Photoshop Elements :: How To Register File Associations
Oct 21, 2012
1. How do you register file associations? In previous versions you could go into the File Menu and select which files you wanted Elements to open. I don't see that present in Elements 11.
2. After I crop a photo and save it the photo looks a little blurred and ragged on the edges, but it looks sharp in Windows Photo Viewer. How do you make it look sharp in the work area in Elements?
Photoshop Elements 11 doesn't seem to have a facility to set File Associations and my PC keeps teying to use Picture viewer and other basic MS packages.
Photoshop CC: PSD File Associations revert to CS6 in Finder>Get Info - Mac. File associations in Bridge manually updated and are working, but Finder still reverts to CS6 when changed in the Get Info window of a .psd file.
I upgraded CS5 Design Premium to CS6 Design & Web Premium. Most of my preferences (layout, etc) were imported correctly from CS5. When I right-click (PC, Windows 7) on the Bridge CS6 thumbnail, and click on 'Open with ', there was a collection of Microsoft programs (COM Surrogate 6.1, Microsoft PowerPoint 12.0, Publisher 12.0, Windows Live Photo Gallery 15.4), and no Photoshop (Default). When I used the WIndows file-associations program, and Photoshop CS6 was associated with *.psd files, then it appeared in the 'Open with ...' menu as Photoshop (Default). However, the other Microsoft programs are still present. How do I get rid of these and add the relevant Adobe programs (Ai, Id, Dw, etc),
Something corrupted my installation of CS5 a month or so ago after it had been working correctly and I lost all the image file associations. Photoshop worked fine but only if I directly opened files from within. Also all the other image packages were missing from the file association list in the Windows 7 file associations tool, not just Photoshop.  Using the Windows tool to find the programmes dot exe file and create an association also locked up at the select the right package phase.  I have fixed this now and my reason for posting is that several previously suggested fixes in both the MS Windows fora and elsewhere on these Adobe forums were either very complicated requiring direct registry editing or didn't work. It has taken me a while to find a work-around that worked, hence this post.  1) Firstly - as is stated elesewhere the obvious answer of simply reinstalling Photoshop over the existing copy doesn't work! Unfortunately it was a while before I found this out, with several time wasting retries of this as a fix attempt.  2) Not saying this is guaranteed to work in every case but I ran a 3rd party free Registry Cleaner tool, this appears to have fixed the bug in the registry allowing the Windows 7 File Associations tool to work properly again. Once that was fixed linking up each graphic type was simple.  Reason for posting is I wasted lots of time thinking the issue must have been a legacy from my earlier instal of a trial version of Master Suite or the older Photoshop 7 being replaced even though my CS5 edition had been working Ok for some time. because this is what is given as the usual cause. However I think in my case it was after loading and then deleting other graphics software, possibly Real Player, which had grabbed the associations and corruped registry settings somehow at uninstall. It appears registry cleaner restored the corruption and allowed the standard Win 7 tool to work again.
I have recently installed CS4 and I want to make fireworks my default editor for jpegs. However, I can't. PNGs default to fireworks, but whatever I try I cant get jpegs to. I thought I could live with it but when I press on a jpeg attachment I forget taht it weill open in Ps. Its beginning to drive me nuts! I have tried all the usual tricks regarding choosing a program to open with an extension, as well as uninstalled most of my previous Studio 8 - still have flash 8 installed - fw and dw are gone. Anyone got any more ideas. Is there something I need to do in PS?
Changing a file association is a simple matter you either do it in Windows Explorer in the properties or just use the edit in command in bridge.Except that neither is working. Â Photoshop CS6 is not even showing up as an option in either Explorer or in Bridge but it is ironically working in Lightroom.I know how to change file associations.
I have a vector shape (which is simply four rounded rectangles) that I have converted to a 3D object,now you can see I've angled the flat plane so it's a little oblique, but what I want to do now is map the 'face' of the extruded shape so instead of lying on a flat plane, the plane itself is warped like a sphere. Â Imagine taking these 'chicklets' and pressing them onto a bowling ball instead of lying on a flat table.Is there any way to do that in CS6 or am I going to have to do this in another 3D application?
Is there a way I can edit the registry so that in Adobe Bridge, under edit, preferences, file type associations, the jpg extension is forced to use the 32-bit version of Photoshop? I can do it manually, but is there a registry key i can export to apply it to multiple computers?
NB: I'm using the word 'register' in the printer's sense, i.e 'correctly aligned'.  I frequently edit multi-layered maps, in which each layer must be precisely registered (to the exact pixel) with the canvas. In older versions of PSE, when I've wanted to import layers from another file, I would turn off 'Maximise' mode in the Window menu, and drag the imported layers from one image onto the other. By pressing the SHIFT key at the same time, the new layers would be precisely registered on the new canvas in the same relative position they were on the old canvas (if the images were different sizes, the old canvas would be centred on the new one).  In PSE10 there is no 'Maximise'mode, so I use the 2-up option in the Arrange menu. However, pressing the SHIFT key doesn't seem to work any more, and the new layers don't come up in their original position. Apart from manually lining up the layers, I can't find a way to register them. The various 'Align' options aren't useful for this, as they re-calculate the centre of the layer based on its content. I need the layer to be aligned as it was on the old canvas, whatever the content of the layer.Â
I'm using max 2012, and recently I got a license for max 2009 so I can use both at the same time.problem is that I installed max 2009 after 2012, so .max files started opening on max 2009. when I manually switched them on windows to open on max 2012, a weird and ugly icon got associated with .max files. you can say I have OCD, but I just hate wrong icons and stuff, that's something I stare to all day long, so I'd rather to keep it clean.
so I uninstalled max 2012 and installed it again. was a pain to reinstall my scripts and some plugins, but I got the icons back. but the other day, when I restarted my computer, files were associated to max 2009 again! and I didn't even touch 2009 version. It's driving me crazy. how can I associate .max files to max 2012 again and get the new neat 2012 icons to show?
My Illustrator files are not associating properly with Illustrator CC on my Win7 64-bit machine. Â When I had Illustrator CS6 all my Illustrator files were associated properly with ILLCS6. When I deleted CS6 and installed ILL CC my Illustrator files wouldn't associate properly with the program. I did the usual thing: OPEN WITH and tried to change the association, but Illustrator never shows up in the list after I tried to re-associate files. Â All of my other CC programs like Photoshop and Indesign all associate correctly with their files. Â I have found Illustrator in two places; Program files, but also in Program Files (x86). Which is correct?
I just loaded the box version of X4. I cannot change the file associations. All files are checked and will not change. I removed the whole program and reloaded, still have the same problem.
I mistakenly installed CorelDRAW and found out not what I hoped for, uninstalled, but now a bunch of Gimp file associations are gone!! like patterns and gradients and other things are no longer associated with Gimp! how do I get those file association back for Gimp?
Problem: When using Illustrator (CS4), saved files as .EPS, do not have the appropriate Illustrator icon on the file. When I click on them to open, instead of opening in Illustrator, the file open in "Preview". Â NOTE: ".AI" files saved, do not have the correct AI icon either, but do open in Illustrator. Â What can I do to rectify this situation?
I have an computer that suddenly can only open an .PDF file in Acrobat, and not in Illustrator. We have art files that are in PDF format, and Purchase Orders that are in PDF format. We would just drag the icon over the software we wished to open the file. In this case Illustrator for the art file and Acrobat for the P.O. As of today, PDF's only open with Acrobat and that's it. I know it's probably a setting I'm forgetting.
I am looking for a way to use the .dwg file properties of a drawing to generate an updateable drawing list/register. One that will update automatically as the file properties are updated. I have already created a title block that uses text fields to display custom properties of the file on my title block, such as the job no., drawing no. etc.
I have searched the web for answers, came across this site, joined and searched through it... There are a number of threads that 'sorta' deal with my needs but alway tend to digress more towards the "poster's" needs and away from mine. I noticed that they all talk about Lisp Routines and I have no knowledge of using them. Is that the only way to go or can I use another route? Another one was the Sheet Set Manager but I don't think that this is exactly what I am looking for...
I have both Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop Elements 7.0 installed on my PC running Windows Vista Home Premium, I removed Photoshop CS3 after installing CS4. The issue I have is that if I look at file associations in Bridge CS4 under Preferences, none of the file types are set to Photoshop CS4, they are set to either Explorer or Photoshop Elements 7.0.
The even stranger thing is also that if I try to change the associations, Photoshop CS4 is not even displayed as an option, as Photoshop Elements 7.0 always is, I have to browse in order to find it.
This works, but I find it strange. Also within Windows none of the file associations are set to Photoshop CS4 after installation, I have to change them manually, again by browsing for it. I remember that in previous installs of Photoshop there was the possibility to change or use default file associtions, does CS4 have this?
I guess this is not really a problem, but I find it somewhat strange that Elements 7.0 is always offered as an option but not CS4 and makes me feel it hasn't installed properly. Anyone have any ideas?
I just uninstalled CS3 on my main PC as I already have CS4 installed on it and no longer use CS3 and needed the HDD space. After I did so, all of my files associations that I had to PhotoShop have now been blown out! How to do I get all of them all back easily? I do not want to have to do a reinstallation and I have no idea what all of the file types are that are associated with CS4.
I have a HP Pavilion laptop, with Windows 7 as the OS. I have Elements 7 installed on this laptop. Before I install CS6, I'd like to know about the Associations...Â
1 - When I install the program, can I do it without the Associations? I'd like to be able to continue using my Windows to open all my photos.  2 - Do I have to use the Bridge thingy to be able to use my PS Editor?  3 - Is it ok to have Elements 7 and CS6 in one laptop?  4 - How many computers can the CS6 be installed in? I have 2 more laptops and I'm thinking of getting another one.
ever since I a have PS CS4, it's driving me nuts that it registers .pdf-files for opening automatically.I want .psd-files to be opened (viewed) with ACDSee when doubleclicked, NOT Photoshop. I browsed through all the preferences, but did not find anything for that matter. Can anybody help me, so that Photoshop does NOT "capture" psd-files anymore ?
Mac OSX 10.7.5  I have been using the CS3 products (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) every day for many years at work. Working fine yesterday.  Try to use them today, the register now/later screen won't load properly (blank screen) so I can't select either option and can't use the apps. We usually "register later" without issue whenever it appears.
I cannot remedy the CS3 blank-screen problem on my Mac (Safari OS) with the suggested fix, as I don't get an error window saying "Never Register" after disconnecting internet and re-launching CS3.Â
I'm using ACA 2012 (standalone) with Win 7 Professional x64. When issuing the command to CheckStandards, I'm getting an error message stating that
"No plug-ins are registered on your system. CheckStandards cannot continue with a check until you have repaired the feature installation."
I repaired ACA 2012 and also determined that the file DwgCheckStandards.exe existed. Since I still get the same message. How do I register plug-ins in AutoCAD?