Photoshop Elements :: No Support For EPS Files In 11?
Sep 30, 2012
I just "upgraded" from 5 to 11 and was dismayed to discover that a number of file formats, including the references EPS format, are not listed under the "Open" dialogue?
I have Photoshop Elements 9 and just purchased the RX-100. Currently the .arw raw files the camera produces are not supported in Camera Raw. When will Adobe be supporting this format?
I recently installed Mountain Lion on my imac. It proved to be a nuisance so I formatted the drive and reinstalled Snow Leopard. I copied the applications folder from a backup to the Snow Leopard drive. I reinstalled CS6. On each load I now get the message:
"One or more files in the Adobe Application Support Folder are missing."
I'm then told to reinstall CS6. I've done it twice with no progress.
I recently bought a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro. An excellent ultrabook with an awsome screen (3200 x 1800).Most software scales just fine with this HighDPI display.
Unfortunately my PSE11 does not. Menus, Fonts, Dialogs, ... are not scaled correctly and so the UI of PSE11 is almost unusable. Menus and dialogs are displayed unscaled and look way too small to be read.
I really can't understand, why Adobe does not fix this! A software like PSE benefits much from HighDPI displays. Just think on editing photos with a screen resolution of 3200 x 1800 pixels.will the next version of Photoshop Elements support HighDPI displays correctly?
i have restarted discovering my camera a Sony 330A. I'm really enthousiastic about it and decided to purchase Adobe Elements 11 for editing my pictures.
I discovered that importing my ARW files is not supported is it.
Just got my new Canon SX50HS camera. Looks like PSE 11 raw does'nt support it. How long does it normaly take after a camera is available to the public for Adobe to include it in its list? Where do I have to ask Adobe about that situation ?
I buy pse 11 from Apple appstore, this software runs very slow(Cpu very higher) and no retina supported , I want know is there a patch for these problem, orelse I'll ask for refund.
Our PCB department is comtemplating the idea of constructing 3D printed circuit baord assemblies! I am using Inventor Routed Systems 2010. Does Inventor support IDF files? If so, which IDF version does IV support version 2.0 or 3.0?
I am wondering whether there is a chance that Lightroom might work under Vista 64 in the future.
So far I bought all versions of Lightroom and without reading the requirements I bought LR5 as well. Only to discover during installation that Vista 64 is not supported anymore. What a shame! I was really looking forward to LR5, but I do not intend to upgrade the operating system on my still excellent computer. That will render other software useless, which is incompatible with Windows 7 or 8. For now there is no other option than asking a refund. However, I hope there are enough people like me, that will be lost as a LR customer, so that Adobe will rethink its policy.
I have PSE 7 and it does not support the "Transform" functions for 16-bit TIFF images, nor does it support Filter->Correct Camera Distortion. Are 16-bit TIFFs fully supported in PSE 10?
I know the files are "supported", and will open. However, the quality is quite bad and nowhere near as good as opening the same file in Capture One. Also, long exposure shots see the "black frame" totally discarded and the images are extremely noisy. Phase One support say it's because LR and CS6 are only using a portion of the Raw file and to ask Adobe.
I would migrate to LR5 today if there were a fix or an explanation. Capture One forkflow doesn't suit me. However, the quality is just too bad to accept.