My keywords are arranged in hierarchies, i.e colors>blue.
The problem is that they get saved that way in the metadata and in the KW panel. Is there any way to change that? It makes it a real pain to try to cut and paste or when uploading to a site that reads the metadata.
How can I move many nested keywords back into the main listing of keywords? I was up late a few nights ago and never noticed that about 80 new keywords were being placed as (nested?) under another keyword. How can I get them back from under that keyword and into the main keywrod list?
Lightroom has a collection containing all images without keywords.
As soon as I apply a keyword to images they instantly disappear from the collection. This is alright when I only want to apply a single keyword, but how do I stop it happening when I want to apply multiple keywords to the same image(s)?
I constantly run into the problem that I have many objects and when I want to drag the selected object to move it around, the object laying in front / or on top of it will be grabbed and moved instead. How do I shortcutwise avoid to pick an unwanted object when I'm about to drag an object ? Is there something like a key to hold, so that Illustrator understands that I want to move the already selected object only ? Since that is a 100 times per day task and I can't always lock and unlock all other layer I'm working on too ... well I could, but that would slow down working 100 times since it's not easy to identify / switch on of each layer in the layer list each time i pick another object ...
Ever wondered how to perfectly fill an outline with touching circles? I did -- after seeing the example image in Solving design effect - image made of perfectly arranged circles.
It took me a while to get the proper calculations, but -- Here It Is! A Javascript, written for Illustrator CS4 (it might work on other versions as well), that fills a selected outline with circles. Download zipped script from my site: [URL] ...., unpack if necessary, and put it in your Illustrator Scripts folder to make it available the next time you run Illy, or anywhere else (you have to browse for it each time).
Select any path -- but no live text; you have to convert it to outlines and select each character in turn. Then run the script.
It displays a simple dialog, where you can set a maximum and minimum circle size as a percentage of the selected object size. In addition, you can select either a plain basic color, or select any of your current Swatch Groups; in that case, each of the circles are filled with a random color from that group.
The script may take a while to run. Usually, only a couple of seconds for a simple rectangle, but it may run into minutes for objects with lots of curves and/or holes. I didn't have the guts to run it on a vectorized world map, to recreate Mario "Quasimondo" Klingemann's Foam World Map; but, in theory? Possible.
I have just installed a new computer when my old one died. I had everything backed up and have managed to successfully restore my lightroom catalogue.
I can see all my photos and all the adjustment history and I can see my library of keywords. However, none of my photos show the key words that I previously assigned to them.
I am not sure whether there is a file that I need to restore from the backup somewhere.
When i try to upgrade to LR5 I see the keywords are missing. Eevn when I import them again, no keywords...With about 275.000 images keyworded in LR3-4...
I am very happy with some 200 keywords that I use in PSE10 under Win7/64 on over 20k images. Is it possible, in LR4, to pick up files with keywords written to metadata, and work with them in LR4 (selection, editing, etc.) WITHOUT damaging or "upgrading" the PSE10 catalog? If yes, could PSE10 pick up keywored changes made in LR4?
Or do you have to commit to one program or the other?
Some how my keywords got scrambled. The first thing I'd like to do is move a keyword from its new (incorrect) location as a sub-keyword back to being a parent keyword of a hierarchy. I have tried dragging and dropping it but it immediately returns to its incorrect location. I considered creating a new keyword as a parent keyword (the same word), then open the images linked to the misplaced keyword and drag all the images to the newly created parent keyword. Then empty and delete the misplaced sub-keyword. But...I fear loosing links to collections, vitual copies, etc. for all the images. best method for returning the keywords to their original placement in the hierachy.
I imported all my jpgs with keywords into lightroom 5. I'm now thinking I will no longer make a jpg as part of my workflow and just keep the keywords in the raw files. Is there an easy way to copy all keywords from 1234.jpg to 1234.tif (raw file).
I'm new to Lightroom and I would like to add keywords to my jpgs. These have already processed using adobe camera raw. If I add the jpgs to my catalog and then add the keywords, those keywords are not written to the jpgs when I close Lightroom. How do I add the keywords so they are searchable for example using windows search?
I have just upgraded from LR3 to LR4. My LR3 keywords are not showing up in LR4. Found Import Keywords dialog but cannot find the folder/file with the LR3 keywords in it. Is there a folder/file name I can search for to locate LR3 keywords?
When I import jpg photos Lightroom automatically also imports all keywords. How can I stop this? The reason I don't want them is that I actually want to re-do all of my keywords/imports. I know it's a big pain, but I feel that it needs to be done, as I've learned how to do things more properly (in theory).
Lightroom 5.3 (creative cloud). Fully updated. Windows 7.
I recently converted from Lightroom 4 to 5. I just noticed that not all my keywords are exported to my jpeg file. For example I have the following keywords in Lightroom; Horizontal, Landscape, National Forest, Scenic. My exported jpeg has only the keyword Landscape.
In the Library Module, when I click on the dropdown Keyword Tags and select "Will Export", I only see the keyword Landscape. I'm not sure what this "feature" is all about. I need to be able to export all keywords.
This problem seems to be consistent and I have a test file set up so I can repeat the problem. Only certain keywords are not exported.
I recently converted from PC to Mac; downloaded and installed LR4, and it quickly recognized my photos and photo folder structure. Also, apparently each individual keyword has been imported. However, 3 problems:
1. no photos have keywords assigned to them 2. the keyword nested structure (keywords within other keywords) did not transfer, so they are all listed alphabetically 3. I don't see any history on the edited photos, so am not sure if I have originals (unedited) or edited. If I have edited photos, can I go back and re-edit (non-destructive editing in LR)?
I always click on the arrow next to a certain keyword in order to filter my photo results down to just that keyword. How can I search for images based on two keywords? So maybe I want to search for all images of keyword "Bob" with his dog keyword "Charlie." When I click on the second arrow it deselects the first one.
When importing images, the filename prefix, image number, directory, and other attributes are "sticky" between imports (they're remembered so you don't have to enter them again for the subsequent import), however the keywords aren't remembered. I'd suggest they should, just as the other attributes are. Wandering through the discussions, it appears the import dialog keyword field was sticky in 2009. Did it change or is there an options setting somewhere I can't find that would toggle this behavior?
I need to delete all pre existing keywords from images made by other people when importing them into my library, and no matter what I do they keep showing up.
I can't delete keywords easily. How can I delete keywords easily?
I found instructions that said to select the keyword. But I have no way to select the keyword. At least I haven't found the way. In the Library, where the keywords are, I found no way to select them. Clicking on them does no good. I found I could uncheck keywords from the Keyword List, but that requires a lot of scrolling. There must be a faster way.
I used to enter keywords while importing into Lightroom, but suddenly that box/option is gone from the right hand side of the import screen. How to restore that? I'm using Lightroom 3.5 .....
I am trying to use the keywords to mark up some movies. i dont want the histogram panel because i want to see more of the keyword list. although i can close the histogram panel so it is just a bar, i cant completely remove it. i can remove other panels such as the metadata or comments panels. in the same way, i also notice that i cant remove the navigator panel even though i seldom use it.
In my keyword hierarchy I group words under category words that shall not be included on export and therefore "include on export" is unchecked for them. LR 4 includes them anyway and I have to to spend a lot of time removing them in Bridge.
I have my keywords arranged in categories (ex: People), then subcategories (Ex: Family), then subjects, (Ex: AJ).
When keywording an image, I would like to click the subject (AJ) and have LR tag the two upper level subcategory & parent category (Family & People) automatically.
I can't seem to accomplish this. I must manually check each keyword, even though they are nested. I tried creating a keyword path (AJ>Family>People), but rather than do what I want it to, it appears as a new keyword with the name "AJ>Family>People".