I had a custom extension (a custom panel made with Adobe Configurator) installed that was working fine in CS6 (PC, both 32 and 64 bit versions) but after the update to 13.01, the extension no longer loads. I have tried reinstalling the extension but that doesn't work. I can no longer select it from the Window > Extensions menu.As it was working fine before the 13.01 update, I can only imagine it has something to do with that specific update.
Working in the CC3D features, I am constantly making changes to my bump map. Every time I step-backwards, or make a significant change to the bump texture (smart object?), CC auto-saves the layer. This specific file is a very very large document (3 gigs in the bump texture layer alone), and the 3D layer has lots of lights and is very complex.
This auto-refresh/update really bogs down the time that it would take me to make my changes. I have a very fast machine (I know it's fast, I dont need to list my specs), and I have all shadows disabled.
How do I disable linked smart-object auto-update/refresh?
When I'm using the custom shape tool in CS6, it will often bring up a new window labeled "create custom shape". It's really disruptive and I'd like to know how I can disable it to prevent it from poping up.
I have a function that adds many entities and constraints to a sketch, and it's very slow because it updates the sketch after each constraint is created.
Is it possible to turn off the automatic update, add all the entities and constraints, then turn on the update?
There must be a faster way to updated the current, custom workspace, without having to choose "Save Workspace" and retyping the same name! I constantly tweek my workspace and do not want to save multiple versions, I just want to update the current space.
I'd like to simply hold "option" as I select the current workspace name and have AI update that workspace with my current setup.
What's the easiest way to update an existing custom SA once it's in the drawing.
For example i have some coding that I'd like to change and this particular SA is in use 10 times in my file in different ways. I used the Subassembly Composer to create the original custom SA.
It's not as easy as saving the file over top of the existing .pkt file, if it was I wouldn't be here. It seems to be behaving like a block would. I need to redefine the Subassembly in order for it to update in the drawing. How is best to do this and is there any tricks to the process. When do i need to open and close Civil in order to apply the new changes.
Do I need to update the SA in my tool palette as well?
I want to update a frame generator shape so it shows as a phantom part and won't show on the parts list. I don't know how to do this. Would I re-publish this part again? I can't just change the BOM properties in the original part file. What's the best approach here?
I'm trying to update a template which has custom drawing properties. In AutoCad LT 2012 (and obviously full autocad) there is an UPDATEFIELD command which updates the drawing properties.
This command is not known in my version of AutoCad LT 2008. Is there another command I can use?
I have a client, who use Lightroom.After software update, all his pre-defined custom brush settings are disappeared. It is possible to reload the old settings from somewhere?
I’m trying to get the embossed text on a nameplate (done in sketch on a part) to change with updating a custom property in iProperties. Right now I’m using iLogic so I can change the text in User Parameters and that updates the embossed text. So where I’m having an issue is the Export Parameters tab is grayed out so I can’t get it work with my custom properties.
I'm using Inventor 2011 and when I go to change parameters using iLogic in an assembly model, (sometimes it is a component suppression, other times it is an iPart component change) it won't update the associated drawing file. I need to go into the BOM on the drawing and renumber the balloons, or change something else in order for the custom iProperties to update in the drawing template. If I just change the iPart component, then the BOM doesn't need to update making the renumbering of balloons redundant.
I'm using iLogic to update all of the iProperties and component references, then reattach balloons. What I would like to do is automatically update the custom iProperties drawing template fields, and renumber the drawing BOM.
I'm having a major issue here, I use custom colors (created in my custom palette), X^ used to hold it very nicely, even in PDF exports etc.
Now - with the latest update, X6 "forgets" the custom colors, it resets it to default color, I have to manually set every object to the custom color all over again.
On OS X Mountain Lion the Photoshop Extensions Sub-Menu in CC is grey when I first launch. I believe this is the same as in CS5. But I think it is non-the-less a bug, because the delay in making that window available makes it appear that MiniBridge is not available, unless I wait and then come back to the menu.
I have purchased filter extensions for photoshop cs6 in the creative suite. they download but fail to install with the error message "failed to install. close extension manager and try again". i have tried again so many times but there are 2 that just won't load.
I have added about 30,000 extensions just to have a nice healthy choice of design options; however, now PS takes about 5 minutes to load. Since the .atn, etc. files have to be placed in the Presets area of the local installation in order to be loaded into the various palettes,
Does anyone know any photoshop tutorials that involve extending the length of a persons hair? I've been looking all over for such a technique, but to no avail.
This is the issue:The other day i got an error message in Photoshop saying that Generator crashed and can't start until i uninstall other 3rd party plugins and reinstall PS. So I went to Extension manager and tried removing but ended up with an "Error code: -451 can't remove extension." Huh? Okay so I went on to do this the manual way following the [URL]...
Great! Now everything s clean. I reinstall PS as asked. and Duh! Nothing changed! The extensions are still there.So I tried uninstalling again, using the adobe cleaner tool and ten reinstall. Same thing - it's still there but the generator won't work.
Ok now I'm starting to get desperate. First I uninstall EVERYTHING adobe (even flash player), use the cleaning tool and then search the harddrive for anything having to do with adobe - all adobe folders, including temp folders, all registry accounts and remved them. Then I removed all things having to do with the extensions, searched the entire hd and if found any instance i removed it.
So I redownloaded Adobe Cloud, started a new account (for safety) and started to reinstall...After launching PS I see that the generator "reflow" option is back again, great! But, what the duck?! The extensions are still there!!
So I launch Extension manager, and it's empty completely empty.How am I now supposed to update the extensions? And how do I remove them
Photoshop CC Extensions menu is greyed out. I cannot select event that menu.
The extensions installed successfully in Extension Manager CC, no errors. I even tried uninstalling and trying just 1... no dice. I've reinstalled Extension Manager CC without success as well.
A few of those extensions are scripts and those are available through the File > Scripts just fine, but the Extensions are not. I have no issue at home using them, but here on my work computer I cannot access them at all.
In Photoshop CC, I cannot even click on the Extensions menu, not even the Exchange is available which is built in:
I uninstalled and reinstalled Photoshop CC and reinstalled the plugins and I still have the same issue. No error messages, it's just not selectable.
what apart from PSB's ability to handle very large files, are the advantages of one over the other? Reason I ask is the PS Autorecover file has a PSB extension, which I guess enables the feature to handle any file size. So if it is used to recover your work, why do we need to continue to have two formats. Why not just one?
I just made a whole website design in 3 psd documents, and I went to save as on each of them, and had .psd selected. It saved, and I thought it was ok. But then I went to open it again and it had a smaller file size than I expected...and I realized it was a jpg disguised as a psd, which also when opened gave me the classic 'Cannot open..not a valid photoshop document'...but of course even the jpgs are useless to me as I had various pages on different layers, made invisible. Under normal circumstances I would accept it and start again, however I have not since closed photoshop since I began tweaking them, and thus wondered if it might at all be possible to reload the documents as they once were (they were all real .psd documents before I opened them today).
Specs: 2.8Ghz Athlon 1GB ram ATi Radeon 9800 XP SP2
i started getting this message when I try to open .psd, .ai and numerous other files. I have checked my import-export options and file formats in my plug ins folder but nothing seems to be missing. I can't figure out why this is happening. What i am having to do lately, is open them in image ready, then jump to ps. I know I end up being able to access these files -
I do not need some of the extensions for saving images.They clutter the pulldown menu and I would like to remove them. I found some of the extensions and just renamed them to some other name to block them out.However, some extensions like .SCT can not be found that way. Does anyone know how to block them in CS2 and CS4?
I work in publishing and convert hundreds of jpgs into tifs each month. In CS6 under save-as when I click on format> tif, I loose the end of my file name.
Eg Figure 8.7.jpg goes to Figure 8.tif >loosing the last part of the filename.
When I have a big list of files to run through, I need the saving process to be as quick as possible without having to alter the file name manually. Why this is happening, it was fine on CS3!
I get, on attempt to go into extensions.Could not complete the Manage Extensions command because Photoshop was unable to find the JavaScript plug-in.Also some components of PS CC and InCopy could not be updated successfully.