Photoshop :: How To Remove Unwanted Colour Profiles (Windows 7)
May 14, 2013
I wish to see only the printer profiles that I create in the Photoshop CS6 print settings - Colour Management - Printer Profiles drop down list.
I wish to delete, or at least to move to a holding folder, all the unwanted colour profiles listed in that drop down list. I have seen reference to the location in Windows 7 of colur profiles as being in the following folder
However, I cannot find a Spool folder on my system, so can get nowhere. how to remove unused colour profiles used by Photoshop.
I've got CS5 and I'm still learning the ropes. I've advanced to creating my own ICC print profiles, which I'm using. CS5 has a long list of these in the print dialogue. I have occasionally updated the profiles that I have created ( which now appear in this list). I want to keep the list up to date with regards my own profiles and delete the ones that have been superceeded. I've looked through my folders (Windows 7) but I can't find where they are stored.
how I delete unwanted profiles in the list? Can it be done whilst in CS5?
I do not need some of the extensions for saving images.They clutter the pulldown menu and I would like to remove them. I found some of the extensions and just renamed them to some other name to block them out.However, some extensions like .SCT can not be found that way. Does anyone know how to block them in CS2 and CS4?
I have just installed CS6 standard. I would like to put my colour profiles in Photoshop CS6 under Mountain Lion from CS5. Those files are most used for printing from a wide inkjet printer. Where do I put the colour profiles? I am not sure if the colour profiles need updated or not.
I'm having a very strange issue with colour management in Photoshop CS2 currently.
Photoshop seems to be calibrating all documents in a strange way on only *one* monitor. If I drag the file across to the other monitor the colour is completely different.
Of course it sounds like my monitors being off, however when dragging the file across monitors Photoshop slowly updates the colours for the next monitor. You can see it display the wrong colour at first, then correct it (hopefully that makes sense).
my dad was on vacation at London and he used his phone to and DSLR camera to take photo. in his phone, theres a camera app called "camera360".
my dad used it and it was in "ghost" effect. my dad forgot to turn it off and took many pictures but most of them are spoiled. so how can i remove using photoshop? i will include a picture as example
I have several photographs of objetcs like chairs, stools. lamps and i need to remove (make transparent) the whole background so the object can be used as a logo or icon. I was thinking of using the wand and delete area or inversing the selection to remove unwanted background.
In Photoshop 11, I have used a tool, similiar to the clone, that blends an unwanted object from a photo and replaces the object with pixils adjacent to it, but I can no longer find it. How do I do this. It seemed to work better for me in some cases better than the clone.
I have lots of pictures around 3000+ and I need to remove the duplicates. There has to be a better way than just eye balling through them all and removing them manually. Can I sort of pictures by colour profiles so that if photoshop scans an image and recognizes the colour trend or whatever and tries to find another picture in the same folder with the same or similar colour profile and group them so I can see if they match or not?
Yesterday when I opened a black and white image from LR4 to Photoshop CS6 they opened as RGB-sRGB, today after doing an update to both photoshop and camera raw they now open up with an embedded profile mismatch of gray gamma with the option to change the working profile to dot gain 20%. I don't recall seeing these options before, looking in edit-colour settings I don't have any options to change to RGB.
I can of course change the settings to RGB in image-mode and also in edit-convert to profile but this would be a real pain to do this everytime I want to work with b/w.
I haven't had this problem in CS5 photoshop but when I upgraded to CS6 photoshop I followed the recommended settings like using ProPhoto RBG.I edit in the working space colour management but not always have the same results on screen...have calibrated my monitor.
Then when it does look correct on screen and I re-import into Photoshop, my picture turns out bright red and I need to use Adobe RBG (1998). I am saving the pictures with the profile embedded, works better with Adobe RBG.What should I be using as the settings as well as management policies - currently Preserve Embedded Profiles?I don't want to have nice looking pictures in Photoshop and then have them print incorrectly or look terrible on another monitor
I just installed elements v12, >1000 unwanted (*.pdf) files were imported, in error. I can delete them individually, but is there a way to delete them from elements 12 in on fell swoop?
the record I am using Photoshop 7 (yes it's old, but it suits my needs just fine!) and Windows Vista Home Premium.What I do is take photographs of my artworks, edit them in Photoshop until they look accurate, then post them online. Images have always looked identical in every program, and I had never had any problems, until I got connected to the Internet on Tuesday. This computer has not been connected to the net for a good few years, and so lots of updates got installed. I'm not sure which ones exactly, as my boyfriend took care of that, but I'm convinced this has caused the problems I am having now:
First I found that an image I had edited and saved as .jpg for web use was showing up overly saturated and contrasty in the Windows Photo Gallery preview. I assumed I had saved it wrongly. I re-opened the jpg in Photoshop to check - it looked exactly as I had saved it. I figured something had messed up with Photo Gallery during updates, so I uploaded the jpg to the Internet. The image that uploaded was the overly-saturated, contrasty one.
After realising that suddenly ALL the images I had uploaded online, and all the images saved on my computer, now had this awful over-saturated look, and yet the thumbnails on my desktop looked fine... I realised it must be something to do with the colour profiles, and tried to find out the answer online. My monitor colour profile was set to "21.5 inch monitor" so I changed that to sRGB as default. I can't remember what Photoshop was set to, but at any rate I set it to sRGB also.
I thought I had it fixed, as it seemed to just be Photo Gallery that was not matching up (it was displaying my images with less saturation than as I saved them).However today I took a new photo of a drawing I'm working on, to load onto my blog. I had to take it into Photoshop to make edits and correct, as always. I opened my photo in Photoshop... lo and behold, far too contrasty and saturated!!
This time, Windows Photo Gallery preview is showing the (unedited, straight out of camera) photo as it should be... Photoshop opens it too contrasty.I made my edits anyway, saved for web as .jpg, checked the jpg in Photo Gallery before uploading... It saved duller than it should have done! Uploaded the jpg to the internet... and I have the dull image uploaded.
So first they were too contrasty, now they're too dull. Being an artist who displays work online and has a certain reliance on the internet... my images have to be accurate and consistent all the way through. Is there anything I can do to set things back to the way they were before?
how to birhgten and shapren and use the stamp tool to remove unwanted objects. but how would i go about making this picture look fantastic. im using it as my desktop but it looks a little fuzzy. i added title and switz flag to it.
I need to know if Photoshot element software will enable me to remove an unwanted object from a photo ( a sign in the background for example). Also if I have a good shot with a bad facial expression, I could remove bad facial shot and replace with a better one from another photo?
I cannot change printer profiles in Colour Management on PSE10. Whenever I try to do this it looks like I have changed it, and click OK...but when I check back it has actually not taken effect and has defaulted back to the original stored profile. Consequently I cannot use different paper types now. This has only just started happening and was ok before. I am using Mac OS 10.7.5 along with an Epson R3000.
Is there anyway to create a dimension string and then remove individual dimensions from it, while still keeping it as a contiguous string?
I ask, because in our office we dimension from finish face to finish face. I would like to run a single dimension string, but when I create a face-to-face dimension string it also dimensions the thickness of the walls. I just want to see the room dimensions, not the wall dimensions, but I can't figure out how to remove the wall dimensions while still keeping the others.
Furthermore, if this is possible, can I still use the equality constraint? I don't want to see wall dimensions, but would still like to be able to make all of my rooms equal.
What is the easiest and quickest way to remove this section or blur it with the background? I've tried using the dropper to select the background colour nearby and then using the paint brush to cover it up but my "fix up" seems to stand out just as much as the blutac did in the original...
I've recently converted from X3 to X5 and I'm having multiple problems with colors, I'm running the current program on windows 7:
1. X5 is not remembering the colors on my X3 files, even though I have the custom palette open in X5 it's still coming up as CMYK when I look at the colors on the X3 file. Is this something to do with embedding color profiles on X3? If so how is this done? on X5 it's as simple as ticking a box when saving as. I've also noticed my custom palette is saved as .cpl file and the default for X5 is .xml, although X5 has opened up the .cpl file and it has converted it to an .xml file.
2. When printing an X3 eps file it seems to come out a different color to a X5 eps. This made me think that this must be due to color settings when converting the file to an eps, but the same thing happens with pdfs. Why should a X3 eps / pdf be printing differently to an X5 eps / pdf?
I designed an image in Photoshop CS6 and brought it in After Effects I wanted to add rain then following CC drizzle effect so that the image I designed looks like the drizzle is hitting the character shoulders and arm area.
As I add the drizzle effect I have some areas around the charcter that the drizzle is also hitting how do I remove the unwanted drizzle effect areas ?I tried eraser tool but that did not work unless Im doing that wrong.
The last thing I'm having touble with, how do I get my audio sound effect ( rain sound ) to play at the same time as the rain fall effect and drizzle effect all at the same time?
I just installed the drivers for an Epson 4900. The new profiles don't show up in the color management in the print module. I'm using a Mac with mountain lion.
Im now using Autocad 2013 and when I click in the open area of the drawing the xclip windows from the many xclipped block in the darwing all highlight at once. See example attached It is very distracting. Is there a way to turn that feature off?
I am trying to remove two people from the background of this old B&W photo of my Grandpa and Great Uncle. how to get them out and keep the photo looking realistic? I don't mind changing the background, I just can't figure out and easy way to get this done, aside from zooming in really close, cutting them out, and pasting them on another background. I just don't know how realistic this will look.
Problem: I've upgraded from Corel x3 to Corel x5 and when I am exporting .eps files in x5 I am getting different colors to that in x3, I have changed my color management, changed the levels of export yet I cannot get the colors right.