AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting XML / BMML To DCL

Sep 12, 2011

I have started using Balsamiq mockups [URL]...... for preparing mockups of dialog boxes

The one I have created below still needs tweeking. Creating DCL files from xml or html?

Balsamiq Mockups is really cool and worth checking out. The dialog boxes are saved as bmml files which is based on XML. I am keen to try to create a way to translate the bmml file to dcl.

Here is a sample of what the code looks like from a sample bmml file:

<mockup version="1.0" skin="sketch" measuredW="941" measuredH="169" mockupW="36" mockupH="40">
controlID="1" controlTypeID="com.balsamiq.mockups::CallOut" x="644"

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting 2D Solid Into Hatch

Mar 26, 2012

I'm looking for a lisp routine which will 'convert' number of 2dsolid into hatch. Drawing contains dozens of 2dsolids (solids are on one layer, there are also other entities on this layer) which have different colors, have common verticies and edges. i.e. I want to kind of 'join' solids of the same color and convert them into one hatch colored as original solids and placed on existing layer (let it be layer '0' zero for now). Same color solids can exist in few locations - there is a case to make few separate hatches of the same color (all joined solids should be represented as 1 hatch, should not separate after separate hatch command). There is max of 20 different colors (all of them from ACI index). Solids are not crossing themself or other solids (just joining with 1 or 2 verticies).

There are also 2dsolids with 'zero-area' - represented as a line - those should be erased at the beginning (not to have a line-like hatch).

Example drawing attached.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting Polylines To 3d Polyines

Dec 12, 2011

I need to be able to convert "polylines" (as opposed to "2d polylines") to 3d polylines. Here is the issue: the polylines that I want to convert have object data attached to them and they are at the proper Z elevation. When I use the "Convert 2d to 3d polyline" function, the conversion does take place, but all of my object data is removed from the object. And since one of my attributes reflects the overall elevation of the object (which all of the verticies will be the same elevation - even though it will be a 3d polyline), there are too many objects to individually update the attribute information when I am pressed for time.I am working in Civil 3d 2010. Any way to do this using Civil 3d?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting MText To Multileader

Nov 19, 2013

I got this nice little lisp from [URL] .....
(defun c:mt2ml ( / oobj nobj nstrg) (vl-load-com) (setq oobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (nentsel "
Select source text: ")))) (if (= (vlax-get-property oobj 'ObjectName) "AcDbMText") (setq nstrg (vlax-get-property oobj 'TextString)) (exit) ) (command "_MLEADER") (while (= 1 (logand (getvar "CMDACTIVE") 1)) (command PAUSE)) (setq nobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) (if (= (vlax-get-property nobj 'ObjectName) "AcDbMLeader") (vlax-put-property nobj 'TextString nstrg) (exit) ) (entdel (vlax-vla-object->ename oobj)) (princ))

It converts MText to a Multileader.

My goals would be as follows:
The multileader should end up on the same layer as the Mtext.  (Currently it uses the current layer.)The multileader should hold the same rotation as the Mtext. (Currently it goes to zero.)The multileader should be created in the same location as the Mtext, without the user having to click.  (Currently the multileader is created wherever the user clicks.)The multileader should be created without a leader.  We can add one afterwards if needed, but for many we don't need a leader.  (We're just using the object as mtext with a box around it.)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting Objects Of Certain Linetype To A New Layer

Oct 26, 2012

I would like converting all objects that has forced linetype to be on a linetype layer.

So if there are objects that have forced linetypes - dashed/hidden/phantom, etc., those entities would be moved to a linetype layer based on their forced linetype.   The entities would all be changed to color bylayer, linetype bylayer.

So if there is a rectangle that is sitting on an EQUIPMENT layer, the routine would put that rectangle on a new layer called DASHED and change its forced linetype to BYLAYER.

Lastly, once that's done, the next and final step is to locate a the existing layers with matching linetype - say, OBJECTS with DASHED as a linetype, and merging it to that layer.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting Double To String Creates Inaccuracy?

Aug 6, 2013

I have this interresting problem, it occured just here, in other situations, the script works fine.

I am counting length from coordinates:

 Command: (setq bod1 ppo_bod1)(-0.821965 -1.7232 0.0)Command: (setq bod2 ppo_bod2)(25.428 13.1268 0.0)Command: !mfac0.025Command: (setq x (atoi (rtos(/ (abs (- (car bod2) (car bod1))) mfac))))1050Command: (setq y (atoi (rtos(/ (abs (- (cadr bod2) (cadr bod1))) mfac))))593Command: (- (cadr bod2) (cadr bod1))14.85Command: (/ (abs (- (cadr bod2) (cadr bod1))) mfac)594.0Command: (rtos(/ (abs (- (cadr bod2) (cadr bod1))) mfac))"593.99999998"Command: (atoi (rtos(/ (abs (- (cadr bod2) (cadr bod1))) mfac)))593
As you can see, the conversion from 594.0 (real) to string causes an inaccuracy, which is strange, because the length really is 594.0

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting Special Layer With Special Line Weight To Special Layer Name

Aug 9, 2013

i have line in the drawing that exists on layer A-Wall it has different lineweight 0.05 from true wall. Now usually my routine : i select this line and then select similar to convert it to layer glazing.

i need lisp that by one command convert the objects on layer A-wall with layer 0.05 only to glazing.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Continuous Dimension Lisp That Alternate Its Position

Jul 12, 2012

Is there a lisp that will allow me to do a continuous dimension, but will alternate the dimension position from low, high, low and high?  If there is no lisp already created, how to create one? 

See Continuous dimension attachment for example.

I work at a glass and glazing company and this is how we dimension mullion width and DLO. See typical window dimensioning attachment for window elevation with dimensions.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Add String To Each Item In List Using Lisp

Nov 14, 2013

I have a list ("temp.dwg" "temp2.dwg") and would like to add the string "insert text here" into each item in the list resulting in ("insert text heretemp.dwg" "insert textheretemp2.dwg").  how would i go about doing that using LISP?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Opening Drawings With Default Visual Style Set To 2D Wireframe

Oct 7, 2013

Is there a way to programatically set a visual style before a drawing actually opens?

We have some huge models and people seem to forget to change their visual styles back to 2D wireframe before saving and exiting drawings.  Some models will crash on some workstations when trying to open in a rendered mode.

I found a lisp with a function that looked to set viewport visual styles.  But it does not seem to be supported anymore. --> (vla-put-VisualStyle vport 1)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Write A Lisp Routine That Invoke The Mleader Command

Oct 11, 2012

I'm trying to write a lisp routine that, when I invoke the mleader command, osmode is set to "nearest" & orthomode is set off. I then would like the original settings to be returned.

attached is what I have written so far:-

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Visual Effect Settings?

Jun 20, 2013

Lisp that switches back on Selection Preview i.e. thickens and highlights lines when you hover over them?I don't know why, but they are always unticking the boxes.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Combinations In DCL?

Sep 7, 2012

Is it possible to execute a certain command based on multiple selections withinin a dcl?  for example:  two radio colums, one with selections A and B, and a second with selections 1 and 2.  is it possible to program commands based on user selections from each column?  ex: if A and 1- do a command.  A 2- do a different command, etc...

I tried :

 (action_tile "key1" "(setq A t")
 (action_tile "key2" "(setq B t")

 (action_tile "key3" "(setq 1 t)(done_dialog)")
 (action_tile "key4" "(setq 2 t)(done_dialog)")

(and (a) (1)
(command ...

but was unsuccessful.  no matter which combination was selected, the command under all combinations would run.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Attribute Value

Jun 3, 2013

I am trying to find a lisp that would get an attribute value (tag name = NBR_5) . I'm trying to run a simple routine that would let the user place the value from the titleblock attribute as text on a drawing. I see a ton of articles regarding getting attributes but I am not well versed in programming.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Nil At The End Of Command

Jun 22, 2012

I have a routine that work fine, but I receive a nil at the end of command. How to fix that?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: 3D Point From X And Y?

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to find acceptable point values to feed to the vlax-3d-point function for a vla-addmtext function. With vanilla lisp I just provide the point as x y = "7/32" "2-3/8". So I assumed that I could drop a 0 in for the z like: (VLAX-3D-POINT "7/32" "2-3/8" 0).

Then I thought I was going to be tricksy and try (vlax-3D-point (getpoint)) believing that I could pick the point and get what I need to feed the function, but yet again, no deal. The command line gave me: 

of #<variant 8197 ...>

Nothing I can use in my code. So how do I find the point in a format that vlax-3d-point will like?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Put Point At Each End Of Arc?

Dec 19, 2011

What is the magic word for put a point at each end of an arc, the lisp I have only put a point at center of the arc.
(defun cAA ( / i j ss e1 e2 p1 p2 p3 points )
(if (setq i -1 ss (ssget '((0 . "ARC"))))


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get The Value Of Attribute

Dec 30, 2011

Is there a quick way of getting the value of an attribute?

I have an attributed block called "tp_attributes" and it has and attribute called "OrderNum".

I just want to be able to quickly grab that value.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Use Of The Alt Key In A Macro

May 29, 2013

I use Spell Check regularly and I always check the entire drawing. I would like to add to the Spell macro so that when I pick Spell from the toolbar it goes past the Check Spelling window and begins checking the entire drawing.

I believe I need to  insert Alt S into my macro to select Start from the window to begin the check. Is there a character or series of characters that will represent Alt in a macro?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Toggle Between PS And MS

Nov 8, 2011

I upgraded from Autocad 2004 to 2012 recently and my lisp file doesnt work anymore.

what it's supposed to do is when looking at the layout tab that you want you can switch to the model space location of the same zoom as the layout tab without messing with the layout zoom.

(defun c:msp ()
(setq cm (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command"view" "d" "tmp")
(setvar "tilemode" 0)
(princ "Click TWICE on desired VPORT: ")
(command "mspace" pause "view" "s" "tmp")(princ)
(setvar "tilemode" 1)
(command "view" "r" "tmp")
(setvar"cmdecho" cm)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: DOS DIR Command

Oct 27, 2012

I need a program that simulate this DOS command: dir /on/b *.dwg >list.txt

it list all dwg files on current open dwg file folder and sort them and finally put them in a text file with list.txt name. something like thistype list.txt)


(sort alphabetically and logically) because of disabled DOS utility in my PC I need a pure lisp functions, I tried to wrote this program but I couldn't!!

(defun c:listMaker()
(setq path (getvar "dwgprefix"))
(setq fn "list.txt")

and also I need a append a string(='This Is EOF') in the last line of the "list.txt" file.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Z Value From Text

May 10, 2012

I have text objects with the same Z value and I will select as follows:

(setq sstxt (ssget '((0 . "TEXT")(8 . "APS-text"))))

How to store this value in another variable "zvalue" to apply to:

(command "change" "select text objects" "" "_p" "_e" zvalue "") ?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: What Is Dot Net Equivalent

Oct 17, 2011

the following returns true since the @ symbol tests for an alpha character.. (wcmatch "S101" "@*").What is the Dot Net equivalent?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To End Application

Jul 10, 2012

Is there a command that is the opposite of starting an application to open up a file?  Like:

(startapp "PlaySound.exe" (findfile "CuckooClock.wav"))

Instead of starting an application, how to shut all of its instances down.  Let’s say I have iTunes and/or Internet Explorer w/ a few tabs open and I can close them down without getting to the application to terminate it the usual way.


(endapp "iTunes.exe") doesn’t work :-))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Can't Get While Command Right?

Apr 13, 2012

I am trying to get my original layer and lintype reinstated after the user is finished with the pline..I know Im suppose to use the while command but am now completely lost on which way to do this

(DEFUN c:TEST1 ()(if (not (tblsearch "LTYPE" "MYWC")) (command "-linetype" "LOAD" "MYWC" "C:/COUNTER.LIN" ""));SECOND PROGRAM...;CREATE CORESPONDING LAYER...(command "._Layer" "Make" "WC LEIDING" "Ltype" "Continuous" "" "Color" "211" "" "")(SETQ MYOLDCELTYPE (GETVAR "CELTYPE"))(SETVAR "CELTYPE" "MYWC")(while (PROGN(COMMAND "pline")(SETVAR "CELTYPE" MYOLDCELTYPE)))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Z Value For Points?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a drawing that has 2D pipeline (only x and y, z value =0) and 3 topo contour lines ( with x, y and z vaules). I need to divide the the 2D pipeline into say 2000 points and then get the corresponding z values from the topo contour lines. I think it can be done by interpolating between the z values for the two apparent intersection points of the 2D line and the contour lines, the x and y values will be the same for the points that falls between these two aparent intersections. Is there any lisp out there that can do that.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Pline Dimensioning

Sep 2, 2005

I am looking for an AutoLISP routine, which gives all aligned dimensions of a closed polyline, drawn in 3d.

I have attached a 2D drawing for reference.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Return Name Of Different Folders?

May 15, 2013

The following gives me the first folder string, with no back-slashes, that the drawing exists in.

(setq FirstFolder
 ((lambda (/ tmpDir tmpPos)
 (setq tmpDir (getvar "dwgprefix"))
 (+ 2 (setq tmpPos (vl-string-search "\" tmpDir)))
 (- (vl-string-search "\" tmpDir (1+ tmpPos)) (1+ tmpPos))))))

Is there a way to find the name of the second folder?

Is there a way to find the name of the third folder?

The string length of the characters for each of the first, second, third (and so on) folders are different, which means I can't count character using the "substr" function.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Sorting A List

Aug 17, 2012

I have a list that contains data like this,


How would I go about sorting this list by AA5, QV, QS? I know how to use vl-sort and reverse, but I do not understand how I would go about this. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Rotating 600 Drawings

Jul 18, 2012

I have to go into approx 600 3D Models and rotate them all by 90.

I've just tried to search for a lisp that will do this to all of these files in one directory and can't find one. Something that will do this and save loads of time. I need to do this tonight so that these MEP files will all be ready for tomorrow morning.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Compare Two Lists

Aug 12, 2012

I have two lists to compare and want the difference in an third list.


list1 ("A" "B" "C")
list2 ("A" "B" "C" "D" "E")

the difference in list3 ("D" "E")

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