I accidentally deleted the “Five Lights Up” Style. How can I restore it to the Style list in the program? “Five Lights Up” is still included in the Photoshop/Plug-ins/Filters/Lighting Style folder.
I have a backup of the C drive before deleting. Is there a file that can be replaced from the backup?
In PSCS3, under Filter>Render>Lighting Effects, I deleted "Flshlight", one of 17 "Style" options. I can't find a way to restore it, so now I have only 16 Style options. Surely, the Flashlight option wouldn't be permanently lost--or would it?
I was preping some photos in camera raw and decided not to edit some of the images so i deleted them on the left side preview on camera raw... now they are gone completely and cannot find them anywhere. Not in the trash. I thought i remembered in the older version of adobe camera raw that if you deleted on there the image remained on the drive sorce?
I try to setup Photoshop on my computer an error message pops up saying that an error has occured during the setup with a bunch of numbers. I don't know what to do and its really annoying because I need photoshop on my computer and it won't allow me to install it. Someone please help. Am I missing files that are needed to install it or what? Also does anyone know how to reinstall .dll files that were accidentally deleted.
In my New Years' organizing spree today, I decided to split my Lightroom catalog into two separate catalogs. I didn't see an efficient way of doing this, so what I did was copy my entire catalog into a new catalog, and then I deleted (from disk) the ones that didn't belong in the respective catalog. After I deleted a few "catalog A" photos from catalog B, I double-checked catalog A to make sure I wasn't totally deleting them. . .only to later find out that I was only looking at a thumbnail. So now ALL of my photos are deleted, and I can't figure out how to restore them.
I used Time Machine to restore yesterday's version of Lightroom 4 lrcat. I created a new catalog--trying to start fresh--tried to import the photos from LR 4 lrcat. I have thumbnails, but on each it says "the file named x is offline or missing."
I also have a LR 3 catalog which houses the bulk of my years of photos since I just upgraded to LR4 a month or so ago. I tried restoring that from Time Machine as well but was unsuccessful in getting anything more than a picture that says "the file named x is offline or missing."
Although I am hopeful because I do use Time Machine, I do have a foreboding feeling because at some point when I deleted over 1000 images, I got a message that said that this action could not be undone because I was doing it to 1000+ images.
I am using LR 4.3. Using OS X 10.8.2. I am using some RAW files, others from earlier years are JPGs.
I am a Lightroom 4 user and I have accidentally deleted the catalog AND the backup folder. I am completely panicking -- is there a way to restore my catalog?
I copied photo folders from my hard drive to lightroom 4 and edited them but then accidentally removed these folders from lightroom. I then imported these folders again into lightroom but all the edits I made orginally in lightroom don't show up for the individual photo's.
I backed up the Lightroom catalogue regularily. Is there any way I can reattach these edits to their respective photos'. There is lot of photo's involved.
Any way to create an action that will go through an entire document and deactivate ALL "Use Global" light angles, and set them to 90º? How to automate this process.
I have accidentally deleted a frame option from graphics selections. I thought I was only removing it from the photo I was working with. No warning came up when I did this. I tried resetting the panel, but that did not work. I also could not find it in recent edits. Is there any way it can be retrieved and restored to the panel? It is one of a very few I might want to use in the future.
We have no lighting effects in the SDK so we've been looking at work around for how to introduce them.Our game takes places on various planets in the solar system. It will be viewed from the top down so the player will be able to see terrain and structures.
The game is going to be compiled mostly using 2D map art and 3D animated models imported as sprite sheets.Because there are no lighting effects we are adding them to the models using the modelling software. All of game maps are being built with a white light. We are instead looking to add a block image canvas with the colour set to that which matches the planet it is set. With the opacity reduced to 25-35% it then gives the map and models the correct light ambience. Before our developer started testing this out in the SDK I used photoshop to come up with the solution. I found that we got the best results when setting the canvas block colour layer to 'soft light'. The only problem is when I export the canvas on its own and send it to our developer it seems to lose the soft light effect.
My question is, is there a way to export the soft light effect? Simply using normal mode and changing the opacity doesn't make the light ambiance look as natural.If you scroll down on the link below you will see two images of the same location. One with the soft light and effect and one with out. URL....
Lighting Effects are missing from my CS5 Program. I go to Filters/Render/and "Lighting Effects" is not there. Not even in Gray. I have a copy of CS3 on my computer and the Light Effects show up in that Program.
I am using Creative Suite 3 in Windows Vista when a apply a lighting effect to my pictures I get horizontal lines through the picture also. It is not a grid that I can tell because I can clone/heal over them.
I am trying to use the Filter->Render->lighting effects, the problem is that it is greyed out and I have no idea what I need to do to make it so I can use the effect.
Here is what I have done so far (and it is not much):
I'm designing a ticket for the senior prom with photoshop. Basically I have a plain black background, with a layer of text over it.
I'm trying to place three red spotlights on the black. The them for prom is hollywood.
Whenever I go to Filter<Render<Lighting effects, I pick three down or whatever, and make them red. The lights do not show up on the preview though... The dots do, but not the lights. If I pick an omni light it works...but not spotlight or directional. If I hit okay, nothing changes on my ticket.
I've noticed that for the last few images I've tried modifying the lighting with (using Filters>Render>Lighting Effects), that it will not change the bottom row of pixels, for any reason. I've changed the angle of the lighting, and tried all combinations of effects, none of them doing anything to the very bottom row, 1px thick. I can still modify that row myself, and other filters work on it normally, but lighting effects refuses to.
i attached a jpeg version of an interface made byone of the famous Fireworks Graphics Designer. he made this one using Fireworks.i would like to know how to make those ligting effects (the white ones see the arrows)?i know heused air brush in fireworks.
In Photoshop CS4 and CS5, it's a real PIA to have to restart PS in 32-bit mode in order to use the Lighting Effects filter (FILTER>RENDER>LIGHTING EFFECTS). Has this been addressed in CS6?
I am running both PS CC and CS6 on my mac mini (late 2012, 2.3 i7, 16 GB ram). When I try to use the lighting effects filter on CC, it opens, and all the sliders in the properties box work, but without the tools to point and modify the light source. On CS6, lighting effects opens with the expected oval shaped tools and the intensity adjuster. I am assuming that it is not the Mac-mini, as it handles both versions, CC and CS6,Is this a bug in CC? I have searched and found nothing to this effect. I am assuming the video capabilities are adequate as the lighting effects option is not greyed out in either version. Also, I have made sure the image I am working on is in 8 bit mode.
I am using the trial version of Photoshop CS6 Extended on Windows. The lighting effects filter appears to be missing. When I go to the filter-->render menu, it is not there. I have gone into the edit-->preferences-->perfomance menu and selected Use Graphics Processor, however the lighting effects filter is still not present. what I need to do to get the filter?
I can access the filter>render>lighting effects but when I click the lighting effect tab nothing shows and when I watch a tutorial and people open filter>render>lighting effects a adjustable thing appears on the layer which they can edit but I can not do this.
I am trying to use an action and I keep getting the message: The Command Lighting Effects is not currently available. I am using Photoshop CS5 on a PC.