I want to be able to use photoshop cs to create images like the trees in the header at :
Did he use the gradient tool to get the shadow effect on the trees? It seems like there's two light sources going on, a light source and a darker opposite trim.
And there's a bit of anti-aliasing on the edges of the trees, how do I do this?
I recently have been creating characatures of cars using real photos; then tweaking and stretching them to get a good "base" to start with. Then the rest is all freehand with a mouse. (A Wacom pen would work much easier I'm sure) The thing is that it takes me literally hours to color in and shade. So I figured you guys probably know a shortcut to "tweak" photo's and just have to touch up for the final result.
A friend and I are going to update a site for some, well, "instructional" videos. (No no, not porn!). Anyways, the site is called Super Pie. I am going to create the mascot, a cherry pie with superman cape, and those sorts of things.
Problem is, I have never really drawn in photoshop before, at least not to this extent. I have done various websites, and taught myself whatI know. I would ocnsider myself and intermediate/beginner. Anyways, could you guys point me in the right direction for cartoon/semi-realistc drawing tutorials, or even offer advice on where to start!
How do you create an effect like in the top left hand corner of this web page its a kind of cartoon metal texture, i want to use in on the design for my site.
I found this really cool picture of Jayz, but Does anyone out there know how to do this to a Personal Picture. I would love to make a picture of myself like this.
I want to take a cartoons video,from where I want to take a character,I mean,to crop the background around him(so,everything will be transparent,except the character).
And than edit it into After Effects to add the character on a "real life" video made by me with camera. I'm pretty good in After Effects but I'm new with Photoshop. So,how can I crop that background,and remain only the moving character?
I was wanting to make my own animation from scratch. I've always heard though that Photoshop didn't have good timing, so I was wondering how I could use AE for the timing.
I am having a problem with the cartoon bubbles in Elements 10. After I create the shape I hit the OK check mark...and the shape just disappears from the screen.
I have been using VS for about the past 5 years now, and have used it mainly for basic DVD creating, music videos compiling favourite bits from our holidays - that sort of thing.
A friend of mine has asked me to edit some footage he has taken of him and his work colleagues and turn it into a safety video. No problem so far as I think I can find my way around VS11 well enough to do that. But he has asked for a couple of things that I have never done before and - to be honest - don't know if they are possible with my version. One of these things is to simulate one of the 'actors' eyes bulging out of his head and mouth falling open - as they do in the cartoons when the character sees something surprising.
I figured it would be a case of finding maybe a giff with that effect and overlaying it on the actors face - but not sure if that is the easiest way to go or not.