Photoshop :: Droplet Creation Not Working In CS5 And Lion?
Jun 10, 2012
Trying to make a droplet but PS CS5 seems to think it is a PPC item. I am on an intel laptop Macbook Pro. The action works fine on it's own but PS not allowing the droplet. I've been troubleshooting it and there is nothing in it that should disallow- gave an error message about PPC action.
I do have some older version of PS on here- (CS3) . Wonder if some sort of directory structure needs fixing since didn't do clean install of Lion.confirm if this is default location: HD/App/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Presets/Actions.
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Mar 10, 2012
Ok, so I asked this awhile back when I was running Snow Leopard (10.6.x) on this late 2009 27" iMac. Someone mentioned that I should disable Open GL drawing to resolve it, and it worked, for awhile except for many of the features in CS5 you need Open GL enabled.
Maybe it's the graphics card, I don't know. But here is what my PS documents look like about 75% of the time. Sometimes it is worse than this and it makes working very, very hard:
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Aug 4, 2012
I am running the latest version of Photoshop CS6 on my mid-2010 13 inch Macbook Pro with 8gb of memory. Mountain Lion is the OS. Whenever I launch CS6 it crashes with the following message: An unexpected and unrecoverable problem has occurred. Bridge opens fine.
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Oct 17, 2013
I have recently upgraded my Mac to Mountain Lion and now my Photoshop wont work. What do I need to do to get it to work (upgrade etc)?
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Aug 1, 2012
Just upgraded to Mountain Lion and my Photoshop droplets are not working. Have remade them all, even re-installed Photoshop, deleted prefs etc .... they are just not working. If you drop something on the droplet they go to launch (you see a flicker in the dock) then they don't.
Droplets work fine on "Lion".Exactly the same issue we had when we upgraded to Lion last year. so am hoping Adobe will release a fix?
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Mar 17, 2012
Just loaded CS5 on Mac 10.7. I downloaded and installed the latest OSX Epson 1640xl scanner software, and also copied the Twain plugin from the Adobe Goodies CD to the Photoshop > Plugins > Import/Export folder.
Rebooted the computer, power off and unplugged my USB scanner, fired it back up, restarted Photoshop, etc. It no longer shows up in Photoshop>File>Import
But Photoshop doesn't see my scanner at all. In fact, the TWAIN plugin doesn't even show up in the plugins folder list. Everything worked perfectly with Mac 10.6 I also took the scanner into a Epson dealer and the scanner works perfectly.
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Jul 19, 2012
I'm using a new install of Photoshop CS6 (via creative cloud) on a new iMac and getting superb performance aside from constant issues with the polygonal lasso tool.
All the other variants of the tool work fine without fault, but when using the polygonal selection , either the first 'point' won't register or subsequent 2nd or 3rd points won't register, causing photoshop to hang for a second then fill the marquee incorrectly.
I'm using a magic mouse and also tested it with a USB Logitech but still getting the same issue.
3.4ghz Intel Core i7 Quad core iMac
16GB Ram
OS & Photoshop on a SSD
Scratch Disk 1TB internal HD
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May 10, 2012
I have been using a dialog box with checkboxes for creating layers for the past 5 years now with minimal problems. I don't know much about VBA code, but when there is a problem, I can usually figure out what is going on, which is generally a typo the causes it to error. The code was created by an employee that left the company about 3 months after I started.
After installing acad 2013 and the VBA enabler this code only partially works. It will create the layer in the drawings, but will not set the color, linetype or the description. When I click on the checkbox for any of the layer checkboxes I get a "Run-time error '13': Type mismatch" error. I click on the "Debug" button which opens VBA, the "This Drawing.Layers.Add" line in the below code is highlighted.
As a troubleshooting effort, I tried retyping the ".Color" line, when I had typed out "m_refg_pipe_n." a drop-down box appears, but "Color" is not an option anymore. The only color option in the list is TrueColor, which we do not use. In the next line of the below code, "Description" is an option. So I am guessing that the ".Color" line of code is the problem.
Private Sub CheckBox101_Click()
Dim m_refg_pipe_n As AcadLayer
Set m_refg_pipe_n = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("m-refg-pipe-n")
m_refg_pipe_n.Color = acGreen
m_refg_pipe_n.Linetype = "Hidden"
m_refg_pipe_n.Description = "MN - Refrigerant Piping"
End Sub
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Sep 18, 2012
I created a droplet from an action I recorded, and placed it on my desktop. The first time I did it, the process worked well and without problems. Then, I tried to move the file (or shortcut maybe?) to a folder and use it, but all I got was a message reading "Could not run the droplet because the file could be found". So, I deleted that droplet file and created a new one on the desktop, but then I got the same message again.
Also, can I place droplets in folders other than the desktop? Can I place a few in the same folder and name them as I wish?
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Mar 12, 2004
I find that when using a droplet to batch process images I'm limited to 9 images at a time, when dragging groups of files from explorer onto the droplet icon. Am I doing it wrong or something?
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Aug 21, 2005
I make the droplet, I drop things onto it, and photoshop opens,
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Feb 19, 2013
I want to create a droplet in CS6 that I can drag lots of images to and simply have it resize those images and save them to a new folder. I create an action to change the image size and save the images to a folder as a .jpg. I then create a droplet based on this action. I tried several times to drag images onto the droplet, though as it goes through the images it prompts me with questions as it is saving the images, and it never actually saves the optimized images to a folder.
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Mar 4, 2013
Since switching to CS6 when I create an image resize action in Photoshop the action runs correctly but if I create a droplet then the action makes the image width and height deminsions the same matching neither from the action.
It makes a 2550 x 1880 image, that I'm trying to convert to 612 x 432 into a 512 x 512 image. It also seems to be having an issue with eps files, because when I open the same eps again and run the action it adds a '-1' then '-2' then '-3' and so on, to the end of the name.
I've tried it on three Macs works the same on each one. I'm try to convert .eps files created in illustrator to .gifs for web preview. I can make an action in Illustrator, but there's no droplet. And if I save the files in .ai then the action for the droplet won't make it past opening the files. Even though suppress action open prompts are turned off.
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Jun 20, 2013
I created a droplet that works fine. It is specifically for vertical images and saves them as a jpg. In naming the droplet I tried to abbreviate "vertical" with "vert.", and followed that with jpg to reflect the fact that the image would be saved as a jpg.
So the name of the droplet ends with "vert.jpg". Now the droplet won't work because it looks like an image file with a jpg extension. When I go to rename the droplet I am unable to get rid of the extension in the file naming dialog. It auto-completes the name including the .jpg. If I delete the extension, Photoshop only "Hides" the extension. I can't get rid of it.
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Jul 11, 2008
I'll start by saying that I have made dozens of droplets and batches in the past, and have never run into hair-pulling like this before. I have a folder with about 40 images in it. I'd like to create a droplet that does these two simple things:
1.) resizes them to 550 px wide
2.) Saves for Web with a medium image quality
That's all. I don't care what they get renamed as or even if they are simply overwritten with the same names. I have tinkered with each setting in the Create Droplet dialog and also tried countless combinations in the Actions menu to get this thing to work correctly. For some reason, no matter what I try, it always stops at each image and tells me that one with that name already exists (even when I am renaming them w/ serial #'s). Also, if I hit replace and continue the action, the usual JPEG image quality selector dialog pops up.
Needless to say it's ticking me off because normally I'd have this thing created in a couple minutes. Could anyone give me some tips on what I'm doing wrong or maybe even give me a brief run-thru on what actions and droplet options I need to have selected.
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Feb 7, 2003
How can i make a natural looking rain drop?
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Jun 18, 2009
Under cs3 I had no trouble creating and using droplets, which is necessary if you want to create any export actions to use in Lightroom. ....
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Jan 20, 2007
I'm tring to make a droplet and it's not working. I've created an action, the action works fine when applied to a photo while in PS, then I went through the steps to create a droplet. I set the droplet to appear on my desktop and the and set it to close and save. So I drag a photo onto the droplet icon and nothing happens, the photos just stay the same.
Ive made a bunch of actions and tried creating droplets for all of them and it's the same thing every time. I get the droplet Icon on my desktop, but when I drag a photo or a file onto it...nothing at all.
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Jul 7, 2008
I'm trying to reproduce the droplet illustrated
when I record the open function to open an image the specific path and filename of the image are hardecoded into the action, so the droplet will only work for the file I used to make the action and it must be in the same folder.
Obviously this makes droplets pointless. How do I make the action generic, so it will batch process all the images in any folder?
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Oct 1, 2012
I created droplets for my photos but I have a problem with them. When I move files to the shortcuts while Photoshop is already open, nothing seems to happen. I have to close and re-open the program everytime I use the droplet shortcut for the action to take place. Why is it? How can I fix it?
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Mar 18, 2012
I have to adjust some images so they get square. I.e. 220x220 px. I made a Action that works fine. But there is 2.000 images so I was making a droplet to automate the task. But when I use the droplet I get the following error:
Start Droplet
File: "/Users/Magooi/Desktop/My Droplet/"
Error: The object "Background" is not currently available. (-25922)
I use CS5.1 on Mac
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Feb 14, 2005
How could I go about getting this type of effect?
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Sep 20, 2013
I created an action that includes changing the format in the Save for the Web feature to .png. When I run the action independently it works fine and saves the file as a .png, when I run this same action as a Droplet it saves the files as .psd. This has worked in previous versions, but I can't figure out why it does not work now. Perhaps something has changed in the File Naming section?
This fails to maintain the .png format in both the Mac and PC versions.
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Sep 8, 2008
I am a researcher interested in anxiety disorders in young children. As part of a functional magnetic resonace brain imaging study we need to compare children's responses to familiar and unfamiliar faces. The latter are no problem, but for the former we need to take pictures of the children's mothers and process them "on the fly" so that they can be incorporated into stimulus sets presented in the MRI machine (otherwise known as the "magnet").
For presentation in the magnet, the images have to be in a particular format. I have created an action that produces the appropriate format, and a PS3 droplet that behaves appropriately (outputs correctly modified files to the stated address) when a Windows XP (SP3) folder is dropped on it.
However, I need to automate the procedure further because it will be executed by individuals with little or no understanding of PS etc.
It occurred to me that I could call my droplet from the XP command line with the folder containing the relevant files as an argument (and then I would be able to incorporate this function into an overall control program).
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Dec 6, 2012
I've a Photoshop droplet with set of actions like:
Fit image
as jpeg
It does it's work as expected but once the actions are executed on all the images in a folder, I'd like to close the Photoshop as well, which looks tricky in Photoshop droplet. Is there anyway to close Photoshop application at last by action? Or is there any option so that droplet actions will be executed without opening the Photoshop window.
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Sep 12, 2012
The way i usually watermark my images is making a droplet from the action in the image attached. But it only works well if the image sizes are not drastically different from each other. i.e. : 5x7 , 7x5
now i have about 200 images all different sizes. i.e. : 5x7, 5x2, 3x4, 10x8, 2x2.. etc.
Im looking for a way to make an action that would recognize the image size and then re-size the watermark to 30% of the image size.
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Nov 12, 2008
I can't seem to get my droplet working here... using CS3 on PC. Seems like I always hit this problem and have to solve it differently each time.
Anyway, dead simple goal: Create a droplet that converts any file to a JPEG and saves it back to the original file's directory.
if I drag a .gif file from my desktop on to the droplet, it should save a .jpg file with the same name to my desktop. If I drag a file named "testfile.gif" from a folder named "Test", it should create a file named "testfile.jpg" to the "Test" folder. etc, etc.
I have recorded an Action that has a single event: Export. I created that event by using the "Save for Web & Devices" function. The event includes the various JPEG formatting info AS WELL AS a save destination ("In: C:Documents...")
I have tried to create my droplet every which way - specifically:
1) With "Save and Close" selected and "Override Action "Save As" Commands" unchecked
2) With "Save and Close" selected and "Override Action "Save As" Commands" checked
I have also deleted the droplet .exe file before changing this setting (so as to get a "fresh" version).
Nothing works. My .gif files ALWAYS end up in the directory specified in the Action.
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Jul 2, 2012
I've recently finished a catalog with 700+ images and I'd like to create an index for future use.
I would like to have an action which allows me to save a general purpose size image for e-mailing to customers as well as a thumbnail size image for photo invoices. This I could do normally by making two seperate actions for the two, but there is an issue with the categories of image types.
Within the catalog the images are of products, and thus are related to a brand. I would like to index the images into a brand based folder, and then into seperate folders for thumbnails and general use.
So essentially, the workflow would be something along the lines of
Create New Folder for Brand/ Category
Open Image
Resize for General Use
Save Image As... in Brand > General Use
Resize for Thumbnail
Save Image As... in Brand > Thumbnails
Repeat for all images in category.
Create New Folder for new Brand Category
Open Image
.... Etc etc.
Also, is there a way to select a resizing of an image by it's longest/ shortest edge within an action/ droplet? I know Image Processor has this capability but it seems strange there is no ability within an action.
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Feb 15, 2014
I already have an image ready droplet that resizes photos. I used to have Photoshop but cannot find it and I have a new PC? I want to buy a new license of Photoshop but cannot afford the fully package so I was wondering which Photoshop element package must I buy in order to be able to use my image ready droplet?
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Jun 6, 2013
I've Created a droplet and tested it successfully in Photoshop, then I use this droplet by select it in Post-Processing when I export DNG to TIFF in Lightroom, but there's a problem:
1. If PS is not opened when I'm exporting images in LR, the droplet will work well, i'll get an processed TIFF
2. If PS is opened before I'm exporting images in LR, the droplet won't work, then I get an unprocessed TIFF
Due to Situation 1, if PS is not opened when I'm exporting images and I tried to exported 30 images with droplet, finally I'll get only ONE image successfully processed, because PS was opened when LR export the first image.
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May 28, 2009
I have been trying to get Lightroom to execute a PS droplet after exporting a set of images. The droplet runs a set of actions which performs certain sharpening and NR steps. What I've been noticing is that if the number of images is too high, the droplet execution fails. Apparently, if the number of images is past 40-50, multiple droplet commands are passed to PS simultaneously and causes PS to fail. PS cannot execute actions simultaneously on multiple images at the same time. The error returned is "Could not complete the Play command because the action is already playing".
Here is what I've discovered by experimenting with droplets on the command line without LR initiating them:
There is an inherent limitation in the number of characters that can be pass to a command in the Windows OS. That limitation is right around 2048 characters. For example, if I want to pass 30 images to a droplet for execution, the command would look like:
mydroplet.exe c:/path/image1.jpg c:/path/image2.jpg c:/path/image3.jpg...etc
If the total number of characters in this command is more that 2048, the droplet crashes because you have exceeded the string limit of characters for Windows. If your source directory path is long enough like, C:UsersMynameDocumentsMy PicturesTalent Show 2008, each image can use up 50 or more characters within that command. You exceed the limit with just 40 images. My suspicion is that if you export more than this limit, LR breaks up the export into a series of droplet executions by executing multiple droplet commands. I confirmed this because as I increased the number of images exported out of LR, or placed them deep in the directory hierarchy, I can see more and more droplet commands being executed in Task Manager simultaneously. As soon as I pass 40 images, 2 droplets start running, and PS fails due to the error I previously mentioned.
What I don't know is why LR executes them simultaneously? Why not in series so that they will not "clog" up PS?
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