I have a FTP publisher that I'm unable to add photos to it in the Publish Services module. I have been able to drag and drop a photo to the service, but, noe I'm unable too. Each time I drag a photo to it ,it won't let me drop the photo. I check the plugin manager and the service is enabled, all settings are correct. I judt don't know and can't find any infomation as to why.
After upgrading to Lightroom 5, I found an error message in the Publish service pane reporting the Revel module as missing. Is there a new module foreseen for Lr5?
I'm using Windows 7/32 + LR 3.2 + FF as my default browser
For the last several days I've been trying to get the Facebook Publish Service authorized against my facebook account without sucess. Facebook would add the lightroom application to my list of approved applications, but LR would not recognize that the auhorization was sucessfull after I clicked the "Allow" button in Facebook. I tried this with Firefox, Chrome, and IE and all three browsers failed. Firefox threw an error about the (lightroom) protocol being unknown and then redirected to my Facebook Wall. IE would simply say that it could not open the web page. And Chrome did something similar but I cannot remember the details (I think it redirected too). In all cases LR would report that the Facebook Publish Service was not authorized. I tried reinstalling LR several times and I tried adding the lightroom protocol to FF and associating it with LR but to no avail. Finally I stumbled upon a process that worked for me.
If this is the error you are seeing, then the procedure below should allow you to get properly authorized in LR:
If you already tried and failed to authorize then go into you Facebook Application Settings (Account --> Application Settings) and remove/deauthorize the LR application (using whatever browser you like to do this).Make IE your default browser. This is just temporary, unless you like it like that. You have to use IE, FF won't work and since IE worked here I didn't try Chrome. When LR opens the browser to authenticate you it needs to open IE, not FFOpen LR and click the "Set Up..." link for Facebook Publish Service. Then click the "Authorize on Facebook" button. When IE opens log into FB if your not already, then click the Allow button to authorize LR.If your having the same problem I did then IE will immediately throw up an error saying that it couldn't open the requested page. Look at the URL in the address bar. It should begin with "lightroom://...". Select and copy the entire URL to you clipboard.Go back to LR and click the "Done" button. This will return you to the Facebook Publish Service Setup Dialog and you should see that you are still not authorized. Dang!But you'll notice that the "not authorized" label is not a hyperlink. Click it. This will open a dialog prompting you for the authorization URL. Paste the URL you copied from IE into this box and click OK.You should now be authorized.You can now restore you prefferred default browser.
When I try to authenticate facebook in lightroom, My browser (IE) opens and I log in.
Now a window appears with the following text:"no apps are installed to open this type of link (lightroom)".
And when I click "Done" in the lightroom dialog, I get a "failed to receive authentication token".This worked fine in Windows 7, but it seems there are some problems in Windows 8.
I have created a lightroom 3 publish service that will export each photo as a huge TIFF file over a slow broadband connection to an external server. The external server creates 3 compressed JPEG files from the TIFF file.
I think this is too slow and that it would be much better if the lightroom publish service created those three files and then sent them over the internet. Please note I am using Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Lightroom 3.
My question is, what would be the best way to accomplish this task? Can lightroom compress the photo 3 times, or is it best to create another script on the local machine to accept each file, compress them, and then send them via the internet?
I've got a hard drive publish service setup, which renames photos using the "Custom Name - Sequence" option. After this option in the publishing manager is a "Custom Text" field where you can set the name prefix.
I've found that if you change this and save, the publishing service doesn't seem to notice - i.e. anything I republish still uses the old prefix.
Something funny is going on here, that text field isn't doing what it's supposed to do. It seems each published folder stores the "Custom Text" upon creation, and doesn't check the publishing manager for updates.
I'm trying to export photos to Flickr using the Flickr publish service. When I try to log in to Flickr in order to authenticate my account, I get the error message "Could not contact the Flickr web service. Please check your Internet connection." Similarly, I have tried to use Jeff Friedl's "Export to Flickr" plugin. When I try to enable this plugin, Lightroom can't contact Flickr - I get the error message "cannotconnectToHost", and Lightroom just keeps retrying to connect with no success.
I have Internet access, and can log into Flickr without any problems using my browser.
Just downloaded LR 5 and noticed that I cannot jump back from a Publish Service folder preview to a different folder preview in grid mode. The only way to view photos in another folder is to restart LR 5. This only happens when I am viewing photos in a Publish Service such as Flickr.
I updated from LR 4 using Creative Cloud installer.
Often when I am in LR5 and I decide to use one of my publishing services to publish whatever is in its collection, I can't return to my other photo albums in that catalog without exiting the catalog and then reentering it.
The export to facebook plugin is giving me this error:
Plug-in error log for plug-in at: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.app/Contents/PlugIns/Facebook.lrplugin
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.Photo upload failed, but no error string was returned from Facebook.I am trying to publish photos to an album that has previously been updated, and has not yet went past the 200 photo limit.
I have ensured that permissions on facebook have been set to public, deleted lightroom uploader on facebook, reauthenticated numerous times, and created a new album. Every time I recieve that error. Most times one or two photos are uploaded, all duplicates of ones that have been previously published.
This is a recent development. I publish photos to Flickr, Smugmug, etc., and today, I cannot see any of them in the grid view. They DO show up in the filmstrip, but they don't show up in the grid. So, I cannot select, nor can I publish newly added photos.
I am attempting to use the Facebook Publishing service but I can not get my albums to show up. I have removed autorization (both form LR and FB) and reauthorized both. This use to work for me, not sure what changed for this not to work now. I am using Windows 7 64 bit, LR 4.4.
i have some automated virtual folders for uploading to flickr.
in former times, when i changed one of the pictures and pressed "publish", the pictures which were already online have been deleted and uploaded again (replaced).now i have a lot of dublicates on flickr.
when I trying to publish in single-sheet file. so I type publish on my command bar, then I chose publish to pdf but when i try to click on publish options to set the location where I need to put the pdf files the publish window freeze. same thing when i click on add sheet button.
NOTE: I have this problem especialy when I used AUtoCAD from home. to use AutoCAD from home I made borrow licence.
Using AutoCAD 2013, myself and several other coworkers have encountered an error message when creating a pdf with the publish command. I attached a screen shot of it.
We never experienced this in earlier versions. It doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it has been recurring more in the past month. I have restarted the computer after receiving the message and then invoked the publish command after restart and it was successful. I'm not going to do this every time I publish, nor do I see the need to turn off background plotting. That just seems like a bandaid fix.
I even tried publishing with different page setups to determine if it would react differently to any page setup, but it doesn't. I attached a view of my publish window, as well.
The issue we have all been experiencing with LR 4 RC2 seems to still be in the release of 4.1
When I try to publish a photo to my flickr photostream I get the following error:
Can't update this collection. And internal error has occurred: A semi colon character was expected.
I find this to be ridiculous. We let the powers that be know of this issue and still nothing seems to have been done. I guess I have to return to the RC1 release just to get my photos uploaded and retain my usability with comments?
when I try to setup and authorize Flickr it ask me to signin to my acct. I sign in then it asks me to allow Flickr to authorize and I say yes then it brings up a blank browser window and nothing happens so I can not get past the authorize section of the publish dialog box
Now that the Revel publishing service is built into Lightroom 4.1, what is happening when I publish a large take of raw files? Does Lightroom first render jpgs, upload the jpgs to Revel and then snyc those back to lightrooms raw files? I don't want addition jpgs in my lightroom catalog, but im ok with having jpg versions of the raw file on Revel.
I would actually like to do this for my entire raw archive. Storing that many fullsize jpgs online for $5.99 a month isnt that bad.
Ability to upload any videos to Facebook via Lightroom's publish?
I go to the Lightroom Publishing Manager, and in the middle it says, "Videos will not be uploaded into this album. Facebook organizes them under "My Videos". OK, but it doesn't have an option for selecting that album.
I don't often publish to facebook, but in the past I have created several collections under the facebook publish service, each going to its own album of the same name.
However today I decided to add 2 photos to an existing album, but when I click publish they appeared in a new album called "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Photos" instead of the existing album.
Is this a change in the plugin or maybe something facebook has changed?
Is there any way to get it to publish direct to albums again?
I have downloaded and enabled the lightroom plug-in for publishing to iphoto but when I try to use it I get an error: "An internal error has occurred: [string "iPhotoPublishServiceProvider.lua"]:174: assertion failed!"
I've created a publish service (jf zenfolio) under which using the the jf plugin publish I created varios folders, under which I've dropped different photos to publish.
Now... is there anyway I can tell the publish service to publish / republish everything in one click (instead of having to click on each folder to see if there's anything outstanding?
When I publish photos from one of my publish services, sometimes they export as 0 kb files and sometimes not. It's pretty random because when I delete the empty files and republish them, some files turn out ok, but other ones are still empty.