Photoshop Elements :: 12 - Edited Pics Don't Appear In Organizer
Nov 5, 2013
The pictures that I edit and save don't appear in the organizer even though I'm checking off the correct boxes when I save the pics. The only way I can find and retrieve the pics I've edited is to go to the folder they're saved in.
Just upgraded from PSE 9 to PSE 12. Running Windows 7. After editing pic in Editor, I cannot save it to the Organizer in a version set or any other way. The edited pic does save to the computer folder where the pics are stored. Checked boxes include- Save as to original folder, Include in Element Organizer, Save in version set.
I'm using PE9. Every time I go to the Organizer (even after switching to another program briefly) the Update box appears, searching Watched Folders for new pics. It always finds them, frequently the same, imports them and then tells me they're already in the Organizer. During this process, which may last 5-15 minutes, I can't use the program.
I have gone throught the laboring process of photo shopping two photo's to use in our greeting card and I need to scale them down to fit greeting card.
I'm having a problem with Elements 12 Organizer. The first two rows of pictures are duplicates, but I can't do anything (select images, etc.) from the first row. When I scroll through the images, the first row of images remain at the top.
I have a problem and I cannot post pics to FB as I eventually get a message that the Firewall is on or the Internet connection is not working, Both are incorrect. Posting pics worked fine until about the New Year when this occurred.
I take high school sports photos using a Canon 7D camera, that can take about 9 pictures per second, which is great for capturing events. I've noticed with several versions of Photoshop Elements (9 &11), on Win 7 Pro 32 AND Win 7 Pro 64 versions (on multiple computers) that when I use Get Photos & Videos|From Camera or Card Reader, then in the photo downloader dialog box, use the Rename Files option, that my picture files get renamed in jumbled fashion. Not all pictures are jumbled, but many. If I have files on my Canon such as DIG001.jpg, DIG002.jpg, DIG003.jpg, DIG004.jpg, they may be renamed as RenameFilename001.jpg (which is acutally DIG001.jpg), RenameFilename002.jpg (which is actually DIG003.jpg), RenameFilename003.jpg (which is actually DIG002.jpg), RenameFilename004.jpg (which is actually DIG004.jpg) - in this case original picture files 2 & 3 have been reversed. This is very confusing when reviewing a photo sequence that is renamed into an out of chronological order sequence (i.e. ball is hiked, ball is caught by receiver, ball is kicked, receiver runs with caught ball).
I have also confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the Canon 7D camera by taking high speed pictures of a video which is displaying video frame numbers. I can confirm that the files as stored in the camera are in the direct chronological order as taken (i. e. 001, 002, 003, 004, etc.). When I then download these pictures from the camera using Photoshop Elements 11, they are not all in chronological order (some are, some aren't).
I don't know if this is a bug in the program or there is something else I need to do to assure the pictures are imported in exact chronological order (as taken by the camera).
For no apparent reason my PSE 11 application seems to have developed an annoying glitch whereby part way through an editing process it stops doing as requested in the "Save" options, by not saving edited files as version sets of the original file in the Organiser. The files are saved OK to My Pictures and I then get advised that a file is available to import and I have to import each one, stack it with the original, and put the edited file on top. This is driving me nuts as I have about 1000 photos to edit. My only thoughts are that I have c.30000 picture files in the Organiser (but this hasn't caused any problems in adding new files) and that the problem seems to have arisen since I started editing files directly from within an Album.
PS10. when using the organizer I clicked on full edit saved the file. The file is no longer visible in the organizer. File icon shows a broken file. It is visible with other prgms. I can see the edited file say in Win explorer etc.
My recently edited files do not show in the editor. All the repairs, optimise etc have been done. Photos have been saved as Jpeg and PSD and the check box to save in Organiser also ticked. Timeline does not show anything saved today and untagged media is not picking up anything.
i uploaded a pic to for editing .. i then edited it and saved it in my pictures on my pc.. but paint,net wudnt allow me to add it to facebook.. why..?
In Manage, when I drag photos to a Tab I created in my Organizer Palette it always opens that tab rather than staying on the screen where I'm browsing pics and choosing. Is there a way to make it stop jumping to that Tab when I drag something to it? X4.
How do I transfer the entire organizer of Elements 9 to the empty organizer in Elements 12? By the way, Elements 9 is so defective, it will not even let me back up my organizer in 9. The 9 organizer would let me select a photo, bring it into the editor, print it and then it would crash... then I had to start all over again... the darn thing crashes as it was prone to problems that adobe ignored. Is it better to just re-load all the photos from a fresh folder that is on my desktop? There are 5,000 !
I am a promoter that takes several pics at the various events that I host. I would like to add my logo to the pics that I post online. How can I place my logo on my pics using Photoshop Elements 12?
I got photoshop elements 12 for chistmas and want to open up to pics on same screen but it only let me have one..want to drag and drop between pics but can not....
I have had some issues with the newly installed PSE 12, but the biggest one is that I can not Tag my recently downloaded photos. When I try and Tag I get the message "Error Applying Keywor Tags".
I have Windows 7 and Windows live Mail is set up. Have PS Elements 9, but can't set up to send pics by email. I've gone to edit, preferences, sharing and selected Windows live mail. Still says I haven't set up.Is Windows 7 compatible with PS elements?
I am trying to share some pics through email using Elements 11, but it won't let me use Outlook. When I go to sharing under preferences, the only option in the drop-down menu under Email Client is Adobe Email Service. It doesn't show Outlook.
I have 1000 pics in my Elements Organizer, and I want to create a travelogue presentation with only 300 of those pics. I know once in the slide show program I can move around the pics to my liking. But my problem is how to limit the 1000 pics in my Organizer to 300, and in the order I want to put them in the slide show program? Maybe it's not possible through the Organizer?
I have Elements 10, last night after doing windows updates, I am unable to save my photos, JPEG or PSD, instead they go to "file" with a blank page icon, which when clicked on tells me " cannot open its the wrong type of file"
I have thousands of pictures in elements 11 organizer and they have thumbnails. Recently downloaded 400 + jpeg pics from SD card and they downloaded and if I double click I get a picture, but there is no thumbnail. Have tried all I can think of and no good results
I have some pics that the subject had paint splotches on their clothes. Is there a way to blend the surrounding color to cover the paint? Or is there any other way to remove the splotches?