Every time I use LR4, it encounters an error at some point in the first 10 minutes of use. It always says, "Lightroom encountered an error when reading from it's preview cache and needs to quit".
I have a preview cache error on start up. This persists even on re-start and LR will not progress beyond this point. I have tried a repair and a re-install but no joy. I also did a clean of the PC after to clear any registry errors too. Still the same happening. Photoshop works fine.
i was trying to move some files via LR.I've researched and found that everyone else was able to fix their issue by moving the preview database out of LR, tried that but it doesn't fix the problem.I've moved all files except the new preview and catalog (only a single catalog) database from the Picture/ Lightroom folder.I've rebooted the computer several times and tried opening LR, still no joy.The size of my catalog is 3.8GBThe size of the preview is 6.5GB (77,186 files in 45,745 folders).This is a new install from scratch on a new PC,
Specs are: Intel i7 4770 32GB memory 2 x 250GB SSD drive in RAID 1 for OS and apps 1 x 6TB SATA HDD for images in a RAID 5 1 x 5.3TB SATA HDD for final images in a RAID 5
I've had nothing but issues with this system since day 1, images transferred and they do not show up correcting inthe individual folders (especially 2012). Total image count is about 320,000
Seems to me that LR cannot handle the numbers although LR3.6 was a lot stable this version is shakey all over the place.
I've browsed a few previous forum questions and answers and it appears I might need to find my catalog and delete my preview cache file(s). However, I cannot find where these files are stored. A few of the forum responses said to go into Lightroom edit/preferences to find where these files are stored, but I cannot get into Lightroom. When I open it, it gives me the error message and I can't seem to get into edit to find where these files are stored.
Also, I'm relatively new to Lightroom (been using it for a little over a month, mostly just editing and not much for cataloging and organizing my photos)
LR will not run after receiving an error message regarding preview cache and needs to quit. What do I do. I have the Cloud monthly subscription. Photoshop works fine. Have also reinstalled.
Recently I am getting a message 'LR encountered an error when reading from ots preview cache and needs to close'.This is a regular occurance (>6 times today), is there a fix?
When I try to open LR4 I get the message that LR has encountered an error reading the preview cache. I can't find the preview.irdata files to delete or clear.
I am running LR 5.0 on OS X 10.8.4 and everything was fine until a couple of days ago when I started getting this error message when backing up Lightroom. I have repeatedly restarted Lightroom, restarted my iMac, and nothing gets fixed. Do I even have a functional backup?
getting problem when starting up LIghtroom. Error says 'error when loading preview cache. Close and Lightroom will try and fix the problem, but nothing happens and now have the same error constantly.
I use an external hard drive for my photographs. Recently I've been getting "Lightroom encountered an error when reading from its preview cache and needs to shut down" message. It says LR will attempt to fix this problem the next time it launches, but once I click ok, the program closes and when I restart it the same message comes up.I use LR4 and am working on a Macbook.
Lightroom 5.3 has been working fine, but now after locking up while trying to do 1:1 previews it will not open and gives an error box about cannot address preview cache. I have deleted and re-installed with no dice.
LR locked up and I had to force close. Now everytime I try to open I get and error message 'LR encountered-an error when reading from it's preview cache and needs to quit'
I have been using LR since version 1 without problems. I run LR 4.4 on an iMac 27 inch with an external HD - originally OSX 10.6.8. The disk was originally firewire but I have recently changed that to a USB3.0 4tb drive. I copied all my photos and catalogs onto that drive and it worked without problems for about 2-3 months. Recently however I am getting crashes whereas I have never had one before. Suddenly LR4.4 started saying that it had experienced an unknown error and had to quit. On re-launch it wouldn't open the catalog. In fact not only would it not open the catalog, it had left 2 files in the folder with the catalog - lrcat-journal and lrcat-lock. Neither of these can be deleted (I get an unknown error code -50 if I try to do so). However if I restart the computer I can then delete them.
I thought it might be an operating system problem and finally upgraded to OSX 10.8.5. Same problems but I noted an error message saying that there had been a problem reading from the preview cache. I deleted the contents of a folder called Lightroom Cache and deleted my previews. (In fact I run an identical system at another location and simply copy catalogs from one system to the other as I work on them and so I copied the previews from the other system). This seemed to work better.
But then I installed the demo of LR 5, upgraded my LR4 catalog and am having precisely the same problems. I should say that the other system (still on 10.6.8 and an external firewire drive) has worked flawlessly since version 4 was released - and had no problems with versions 1, 2 and 3.
Since LR 5 is exhibiting the same problems, my only thought is that it is a problem with my USB drive. I have run Diskwarrior on it and rebuilt the directory - no problems encountered and have run Disk Utility on it - again no problems found. I have had no problems with the drive that I am aware of - it seems perfectly stable and behaves exactly as it should.
I cannot use LR 4.4 or 5 on this system. Is there any reason why LR should have started to object to the USB drive (it is USB 3.0 and my iMac is only USB 2.0 but there is backwards compatibility). Something is very wrong but I can't work out where to start.
I have the 30 day trial version of Lightroom. I was able to use it for one week, but the past 1.5-2 weeks, it has been locked up and giving this error message. How do I resolve the problem? And how do I reset the 30 day free trial? I would like to have time using the product, before deciding on the annual contract.
"LR encountered an error when reading from its preview cache and needs to quit. Lightroom will attempt to fix this problem the next time it launches."
I keep trying to open LR5 and it gives me an error message that says it encountered a problem with the preview cache and needs to shut down, and it will attempt to fix the problem next time I open LR 5. It keeps happening and won't allow me to open LR5 at all.
i have found the folder and am going to delete it however i need to know if this is deleted witll all the photos i have in lightroom that have not been exported be deleted?
I have a problem with Lightroom 5. When starting Lighroom, I get the mention "Lightroom has found a failure while reading the preview cache, and will be closed". The problem stays, also when I start Lightroom again. Now I can't use Lightroom anymore and I can't reach my Lighroomphoto's.
Can't open LR 4.4. Get error mesage that LR can't read preview cache and needs to shut down. Says it will try to repair upon relaunch. Happened after battery on laptop shut down while I was in LR.
When Lightroom tries to optimize my catalog (in Windows 7, 64 bit), I repeatedly get the following error message: "Lightroom encountered an error when reading from its preview cache and needs to quit."
Recently I reorganized my system so that my image files were on a different drive that I had previously been using a backup drive, so no additional file copying was involved. When I ran Lr it did not find any images, as expected, at the original location and I told it where to find them by pointing it to the new parent image folder. That worked fine but then it seemed as if all of the previews had to be rebuilt on the fly by Lr as I went to each folder. Could it be that the previews in the preview cache are location specific to drive/volume level rather than just folder level ? Or is there a way to aim that ole preview cache at the new image locations ?
Likewise, would this apply to the ACR cache too ? i.e. if I point Lr at the same images in the same folder names on a different drive, will the ACR cache data still be relevant or should I just scrap it and start again ?
I told Lr to rebuild previews for many of my images and it did so overnight, but now the preview cache is about 30GB instead of about 12GB. It's possible that I picked up previews of images that were previously not in the cache, but would the new cache still contain previews of the now non-existant images at the old locations ?
I have previously reverted to system backups in which the whole drive volume had previously been been copied intact. Lr always worked fine in those situations. Is my present problem because I shifted the images folder relative to the drive volume where Lr is running ?
I'm using Lr 3.6 on a 2011 MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8.
I keep getting this error message in LR 4: "encountered an error when reading its previous cache and needs to quit". I've restarted my computer a few times, but it keeps coming up. I got online and found some posts that say "go in Library and " or other posts. The problem is my LR screen is grayed out and I can't go into it at all.
When printing I unchecked center image in PScs5 and reduced the size of my image, using the achor in the preview window, to run a test print. I'm printing to an Epson 3880. Once I ran the test print, I returned to PS and my original image. Selected print and only the preview of the test print is there. The orginal sized image will not load in the preview window. I have deleted the PS preferences and restarted twice. Even after moving to another machine, the profile seems to be embedded in my image. The same preview image is on the three machines I moved to.
A couple of questions. I am running the latest version of LR (4.3) in Mac OSX 10.8.2 environment. I notice that, occasionally, the previews in Library mode do not actually represent all the true images. When choosing "Show in Finder" the image is not as seen in the preview. This issue rears it ugly head only occasionally. Also, is the newest version only running in 64 bit mode? When Getting Info, I see no selection box to deselect 32 bit mode.
I'm receiving an error message everytime I open Lightroom followed by it immidiately closing then telling me it will fix the problem when it launches the next time. The error message is:
Lightroom is having problems reading it's preview cache and needs to quit
How can I fix this problem without losing all of my images.
I am an amateur photographer. I just purchased a brand new NIKON D3300 took a few pictures, signed up for the Adobe annual Photographers Creative Cloud annual program and my first task to have Lightroom import a few test photos fails and I have no clue why my raw + jpgs can't be imported. at the outset In Lightroom I also got a "Preview unavailable for this file" message for every image file when I pointed to the memory card I had connected to my computer:
The files are not recognized by the raw format support in Lightroom. (35) DSC_0376.NEF DSC_0377.NEF DSC_0378.NEF DSC_0379.NEF DSC_0380.NEF DSC_0381.NEF DSC_0382.NEF DSC_0383.NEF DSC_0384.NEF DSC_0385.NEF DSC_0386.NEF DSC_0387.NEF
I've also attached a screen shot. I would really like to use Lightroom and all the Adobe products but I have no clue why it won't work with my NIKON test pictures.
I have written a simple script to to trace a raster image using Illustrator.The image can be traced using >Object > Image trace in Illustrator without any problems.However, when I run my script I get the following error: Application error 12321(some long number) 'MARC'.
var jpgFilePath = new File ("/Users/Ellipse8.jpg" createRasterItem(jpgFilePath) function createRasterItem(jpgFilePath) { var rasterFile = File(jpgFilePath); var myDoc = app.documents.add(); [code]....