Photoshop :: Drop Shadow: How Edit Angle Without Affecting Other Layers?
Apr 25, 2006
I use the layer effect Drop Shadow with several layers. Now I wanted to have another angle for a specific layer, but this affects all other layers, too! How can I edit the angle without affecting the other layers?
My questions is how to prevent the following from happening. I created a layer style drop shadow in a .psd file with the below parameters.
I saved it as an .asl file that I could use later. When I loaded it into a different .psd file later that day some parameters stayed the same but the angle reverted back to 30 degrees from 120 degrees all on its own as shown below.
I just want to know how to keep layer style parameters I saved in an .asl file from reverting back to defaults when loaded in to a new .psd file.
My systems parameters are as follows: Photoshop CS6 Extend Version 13.0 x64 Mac OSX 10.8.2 with 705.44 GB used out of 749.3 GB available
The only other software I am running is Safari web browser. This is my first time trying to save a layer style and use it in a different .psd file other than the one I created it in.
I have a couple of layers to which I'd like to apply a drop shadow, but with different settings. However, when I change the settings on the second (or third...) layer, it changes them on all previous layers.
I have 3 objects A, B, C, I group them together, apply a drop shadow.Now, let's say I need to resize or reposition one of them, I'm unable to select the particular object.
It's suppose to work with Alt+Ctrl+Click, but it doesn't.I always end up with editing the drop shadow rather than selecting the object. It's very trouble some needing to discard the drop shadow, make the changes, and re-apply the drop shadow.
When I group a few objects together, and apply drop shadow to the group, I cannot edit the individual object in the group (cannot pick it to move it or resize it etc) without removing the drop shadow.
After applying drop shadow to a text, I find no direct way to edit the text without removing the drop shadow. I've tried the text tool, Ctrl-Click, Alt-Click, Shift-Click, etc, maybe I missed something.
I am having a problem in CS6 Photoshop where I never experienced this in CS3-5.
I am designing a website and when I apply a drop shadow or inner shadow to a layer through layer style/blending options in the layers tab. It applys the same angle etc.. to all the other layers I have done styles too...
I will have 5 + layers done with styles and I will make a new layer and give it a shape, open up blending options and when I do a drop shadow and change the angle I literally can see everything on my layout change angles also when I move it around for just ONE layers style... What on earth is going on? This makes it impossible to make unique designs unless I keep flattening my PSD and transfering stuff over which destroys workflow.
I was working on a drawing file when my ribbon went haywire. My layer drop down seems frozen so it only shows the current layer and the hatch edit ribbon does not function properly.
The issue with the layer drop down is if I select a line, fill, etc. on any layer the layer drop down on the home ribbon does not change to show the layer that item is on and if I select multiple items on different layers which usually causes the drop down to go blank it still shows the current layer. The object color, line thickness and linetype all change on the properties tab to show the properties of the selected item so the entire home ribbon is not frozen. If I scroll through the layer drop down and select a layer to move the selected item to a new layer AutoCAD responds *Invalid selection* Expects a point or Window/Last/Crossing/BOX/All/Fence . . .
The hatch edit ribbon is completely useless. The angle and scale boxes are greyed out and if I select any of the buttons (Set Origin, change hatch pattern, etc.) AutoCAD again responds with *Invalid selection* . . .
The only CUI shown is the ACAD.CUIX and I have done a Reset and Restore, changed the workspace, restarted AutoCAD and restarted my computer. What am I missing?
I have this picture with 10 layers... normal, masks etc.. all sort of, I want to change the colour of a selection of the picture, but I dont want to flatten it first... how to I do that? I tried a replace colour mask, but that seems to apply to only 1 layer ....
I drew a box, then applied a drop shadow going to the right. I duplicated the layer, then dragged it to the left of the first box. I edited the drop shadow to go to the left, and it changed, but so did the first one. I cannot get the two drop shadows to go in different directions.
I've tried different things, drawing separate boxes, etc. but it still will not work.
Does anyone know why this is happening or why I can solve it?
I'm building a web page and wanted to add some drop shadows to my photos to make them pop a little. how to add a drop shadow,
1.First way was I selected the entire photo and tried a layer effect. Didn't work.
2. Then I created a new layer that was a rectangle. put it behind the background copy and tried to add the dropshadow to the rectangle thinking it might show up from behind the bg layer. I couldn't even add the drop shadow to the rectangle.
When i apply a drop shadow to one layer, then add a drop shadow to another layer, their directions stay linked so when i change the direction of the 2nd shadow, the first one moves too. Why is this?
I would like to add an even drop shadow all around an image. But when I move the angle from O to 180 degrees the shadow moves. I want to make the drop shadow the same at 0 as at 180.
I would like to add an even drop shadow all around an image. But when I move the angle from O to 180 degrees the shadow moves. I want to make the drop shadow the same at 0 as at 180.
I'm a newbie in Corel draw X4. editing lines and curves ?
My problem is about the outline: When I edit a line that was made with a certain style (eg Artistic Brush) Corel reset its outline properties to the current default one :-(
Is there a way I could lock my object to prevent this ?
I am using CS4. I want to add a shadow to some text. It works on one piece of text, but not on another. It shows the shadow in the layers palette, but it's grayed out (on the one that's not working). I tried converting the text to outlines... same thing. The layer isn't locked... so I don't know what's going on. Why won't my shadow show up?
But as soon as I flatten the image or merge visable the drop shadows disappear.I had to actually take a screen shot in order to show what I'm talking about.
m trying to get double drop shadows. i came across an article that said i could convert the layer into a smart object and give it additional shadows. however, when i try that the original drop shadow gets stuck onto the new one. i need them to go in slightly different directions.
I'm trying to add a drop shadow evenly to the right and left side of am image. I tried applying it to the right side, and then the left side, but Photoshop Cs, won't allow it.
I made a logo on a transparent background. Now, the export wizard doesn't work well with drop shadows, and neither does save for web. Is there any way to make the background transparent well with a bigger drop shadow, or should I just see the background color to the color the page will be?
I try from using the simple drop shadow fx or complex suggestions building several different layers, I never see the final effect on the photo. I even click and unclick "preview" but it makes no difference. The photo displayed in my CS4 window continues to look just like the photo when I first opened it. Am I supposed to flatten the layers or somehow bring them together into one layer?
how to make a drop shadow but it must be transparent.I am working with an image but the image will be on top of a background so the image with the drop shadow must be transparent ( just the shadow must be transparent ) to show the existing background as well.
I have two object that i would like to put the drop shadow on but one on the left and the other shadow to the right but i do that they go to the same direction.THe objects are in different layers. I trying changing it on the dialog box that has the drop shadow but it effects the entire graphic that i am creating. How do i do this?
i used to make them manually, but i understand cs2 does it automatically. i have tried, making duplicate layer, layer style, drop shadow, but the shadow never materializes.
I am having the greatest dificulty adding a shadow eccect to my photo, the tutorial is nothing like the software I am using, I have made the layers the back ground then croped my immage made i wanted to place on the background but when I try and use the Shadow drop down feature the bos when i hit control T is not controling the shadow but a copy of the image i want the to be shadowed withthe shadow, I am only guessing at this point but I think what I need to do is have a layer that has the shadow only but I am at odds on how to do It! I have found a tutoral video on line but the software is nothing like what I have I am in trial but at this point I am quite agervated and may soon deside on another photo editing software. the effect i am trying to accomplish is place a dino at the lake with my grandson in it he loves dino dan and wanted to create a pic for him!
I am using my PC not cloud and had created drop shadows on several objects using the fx feature on the layers palate. When I added drop shadow to last object adjusted the distance to 9 & saved as default. Blending is on multiply still, but shadows no longer appear on all the objects.
What could I have accidentally done to alter all shadows where they no longer appear?