AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Use Civil Menu Macro
Oct 7, 2011
I would like to use the following macro from the LDD 2004 Civil menu (yes, we are still using 2004!): ^C^C^C^P(cd_mnl)(zz_sdsk '(ad_xsutl 2));LDD. The macro is Zoom to Station from the Cross Section pulldown menu. How to use this in a LISP routine, or an equivalent LISP command? (The user won't be supplying the station number. The station number will be extracted from a selection set of objects with attribute blocks with equivalent station numbers.)
Each cross section has an attribute block associated with it, which lists all the details for that section, including station. The macro must be using that block (listed in a database, perhaps?) to find the station in the dwg.
I have tried to find information about this, but I am having a hard time. So i need to explain what I am doing.
I would like to be able to use commands stored in the cui menu file, initially this is done using our tablets, but our tablet drivers cannot work with windows 7 and autocad, nor can i get any that do, (i have tried over 20 different drivers).
So, instead of making a lisp function for every macro. I need to be able to use some of them.
Can I execute one of these macros using "MENUCMD" ? , I have all the information i need to do it but cannot figure it out menucmd does not seem to have an option to actually run the macro, and if it does It only seems to be able to do that with popup menus.
Currently i use the ribbon and add them in there, but want to know If i can do so just with lisp. and create my own on-screen tablet menu.
Here is an example of one of the macro's in the cui i need to use.
I use Spell Check regularly and I always check the entire drawing. I would like to add to the Spell macro so that when I pick Spell from the toolbar it goes past the Check Spelling window and begins checking the entire drawing.
I believe I need to insert Alt S into my macro to select Start from the window to begin the check. Is there a character or series of characters that will represent Alt in a macro?
I used to have a short, one-line macro in my MNL file that would read the location of the currently active drawing, find the parent directory of that drawing (truncated to 3 levels) and open a Word document in that directory that is named after the project.
If the file did not exist, it would be created named the same as the 3rd level directory.
After i wrote this, it sure sounds like a lot, but as i remember, it was a short, one-liner. Of course if a lisp routine would be better, that's okay too. I understand beggars can't be choosy.
I urgently need a program that can auto number panels for a large drawing I have. I have a lisp program for auto numbering but we need each insertion of text to start with a P i.e. P1, P2, P3 etc etc.
However now the block retains its layer properties E-Lighting-Ceil (or what ever I name it) but it drops the block
in RED, instead of its original colour.
Question is Im looking for a macro that will bring in my block as per ^c^c-insert;HVLV-UB610x125;;;;
but also bring it in to a drawing on its original layer that its saved to.
please note that even thou the first code brings it in at layer 0, the blocks layer is also inserted into the DWG however its just not associated to it ..... hence the user has to select the block once he or she has brought it in and then change the layer from the layers manager manually. This is not ideal.
just to recap i just need a macro that will A) bring in a block from a location. And B) keep all the properties it has when it is brought in.
It's been too long since I created one of these for Toolbars. I need a macro that will insert and explode a block. I just need the block's content, not the block itself. I can create a maco to explode a block with no path, but can't remember how to include the "*" in a file with a folder path to explode the block while its being inserted. Because of spaces in the file name, quotes (") must be around the path.
I'm trying to create a macro for a toolbar button to open a third party program. Basically we want to open a custom .exe application from a button on the ACAD toolbar.
I'd like to change a layer's color from command line because of a user icon. I figured out from previous topics that I should use macro similar to this: ^C^C_filedia;0;-la;s;Verdeckt (ISO);c;1;l;dashed;;_filedia;1;re;
(I want to use this macro to change layer's linetype, too, but that's not the point)
The only problem with this macro: layer's name contains a space therefore Autocad tries to recognize Verdeckt as a command (and macro interrupts there) instead of setting Verdeckt (ISO) as the current layer. I've tried using different quote marks, none of them worked (' and " and <>). I hope there's a method for entering a parameter that contains space.
Software: Inventor Series 2011 SP1 x64 OS: Vista Business x64 CPU: E6400 RAM: 2*2Gb GeIL VGA: Quadro FX 550
I am upgrading from 2010 to 2013 and am having a problem with my image tile menu not showing my slides. The dialog box comes up but none of the slides can be viewed. I am using the macro $I=acadbja.GENPLAN1 $I=* Is there an updated command the super cedes this command?
During the creation of an Enterprise CUI, I somehow was left with Unresolved Menu groups, as shown in the attachment. Any thoughts on how these can be removed?
We have had custom toolbars for many years that included custom pop menus etc. Now that we are running cuix customizations how do I edit these customized pop menus? Do I need to rewrite this stuff in lisp, vba, .net, whatever?
I read Robert Bell's document “Migrating from MNU to the CUI” (Autodesk University 2007) with interest. I have been using 2005 up until now and I am finally forcing myself to get to grips with 2010.
I managed to get it to work after much trial and error through the CUI transfer interface.My customizing makes use of a lot of swapping pull-down menus, which swap in and out based on current later setting.A typical command would be:
(MENUCMD "P15=RCASPOPS.mfireeqp") where RCASPOPS is my swapping menu loaded at POP15.
Then I would use (MENUCMD "P15=*") to force the “mfireeqp” area of the pull-down menu to display.Trouble is, when I CUIload RCASPOPS, it does not seem to recognize the various areas of the menu.Here is a part of that subsection of RCASPOPS:
Typically the whole of RCASPOPS is loaded but when I try to force it to display, the whole of it pops on the screen (well, the top of the file does anyway) and not just the subsection I want.
Is this a syntax issue with the newer AutoCad?Also notice that I use the -> and <- for fly-out sections of the menu - is there a syntax issue with this? I notice that the future support of drop down swapping menus is not guaranteed. What is the alternative?
Switching from 2010 win xp to 2014 win 7. I need my specific user interface , and cant replicate it because of this issue :
I used to press context menu key on keybard to make edit menus pop up . In 2014 even though its same settings (show context menus and time sentive click) i ve lost this ability .
Either menus dont appear at all or they are replaced by the small command line context menu. I think this suggest new command line features are messing with right click options any variable i can turn off , or else to go back to normal.
I have a company .cuix menu that is loaded as a partial menu to the main acad.cuix file. I want to delete all the toolbars and pull down menus associated with it and leave the other stuff in place. This is in Autocad 2011 but should also translate to 2013. So far, I have tried opening the CUI menu, going to the company.cuix partial menu and deleting the toolbars. Then I hit save, then Apply. Toolbars disappear and pulldown menus go away. But when I reload AutoCAD they come back.
through the groups here I have found the redefine screenmenu command, but I cannot find how to get the screen menu up on the screen as it is not an option in the display options any longer.