I have a Canon EOS D1000. Adobe Creative Cloud with Lightroom 5 and Photoshop 14.2.1. Have have a Mac OS X 10.7.5. I cannot open my CR2 files in either Lightroom or Photoshop. I have downloaded a camera raw plugin which produces a 'patch installer' whatever that is. Still doesn't seem to work.
After many years of using LR this is the first time I've encountered this issue (see 1st screenshot below). LR is scrambling my files. The affected raw files open fine in other programs, including adobe photoshop cc (see 2nd screenshot).
Running PS 5 on Windows 7, I'm trying to bring up PS using the edit in command in Lightroom, PS does comes up and the photo number comes up in the document tab, I see all the layers but the image is not visible. If I shut down PS and restart and the select open recent, the samee thing happens,
I have LR4.3 and a Sony A99. I have had no particular problem up until now. I have a handful of .arw files that LR4.3 cannot open.
Lightroom gives an error saying 'failed to find a location for the imported file' for each of them. I've not seen this before - all the other files (before and after) all imported quite nicely. It's just these 6 consecutive .arw files that LR can't read.
I also tried IDC (Sony's raw converter) which read the files quite happily, as did rawdigger. A friend tried Capture One and RawTherapee - also no problem. Then I tried Adobe DNG Converter 7.3 which also failed (It says "the file appears to be an unsupported format") It seems to be just Adobe applications that are struggling.
I even tried copying the files from the SD again, using windows explorer. Still no good.
Here is one of the files: [URL]
The pics aren't great or important but if this can happen once, it can happen again and I'd like to get to the bottom of this. The file is a cropped raw file straight from the camera when it was set to APS-C crop mode. I have taken a lot of pics before in this mode and LR took them all with no problem. It's just weird that these few appear to be unsupported...
I just migrated CS6 and LR4 to a new iMac. I then re-installed CS6 from disc because the licensing didn't come over. So far so good. But now in LR4, when enter CMD-E, or choose "open in CS6" from the Edit menu, nothing happens. The file does not open in CS6.
When I point the DNG converter to the source files containing the .ORF files created in my new Olympus OM-D EM-10 camera (only files in folder) and press convert, I get the message: "The source folder does not contain any supported camera raw files". Have version latest download. Using OSX Mavericks 10.9.2
I installed LR 5 from disc, then updated tp 5.2, and 5.3. It still says my Sony A7r file can not be read. However, my PS 6 opens the file from the sme card.
I have just installed LR5. When I try to open a NEF file with the "Edit in Photoshop" command nothing happens. When I click on a .PSD or a .JPG file in LR5 it will open it in PS6 just fine. It appears that LR 5 is not talking to PS6 with the NEF files. I have vesrion 8.1 of Adobe Camera Raw on LR5 and version 7.4 on PS6. For some reason when I installed DNG converter and ACR version 8.1 it did not come up in PS6.
I am having trouble with RAW files in Lightroom, and also camera RAW.
When I import a RAW file into Lightroom (i have the current version, 3.5) Lightroom adds adjustments to the file, for example in the basic section of the develop module exposure will be set to 0.25, recovery will be at 100, contrast 54 etc...
I have tried shooting on different cameras and I do not have the problem. I have put the same RAW files into another computer with Lightroom and it works fine. Just seems to be a wierd combination of my camera and my computer.
Everything was working fine, and I recently purchased a new camera, and still everything was fine. Then one day it started adding adjustments to the RAW image automatically. And the same when I open a file in camera RAW..
I have Lightroom 5.3 and Photoshop CS6 through Creative Cloud; according to Help > Updates, I have everything up to date. I just returned from a trip using my new Nikon D610 and I cannot open any of the Raw files in LR or CS6. Lightroom pops a message stating, "the file is not recognized by the raw format in Lightroom. (1)" and Photoshop's message states, "Photoshop cannot open this file".According to the LR website, the d610 is now supported with the 5.3 update. Windows 7/64 bit user.
I am a Silkypixs (SP) user and have a trial copy of Lightroom 3.6. Two questions for this audiance....
1) I have a pentax k5 and it produces AVI files for video. Lightroom cannot open these files in thumbnail and produces an error message that stalls the import process. IP there something that can be done about this? This is a critical issue to me and my impact my final purchase decision.
2) I am not used to using an import process. SP would open the files in the existing drive and then process the files. I would then write to an alternative drive. If I am reading the LR process correctly, I am opening in the existing drive then importing to a designtate drive before processing the raw images. Then I write the resulting images to another drive. If that is the case, I am creating two copies of the image (one raw, one jpeg) on my hard drive. Is that correct?
I Can't open Nikon D4 NEF files in LR 4.1 RC2 on a Mac running OSX 10.7.4. Same problem with Photoshop CS 6 Beta with ACR 7.1 as well as DNG Converter 7. The files will not open on Preview either, although the camera is on Apples list of supported cameras. What is going on here?
My hard drive crashed and I lost all my pictures. I used a recovery program and it shows them as LRPREV files but I cant open them. Is there any way to get them open and convert them to jpeg.
I have just loaded the trial for LR4 on my MacBook Pro. When I try to open lightroom I get the error "an error occurred when attempting to change modules" Thereafter I cannot do anything in LR, when I close & reopen I get back to the installation screen asking me if I have a serial no or would like to run a trial.
I have deleted the app and reinstalled. But no difference.
The first time I opened LR it asked me if I wanted to upgrade my photoshop elements library or create a new one. I opted for create a new one.I installed the trial to see how well LR would work on my Mac as I have it on PC and would like to switch completely over to Mac....
I just downloaded and installed LightRoom 4.3 which states that it now includes support for Nikon D600. When I try to import files into the Catalogue it displays an error message over each NEF file that it cannot be imported. There are also JPEG files to correspond to each NEF file but they will not import either. I restarted the computer and the program after download .