AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Explode Mtext - Get X Y Coordinates Of Last Line Of Text
Mar 19, 2012
Would like to be able to select mtext explode it get x y coords of last line of text then turn it back to mtext and then launch mtext at a @0,-0.5 justification TL width 5 and display the ribbon.
All seems to work except the (command ...)
Below is my attempt.
(prompt "Select Note")
(setq ss (ssget))
(command "explode" ss)
(setq ss (ssget "l")) ;get last line of text
(setq ent (entget (ssname ss 0))
ent1 (cdr (assoc 10 ent))) ;get x y coords
(command "undo" "1") ;set exploded mtext back to mtext
(setvar "lastpoint" ent1)
(command "mtext" "@0,-0.4" "j" "TL" "w" "5")
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Oct 15, 2013
Lisp routine that will rotate Mtext to the same angle as the angle of a selected line and the allow you to place the mtext object where you wish.
I know there is an lisp out there called RTL that will allow you to do this with regular or Dtext, but I will not work with Mtext.
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Aug 20, 2013
I'm looking for a function to return the actual text from an mtext object.if there's a carraige return I wish to replace it with a space.
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Oct 4, 2011
3rd party tool which didn't match our scaling needs the file is a fas so I have tried to reverse engineer the whole function using trial and error. The following code works perfect except we need multiple (x amount) lines of text I have at current the M txt function which mimics and is effective for today however we need all lines to be individual.
I’m playing round with a loop but how to achieve my need..He had a 3rd party tool which didn't match our scaling needs the file is a fas so I have tried to reverse engineer the whole function using trial and error.
The following code works perfect except we need multiple (x amount) lines of text I have at current the M txt function which mimics and is effective for today however we need all lines to be individual.
;Starting lisp program...(defun C:REDtext ();Creating Layers (if non existant)...(command "layer" "m" "TEKST-1.5mm" "lt" "continuous" "" "c" "1" "" "");Memorising previous layer...(setq MYOLDLAYER (getvar "clayer"));Setting requierd layer...(COMMAND "LAYER" "SET" "TEKST-1.5mm" "");Setting variable "MYHEIGHT" to "DIMSCALE" x 2...(setq myheight (* 2 (getvar "DIMSCALE" )));Requesting and storing usser defind point...(setq MYPOINT (getpoint "Start punt :")); Requesting and storing user defind text...(setq MYTEXT (getstring T "Nieuw tekst :"));Placing text...(command "text" MYPOINT MYHEIGHT "0" MYTEXT); Restoring previous layer...(setvar "clayer" MYOLDLAYER);Closing lisp program...)
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Nov 13, 2012
I’m trying to put together a loop for if nil or something other than text or mtext is accidentally selected than prompt text was not selected. This is what I have so far.
text or mtext is not selected than prompt
(defun C:ww ()
(setq esel (entsel "
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Dec 29, 2012
I am wanting to use autolisp to access the text in a MTEXT entity. assoc(1) gives me the first bit of text, but not the rest.Is there a way to use assoc to access each of a number of matches or do I need to write my own routine to find all the 1's?
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May 31, 2013
I am working on a simple function to add/remove a non-printing stamp our drawings to specify a preliminary drawing. The issue is that I cannot seem to get AutoCAD to accept the text height in the Mtext command. Below is the code; try it and see.
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Feb 10, 2011
Is there a lisp or script program that will find and replace pre-defined text/mtext value of eg " issued for tender " for "issued for construction" without having to select anything.
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Sep 23, 2011
I want to create a layer from selecting only some words from an mtext or text entitty.
Is it possible to highlight and select only part of the text from an mtext using a lisp routine ? similar to how Adobe Reader can select text.
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Apr 16, 2009
Tool to combine multiple pieces of Mtext into a single Mtext with paragraphs?
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Nov 3, 2011
I'm running the following string in a routing that is looping so I get dozens of these prompts. How to supress these? Or, do i have to use to entmake?
(begin loop...
(command ".-Mtext" CSW-Tpoint "W" 0.0 (vl-filename-base (vla-get-imagefile image)) "")
);end loop
Prints to the command line..
Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No
Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No
Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No
Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No
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May 17, 2012
I have a routine that looks for an MText date stamp and replace the old date with a new date. The problem is some MText strings appear encrypted. Below is an example:
{\H1.121x;\C1; \LFY 2011-12\l \H0.6252x;04-30-11} This is what I should get when I extract the string (as shown in Property window)
(1 . "\pxi-2.1818,l4.3636,ql,t4.3636;{\fSymbol|b1|i0|c2") is what I get when I extract the group code.
I'm running AutoCAD 2012 on Windows 7.
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Mar 6, 2013
I got a new work and get it done in the next 2 days, but first I need to do this... from a text file (or excel file, I got both) I got 3 columns, 1 one for node number, and 2 other for X and Y coordinates for each node.
So from that file I need to insert into autocad the node numbers as text (using the current style and height) at the point specified by the other two columns, that are the X,Y coordinates which will be the insertion point of text..
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Jul 18, 2012
I'm trying to write a lisp routine to create a two line MLEADER but i can only get one line of text. Creating the MLEADER manually from the command line i just have to hit enter after the first line of text to add a second line. How would i do this in a lisp routine?
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Oct 10, 2011
I have used Lisp and the insert command to do *blockname to explode the insertion of a block. This sets the explode check mark on the insert dialog. Once I set it on the next insert an explode occurs. I do not find away to turn it off.
Is there some trick to use that will uncheck the explode box. I don't seem to find any system variable. I thought of inserting a dummy block without the asterisk. I thought about trying to do a cancel somehow on insert.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have multiple floor plans in a drawing one of which I need to explode 3-4 times to change the lineweight to 9mm. I have tried to put something that will repeat explode but I am having problems with plines within the blocks not exploding.
(defun c:tmp (ss)
(setq ss (ssget))
(setvar 'qaflags 1)
(repeat 3 (vl-cmdf "._explode" ss ""))
(setvar 'qaflags 0)
(vl-cmdf "chprop" ss "" "lw" "0.09" "")
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Dec 21, 2012
How can I distinguish a block that can't be explode in my LISP application? DXF group 280 not present in GETENTITY list.
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Nov 18, 2013
I have a custom command that I can initiate (c:TxtE). The function starts running but I need to begin adding several inputs at the command line following this. (ex: "4" "all" "" "oldtext" "newtext"). How do i do that within lisp once the custom command has already begun? If I need to modify the function how would i pass all these as optional type variables?
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Oct 25, 2012
I am writing a program that allows the user to select hatched areas in a drawing and return the quantity, area, and the weight for the equivalent areas covered by tread plate.
My goal is to insert the data with text at a point of the user's choosing, so the end result is a text object in model space that looks like this:
Total Objects: 2
Total Tread Plate Area: 20.83 sq ft
.125 AL Tread Plate Weight: 40 lbs
.125 Steel Tread Plate Weight: 128.33 lbs
How to do is to have the text appear on multiple lines, instead of all across one line. Is there a way to mimic the enter key to enter the next line of text, just like when you use the text function in AutoCAD, instead of using multiple text commands and having to position each one using code.
(defun c:tread (/ cnt tot ss p sqft alwt stwt)
(setq cnt 0
tot 0
[Code] .....
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May 31, 2012
I have some general knowledge in lisp coding. But I can't seem to figure this one out (even to get started). What I want to do is make a lisp that:
- selects a line
- select any amount of text (any type)
- moves all the text to that selected line without rotating the text
if a line is perfectly horizontal then move the text of the y axis.
if the line is vertical then move the text of the x axis.
or there can be a prompt asking the user to chose the angle or axis in which the text will move (say if they want to move the text to a slanted line, you can choose to move the text on an angle, while keeping the same format and not rotating the text, or you can ask the user if they want to move it only vertically or horizontally)
I would really like the code to integrate into my autocad.
See pictures
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Sep 27, 2011
I have the following code which isnt quite working, it reads a text file which has a list of Names of images and their bottom left coordinates i.e. name x y etc. I want it to check for a name equal to that input then in this case alert the user it is found, eventually I want it to load the tile but for the moment where am I going wrong, also the lisp wont close the file and I dont know why.
(defun c:imi ()
(setq IM (getstring "
Input name of 2010 tile"))
(while (not (= "" IM))
(setq TILE (strcat "BM" IM))
[Code] ......
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May 6, 2013
I am a beginner at LISP and this is a bit out of my league... and I'm trying to create a lisp where I can draw a polyline between 2 points that also places text with the actual distance offset above the line.
I did find this post and I'm not quite catching on.. [URL] ......
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Mar 29, 2013
It's been too long since I created one of these for Toolbars. I need a macro that will insert and explode a block. I just need the block's content, not the block itself. I can create a maco to explode a block with no path, but can't remember how to include the "*" in a file with a folder path to explode the block while its being inserted. Because of spaces in the file name, quotes (") must be around the path.
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Jun 6, 2012
I am trying to get a default value (from global variable) put as the default for getstring command. Problem is I want it as if I had typed it into the getstring command so I can modify it if required. It is for entering filenames which only change slightly ie 1129E09LS1 ...LS2 ...XS1 etc.
(setq BlkName (getstring "
Enter Civil Cad File to Import: "))
For defaults that I don't want to change I usually use this format:
(or BlkName (setq BlkName (getstring "
Enter Civil Cad File to Import: ")))
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Nov 12, 2013
I have mtext in several drawings that contains an error that'd I'd like to fix using Lisp. An example of what this text should look like is:
The fist problem is that all of the text after the note has a width factor of 0.1 and is all squished together. The second problem is that the text height of the title (the "NOTE:" part) is supposed to be larger than the actual note (the "SEE DRAWING XXXX FOR DRIVE DETAILS" PART). Is there a way to fix this using lisp? I had a lisp in progress (not done) which is:
(SETQ SSET (SSGET "X" '((0 . "MTEXT"))))
The last line has no effect on the width factor of the note.
This is the entdata for this particular piece of mtext (they aren't all the same):
((-1 . <Entity name: 7ffff79ce50>) (0 . "MTEXT") (330 . <Entity name:
7ffffb069f0>) (5 . "392FD") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 .
"5") (100 . "AcDbMText") (10 676.276 751.03 0.0) (40 . 3.008) (41 . 0.0) (46 .
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Aug 31, 2011
I have a routine, developed for me through this forum, that selects text or mtext, converts to mtext if not already, and puts a background mask with 1.1 border. I was using it fine in Map 3D 2007, but have recently switched to Civil 3D 2012 where it does not work. I get this error message:
; error: no function definition: VLAX-ENAME->VLA-OBJECT
Why does this not work in 2012? How to get it to work?
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Mar 29, 2013
I'm looking for a way to copy a text or a simple line, circle... ; after I copied it, the last entity change its color to green.
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Oct 7, 2011
There are a ton of lisp to match text rotation to a selected line, but not vice versa.
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Apr 23, 2013
I required a lisp for sorting Multiline text in alphabetic order. (Ascending and Descending)
For example in my drawing it contains lot of Mtexts having multi rows. I need to sort texts inside Mtext. Like PDC-012, DAG-012, AAG-096. I need that Mtext should be AAG-096,DAG-012,PDC-012.
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Jan 11, 2006
I would like to write a routine to resize the MText limits box to the minimum size required to cover the text, for background masking purposes. From the DXF codes, I see that I can simply set code 41 to match code 42 in order to set the width. However, I cannot seem to figure out how the vertical dimension is defined. (entget) shows no change in the DXF codes after I resize the mtext box.
I do know how to figure out the height that I need, using (acet-geom-textbox), but I can't seem to figure out how to apply this height the MText entity.
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Nov 19, 2013
I got this nice little lisp from [URL] .....
(defun c:mt2ml ( / oobj nobj nstrg) (vl-load-com) (setq oobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (nentsel "
Select source text: ")))) (if (= (vlax-get-property oobj 'ObjectName) "AcDbMText") (setq nstrg (vlax-get-property oobj 'TextString)) (exit) ) (command "_MLEADER") (while (= 1 (logand (getvar "CMDACTIVE") 1)) (command PAUSE)) (setq nobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) (if (= (vlax-get-property nobj 'ObjectName) "AcDbMLeader") (vlax-put-property nobj 'TextString nstrg) (exit) ) (entdel (vlax-vla-object->ename oobj)) (princ))
It converts MText to a Multileader.
My goals would be as follows:
The multileader should end up on the same layer as the Mtext. (Currently it uses the current layer.)The multileader should hold the same rotation as the Mtext. (Currently it goes to zero.)The multileader should be created in the same location as the Mtext, without the user having to click. (Currently the multileader is created wherever the user clicks.)The multileader should be created without a leader. We can add one afterwards if needed, but for many we don't need a leader. (We're just using the object as mtext with a box around it.)
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