US. What else can I do? I tried sending the photos to Shutterfly, but I really like my photoshop photobook much better.
I get an "Online Services encountered an error" message when I try to upload a video to Facebook or YouTube. I use Adobe Premiere Elements 10 on a Windows 8 machine
When creating a slide-show in PSE 11 I can choose a certain soundfile or deny to include music. But when I create an online-album I don't find the checkbox for music to un-check it.