Photoshop :: CC Smart Quote Turn Off

Aug 1, 2013

I'm using the PS CC latest version. I started typeing some copy out for a layout and when I typed a ' photoshop inserted a > so instead of something like "they're" photoshop would substitue "they>re". I had to go into preferences and turn off smartquotes in order to a '.

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Smart Guides To Turn Off

Jun 7, 2006

I don't use smart guides, don't want em don't need em. Don't even know why they originally came on, but can't get them off, no matter how many times un check them.

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Photoshop Elements :: Turn Off The Keyword Tag Smart Tags?

Oct 16, 2013

How do I turn off the keyword tag "Smart tags"?  I do not want an automate Smart tags on my images.

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Illustrator :: Smart Quotes Will Not Turn Off

Jan 20, 2013

I have Smart Quotes turned off in Smart Punctuation, but they are still curly! I need them straight, how do I get then straight? AI CS5.5, OSX 10.8.2.

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AutoCad 2D :: Quote With Quick Leader And Have Z Value In Text?

Apr 18, 2013

it's possible to quote with quick leader and have the z value in text

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AutoCAD .NET :: Pass String With Quote Marks To Lisp Command

Aug 10, 2012

I have created a string:

strAttValue = ("3/16""=1'-0""")

or alternatively I've tried:

strAttValue = ("3/16" & Chr(34) & "=1'-0" & Chr(34))

that I would like to pass to a lisp with the format:

(defun lispTest ( strAttValue / )

but when I do it errors with "Too many variables." The passing method is as follows:

acDoc.SendStringToExecute("(lispTest" & Chr(34) & strAttValue & Chr(34) & " ) ", True, False, False)

If I get rid of the quotes in the original string it works fine, but the quotes are needed.

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Photoshop :: Masking Each Smart Filter Separately On Single Smart Object

Aug 23, 2013

1. Is there a way for masking each smart filter separately on a single smart object other than nesting one smart object into the another?
2. Is there a way for removing the previously created smart object?

I mean ... let's say I have a smart object containing four layers. Can I remove smart object from these layers?

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Photoshop :: Smart Filter Mask Not Moving With Smart Object?

Aug 9, 2012

Why doesnt the smart filter mask move with the smart object?

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Photoshop :: Transform Applied To Smart Object Fails To Transform Attached Smart Filters Mask

Aug 9, 2012

Ps CS6
OSX 10.6.8
Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object fails to transform an attached Smart Filters Mask.
I mean a Transform, including Free Transform, as found in the Edit menu.  A simple move by the Move Tool is OK.
A workaround until this bug is squashed is to encapsulate the Smart Object + Smart Filters + Filter Mask inside another Smart Object and transform that.However, that will not be a satisfactory solution in some cases. If a filter has size parameter(s), e.g. Gaussian Blur radius, a scaling or warping/distorting transform applied after the filter will obviously differ from the filter applied after the transform.
In any case, the workaround is inconvenient to subsequent editing and experimenting with filters and masks.

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Photoshop :: Moving Smart Layer Mask To The Smart Filters As A Mask

Aug 20, 2013

Can I move smart layer mask to the smart filters on the same layer as a mask?

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Photoshop :: After Scaling Smart Object Remake It As Smart Object Again?

Mar 28, 2012

Using Photoshop CS5 - after scaling a smart object do I need to remake it as a smart object again?

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AutoCad :: Random Veiwports Turn Off As Turn Others On

Apr 20, 2011

20110421veiwports turning off.jpg AutoCAD isnt being nice to me lately another hassle i have is the viewports randomly turn off ( they dont show anything) and when i turn those ones on, others turn off.

i dont know how to change the topic to "solved" however a collegue told me to enter MAXACTVP at the command line the value was 16, i was told to set it to 64 ( i had 21 viewports ) and they all came on.

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Photoshop :: Smart Object Within Another Smart Object

May 12, 2009

I'm running photoshop cs3. I created two different smart objects. Within each of those smart objects, I want to include another smart object. However, when I update the embedded smart object, only the partent SO is updated, the other SO seems to have a different child. here is the setup visually: canvas -> SO1  -> SO3canvas -> SO2  -> SO3  so when I update SO3 from within SO1, only SO1 is updated - SO2 stays the same. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 Smart Objects On Mac

Jan 7, 2013

I recently upgraded to CS6 Master on Mac Mountain, and noticed that smart objects in Photoshop don't open in their respective applications. For example, when I double-click on the smart object, they open in Preview instead of Illustrator. How do I prevent Preview from opening smart objects? How do I make smart objects open in the application in which they were created?

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Photoshop :: Smart Objects

Dec 13, 2008

Ok, so the title of this post sounds confusing. First off, I created a graphic in Illustrator CS3. It is to be used on a web page created in Dreamweaver CS3. I want to be able to streamline the editing process by using the Smart Object linking feature between Dreamweaver and Photoshop CS3.

Obviously, the problem is, I cannot link the Photoshop source to Dreamweaver because the source is not a Photoshop file, it is in Illustrator. The obvious solution to that is to export the Illustrator file as a Photoshop file. The problem with that is, I want to maintain the source in Illustrator and make edits in Illustrator.

So, my solution was to place the Illustrator file in Photoshop and make the Illustrator file a Smart Object in Photoshop. Then link that Photoshop file to the Dreamweaver page. So, basically, Photoshop is just the link between Dreamweaver and Illustrator. It works well! I click the little edit button in Dreamweaver abd it calls up the file in Photoshop. Then I double-click on the Smart Object layer in Photoshop and the source comes up in Illuistrator.

Now, here is the problem. To add to the confusion, I maintain versioning in Version Cue. So whenever I change the Illustrator file, I check it in to Version Cue. The Illustrator file I linked to in Photoshop is the local file on my computer. This file is syncronized with the version of the file that gets uploaded to Version Cue. This may sound complicated, but to see how I did it is pretty straight forward.

My assumption was, when I double clicked on the Smart Object layer in Photoshop, I would get the local copy of the Illustrator file to edit. But, that wasn't the case. Problem is, I got a temp file of the Illustrator graphic and NOT the original source file I linked to in Photoshop.

I can still edit the temp file and have those changes automatically made in Photoshop and then update the image in Dreamweaver. BUT, when I got to check in the new edits of the Illustrator file to Version Cue, it wants to create a new file and not rev-up to the new version of the original file. That's because the file I'm checking in is NOT the original file, it is a temp file.

Does anyone else use a workflow like this? If so, how do you do it?

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Photoshop :: CS2 Smart Objects

May 20, 2005

A lot of the hype about CS2 has been around the Vanishing Point tool; Certainly it's cool, and it's probably the easiest feature to awe an audience with. But I think there is a new tool that is waaay more useful: Smart Objects. This is a feature that Adobe has done a terrible job of advertising and explaining—looking at most descriptions of it, it seems to be relevant only to those who often import work in from Illustrator or other apps. I use it just within Photoshop and I'm totally blown away by its power.

What exactly is it?

Smart Objects allows you to take a layer or group of layers and treat them as a single unit—a unit that you can scale, warp, and transform in any way you like without losing any of the data from the orginal layers that make up the "smart object" set. This smart object can be duplicated as many times as you want, and then it is possible to edit the master smart object and see all the changes applied at once.

Here I have a set of four layers—the white shape, the green square, the red circle, and the blue squiggles, which I have combined into a smart object. I then duplicated the smart object and applied different transformations to each one.

Now I double clicked on one of my four smart objects, and in the sub-document that opened, I moved the green square layer up, and added a new layer with a black yin-yang. I saved and closed the subdocument, and all four instances of the smart object in the main document updated with my changes.

The other cool thing that smart objects allows you to do is undo a transformation without losing any of the original resolution.
In this image, I took a raster graphic, duplicated it, and put one inside a smart object and left the other a regular layer. I transformed both of them the same way, and they looked identical. But when I transformed them each again, to try to regain the original shape, the smart object looked significantly better.

How to get smart objects
Select one or more layers in the layers palette, and ctrl-click or right click and select "Group into new Smart Object." Now, you are free to transform and duplicate this new object however you wish. (Note: To duplicate a smart object so that all instances update together, duplicate it in the layers palette as you would any other layer; to duplicate it so it is independent, use "New Smart Object via Copy" in the Layers Menu.) Now, when you wish to edit the original set of layers, double click the Smart Object in the layers palette, and it will open them in a new document. Save and close it when you want your changes applied to your main document.

Smart objects are an incredible tool to add to the arsenal of "safe photoshop practices." Always use adjustment layers, not direct adjustments; always do everything on separate layers; save important history states; use vector art for clean, scalable shapes and text; and convert layers to smart objects before transforming them. (There are certainly more, but these are the ones that jump to mind.)

A little sidenote:

This is a little animation I did using smart objects and the new Warp transformation. It's fairly ugly, but the point of it was to demonstrate another use of Smart Objects. I won't go into how it was done here,

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Photoshop :: Smart Objects?

Apr 7, 2009

I have created a smart object in cs2 to help me create a webpage, but when I transfer the file to image ready it says it does not understand the smart object.  When I go back to photoshop it has turned my smart object into a flat image that can not be altered anymore.  Can anyone help me or give me some advice with this please.  I know its an older version of photoshop, but it dosen't make sense that they have not made the two programs compatible for smart images. 

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Photoshop :: Smart Guides

Apr 20, 2009

I have just become aware of the smart guides in CS4. They seem to show up momentarilyin vicinity of certain points e.g. the center of page or the pupil of human eye.I have found very little about them in the help section -

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen

Aug 27, 2006

smart sharpen in CS2. I have a photo that I've tweaked the colors by using the curves dialog. Next I bring up the smart sharpen filter. Before I hit OK, the original photo in the background is altered. It is brighter and the colors are better as well as sharper. Overall it looks much better. I figured this was a preview of sorts but when I hit OK in the smart sharpen the results aren't as good as it was showing. In fact, they are noticeably worse. It is sharpened but the colors and brightness of the photo back to the original.

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen

May 2, 2007

After I sharpen an image using Smart Sharpen, then click OK, it shows the status bar of the image being sharpened. All seem good. But when the status bar is complete the image defaults back to what it looked like before it was sharpened.

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Photoshop :: Cs2 Smart Object

May 2, 2005

i noticed importing an image file from adobe illustrator into photoshop through copy and paste. but i dont have illustrator on my pc. is there a way to turn a layer or an image into a smart object without using the bridge feature they have now in CS2?

i just want to make an image into a smart object.

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Photoshop :: Smart Object In Cs2 And Cs 4 Are Different?

May 19, 2009

in cs2, i use smart object lot to replace image i mean i have to make collection of gallery of let's say mp3 albums so i have to put albums covers in my designs but exactly as i wanted in size {no matter whatever size/resolution the source (album cover) are} so smart objects always be the easiest way cos i firstly draw rectangulers in my custum size, and i covert each rectangulers to smart objects and replace every smart objects to place those albums covers. it's easiest way and since cs3 is launched, when i try to replace image of smart objects my replaced image(album cover) wont be as equal as my custum rectanguler size. this is my prob. when i place the images either they are placed bigger size than the size of smart object or smaller than smart object . can is there any process to make as shame size as smart object while placing images to smart object??? in cs2 it's possible but cs3 cs4 can't do such smart object or i'm a missing any new technique to do that? ya we can resize each placed covers to our custom size but it takes hell long time . i need shortcut way. wel in cs2 i been doin things like this using smart object which takes only 2 min to put images in my custom sized rectangular

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Photoshop :: How To Use Smart Objects In 8.0

Sep 25, 2008

I am using version 8.0.

I now want to transform my layers into smart objects but don't know how to do this.

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Photoshop :: RAW Photo Into CS5 As A Smart Object

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to open a RAW photo in Photoshop CS5 as a Smart Object.  I have the photo selected in Bridge.  When I go to execute File>Place in Bridge CS5 the menu entry indicates there should be a menu displayed.  However, clicking on Place does not bring up a menu. 
In Photoshop there is open a blank file to receive the photo.Why do I not receive a menu?

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Photoshop :: Smart Object Aliasing

Apr 3, 2013

I'm having aliasing issue with my smart objects in CS6 I never had before. I've searched all over PS and these forums to try and figure out how to get rid of the jaggies, with no luck. Below is a screenshot example of a SO with the aliasing (I'm trying to reconstruct a dresser top).

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Photoshop :: New Smart Object Via Copy

Sep 15, 2013

I have a smart object, and, If I apply Control "J"    Or Drag It to the New Layer Icon, It will Duplicate the Layer.And If I Go to Layer-Smart Objects- New Object Via Copy, It dose the same thing.What Is the Different between Control J, or Go to Layer- Smart Objects- New Smart Object Via Copy.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Like A Smart Object

Dec 20, 2012

Often after making vectro pictures in illustrator i use exporting to Photoshop like a SO. But i can't realize, why after exporting some elements like a blur or transparent mask is losing?

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Photoshop :: Editing Smart Objects In CC

Aug 13, 2013

I use to copy over a layer into a file. as a smart object, transform it. Then if I needed to replace the image. I would double click and the contents would open as a .psb file. I could then replace the image and save it and it was updated in the main comp file.
Now, if I double click I just get Camera Raw? If I choice edit SO same thing. Replace content lets me choose another file, but I don't have the open .psb which I could work on before saving it back.
What am I doing wrong now to not get the .psb to open and edit?

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Photoshop :: CC V 14.0 For Mac-Smart Filter Masking?

Aug 10, 2013

I have a standalone Photoshop CS 6 v 13.05 and a Photoshop CC v 14.0 both running on the same MacPro using OS x 10.8.4.

The Smart Filter Masking by painting in the standalone version of Photoshop CS 6 works perfectly.However, try as I might I just cannot get my smart filter/s masked by painting in them in the Photoshop CC version.

Is there a switch or setting somewhere that I’m missing?

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Photoshop :: Transform For Smart Object

Nov 19, 2012

I working on the  Photoshop with Smart Object with link to Illustrator. How can i transform perspective for Smart Object in Photoshop? There are accessible to me only Scale Rotate and Skew, others is gray out.

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Photoshop :: Can't Transform Smart Object When Placed?

Jan 14, 2013

The transform tools work once, then I have to quit and reopen for it to work the next time I place a smart object.

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