Photoshop Elements :: Moving Photos And Associated Tags?
Feb 22, 2013
I have just updated APE-7 to APE-11 on my old computer which is running Windows 7. The transition went well. All photos and tags moved seamlessly to the new programs format. How best to transfer all of that to a new computer which is also running Windows-7. You can think of the new computer as a clean slate, other than the fact that I installed APE-11 on it as well.
Question 1: Should I begin by manually transfer all photos from the "My Pictures" folder on the old computer to the "My Pictures" folder on the new computer prior to using the "Restore Catalog" function or does that automatically happen when I use the "Restore Catalog" function within APE-11 to transfer Keywords and Tags?
Question 2: Any link to an Adobe document that might give a detailed explanation as to how to use the "Restore Catalog" function, to a new, computer. Or, perhaps a detailed step-by-step description of how to accomplish it in a way that all Keywords and Tags will remain associated with each picture.
I recently upgraded from PSE 11 to PSE 12. In PSE 11, all of my tags were in its Keyword category. However, the upgrade has placed my (hundreds of) tags relating to places and events into the new Places and new Events categories, where I can't find a way to edit them, to move them or to add new tags. (My people tags ended up in Keywords and are thus ok). How can I move all of my sub-categories and keywords in PSE 12 into the Keyword category?
How do I ####add new photos to groups of pictures with specific tags? - these tags were used to organize pictures in Elements 5. As these groups are extremely important to my organization (100s of pic) I am not very happy with Elements 11
I upgraded from PSE9 to PSE11 and now the tags are separated on the right side, with the people tags below a line from which you can no longer add these tags to photos.
How am I supposed to add people tags to new photos?
PSE 8, Windows XP.I have a large file of photos of ferns. They are in tiff format. I have tagged them with categories and subcategories. Wanting a separate file of the same photos in jpg format I did the following:
1. I selected all the photos in the folder and went to file|write keyword tags and properties into photos. 2. I exported the 900+ photos to a new folder keeping names intact but changing from tiff to jpg 3. I went to file|get folders from files and folders 4. I found the folder and got it. 5. PSE imported the photos into the catalog first asking me if I wanted to import the tags. I checked select all 6. PSE shows the thumbnails but there are no tag icons and if I select a tag from the tags list, it finds the photo for the tiff photo but not the jpg photo.
I am startiang from scrach since I only was able to transfer photos to a new hard drive. I installed elements 11 and connected with the photos on my hard drive. I have set up various albums and have placed photos in the album they belong. Now I was familar with earlier photoshop and by "tagging" the photo to a particular album. Then I could go to show untagged items to slowly organize the thousands of photos i have. But the same photos are still showing up in the media display. So what am I doing wrong. Is tagging something different from the earlier versions where you could drag an album label to the photo and then see it listed. The photos are showing up in the album but I see no tags.
I upgraded from Elemetns 10 to Elements 11, but cannot find the "people tags" (Family, Friends, etc) that I had with Elements 10. How can I tag photos with the tags that were set up in Elemetns 10?
I just transferred 10,000 photos... all tagged beautifully in my previous computer..that are no longer tagged. I installed Elements 6 and imported the photos along with tags according the screen, but once the import is done less than 100 of the photos are actually tagged. I also have a newer version of elements that I want to use on this computer but thought I should try to make the original version work before upgrading. What do I need to do to get the tags back?
I converted my catalog from elements 10, the tags are still there, they show up on the right side bar and when I right click the photo, but when I click on the tag the photos are not filtered like I expect.
I then upgraded from Photoshop elements 9 (I think) to Photoshop elements 11. I had catalogs and pictures scattered in different places so one of the options was just too gather all of the photographs on the hard drive and start a new catalog. It worked, and so all of my pictures are under one catalog name which is perfect. The key word tag categories are listed as I had sent them up in the previous version, but none of the photos are actually labeled with their keyword tax. How can I reattach the tags to the pictures.
Had to reinstall PS elements 8. I used the menu feature "File - Get Photos & Videos" to reload my previously tagged photos. The photos reloaded but absent the tags - can I recover photos with the tags attached?
re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 12, downloaded to Windows XP in the presence of Photoshop Elements 11 which was then removed. In Photoshop 12 attempt to associate by dragging a photo in the Organizer Media screen elicits message "Error applying Keyword Tags". How can I associate new photos with categories, Keywords? on the left derived from Photoshop 11?
I have an old PC with Vista and PHS 7 and about 8 000 photos. I have now bought a new PC with windows 7. How do I move the 8 000 photos into the new PC and a newly installed PHS 7 and have them in the same order?
I messed up by stacking photos before moving to an album. I need to permanently unstack photos. The 'stack' option in 'edit' is grey so I cannot select it.
When I'm in the Organizer "All Media" and try to move a photo to an existing album I get an error message. I've tried both moving the album over the photo and moving the photo over to the album. Same error. I've tried different photos. Same error. I've looked up the instructions in the manual. It just doesn't work.
I work with photos that I put on desktop. I open them with preview, make a copy, and paste them into other software. When I am through with them and don't want to use them again, I usually move them from the desktop to the trash....that's when I get the (?)(missing file) notation on my photo in organizer. Is there a way to remove them from the desktop without moving them to the trash. Using macbookpro os x 10.6.8
How do I select and move multiple files between albums in the Organizer? Using Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 on an imac with Lion. (New to Mac - previous PC user for years!)
I'm using Organizer 11. First time evething was ok, persons/faces were detected correctly, then after a few month Organizer doesn't detected new faces and said every time that all faces were detected already also when I imported new fotos from my camera...
(I use the german version, so I can not tell you the exact error message in english, hope you unserstand what I mean.)
As I found no solution, I created a new catalog and imported all photos including their tags newly to this empty catalog. But allready tagged persons are not persons anymore - their tags are now in the "imported keyword tags" (German: "Importierte Stichwort-Tags") and not in the "person/face tags".
How can I tell the organizer that the imported Tags are persons/faces to having no douplicates in the person-tags and normal keyword-tags?
Here some Background Information about my system:
PSE 11, Windows 8, 64 Bit 8GB, Intel i7. 3 catalogs with each 8000-10000 photos.
I have just upgraded my Swedish PSE7 to an English PSE11. Of course the people keyword tags did not get converted into people tags because People is called Folk in Swedish. I was not aware of this mechanism prior to upgrading. How can I convert those keyword tags now?
Now, in the Media view, over in the Tags/Info pane, I have Events, Other, and Places Tags, but no People Tags. However, when I look at individual photos in my converted catalogs, the people's names are still attached to them; the people icon is still associated with each photo so marked.
In PSE 10, when you imported new photos, you could drag People Tags from the Tags pane to one or more selected photos to quickly tag the subjects. Now, apparently, I'll have to group any new photos with people in them by hand and retype names over and over again — although those tags are already available in the catalog.
This is clearly insane. Surely Adobe hasn't taken something easy (dragging a people tag over from the right pane to a newly added photo) and turned it into something cumbersome and inefficient?
How do I get the Media view to populate the People Tags in the Tags pane along with the Existing Events, Other, and Places Tags?
I have Photoshop 8.0 on Windows XP. I recently upgraded my computer to Windows 7 Professional. All the pictures are on an external hard drive. My problem is getting the tags to move. I have followed instructions on the internet but either the intstructions dont work or what I see on the screen doesnt match up with the instructions. Some of the tags show up on Imported Keywords, but not all the tags and some of the pictures that had tags no longer have tags. I have since added a few picts and a few albums. How do I get the rest of the tags to move the new new computer and still not lose any of the pictures or tags already on the new computer?