AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Count Dynamic Block Including Total Length?
Apr 2, 2012lisp to count dynamic block including total length.
View 9 Replieslisp to count dynamic block including total length.
View 9 Replieswhere I can obtain a freeware lisp routine that lists the lengths of all the polylines on a specific layer or within a selection set? I want to avoid list if possible as there are rather a lot of polylines!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need a lisp file that can read the total length of selected object (lignes, polylines) and summarize them by layers or by color in a table
command:tl (total length)
select objects
found total length.......
select object (Ent)
total length or [Add/Subtract/Table] :
total length = .......
if table
Enter an option by [ Layer/Color/line Type/line Weight] <layer> :
Lisp routine to count the number of dynamic blocks of a specific name ("FD") by windowing an area of the drawing. I have a routine that I've been using to accomplish this, but i don't understand why it doesn't count dynamic blocks.
[Code] ....
I am looking to modify a block count lisp, the lisp counts the blocks and displays them in the command line. I am looking to take that list and insert it in to a leader.
So it will prompt me to select blocks.
1st Point of leader
2nd point of leader
and would generate the block list in the leader annotation.
I need to write some code to count blocks inserted on the drawing.... I want to count also dynamic blocks... most of the time dynamic blocks are anonymous... so I'd need to check the Effective Name.
This line gets the blocks in the block table...
... but how do I get the blocks actually inserted in the dwg?
(setq blks (vla-get-blocks odoc))
Will a regular lisp expressions (like below) work with ObjectDBX... (drawing file not open)?
(setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT")(cons 2 "`*U*"))))
I am learning autolips and i found a problem that i can´t solved.
(vl-load-com)(defun c:pmb ( / ss ent pt )(prompt "
selec block : ")(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) (setq ent (ssname ss 0)), (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))) (command "point" pt))
wich this code you select one block and insert one point at insert point´s block.
which this other code yo select all block and insert all point.... but in one block
(vl-load-com) (defun c:pmb11 ( / sele cod bloque nbloque lista pt ) (prompt "
block: ") (setq sele (ssget ( List'(0 . "INSERT"))) Cod 0 )cod (1+ cod) (repeat (sslength sele) (setq bloque (ssname sele cod)) (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 ( entget bloque)))) (command "punto" pt) );repeat )
Basically I want a dynamic block that works like an MLeader. I have built the block and can manipulate parameters, but haven't found a way to select a specific dynamic block grip.
It has a base point but then after placing the block I want to activate the stretch grip.
Is it possible to create a dynamic block completely from scratch using Lisp?
I also want the ability to be able to create different dynamic block geometry depeding on the Visibility parameter.
I seem to be able to create the normal (non-dynamic) block geometry using Lisp but cannot seem to find out a way to enter the block editor and create stuff pertaining to dynamic blocks.
I have 1000's of dynamic blocs to create and looking to a way to automate this using Lisp.
I have successfully created accessible parking dynamic blocks. They work fine for new parking because they are set to always be a certain width. 5'-0" or 8'-0" for an access aisle, etc. What i would like to figure out is how to create an existing access aisle that can be stretched horizontally & vertically.
The problem is that when the striping is at an angle as is the case with the access aisle how do i go about doing this? Could i put some sort of geometric constraint to be able to stretch it horizontally & vertically & keep the striping at a given angle. Also the striping may need to array as it is stretched.
Attached is a lisp that reads an attribute block value and uses that value to set a named view. The attribute block is a diesel expression field which reads the drawing number, so it changes as the drawing is saved to a new number. I use it when I am preparing road alignment drawings. I prepare the first drawing in the set, saving views for all drawings and when I'm done I copy that drawing 001 as many time as I need, rename them drawing 002, drawing 003 etc. and use the attached lisp with scriptpro to set all my saved views.
I also have a dynamic block called "key" in the drawing with visibility states matching the named views.
either expand this lisp or create a new lisp to set the visibility using the "VN" variable.
i am trying to select a dynamic block by its name but it does not work
(setq WW (ssget "x" (list (cons 2 "WET WELL"))))
We currently have a bunch of Lisp programs to create drawings but I am interested in exploring how I can maybe use Lisp with either dynamic blocks or parametric drawings. I just don't know which would make more sense. Currently we have programs where we enter things like width, height, leg or radius, bars wide and high etc and it creates a drawing like the one I've attached. I know that if I can create this drawing as a dynamic block or a parametric drawing, then when there are revisions, I don't need to create the drawing again. I can just adjust the parameter or the dynamic block. What makes the most sense, a dynamic block or a parametric drawing? I should note that I'd still like to use autolisp to create the initial drawing (or insert the block) since that's what the users are used to.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI figured out how to entmake a Block with attributes based on user input for insert point, rotation, etc.
My block is a detail bubble that is a circle with a tail, that cuts the object and shows direction of cut. I will include that with this post.
My problem lies in this. I've used dynamic block features such as linear for the tail length, and the cut length, and angle for the direction of the tail.
My old routine was simple, it would ask for detail point and angle. From that it would insert a block that was just the bubble and draw the tail and cut with a polyline.
Since then I've been able to use entmake, which is a lot more powerful for creating entities in AutoCAD. But for the life of me I can't figure out how to add the dynamic properties of my "new" detail block that has the tail, cut and bubble in one.
what I need in the entmake statement to make this create programmatically instead of inserting the block, then modifying it, if possible.
I have a new project coming up where I need to write some simple programs to access the dynamic action parameters in some existing dynamic blocks.I have viewed what I could find on AU, but I still ave not found anything relating in-depth to dynamic blocks.
Any good Tutorials, Articles, or White Papers, on working with dynamic blocks with autolisp/ vlisp? The main function is to access a parameter and change it by entering a numeric value, updating the block. say from a linear/polar stretch, or a linear/ polar move.
I've spent the last week and a half creating blocks that have between 2 and 10 visibility states in order to represent the separate iterations of common valves.
I would like to construct a lsp and dcl (we work off of a network drive that would enable a stable location for an accompanying dcl file along with the base lsp, though I believe that in order to do what I'm wanting done some on-the-fly dcl manipulation may be necessary) that would display the current drawings in our dynamic block folder and upon selection within the first List_box, would display the different options for visibility states for the block in the 2nd list_box. After a user selects one of the visibility iterations that are now displayed in the 2nd list, an image preview (or slide, I can handle creating the different slides for each block once if required) of how the block will be displayed in the selected visibility state would be shown in what would be the 3rd space, this time an image preview and not a list_box, though I would like proportionality between the list_boxs and the image preview. Some white space is allowable in the list_boxes.
I'm not even sure if this would be possible, but I'm assuming you can access the different visibility states in the same manner that you could access polyline verticies or block definition attributes.
When scanning the BTR (Block Table Records) and encounter a "*U" block definition
how can i know if it relate to dynamic block and have it's name?
acutally my current goal is:
when insert a dynamic block at default state (no change in it's dynamic properties/actions)
it's 'Name and 'EffectiveName is equal, when set some of it's properties it turns to dynamic anonymous
with Name = "*Unn"
Can i programaticlly set the block reference to be dynamic anonymous (with out setting any of it's properties)
cause i would like to modify it's BTR (with out effecting the original BTR dynamic block) but do not want to convert it to static anonymous block.
If you do a LIST command on a dynamic block... AutoCAD tells you the Block Name as well as the Anonymous Block name.
How can I use ssget to snag all Dynamic Blocks that use the 'Real Block'?
I am modifying stuff in a dynamic block insert entity. There is no "endblk" entity at the end of these definitions and I need to cycle through every entity within the block definition. When it gets to the last entity, I get an error because you cannot entnext passed the last entity. There are 2 things:
1. How to retrieve the # of entities in a block without cycling through it.
2. A quick lesson in the *error* function, I cannot figure out how to implement this. I basically want to to say:
(if (entnext myent)) returns a error, don't abort & continue on.
I have a task where I need to automatically insert the drawing number (no path), plus two additional items, one an attribute, the other is within a dynamic block. I can achieve this using fields but now I havce to truncate some of the text.
It seems like I can't edit if I am using fields and attributes/blocks can't be used in Diesel (correct me if I'm wrong)
This is the information I have:
Filename: 123456-AS-WE.dwg
Attribute: Q2
Dynamic Block: X1 - Additional Information
This is what I require: 123456-AS-WE [Q2] [X1]
This is what I have so far: 123456-AS-WE [Q2] [X1 - Additional Information]
In other words, I need to restrict the dynamic block field to the first two characters.
I don't know if it's good place to post it but finally there's a plugin in Autodesk exchange to count total length of elements. It names 'Tlen' and I've found it very handy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI currently insert certain dynamic block into drawings with a short function that first inserts the specified dynamic block and then immediately changes the visibility state to one specified as an argument to the function.
I'm wondering if it is possible / better / faster to somehow insert the dynamic block with the decided visibility state simultaneously. I've been amazed by many capabilities of VL so I wouldn't at be surprised if this can be done. (the dynamic blocks I'm inserting could have many multiples in the drawing but I need this method to only affect the one being inserted at the time the function is called. I currently use entlast to decide which one is being inserted.)
I have a dynamic block that I would like to insert via a lisp routine. When the routine is run from my menu I would like to select two points on the drawing area. Then I would like my dynamic block to be inserted at one of the points I selected and then I would like a specific "point" of my block to be stretched to the other point that I selected. I was wondering if this is possible with LISP? I have my old LISP program I wrote that draws a leader and then inserts my block but that was before I started working with dynamic blocks.
Here is my current
(defun c:wldsym()
(setq osnapold (getvar "osmode"))
(setq orthold (getvar "orthomode"))
(setq dimsc (getvar "dimscale"))
wld1r.dwg is my current block. It has some dynamic properties already. But I'm trying to add new properties that can be seen in my working test drawing wld1r-new.dwg
When using my code with "wld1r.dwg" you can see how everything behaves right now. Then open "wld1r-new.dwg" and note that the insertion point and a stretch point my default are in the same spot. Work with the two stretch points and look at how the block reacts.
I have a dynamic block with several visibility states, and each visibility state has one invisible-constant attribute. I can't seem to wrap my head around dynamic blocks well enough to get the value from the active visibility state invisible constant attribute. I know how to get the visibility state like this:
(setq ss (ssget "_x" (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(2 . "`*U*,<DynBlockName>") (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))))
but what next?
For a program i am working for i have to extract the base point of a dynamic block.
This can be done perfectly by this function:
(cdr (assoc 10 (entget (car (entsel)))))
But i want the entity selected based on a previous slected point. So for example when i selected pt1 (which is a point at the border of the dynamic block) i want to be able to extract the base point on the block whit this point.
How to change the Scale Uniformly property in dynamic blocks accross hundreds of drawings using either/or scripts, lisp, vba or anything else that might do the job.
I just need to open the drawing and select the block (one block per drawing) then edit the scale uniformly property within the block, save then close the drawing and move onto the next drawing.
Command to make a line change length to match length of a line, arc, polyline or circle? Could use this when making flat patterns layouts.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThere is a quick way to remove all attributes, including in nested blocks. Looking some lisp in the forum, I can't find one code for remove this elements completely.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need to count the blocks in paper space automatically. Is there any method or lisp for this.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have very little knowledge in complex Autolist routines and routine to do the following:
I would like to be able to provide a Prefix and/or Suffix via dialog then pick any line of text or multiple lines of text and have it concentrate. For example: Prefix: First Floor Suffix: M100. I pick the room text on an arch floor plan "Mechanical room" and the second line "100" The result will be "First Floor Mechanical room 100 M100".
But lets take it a final step further; once condensed, I want it added to a perticular tag attribute in a block I inserted.
Example of how I would use it. I insert a symbol for an addressable smoke detector that has several tags; one of them being Location. I would use this routine to gather the information provided by the Arch floor plan and join it with the block attribute for exporting later for use in the Fire Alarm Panel Programming.
attached is a sample block with the attributes.
Id like to append a file with the following text...
Quotation marks and all but how do i Handel them and the open and closed brackets using the following lisp example
(setq f(open "C:/ICT/AutoCAD_Architecture_suite_2012/LSP/acaddoc.lsp" "A"))(write-line "(load "C:/ICT/GEBERIT/LSP/GEBERIT.LSP")" f)(close f)