CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Incorrect Conversion From RGB To CMYK Photoshop
Jun 3, 2013
Importing a file in RGB and converting it to CMYK values are different estremamante performing the same operation in photoshop. The setting of the color profiles is the same and also varying the options Microsoft ICM CMM in color management, keep varying the pure black and gray to black colleague CYMK, does not improve anything. The conversion in coreldraw is too much dark and this is a problem. How is it possible?Here the setting of CorelDraw and Photoshop.
I used to have X4 installed on XP and it worked fine. Recently I re-install the program onto my new Win7 PC. It was working fine at first but one day my CMYK palette turn into some weird colors (much brighter than the original one)
I tried to hold F8 to launch X4 to turn it back to dafault settings but no go. I tried uninstall and reinstall and it's the same. Finally I downloaded the latest X5 Free trial and the color palettes are displaying correctly! (So i figure it's not my monitor's problem nor some Windows setting.)
(X5 Displaying the correct CMYK color palette)(Ised X4 for a few days and the colors became much brighter than the original ones.)
Recently found another bug in X6. This time it is in the Pantone conversion tables when converting to cmyk. I had a job that had been updated over the years and the file was last used in X5. The colour in question was PMS 7406. The file opened fine & was converted to cmyk and sent to the printer unchecked. What could possibly go wrong - this file had been used countless times before without incident. Pantone 7406 breaks down to 18% magenta and 100% yellow (as per Pantone's own specification). X5 converted it to 17% magenta and 100% yellow. Near enough - I'm not going to quibble over 1%. However, opening the X5 file in X6 caused it to use the 'Pantone previous version' colour table (and you don't get any notification that it is doing it). Result is that it now converts the colour to 18% cyan, 24% magenta and 100% yellow. Where the #@**# did it get the cyan from? We are now talking about a completely different color!
It gets worse. If you create a new object in X6 and fill it with PMS 7406 (using the Pantone + colour table) and then convert it to cmyk, you get 6% cyan, 22% magenta and 100% yellow. Again, this is not the correct break down of this colour. Pantone is a world standard with known conversion to cmyk figures. InDesign can get it right, Illustrator can get it right, then why can't Corel? And how many other Pantone colours are wrong? I have used Draw for 20 years and this is the worst bungle yet (apart from version 4). For a program that tells the world it is a professional program to screw up like this beggars belief.
If we have to check every single Pantone to cmyk conversion against the Pantone specifications, then it just isn't worth using Corel in printing. Add this to the font problems in Font Navigator and the scale error in Barcode Generator and it make X6 pretty much useless in the print industry. Throwing in freebies like fonts, second rate web creators and Photo Paint are not much use when the flagship program is sinking.
For better speed i'm using coreldraw 12. All of a sudden it is showing different colors for files. A color shows up different in version 14 [ that is the correct display ] . it is incorrectly being showed in version 12. i've put up screenshots of both versions. What setting is messed up in version 12.
CorelDrawX6 user reporting that she imports a PDF file into CorelDrawX6 (Windows 7 pro, 64-bit system, version is X6 with update 2 and Hot patch applied, Windows OS is fully updated). Taking a pdf file scaling up to full scale, she is not getting the correct measurements. She tested it to see if the same thing happened on another user's computer that is XP Pro XP3 with CorelDraw X5 and it does not have the same issue.
So it may be in CorelDraw X6 (she moved to X6 recently). Also, she said it does not happen consistently. Yesterday this was a problem, today with the same file it appears to be OK.
I have been trying to find a solution to this for a couple days now. The problem is that when I convert my EPS and WMF files to JPG the results look bad. I've tried multiple programs and multiple methods. The only way I get good results are if I open the file in CorelDraw, import as curves, and Export For Web to a JPG. Otherwise, the output jpg file looks low resolution. I have thousands of EPS and WMF files that I would like to convert to JPG. Again, I can use a batch conversion program like FastStone and the results are poor.Is there anyway to automate the high quality conversion?
I'm writing an application in C++ that loads vector images from a source directory and convert them in bmp or other non vectorial format in the destination directory. I need to load CDR file also, but unfortunatly I can't find a documantation regarding the proprietary CDR file format.
Of course, these informations aren't published by Corel that maintain the secret of the format. But my question is: does Corel sell some SDK that provides some functions, callable directly from the source code written in c++, that permits the conversion of the file?
As standard pallette we use Pantone Coated, but after I export a .cdr to .eps some colors are replaced with a new color with the same name, when I open it in Coreldraw again afterwards. The colors are placed in a new user pallette and have different CMYK values.
COREL PAINT X3 does not do a very good job of rendering most of the CMYK images we've been getting in from our Taiwan base, and, due to language problems, we have been unable, despite decades of trying, to communicate the issues. Typically we do the original photo here, something that I used to do, but now the company uses a professional photographer - not wanting to spend big bucks on a professional camera.
His ultra-hi-res RGB photos are sent to Taiwan, where they are cleaned up and converted to CMYK using an unknown color scheme, for use in printing our mini catalog. Then I get the catalog back - in InDesign - with instructions to convert the linked CMYK photos back to RGB for use on the website, etc. The color model that they are using in Taiwan, however, typically has deep black at something like 70,65,65,70, which shows on the screen in Paint as very dark and garish, and it means that if I use the default RGB conversion, it looks that way in RGB as well, and half the picture will be solid black - 0,0,0. I.e., unusable. Oddly enough, however, it prints just fine.Now I'm pretty good with Paint, and I know how to use the tone curve to reset the values in the CMYK to usable levels, but it takes time, usually 3 or 4 tries to get it on the money, and of course in the process I'm compressing the color space by half, so there is an inevitable loss of detail.Of course, if I could get them to send us the original RGB or their cleaned up - background dropped out - version in RGB, then the problem would be eliminated, but no luck so far on that. My question is, is there any way to simplify what I'm having to do?
I'd like to create a vector graphic with precise object size and placement so that when I import into PhotoPaint I get a precise conversion.
For example (use no outlines):
make a black square 10mm in diameter create 9 colored squares 2mm in diameter placed 1mm from the edge of the black square and 1 mm from each other copy all your squares paste into photopaint setting size to 10 pixels square and turning anti-alias off what you get is not what you drew in corel draw
Here's my example as a vector:
and as a bitmap:
So the squares are completely the wrong size - 1 pixel larger than they should be and in the wrong position!
Interestingly if you import the same vector as a bitmap 100 pixels square it looks better - however you'll notice that the colored squares are, in fact, 21 pixels square and not 20!
The conversion process seems to make every object larger by one pixel in each dimension - not useful. I should note that this effect happens in X5 as well.
In 2006 I started a vector-based comic using CorelDraw, made for posting on the web in RGB. Over the years I've made the transition to a more CMYK-friendly palette that works on the web, though a handful of heritage characters still have the old RGB profiles. I'm looking to do a book collection now and, as such, want to convert these characters' specific colors to their fitting CMYK counterparts.
Is there a batch process that allows me to convert a specific handful (maybe 2 dozen) colors RGB --> CMYK across a number of files? I'm looking at hundreds of pages of artwork here, so even Corel's Object Find/Replace would be a tedious slough.
Is there any other way to save X4 files to X3 without going into the save dialog and changing the version you want it to be saved in? Also Is there any other way for me to convert all rgb in a document to cmyk without selecting the objects or using the object manager?
On Corel X3 I used to export jpg proofs for email purposes. I could send RGB or CMYK version but CMYK did not appear properly on some computers (especially Macs) so I did everything as RGB.
Now in X5 I can see that standard 100% black exported as RGB gives just grey colour.
I understand that this may be appropriate conversion to indicate that this is not rich black (exporting as cmyk is fine) but I don't think it's a good solution because most of people refer to visual appearance on the screen.
Can I change anything to get the result more like on screen (like with X3)?
I don't know how do I send it now, If I send as RGB the colour is wrong (I would need to convert everything in cmyk to 100%) if I export as cmyk Mac users will see it wrong.
Graphic Designer, Web designer and playing with Video and Audio mixing and editing as well ;-).Working for Large Format Printing company Carrick Signs.
when I select "all objects" via the menu and remove the setting "scale with object" from the object properties the color changes from CMYK to RGB. I cannot even redo. All actions are redone but not the color. The primary color of the document is CMYK. This happens only to the borders and not to the fillings.
I was given a CMYK TIF file that has two added spot color channels. CMYK channels are empty. Bringin this into Draw X6 64 bit shows nothing but a white box and when attempting to print separations the print dialog says "nothing selected to print." So I opened the file in Photoshop, deleted the CMY&K channels, saved it as a PSD and imported to Draw which labels it as a Bitmap (Multichannel DeviceN). The two spot colors appear in the document color palette and it displays and appears to separate properly in the print preview.
My CMYK palette is the same hue as my RGB palette right now. I guess you know the difference. RGB looks bright and high in contrast like the ones used in Microsoft word. And the cmyk is, not the bright... Anyway, so the problem is...its the same color on my monitor. Its looks all RGB. On my other PC-2, its the other way around. My RGB palette looks like CMYK. Its not much of a problem with my PC-2 because i rarely use it for photo editing. Its just use for our cutting machine, the other one, my PC-1..
What's going on because it where i do most of my designs. And the color is a major factor there because most of our clients usually send their design to email and they have specific color. So, im having trouble doing designs. Is there a problem with my monitor? I tried editing my files on PC-2 but if i transfer it to PC-1 the color is different again... I cant get the exact (almost) color i want. The adobe gamma isn't do much either nor the monitor adjustment. Do i need to get a professional calibrator for all my PCs or are there downloadable calibrator on the internet? I was about to try the one about CorelDraw 12 Color Management guide but im still not sure about it. I have to read the infos first.
Here's from my PC-1. To the left is the CMYK and on the right is the RGB
Now here is from my PC-2. Left is CMYK and right is RGB.
When viewed from my PC-2..this one looks all CMYK (and dull)
I am trying to make CMYK printing plates for process work. How would I take my picture and divide it up into CMYK so I can print each color one at a time onto a polyester plate? I use corel X4 and my printer for the plates is an HP 5100. Can this even be done?
Again a new version and again the same issue like in all previous versions. One could think that issues solved in one version would not be present in the next one.
Again Corel made barcodes apear in all colours in separations, instead of the logical Black only.
I know I can export to pdf and then import again, change colour to black to solve it, but if you want to keep editability or have to do 100+ Barcodes, this is just annoying.
Ideal color settings for exporting .jpg and .eps files for CMYK printing? The default X6 settings result in rather washed out looking exports (both on the screen and on the prints). Black looks very dark grey etc.
Never had this issue with X3 but I understand that X6 uses a totally different color engine so I figure I just need to know the correct settings.
Something strange happened today when I was working on a cdr project. I think I have by mistake somehow managed to completely delete the original rgb palette, copied the cmyk palette and saved it as "rgb" palette. As a result if I try to change the color palette, the rgb and the cmyk options are exactly the same palettes.
This happened whilst I was working on a cdr drawing. Somehow I managed to press a wrong key combination whilst trying to save (probably CTRL-something and then CTRL-S immediately after) and noticed that the colors on my drawing changed. I tried to undo, but nothing happened.
After some checking I realized that the original rgb color palette has been replaced with a copy of cmyk. If I now try to switch color palettes, the cmyk and the rgb are exactly the same palettes regardless of which cdr project I open (new or saved).
This is how I tried to fix the issue:
I tried F8 during startup - no change
I tried with the repair option of the installation cd - no change
I tried a removal and a new installation of the Suite - no change.
Could be worth a try: Maybe someone could send me a copy of their rgbstd.cpl-file so that I could replace mine in the C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4LanguagesENProgramsData
How to restore the rgb color palette to it's original status as I work mainly with drawings displayed on the net, not on printed materials and I'm getting desperate as I have a deadline tomorrow.
The problem is when i import a pdf file in coreldraw.
Mode cymk change all colors in RGB and i don't want this. How is possible?I need import pdf file cymk in the same mode. The pdf file is vector and cymk like source.
I always use CMYK in my designs and the Pantone color codes for their logo design. I have never had to convert them before and have searched forums and boards with no luck in finding an easy way to do this.