Photoshop :: Command Feather Is Unavailable?
May 19, 2009When trying to run some actions, I get this error message in PS CS4:
The feather command is not available now."
WHy is it unavilable and how can I make it available?
When trying to run some actions, I get this error message in PS CS4:
The feather command is not available now."
WHy is it unavilable and how can I make it available?
I previously had a few CS5 apps installed. They were volume license versions of some sort available through the school I was working at. (I don't know the details of the installation — the school network guys did it for me.) In these apps, the Update command was also unavailable ... I sort of assumed it was something odd with the install (maybe the update manager was not included) so I downloaded and installed updates manually from
I have since left the school and dumped the apps. I just picked up a personal copy of Photoshop CS6. I find that the "Updates" command is still unavailable, but this is a regular install so I am crying foul.
I found this page about disabling the update manager for CS5 and CS6. I checked and sure enough I had a copy of AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat with updates suppressed, as mentioned in the article. Must be left over from my previous CS5 install, as I sure have never touched that file myself. However, upon removing it, my "Updates" command is still not available.
Is there some other way that updates can be disabled that I have not found yet? Is there a way to launch the update manager outside of the application?
Suddenly I get the Message: Command "Batch" is currently unavailable. I have CS6 Creative Cloud single-app membership.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSuddenly when I select multiple images in Bridge, then go to Tools>Photoshop>Batch, I get the message "The command "Batch" is currently unavailable." Batch is also greyed out in Automate. This occurs when no other processes are happening. What could it be? Batch command has always worked fine in the past.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI see this freqeuently when I play my actions.
Right now all my adjustment layer actions wont work.
Then sometimes it works later. what is this?
Why is "auto-blend" command grayed out and remain unavailable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI reset the feather to 0 but it still seems to be there. That is, I make a selection, and when I color it in, there is still a bit of blur (about 5 to 10 pixels worth) between the colored region and the outside region. How do I ensure that feathering is disabled (or set to zero)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I use the rectangular marquee tool with feather and then fill it,
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've purchased full extended master collection and had my 3D option work just fine.
I've recently updated all softwares and now that I go access my 3D it won't let me.
If I make a section with the marquee tool, and then Select > feather 100 px, I get a smooth rectangular gradient.If I use the same Marquee selection, preceded by feathering in the Options Bar, I get an oval selection reflecting the feathering.I observe the feathering by creating a layer mask, or by dragging the selected Layer into another document.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to select an elipse, thats not a problem then I want to make it feathered on the outside of the selection only, leaving all the detail on the inside showng.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have just upgraded to Photoshop CS3 from (CS2)
In previous versions (CS2 and earlier), if you select a part of an image, including borders, and then apply the feather command, then the selection edges along the borders were not feathered but the selection edge inside the picture (and bordering another part of the picture) was feathered. (The selection may be a rectangle or an irregular shape. In either case it is just the selection edge that is INSIDE the image that is feathered, and the selection edges along the border of the image are not feathered.)
Result: you get a rectangular selection with one edge feathered. (Or with a slightly irregular shape if the selection border within the image is not a straight line.)
Very useful if e.g. if you want to darken the sky in a high contrast sunny-day image.
Now to the problem:
In CS3 feathering occurs on the entire selection, including those parts of the selection that are along the edges of the image.
Result: you get an oval shape selected where all edges are feathered. And you cannot use that to darken e.g. the sky.
I'm trying to get the feather on my selections to retract instead of expand. With any of the marquee tools, I can set the feather in the options bar at the top to n pixels and the selection area retracts by that amount. But if I use the magic wand tool or Select -> Color range... I don't have the feather option on the option bar, but I can go into Select -> Feather... and set it that way. Unfortunately, it seems the same value I enter in there has the opposite effect of the marquee tools' feather. That is, the feather EXPANDS by that amount. I can't enter a negative value since it doesn't allow values below 0.2.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a tutorial on how to create a feather?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have made a small 10x10 px. pic (lets say it's a diamond shape), and want to enlarge this to, say, 500x500 px. to get a sort of "digital" effect, where you can see the pixels clearly.
I use free transform to do this, and it looks fine until I press "enter" to confirm transformation.
Then the pic suddenly gets very blurry, like the "feather" effect.
So does anyone know if it's possible to enlarge pictures of this size, and keep the edges "un-feathered"? I've looked around, and can't seem to find a solution ("feather" and "anti-aliasing" is set to "0").
Alternative is if you know a way to make the same effect without having to enlarge the pic.
I made this picture in Photoshop CS2 using the select -> feather, option:
As you can see I feathered a few layers and put them together. I applied the mask layers. But now, when I want to save my picture as a png or jpg file, it saves my picture like:
So almost without the transparency. How do I make sure that the transparency is just as much as in the first picture ? I want it to be at least as like I see it in photoshop. I tried to let someone else save the picture, but it gave the same result. I further tried all sorts of settings when saving the file. But nothing helped until now. I also tried to merge the layers together, without any positive result for my problem though.
If I draw a closed path with pen tool that has sharp angles and then make a selection out of it I always end up with a feathered selection. How do I make the selection follow the path exactly?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCS5 and I can not change the print page size. I need the Common Updater? Where is that found?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI downloaded CS6 from adobe. I noticed that the 'filter gallery' is grayed out in the Filter Menu. There is also no filter gallery file in the CS6 plug in folder. Is the filter gallery not included in the standard CS6 download?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently thought it would be nice to generate some 'pencil sketch' filtered images for a project, but when I looked at an image (.psd) to manipulate, the option was grayed out. CS5 has been a great tool for me and I usually upgrade every other version release, so CS7 would be my next upgrade.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been using feather on image photo to create the all corner faded edges however after I upgraded to ver CS6, I encounter this problem when I applying the same method using feather (radius: 15-20) on the image photo and did an inverse, a warning message popped out
"Warning: no pixels are more than 50% selected the selection edges will not be visible". Hence, cannot apply any feather on the image, My image is a full solid color layer.
I just downloaded a trial version of Photoshop CS6 and noticed that I had an extremely reduced choice of file extensions at the moment I wanted to save my work. In fact, I wanted to save it in .tga, but the option disappeared from the list. The PSD file I want to save only has 4 layers, 3 of which use an alpha channel; the 4th being a plain black background.
And the weirdest thing is that when I create a new, empty file, I can save it as a .tga image, along with a lot of other extensions that disappeared for the other image. Like, I can't even save my first pic in BMP. I only can use PNG, JPG, CIN, IFF, TIFF, and 2 or 3 others. Oh and by the way, it's the x64 version. But it does the same thing with the x32 one. I tried already.
Seems impossible. Most common thing in After Effects. Why isn't this implemented in Photoshop, or am I blind?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi must have changed somethin in the settings, and
most of the keyboard commands wont work now.
( bad commands; cntrl+N, cntrl+T, etc., all that require "cntrl" )
whats the difference between gradient tool with mask or feather or is it the same?
View 1 Replies View Relatedif I select area with lasso tool with like 10px feather, is there way to lower that feather value after that?
Select -> Feather: that only makes feather value larger.
I cannot figure this out and am having trouble looking up an answer:
Sometimes when I have a file open in CS3, dropdown options are unavailable. for instance, I have a tiff open and the "texture" filter option (amongst others) is unavailable to click.
I have a picture which I have surrounded with a round mask and black towards the edges and I would like to feather the edges of the picture.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I have this black edged feathered around my photo?
I'm using a Photoshop CS2.
I'm working with an exported jpeg from SketchUp and no matter what layer I'm on, nor what mode I'm in, or what tool I choose...Free Transform and Transform seem to be forever greyed out.
I'm working in CS3. I have created a multi-layered image. Now, I want to go back to one layer and begin editing in vanishing point. But, when I'm in that layer, vanishing point is greyed out in the filters drop down. What's my problem and how do I get on the right track?
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