I just noticed that I am not getting any pictures in my dropdown menu of Brush Strokes, Sprays, or anything else.If I click on an empty box I am getting a brush stroke but I don't know what it is until I start to draw.
I just installed PS6 and while cleaning up a picture .I created a new layer on top of the one I'm editing and wanted to remove a couple of blemishes. but when I hit J and try to select the 'all layers' option from the drop down menu, it won't allow me… it's stuck on 'current layer' and I can't seem to change that…
I recently upgraded my computer to Windows 7 (32 bit) and installed CS5 on it. Everything seems to be fine, but using my wacom intuos 3 tablet i found that when making curved brush strokes every so often it came out as a straight line, the straight line being where i start and finish the curve (see pic below. The S stroke is what should happen. The straight line is what happens every so often with the same motion).
At first i thought it was the tablet and reinstalled the drivers to no effect. Since then i've discovered that the same thing occurs with the mouse. The problem occurs once every five or so strokes (i'm doing digital art, so there's a lot of strokes). It never happens if i do a stroke slowly, but will almost always happen if i do a fast stroke.
Testing other painting programs i've found them all to be fine (i grabbed trials of open Canvas, Sai and Gimp and had no such issues). However, getting out my old copy of CS2, i found it had the same problem. The problem does appear to be Photoshop + my computer based. I've since reinstalled them both but had no success there either. (My computer is a intel i3 btw with 8gb of ram, so i wouldn't believe it to be a performance issue)
I had the free trial of X5 and it expired. So, I paid for the download of X5 but I cannot find the icon in the drop down list? I may have deleted it at some point but there is nothing in the recycle bin.
I was able to use the capture tool..and I think i can show the list in question..but I am totally new to using capture. Ok..how do I include in this message anything that I "captured"?
all the twirly triangle dropdown menu things (what's the official term?) underneath the contents menu of layers. Especially now that I'm working with Convert to Shape Layer functionality I'm wondering what an efficient/shortcut based way to work with these inner menus is. For instance when converting Text to Shape layers - it seems like I'm spending most of my time dealing with twirly triangle management
I don't even know how to search for them: obviously searching for anything "collapse" takes one to a bunch of collapse transformations stuff.
Is there any way to add a favorite brush stroke to the list of brush strokes, or do you always have to open the original file to access the brush stroke?
A sample code for creating a dropdown menu for a AutoCAD ribbon toolbar? I can attach buttons and so on to the toolbar, but I cannot make a drop down menu.
I recently upgraded my 07 macbook pro to a 2012 macbook pro with retina display running 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory. I had no issues with my old mac the entire adobe ran perfect now I am having issues with Illustrator CS5. Each time I navigate the character drop down menu Illustrator crashes on me. I get this page:
I have installed CS PS 6 on my Windows 7, 64 bit computer. When I go to ACR through Bridge and try to crop an image by clicking on the crop tool icon, the drop down menu for the cropping tool is VERY sporadic. It will sometimes show me the different cropping ratios, but most of the time, there is no drop down menu, or it is VERY SLOW to respond. It does this with my mouse and also with my Wacom Intuos 4. All other features seem to be working normally.
I have found that if I press "C" for crop and right-click on an image, the drop-down menu does appear, but this has never happend to me on any other PS.
We just updated to 2013 this morning, and my macro isn't in the drop down (All Application Projects and Active Documents) menu like they were in 2012.
I haven't been able to find it when searching either. I created a test macro, and it showed up: C:Userscad1AppDataLocalTempUserProject1.ivb
But still is not in the dropdown in the macro menu. I'm using the same project that I had in 2012.Did installing 2013 remove/write over my maco? I imported my preferences this morning, they seem to be fine.
ACAD 2007. I recently had to reload the stock ACAD 2007 interface.... I would like to customize my right click menu (when selecting any drawing space object) to display only clipboard and properties..... right now, when I right click it displays EVERYTHING!
I have been having problems using my layer toolbar dropdown menu. My drop down bar will show the current layer or the current layer and the layer of a selected object. I need to open the Layer Properties Manager in order to turn on/off or freeze/thaw other layers. It seems to happen the most when I have external references loaded into the drawing.
Also, the Layer Properties Manager has a few quirks. If I create a new layer, it will not record changes to the layer color, linetype, etc on the first try. I can make these changes, but when I close the Layer Properties box, all of the changes are lost. I need to reopen the Layer Properties Manager and make the changes again.
The Layer Properties Manager also seems to have a glitch where it will deselect from the manager back to the drawing without a mouse click. Also, when I click once on an external reference layer to select, it tells me I cannot modify this layer. I would assume this would pop up if it were a double click action for modification, but it does this after a single click.
It seems that there are some major glitches with the Layer Properties Manager.
In illustrator there's an opton to create arrows i saw on internet by going to Effects > Stylize > Add Arrowheads. URL....Is there any change done in cs6 version or something?
when trying to use the graphic novel filter my elements crashes every time, if i use graphic pen it works but on looking at the drop down menu after using graphic pen graphic novel is not in the drop down menu.
I am a Photoshop 7.0 user on Windows XP. I have used Photoshop 7.0 for several years with pleasing results. Recently my installed version crashes at the same stage of use. I decided to buy a new program CD and uninstalled the original program. After installation of the new program Photoshop 7.0 still crashes at the same stage. Photoshop 7.0 starts up normally. Opens and displays an image file normally. However as soon as you select an option from the drop down menus e.g.(Filter/Unsharp Mask) the cursor arrow changes to a small square outline and most of the drop down menus become grey and unusable. The View menu still displays and functions normally all others are frozen. My installed version of Photoshop 5.0 works perfectly! Any other way than a complete system re-installation?
In PSP X5 I have colored icons on each drop down menu(same as X4)..Have looked for a way(as in x4, x5)to show image and text in the menu but there is no way to do it.
I just upgraded to 2013 and have noticed that when using the dropdown layer control in the classic layer toolbar the mouse cursor changes from an arrow to the blue spinning circle to indicate its busy.
Why? and is there any way to fix this. You can still turn layers on and off and it reacts normally otherwise but it does make it harder to select the little lightbulb and freeze icons on the left.
my default extensions that come with photoshop cs6 extended and also custom installed plug-ins won't appear when clicked on. Usually you see a checkmark by the plug-in if it is working and is visible on the photoshop layout as a panel. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, which the Kuler extension worked, but only under the workspace that I opened it up for. So for example, I opened it up on Essential workspace, but it wouldn't appear when changed to painting workspace. When I close the panel from the workspace, it won't ever come back up again even when clicked on under the extension drop-down menu on any workspace. This is occurring not just on my desktop, but also on my laptop. Both are not Photoshop CC, but regular Photoshop CS6.
I don't really mess around with the extensions much, but once I found out about the painters wheel plugin, I really wanted to try it out, hence now noticing this extension issue with my plug-in..All my plug-ins appear on the drop down menu for Windows > Extensions, so it shouldn't be a file placement problem. I have also tried the Adobe troubleshoot for plugins by uninstalling my plug-ins to see if third party plug-ins were the problem, but still my default plug-ins won't even work.
I am in Elements 11 in the Organizer. I want to share a photo to facebook. I select the photo and click on 'share' but there is no facebook option on the dropdown menu. Where did it go?
I have been unable to select previous folders used for export by selecting them from the usual dropdown menu in the export dialog box. All the folders created by the Choose option since installing LR4 are shown, but the are grayed out an inaccessable. I am unable to locate the Preferences file in my user library (Mac Lion 10.7.3) to delete it to see if that might work.
I was getting brush lag for a few days after installing CS6. every 4 or so normal brush strokes, the brush would start to lag. And after a few lagging strokes it would go back to normal and then repeat itself.
The first thing I did was delete the work spaces that I never use (I doubt that fixed the problem).
Second thing I did was turn the cache levels to 1 and set image previews to "never save" (found this tip online, didn't fix the lag problem but I still kept those settings anyway).
The third thing (and what I believe fixed the problem) was going to "performance" in Photoshop, clicking on the advanced settings for your graphics processor and turning the drawing mode from advanced to basic.
I never had to do this on cs4 which is why it took a few days of tinkering around to fix the problem.
I recently tried the trial version of photoshop CS6, and the lines I draw in photoshop are more like series of little straight lines. I can draw better lines in Paint Tool SAI with no stabilizer, but no matter what I do in photoshop the resulting lines are finicky.
My (really not that good at all) PC
i3-550 processor 4 GB DDR3 RAM Intel HD Graphics (no workstation card for me, unfortunately) 500 GB HDD Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium
Lightroom is the ability to partially 'subtract' brush strokes using the ALT key, rather than deleting the entire brush stroke and starting all over again. Is it possible to do the same thing in Photoshop? If so, how?
I am working on a paint pallet and need to add brush strokes. I want to give the effect that some one whiped the brush through the paint and then dabd it on the pallet. Make sence? I hope so.
I am not done yet, I actually just started, but I couldn't figure out how to go about the brush strokes so I figured I would ask.
Any ideas on how to duplicate the brush strokes in this collage that seem to integrate the background color with the individual pictures, making for a wonderful transition between background and pictures? I have tried it many ways without complete success. Attachment 17051
I have no problem dividing objects using the "divide" tool in the Pathfinder palette, but I was wondering if there was a way to divide brush strokes?
For example, let's say you wanted to paint three brush strokes right next to each other, but not overlapping. Is there a way to select all three strokes and then divide them so no one stroke resides over another, they would be completely separate of each other.