To use Gaussian Blur as an example, how do I apply a Gaussian Blur to Text? I read in a book that I needed to Rasterize the Text but even that didn't work. I almost think my Blur is broken. I appreciate any help I can get.
i have outlined this pic and used the Gaussian blur , but how would i soften the edges of the blur so it doesnt look so "sharp"? I want it to kinda blend in so to say here is the pic.
I am having difficulty with Gaussian Blur. I created a selection outline in an image and then filled it with black. I then selected Gaussian Blurr from the Filter Menu a set the radius to 100 and then deselected my previous selection.
In CS5 the edges faded into the background image however in CS6 the outline of the previous selection was still visible and the Gaussian Blur did not blend the selection as expected. Even ramping the radius up did not solve the issue as the outline still remained visible. how do i resolve this issue in CS6?
We just got brand new systems at work less than a month ago and this event has happened twice since then. When using Photoshop CS5 Extended and using Gaussian blur the file becomes block and all layers as well as their masks become corrupted with these blocks.
Here are my system specs...
Model Name: Mac Pro Model Identifier: MacPro5,1 Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Xeon Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz Number Of Processors: 2 Total Number Of Cores: 12 L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB L3 Cache (per processor): 12 MB Memory: 16 GB Processor Interconnect Speed: 6.4 GT/s Boot ROM Version: MP51.007F.B00 SMC Version (system): 1.39f11 SMC Version (processor tray): 1.39f11
Create a shape with the Rounded Rectangle > I apply a Gradient & Bevel
New Layer > Fill with White > Ctrl + Alt + G (clipping mask) > change Layer Blend to Multiply > Opactity to 35% > Filter > Noise > Add Noise New Layer > Ctrl + Alt + G > Ctrl + Click on the Rounded Rectangle Shape to create a Selection
From there I am suppose to add a Stroke by right clicking on the object but that doesn't work. The only menu that pops up is a list of my layers. So, rather I select the Rounded Rectangle layer and then click Effects and select Stroke and then set the values for the stroke. Next I am suppose to add a blur.
Blur > Gaussian Blur but the Stroke ends up filling the entire object. No, I didn't set the Blur to like 1,000 it's only set to 5.9 . I tried this on an other computer and the same thing happens. I called Adobe but they were unable to assist even get as far as the Stroke.
I want to blur the background of sports photos (still too much in focus even with lens wide open). I put the key player(s) on one layer and the background on another, then apply a Gaussian blur, which gives me a white line where background meets foreground.
I can painstakingly rubber stamp extend the edge of the background about 10 pixels behind the foreground and that seems to work, but it's painstakingly slow. Is there a better way or even a plug-in?
Using PS CS4 on XP. I just got a job back from the printer company & I am noticing some lines that didn't appear on my print out here (on xerox color printer machine) to compare. I didn't really catch them on the proof either, but they used an epson proof and we printed on 100# gloss text stock for the final.
What I have going on is a gradient background (using shape layer and gradient layer style effect) from a white to a light tan. Top to bottom on a regular Letter size sheet. In the upper right hand corner I have a image of a face that had that same light tan in the background. I faded this image into the gradient background by using gaussian blur.
This is not very noticable in the file, but I can tell that it is have to really focus your eyes to see it, but it's there, a line going around the image where the gaussian blur is. I'll attach a photo of the edge. I guess what I'm saying is it is not smooth - the image edges being blurred into the gradient background, but printed off a regular printer, it looks smooth. Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?
As far as I know, gaussian blur is a spatial convolution filter and smart sharpen is a deconvolution filter.So I think that they should be opposite of each other when smart sharpen is at the gaussian blur mode.But we can not remove gaussian blur (applied to a JPEG) with the smart sharpen adjusted for the same radius.
I have a picture has hard edges and I was able to blend these edges using lasso, mask and then Gaussian blur, check attached picture. is there a another way can produce better result or that result is enough ?
I was using the Gaussian Blur around letters to contrast the background and getting a very wide radius with a very gradual but complete shift in intensity from the edge of the blur to the edge of the letters. That is to say, the blur effect would extend all the way out to the Blur radius fading to nothing and the brightest part of the blur was very near the edge of the letters and not far inside the middle of a letter. That was great!!! Exactly what I wanted!
Then I went to do it again and got the default behavior:
No matter how wide I set the radius in the Gaussian Blur it is still the same width, it is just more faded. And the range of the intensity is dramatically reduced, with the brightest part of the blur far inside the edges of the letters, no matter how much I grow the Alpha to Selection of the letters. Now I am very unhappy.
I tried Reset all Filters, but the 2nd behavior is obviously the default. So how did I do that??? How did I get the 1st behavior? How did I get the Gaussian Blur to extend out so much farther without overwhelming the background? The default behavior of a Gaussian Blur of an Alpha to Selection of letters that are substantially grown is that they completely overwhelms the background and there is hardly any gradient, it is just a uniform halo with little change in intensity.
how to get the desired end result. When applying the Gaussian blur effect, I find that doing this always adds additional width or height to my object which makes the graphic larger than the desired size. To be more specific, I have a rectangle that is 640px by 100px and I want to add an element on top of that is 640px by 4px. I add the Gaussian blur effect to the 640px by 4px object so that my rectangle appears to have depth and my overall graphic is not flat. The problem comes when I export the both elements because the Gaussian blur has now increased the width of my graphic to be larger then desired. Is there a why to add the Gaussian blur effect without increasing the width of my graphic? The final result is a graphic width of 656px.
Working on a header. I would like the background of the header to be blurred (gaussian blur). How to do this or post a link to a guide? If so, do I need any plugins?
My predicament: Sharp eagle in a noisy clear blue sky. Is it possible to free select around the eagle and apply the selective gaussian blur to just the sky in one step? As it stands I am only able to blur just the sky if I select it in two less than precise sections.
I am wondering why the gradients that generate look so dull, and i've experimented with creating the gradient by just filling two colors and then applying gaussian blur. Is there a reason why the gradient looks dull? and is there already a tool for creating a gradient like a gaussian blur provides?
it looks like the gradient tool creates a lot of "in between" color, in my example gray. I've attached an example. The gradient is on the left, gaussian blur on the right.
I selected a square region in a new layer, filled it with a single color, then tried to apply a gaussian blur to the square selection. The preview shows an inner blur on the square, but when I press OK, nothing happens.
How not to get chunky blur results in Illustrator? the screengrab shows what I the blurred portion, you can clearly see square "chunks" like maybe that's the best resolution it could do...matters not even if I scale up the art to be blurred...
I'm using Mac OSX and have just upgraded to CS4, from Illustrator 10. Our house style is a gaussian blur of 10 pixels, but it doesn't display correctly in CS4 - it's much thinner. I've had this problem before and just exported from CS4 then created the blur in Illustrator 10. On Wednesday last week I tried CS4 again and the blurs displayed at the correct size, then on Friday afternoon (I had used the blur tool successfully in the morning) it started making the blurs too thin again.
It's set to 100% on all the different projects with 10 pixel blur, so why are my gaussian blurs thinner in some and not others in CS4, but all the correct width in Illustrator 10? This is really frustrating as it would be such a waste of money not to be able to use CS4, and have to go back to Illustrator 10.
Using Premier Pro CS6, I have placed a JPEG file on the timeline and have tried to blur it via Gaussian Blur. The instant I move the "Blurriness" number above 0.0, the Program monitor turns black. I have tried some of the other blur functions with similar results (i.e., no blurring). The blur functions do work on my videos. Do the various blur functions only work on videos and not still, e.g., JPEG? If so, is there a workaround to blur a JPEG file?
when i use text over a blurred image...the text color is not proper...i mean..i am using black as text color but the color i see on the monitor is gray....why's that..?? and is there any way so that i can have the original text color i want.... and.. i am making a webpage for 800X600 pixels monitor....what canvas size should i work on.?? and will it look bad on a 1024x768 pixel monitor.
I have some random curves (already created) and I want to blur them just from one side to have the same blur distance and effect one the whole curve.
To more precisely describe what I need, I need to create gradient with direction of normal for every "point". The best example I have found so far are borders in Civilization IV game. Here are two examples:
As you can see, there is a solid curve, which gradually blends (i.e. alpha channel is lowered) till the gradient disappears. I have the solid curve and the question is, what would be the simplest way how to do this (the number of curves is around 100) gradient.
I just got PSE CS6 and the blur too will NOT work ....blur filters work, but not BLUR in the tools panel I have tried: unintstall/reinstall, updating, using it no a picture straight after opening it, duplicate layers, selecting an area and then blurring....flattening an image, every single different setting in the the blur tools menu bar NOTHING works. And everything I find about blur is the new blur filters....
PSE 7; When switching from text to say clone stamp, or blur tool I get only a cross hair as opposed to the 'pixel' sized circle to see the dimensions of the work that will be affected. If I log out of Elements completely and then re-enter and go to use the clone tool, the brush 'pixel' circle dimension comes up as normal and works as it should. As soon as I go to text mode and then back to clone stamp or blur tool, I just get the cross hair and no circle dimension 'cue' ! how to go from text to clone and get the circle cue dimension instead of just a cross hair without having to log out of elements each time.
I just downloaded and I'm making a icon for my youtube channel. I'm usually good when it comes to photoshop (i had it for years, it recently was uninstalled by mistake and I couldn't be bothered re-downloading it) but I cant seem to find out how to do something.
I'm trying to colour the blur behind the text (the layer under layer 5) but I've tried making a new layer, colouring green over it and using overlay, that failed. I've check multiple tutorials, but nothing is working.
I have inherited a site tempate, and am trying to change the logo to emulate the text already present on graphics on the site. The site is at [URL]. I have played with varying the shadow on the lefthand text image but it just can't emulate that on the right which was supplied with the site layout. I can't get the shadow to have the same soft blur as the text on the right.