Is there anything that lets you select part of the image with a "Rectangle Marquee Tool" and then something that reverses that selection to everything that was unselected before, making the selected, un-selected and the un-selected, selected?
Example: I have a picture in a frame. I select the picture part leaving the frame un-selected. I need a button that reverses that selection to select the frame only, leaving the picture un-selected.
The problem is that it's only loading the outline of my path as the selection. All the inner areas aren't included, and I want to chop them out as well
When I am using either the magic wand tool or the polygonal lasso tool in Photoshop CS, the tools cause the program to behave strangely, including:
-crashing (program error, PS shuts down) -PS completes a lasso by itself without me completing it -using the lasso tool causes the tools pallete to go blank, and hovering over each tool restores it  Is there a fix for whatever is causing this bug?
I make a new 400 x 400px document and I want to use the marquee tool to make a selection. How do I make a selection with the marquee tool to go down 14px from top and 14px to the right? I know you can use the move tool and move the selection 1px at a time with the arrow keys on your keyboard,
i have heard that older versions of photoshop had a tool called "selection brush" wich i think would be much easier than the lasso or magic wand. is there any way that i can make a precise selection on an image (not being with the lasso or magic wand tools)?
I am using PS CS6 13.0.1..When I use the selection tool, any selection tool, the image disappear.I tried to disable GPU but that did not work, nor did starting in safe mode without any plug-in.I find myself turning Photoshop On & Off several times until it is resolved. Sometime it may take even 15 times to turn on/off until resolved.
I recently watched a video of an artist working and I swear it looks like he made a lasso selection on a smart object layer, dragged the selection, and instantly created a new layer of the selection alone. He did this successively to sample parts of an image for later usage. I can't figure out for the life of me how he was doing it and I can't find anywhere that PS has this ability.
For one, lassoing an area of a smart object doesn't allow me to duplicate that selection, PS acts like I want to duplicate the entire image, if I hold down the ALT key. Also, if I try to make a duplicate of a selection with a non-smart object layer I can duplicate the selection via dragging by holding ALT, but the duplicate is still on the same layer as the original object, which is NOT what I want. I know how to use copy/paste.
Hi guys, I have been using CS2 since its release but I didn’t discover this small nuance until yesterday, and needless to say it unnerved me quite a bit. In PS7 I used to use a trick to achieve a certain effect in some of my designs, making a pattern or single-color image on one layer, ctrl-clicking that layer to make it a selection, and then using that selection to delete other parts of my image. I liked this method as it allowed for me to save the particular selection, and always have that layer available to go back to in case of future use. Since I haven’t done graphic work in a while (mostly digital painting at the moment) I didn’t realize this change was made, either that, or I don’t know how to achieve a similar ends using CS2 that I did with PS7. If anyone understands what I’m asking, and can offer a bit of assistance it would be much appreciated, I am doing a menu layout and design for a local day-spa and I was hoping to do something interesting with their preexisting logo.
I use CS6, and today I followed a tutorial on how to make a robot on a picture and at first everything went ok but when I was almost done and tried to make a selection with the lasso tool I all of a sudden got an error message that says "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible." And when I press OK my selection is not there. I had no problem when I started the project but now it won't work. Â And now I get this error messages every time I try to make a selection and it doesn't matter if I use the pen, marque or whatever.
For creating masks I'll often select all visible pixels in a layer (cmd+click the layer) but if the layer has any blending effects, e.g. a stroke or drop shadow, then this won't be included in the selection. Is it possible to include these in the selection?
My elipse tool paths (multiple in one document) disappear when I try to make selection. Is this a bug or is functioning of the tool different in CS6? Â on a mac mini, cs6 photoshop 13.0.4 x 64
I have CS5 and when I select a portion of a photo and add it to another photo and make the moved selection very small by "free transform" it loses almost all of the detail.
When I have a backgound selected with the Magic Wand Tool or the Quick Selection Tool and I try to delete it, instead of getting the white and gray checkered background, it brings up a "Fill" splash screen, why? I'm just trying to make an image transparent so it can be moved from one image to another.
I was wondering if it was possible to make a selection tool that works just like the brush tool and pencil tool.i think it'd be much easier to select very small areas with this.If it is possible to consider putting it in PDN if it isn't too much of a problem.
Also while im at it can you make the transparent background design customizable because all the grays make it kind of hard to tell if you have a stray pixel.I'm currently using PDN to sprite so stray pixels will get me flamed on the site i post them on i'm also aware that i could just make a layer to cover it but when i click save im reminded of the extra layer than i have to cancel and remove it.
If I select a "New" document in CS5 I find that I am only able to paint or fill in in grey scale. This is new. In the Color options panel the grey scale slider is ticked and all other options are greyed out.
How do I remove the tick by the side of the grey scale slider and make the other options available for selection as normal. I note that if I open a previously opened document all options are available it just seems to be new blank documents.
Develop a selection tool that can go on pixel level.If that didnt make sense I'll describe what it would do...its basically the brush tool but instead of laying down color it makes a selection.I think this will be useful for sprite artists like myself.I am well aware of the lasso tool but its just to confusing for me and slows me down and i know about the global selection option.
I was developing the other day in LR my fingers hit a key on the keyboard that sent the marching ants around the blown sky on my image. I was able to bring back ALL the detal in the sky by sliding the highlight slider down and I can tfigure out how in the world I got that selected?
Is it possible to filter a selection (6 categories checked instead of 10) and make it as a view template? Â So that next time I open up this view, only these 6 categories checked in the filter instead of re-doing the filtering again?
I have a grid of objects—say, tiny squares. I'd like to make arbitrarily-shaped selections of those objects—for instance, select a star-shaped group of the squares. Or a circle-shaped group of the squares. Or use text paths to select letter-shaped groups of the squares.  I could imagine a utility that lets me choose an arbitrary shape/path, and then turn that into a selection of objects on the canvas. Is this possible?  Right now I'm stuck using the lasso tool to hand-draw shape selections but it's not accurate enough for what I need to do.