AutoCad :: Convert Drawings To PDF Files?

Jan 31, 2012

how to convert drawings to pdf files? I am not getting a best free tool.

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AutoCad 3D :: Convert 2D Drawings To 3D?

Aug 11, 2012

I am new to autocad, i wanted to know if i can convert 2d drawings to 3d ?. I work in the aluminum openings industry making doors and windows, i have all my aluminum profiles drawing in 2d.dwg and i want to convert it to a 3d model and then extrude it for a certain length so that it look like an aluminum profiles bars ?

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AutoCAD LT :: Convert Drawings Into CNC Programs

Jan 31, 2002

How or where to go to find out how to convert Autocad LT drawings into programs our CNC machining centers can use? Autocad assured me it would do this when we bought it. I just can't seem to find any info on it.

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AutoCad :: How To Convert Drawings To JPEG

Jun 27, 2011

I want to convert drawings to JPEG or any other appropriate format so that I can make a 15 min video presentation on Camtasia Studio or Power Point.

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AutoCad 3D :: Convert Model Into 2D Drawings With Different Views?

Jul 29, 2012

I need to put my 3d model on a piece of paper, so I need to have annotate and different views (FRONT and/or TOP and/or Right) of the model.

I tried to use FLATSPOT command, but all annotations (dimensions) are gone. Also, is there any easy way to do annotations?

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AutoCad 2D :: Convert Scales Of Drawings And Photocopies

May 10, 2013

I am trying to convert scales of drawings and photocopies.I'd like to transfer a 2200mm line which is on an A3 sheet at 1:100 to an A4 sheet which is a photocopy of a drawing that was originally A3 at 1:100.

What scale rule should I use to draw the representation of the original 2200mm line on the A4 photocopy?

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Convert Isometric Drawings To Regular 2D

Mar 18, 2008

I have not done much isometric work for quite a few years now but i have a new company i am doing some freelance stuff for and the last in house person did all his drawings as isometrics. My problem is not working in isometric but when I switch to paper do I convert those isometric drawings to regular 2d?...this might be basic stuff for some but like I said I haven't done this in quite some time.

They are using AutoCadLT 2005 & Building systems MEP...I usually use AutoCad 2000 at home.

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AutoCad :: Convert Drawings Into Excel Or CSV Format

Sep 20, 2011

I am not a user of AutoCAD and i am only using it to try and convert the drawings that i have into an excel or csv format.....

I am running AutoCAD 2009 and the drawings are "tables" per say.....with a generic block template from an engineering company, along with text and the company logo.

Is there a way to bring this into excel for easy formatting as i am not an experienced or trained AutoCAD person.....

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Convert Survey Drawings From Standard Font To TTF

May 26, 2013

We have just recently updated our templates to use a new TTF font. We are a multi national office, and are running various machines in both Australia and China. We are all using windows 7. Autocad are all full versions but vary between 2010 and 2012.

We are trying to convert survey drawings from a standard font to the ttf, but for some reason, in the Chinese office only the decimal points disappear after the conversion. The same drawing when sent to the Australian office works fine and the decimal points are there. What to try here, as I am in Australia and can't even reproduce the issue the chinese office is having.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Software That Can Accurately Convert In Both Directions - 2D / 3D Drawings

Nov 30, 2012

I am working with a client who works in CATIA V5 and I am in Autocad 2012.  Is there any software out there that can accurately convert, in both directions, both 2D and 3D drawings? 

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AutoCad :: How To Convert Layer Color Properties On Multiple Drawings

Jul 22, 2013

I have 4500 OS mapping tiles which i need to convert the colors to one single color rather than the varied layer colors they have at present. Obviously doing this manually will take a long time.

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AutoCad 2D :: Restore / Convert Antique Drawings Of Ancient Boats And Sailplanes

Feb 24, 2012

In my 2D drawings I use a lot of splines. I restore/convert antique drawings of ancient boats and sailplanes in/to Autocad 2012. I use these drawings as a raster image and draw precisely over the handcrafted lines. So these original drawings contain a lot of hand shaped (organic) formes that go through, by dimension defined, fitpoints (so as indicated on the original plan) and are tangent to other lines elsewhere in the plan.

As I draw a lot of these splines, I want to manipulate the default settings in order to save time and effort.Is there a way in Autocad 2012 to increase the weight, by default, of a vertex point in such a way so that the vertex point becomes a fit point by itself? What is the maximum value to give to a vertex point? Does it become a fit point then?

When a fitpoint and a vertex point coincide, how to keep them stay that way; that means relocate both at the same time when editing the spline, and not one seperately.

I don't want to see these splines to leave the points they absolutely should go through as I clicked them when drawing the spline. I want splines to be smooth, and to stay smooth even after replacing fit points or vertici. And I don't have the time to re-re-re-re-refine every single spline I draw, as I draw so many. I've tried so hard to fix this problem, but I can't, probably because of incompetence.

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Photoshop :: Convert Photos To Line Drawings ?

Apr 17, 2008

Any ideas how to convert photos to line drawings? The best I've come up with so far is greyscale, then filter / stylize / find edges. Not bad .... but I think I could do better.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert DGN Files To DWG Files?

Feb 8, 2013

I want to convert my DGN files to DWG files.

So I write this code in LISP:
(defun C:Batch_DGN2DWG (/path dgnfile SDI_Mode) (setq path "C:\DGN\" ;;Default path for DGN files location. DGNIMPORTMODE 0 ;;Imports the DGN file in a new drawing file. SDI_Mode SDI ;;Save Current SDI MODE SDI 1 ;;SET Single Drawing Mode for AutoCAD. );;setq (foreach dgnfile (vl-directory-files path "*.DGN" 1) (progn (command "-dgnimport" (strcat path dgnfile) "" "" "" "y" (strcat path dgnfile ".DWG")) (delay 100) );;progn );;foreach (setq SDI SDI_Mode) ;;restrore SDI Mode to previous value.)

but I can't finish it!

I attached some DGN files for test purpose.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Drawings To DWG Files?

Aug 9, 2011

I have been trying to export inventor drawings to dwg files so they can be opened in AutoCAD and be edited.  However when they are opened in AutoCAD, the views cannot be exploded for our needs. 

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AutoCAD LT :: Converting Batch Of Drawings Into TIFF Files

Jun 20, 2001

Is there any way of running a batch process to convert a number of AutoCad drawings into Tiff format, at once? Also, if a batch process is not available, can we save our plot settings for conversion to Tiff so that they can be recalled at a later stage? We would like to be able to transfer the same plot settings to other PCs so that we are all producing the same formatted files. Are the plot settings transferable?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using WMS Connection Gives Very Large PDF Files As Drawings

Mar 17, 2013

My problem is that when i add a map through WMS connection and later turn my drawing with the map into a .pdf file, the outcome is a very large file (my certain A4 drawing was 30,4 Mb). I guess AutoCAD stores a lot more info than i need the drawing.

Managing with a 30Mb file is very difficult when i need to, for example, sent it through an e-mail.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Opening Files That Are Being Used As Xrefs In Other Drawings

Jan 26, 2012

I've recently run into a problem that involves xrefs.  Basically, I cannot open files that are being xrefed in other drawings when those drawings are currently open.  AutoCAD Architecture will only allow me to open the xrefed file as a read-only version.  For example:

I have 1ST FLOOR PLAN (drawing file) xrefed into A-201.00 FIRST FLOOR PLAN (sheet file).  If one of my team members has the sheet file open with the drawing file loaded, then AutoCAD will only let me open the drawing file as a read-only file.  But if my team member has the sheet file open with the drawing file unloaded, then I can open the drawing file without any problems.

I have never had this type of problem with xrefs before and so I'm wondering if it's an AutoCAD Architecture 2012 bug.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 - Find References To JPG Files In Drawings

Dec 30, 2013

URL....I have a jpg file that I needed to apply some transparency to and saved it as a png file. I now want to delete the jpg file but it's being referenced in several drawings, but I don't know which ones. Is there a way to reverse the function of Reference Manager, ie find all the drawing files that reference my jpg file?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Slow Opening Of Drawings (having Xref Files)

Feb 22, 2012

When ever i open a dwg file (it contains Xref files) it's take a long time to open... and i tried the same file to open in Autocad 2007, it's opened with in a second.... and also note that the Autocad 2007 installed in a Dual core pc with 4gb RAM.. and the 2012 is installed in Core i7 12gb ram with NVIDIA graphics card.. and it's 64 bit Windows 7 too.. When i try to open a file it's shows  "Loading c:/ ....... base.dwg, etc.. ..

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AutoCad :: Converting 1000's Of Files From Microstation J Drawings With Mail Merge Portion

Nov 9, 2011

We are a water utility and have thousands of detail drawings of service taps and hydrant connections (maybe 11,000 total). These are in the old Microstation J format. Each drawing is divided into a top half and bottom half. The bottom half of the drawing is the actual drawing portion.

The top half of the drawing is text that comes out of an Old Oracle database, into Microsoft Word 2000 through mail merge then is copied and pasted into the top portion of the card. Newer drawings done like this and opened in AutoCAD have the top portion identified as an OLE object (embedded object), while the older drawings just look like a drawing in the top.

I'm looking to update the system to ArcGIS and AutoCAD. The data will be moved to a Microsoft Access database (probably later SQL Server), and I want to convert all the old Microstation drawings into an AutoCAD format. ArcGIS will provide the basemap and be linked to the database, with clickable hyperlinks to open the AutoCAD drawings. I would like to be able to keep the bottom drawing half while changing the top half of each drawing to reflect updated data in the database. If this can be automatically updated, that would be awesome.

One is the best program to automatically bulk convert the drawings from Microstation J to AutoCAD (I have 2011). Also, I'm looking for a method to display the text from the database in the top portion of the card using either mail merge with AutoCAD or some automatic method of pulling the info out of the database. Can I just copy-paste this info into AutoCAD as we did with Microstation or is there a better way?

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Photoshop :: Convert Full Resolution Files To Web Based Files

Jun 6, 2012

I am working on a museum project. I have been asked to convert full resolution files to web based files using "Save for Web and Devices". The problem is in the file naming. Museums typically use accession #s for each work. Example   1999.63.102  So the digital file would be named 1999.63.102.jpg (or tif).

When I attempt to save the file using "Save for Web and Devices" the resulting name is converted to 1999.jpg  I believe the . (periods) to be the culprit. There are hundreds to do so renaming is not an option. This does not occur when I use "Save as".

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AutoCAD LT :: Convert PDF To DWG Files?

Feb 1, 2010

Can AutoCAD LT convert pdf files into dwg files?

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AutoCad :: Convert DWG To PDF Files

Jan 30, 2013

I am looking for a software to convert DWG to PDF files without having to open autocad. To respect the plot Style and plotting dwg file. It´s Possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Convert All Files To STP And IGS

Sep 14, 2012

A quick search of the forum didn't reveal answers to my elementary question so here it is. I'm working to get some design components manufactured overseas. The manufacturer uses Pro/E but in one of their very cryptic emails they told me to convert all files to .stp and .igs files. What I need to know is which of these file formats applies to assemblies and which applies to part file. In other words, when I open a part file, should I export it as a .stp file, or a .igs file?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Convert DGN Files To DWG

Oct 3, 2012

I am trying to convert old DGN files to DWG's. When I import the dgn it wants the new exref path. for these I do not have the path so I have to hit cancel. Can I turn that off so I don't get the dialog box? I turned off the demand load xrefs thing but it didn't change anything.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert DWG Files To PDF

May 22, 2012

Is there any possibility to convert several dwg files to pdf?

Project with approx 4000 inventor dwg files.

Using Inventor 2012 .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Convert IPT Files To (AI) Or (CDR)

Aug 22, 2013

I had made several "stickers" with some draws and colors with Autodesk Inventor, now i have a problem... my supplier can't open dwg files (2D) can I convert a ipt file to AI or CDR files?

(these are the extensions for the programs that they work...)

Autodesk Inventor PRO 2014 - Win8 x64 - 16Gb - GTX 560

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AutoCad :: Convert OTF To SHX Font Files

Nov 6, 2011

I have some .otf fonts that I would like to be able use with my AutoCAD 2008. I would assume that these .otf font styles need to be converted to .shx font styles in order for AutoCAD to recognize them. Is this true? If so, how to go about making this conversion?

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AutoCad :: Convert Files To Microstation

Dec 7, 2005

I am not a CAduser, but someone who is managing a CAD project whereby we need to covert the files to Microstation. My AutoCAD person has limited experiece doing this so I thought I would turn to you for your expertise.

I've read that you can convert AutoCAD files to .dxf and import into Microstation but will that keep the integrity of the file? As you cannot covert directly from one to the other because fonts, line weights, etc. don't translate well.

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AutoCad :: Convert SCR (script) Files Into DXF

May 3, 2012

I need to convert .scr files (Autocad script) into .dxf files. In particular i would like to switch from .scr to .dxf using an external code. Do you know a Fortran/c++/java/python library able to do so?

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