AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Scroll Down To Find Out What Library Currently Viewing
Dec 26, 2012
If i have many libraries and i'm viewing one of my library, there's no info or title which says i'm on which library folder. The only way is to look at the 'eye' icon in the media lib. It's not a fun when i have many folder/lib and i expand them. So i have to scroll down to find out what library i'm currently viewing.
All of a sudden, I'm unable to scroll through clips with real time feedback. Did I turn on some preference?
Also, I've noticed that when I'm in Action, I don't get realtime feedback going to the broadcast monitor, but rather the image catches up upon pen up. I don't see anything about it in the options in Action or global preferences.
The horizontal scroll bar has +/- to zoom in, but I'm missing a similar +/- for the vertical bar. That might be really handy. Maybe there's short keys, but doesn't seem obvious why it's not there. Horizontal zooming we need more frequently.
why after i drag a footage from the gateway into my library, the pending render is still there and it wont render it?... i mean i cant see the footage image after i drag into my it the proxy not working or what?....or is there any setting for it that i did not set it?..
I'm new to Smoke and have an issue. Im importing an xml from FCP and Smoke crashes in the library. I'm taking a class @ FXPHD and the first class is an easy xml import reading the source media.
As soon as I load the xml into the clip library Smoke crashes. I've already gone thru the system set up requirements and have a great machine built to Smoke requirements. I'm wondering if it is a network configuration of some sort? Not sure...
I try to copy an edit from one project library to anothe project library, I get the error message: Clip Mgt: Entry "..." has pending rendered video media. Deselecting entry.
How can I find out which media ist still pending render? Because everything is processed, everything has been loaded in via store local copy... The only thing I couldn' figure out is, my edit has the little lightgrey SOFT icon on it (although no clip within my edit has that icon....the only light grey icon there is in my edit is the H for clip history. so I don't know where this is coming from, and maybe it all connects together...)
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I wonder how many of you would love to have that back. Cant find a poll option here. So guess just reply. Not that its gonna change anything. But atleast we would know how many wish to see it as it used to be. May be AD might have second thoughts.
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
The Thumbnail in the media library are not useable. They need to be larger. I know the desktop is also an option, but for quick scanning, they don't serve there purpose.
How to create automatically for each project, a desktop library identical with the same folders (DigitCut, Elemts, Conformation, Rushes, Audio,...), each graphic artists will be able to work with the same tree?
I have a project with one library read only - incompatible, It started after an error with archiving, I think that the library was locked by archive process and now I can't even select the library, when I select appears the message: CLIP MGT: error when opening archive: SF: Operation could not be complete. And smoke changes to another library.
I had to uninstall Smoke earlier to attempt to get the export function working. In doing so I had to run this line of code in the terminal: sudo rm -rf /usr/discreet/
When i reinstalled and eventually got it working again Smoke didn't see the project i had spent a day working on.
Is it possible Smoke deleted my project when i ran the line of code or uninstalled?
Is there anyway to turn off sorting alphabetically in the media library? I really dont need this feature and in the versions of the past I was free to organize however I wanted.
I need to open about 50 folders and extract the image sequences within the folders from my library. A flame demo artist showed me how to do it at NAB and I can't remember how to do it now.
Most every time I open a project I'm working on I get a Recovered Media folder in my default library. What is this media that's in this folder? Should I get rid of it or leave it?
Is it possible to get export media to respect the in / out of a clip thats been set in the library? My work around of chopping up shots or chopping off slates and saving those out to the library seems a clunky.
I got a clip imported with cache ON. So it's transcoded into stone and not linked to original file. When i check the file info, there's no path to original file, so i don't know where is the source path. I put that clip on timeline, and press 'pre-processing' button, i got error msg : 'cannot find the original media'. How can i fix this since the clip's info itself shows no track to the original file.
Actually, i know where the location of the original clip is. It's in one of my external drive, if i reconnect the drive then it will fix the error.
1. When creating a subclip from the source sequence, I then go to edit the name of the new subclip in the Media Library. After doing this, the sequence timeline switches to what looks like a viewer, and won't switch out of that mode until I double-click a sequence in the Media Library. This appears to happen when I create a new folder and drag the subclip into it.
2. Clips in the Medial Library within Folders are in sorted order. Please allow the editor to place clips, folders and sequences in whatever order they want, via drag and drop placement.
3. Shift-/ (play in-out) does not appear to work.
4. Names in the Media Library that are too long only show the end of the name. Standard Mac behavior is to show the beginning, then an ellipsis, and finally the end.
5. When viewing a source "timeline" (which rocks, BTW), please remove the name of the source from the timeline track. It gets in the way of audio waveforms, and in this case, is redundant since there's only the one clip anyway.
I am following Grant's Source and Matte Node tutorials for Smoke 2012 but I can't seem to find the POST Menu in smoke 2013 action. Am I missing something?
When I go into CFX/Action my broadcast monitor switches to the schematic view. Since I already have the schematic view on my computer monitor I want the broadcast monitor to keep the final output. I looked in the preferences but I can't find the right setting. Is there a away to do this?
I cant seem to find filter select or a list view for the record area. Both of these functions come in handy on feature films and episodic television especially vfx heavy shows.
I cannot use my mouse scroll to navigate up and down the numerous folders I have in my library. I can grab the page bar and move up and down (and while I'm hovering over the page bar, I can scroll up and down with the mouse wheel) - but only when I'm actually over the folders, the mouse wheel doesn't work!
It works fine when I'm in develop mode and I can scroll through all the presets and history.
But when I'm in library mode, the mouse scroll doesn't move my folders up and down ?
I'm wondering if it's possible to use the arrow keys to scroll up and down folders and presets? I'm starting to get RSI from the mouse. Is there a way? I can't work out how.
Zooming the timeline by the shortcuts (keystrokes '+' / '-') don't work if you mark a clip or a title in the timeline and the library view changes by the new marking.
Example 1:
Select in the library panel the effect or title view. Mark a clip and the library panel changes to clip view.
Now the shortcut for zooming "keystroke +" or "Keystroke -" don't work.
Now mark another clip in the timeline where the library view don't change, the shortcuts work.
Example 2:
Mark a clip first and then mark a title in the timeline. Because the library view changed shortcut for zoom don't work.
Mark another title. Now the library view don't change and the shortcut work again.
A big bummer that in the library grid mode (or any other scrollable part of lightroom) I can't scroll with my touchscreen monitor like I can in IE or Chrome or Word etc.?? What is touchscreen compatible in lightroom? I would love for lightroom to be touchscreen friendly.
I have been shooting RAW for a while and have notice that after I import the images and then start to view them in the Library Module I will see a slight color and quality shift - almost looks like a white balance shift but not quite. I was thinking that perhaps there was some automatic preset being applied but I don't have any presets at all.
I am shooting with a Canon 1DX as well as 7D. I have not checked to see if I get this situation with the 7D, but I know for sure that I get it with the 1DX.
Today I was reviewing some images in Bridge and decided to open one of them in Camera RAW. At that time I discovered that the camera's Image Style Settings were available, Faithful, Standard, Portrait, etc. I noticed that the images did not have one of the camera styles applied to them but rather the Adobe Standard Style. At that point from within RAW I selected one of the camera's styles and bingo thats the kind of shift I am seeing when I first view an image in LR4 Library.
So as far as I can tell the RAW images are getting the Adobe Standard style applied in LR. I have no idea if this is a default behavior of if I have done something to cause it. I'm also thinking that perhaps LR does not necessarily apply the Camera's Styles automatically even though the particular style has been set in the camera -- perhaps is not imported as part of the metadata during the import and thus defaults to the Adobe Standard.
1. Should I expect LR4 to apply the Style as set from the camera automatically or not at all? 2. Can I prevent LR from applying the Adobe Standard Style and apply no style? 3. Can I cause LR to apply the Style as set in the camera for the particular image to be appied automatically upon import?