What would cause a layer manager to NOT be updated after code has been run to freeze or thaw layers in a viewport? After I run my program, the viewports will show the layers I want thawed and will hide the layers I want frozen, but when you look at the layer manager, it would show all layers are on and thawed.
If you save the drawing, close it and re-open it, the layer manager now seems fine and matches the viewports as to what is thawed and what is frozen.
I have a drawing where I need to open the layer manager to turn on a layer in a view port but cannot get to that particular column. As you look across the top of the layer manager I can see all the headings of each column beginning with "Name", "Status", "On" and so forth. The last column heading I see is "Description" but I need to go even further to the right to get to the column I need to be at but can't get there. There is no scroll button on the bottom of the layer manager which would allow me to do that.
I have a client experiencing a layer manager dialog box issue - the layer names are disappearing... This is not happening all the time - and in different files.
you can match the layer filters with in the layer manager to the drop down on the ribbon..so how do i get the to match so the filter im viewing in the manager is what i see in the ribbon.
How to get the classic layour manger to use the ACA layer manager tools?
In 2008 before the floating layer manager the manager looked as the Classic version does now in AutoCAD ACA 2012 with the tool of "new layer from standard". This tool now only seems to be in the floating layer manager and when I switch to Classic manager the "new layer from standard" is removed from the dialog box.
I want to use the classic dialog but have access to the "new layer from standard" tool
I'm currently using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I create a new layer and set it as current in the layer manager, regardless of what color I set the new layer to, the new layer's color remains the same as the previous one in the properties box even though the colors of the layers are always set to "by layer."
We have just upgraded to 2012 map 3d and now every time I open a drawing whether or not in the sheet set manager or straight from the file location, the layer properties manager opens with it. Is there a way to make it not open every time a drawing is opened?
I'm working on a CAD file created from a surveying company. In layer properties manager I cannot change the layer color to a different color, keeps defaulting back to the original color.
Run into an issue in AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 when multiple raster images (in this case 66 ortho images) are attached as data connections, you cannot see New Layers when you create them in the default Layer Properties Manager?
I have found using the Classic Layer Properties Manager is a work around.
It doesn’t seem to matter if the ortho images are connected individually or grouped as a single layer.
On random drawings, I am having issues where when I click layer manager, where you would see all the layers and attributes, it's black or blank. Not all files do this, but happens randomly.
I remember that there used to be a command I used in an older version of AutoCad, such as "Sort Layer" or similar that would populate all of the layers used in a drawing, which solves the problem of not being able to see all the layers. I believe the default value is not set at a high enough number. What this command is?
i have recently upgraded from 08' LT to 12'LT and i have an intermittent issue with the Layer properties box.sometimes when i open the layers list and want to change layer name, color, linetype etc it will discard all changes when i close the box and the command line will show something like this
Command: _layer Command: Unknown command "-LAYER". Press F1 for help.
the Layer box opens and works as normal but makes no changes to the drawing.if i reopen the layer prop box it will then work, it seems to be completely at random whether it works or not.
If a color is selected from either the properties or quick properties dialog boxes, one of the choices the color icon with both black and white and a diagonal separator (which produces white on the screen and black on the plotter) which I will consider the default.
On the Layer Property Managers dialog box, however, while the full color pallet is available, I cannot find a way of setting the layer color to the default. Once a layer color has been changed from the default, how does one put it back to the default color?
One of our CAD machines has been down graded from a two monitor setup to a single monitor. Now the layer manager, which was opening up on the second monitor, opens off screen. How can I reset it to open on my main monitor?
Is it possible to have a password protected layer manager? Basically, I do not want anybody to have the ability to create or modify the layers; however, people should be able to modify the drawing any way they see fit?
When I open my Layer manager in AutoCAD 2012 - I have hatch symbols across the top where 'New Layer', New Property Filter', 'Set Current' etc. should be.
while this is very entertaining and different - I am worried what will happen next. I have only had my new pc for about 6 weeks and the Version 2013 is a new download.
I have 3 states setup in the Layer States dialog box. I have even edited them to make sure they are setup. But, when I choose one and hit the Restore button, they don't. However, if I go thru the command line, they do work. Is the layer states dialog broken in 2013?
When opening the layers dialogue box in AutoCAD 2013 the display does not appear to load correctly, I have had this problem before when executing this command and loaded up the old layer manager, I can't remember what the command is for load this.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Most our our plans sets have several (10+) plan sheets, all with the same reference drawings and layer states (properties) setup. Currently, if we need to change a particular color of a single layer, we need to open up all of the plans sheets individually and change the color (or import a layer state). This takes a lot of time.
We are looking for a third party program where we can run a batch program to update the layer states of several similar drawings automatically, without opening each individual drawing.
Using CAD2011, froze, I restarted it and reopened the file I was working in. In my ribbon, all layers read "0", but show the correct ByLayer color according to what layers they were on before the crash. If I list something, it shows the correct layer, and not that it's on "0". When my coworker opens the same file everything is as it should be, which leads me to believe some setting got messed up during this crash.
It is making work way more difficult than it should be - I can't see what layers are what!
In ACLT 2008, I was able to resize the window in the layer properties manager to what was convenient for me. In ACLT 2010, I am unable to change either the size or the position of the window. The same is true of the Design center window. Is this something that is permanently changed, or is there maybe a fix coming to allow this convenience in the future? Or have I missed some system variable which controls this?
I have a file where the layer manager does not seam to be contorling the bylayer color settings. When I change the color in the layer manager everything seams to work fine. But when I try to creat objects on this layer they we not use the color that I set. They use the original color that the layer was set to. In the ribbon the color default is set to by layer. One interesting thing is that when I pull down the layer menu in the ribbon it will show the old color.
In fact the work around is to change the layer color from this menu and not the layer manager. This is the only drawing I have that exhibits this behavior. Any system variable that would cause this or is this just a coruption of this file. (I ran audit, closed autcad and restarted, verified that all objects are set to manage colors bylayer, default ribbon palets are set to bylayer).
I've created a VB.NET routine to update blocks, layers and layer filters from a source drawing.
After updating filters and when the command is finished (dialog closed), the Layer Properties Manager palette MAY not update to show the new set of filters although visually you can see that it does appear to refresh itself.
Whether it updates seems to depend on which filter is active and which filters are added.For example, I have properties filters A, B, C, D and E, and B and E have subfilters B1-B8 and E1-E9.
If Filter E3 is removed as a test and the parent filter E is active, when the command is done, E3 should appear back in the list, but it does not show until the palette is closed and reopened. If filter B is active, then the list will refresh and E3 will show immediatlely after the command exits.
I have added a dialog to my routine to inform the user they may have to close the palette and reopen to get the proper display.
I have tried Editor.UpdateScreen() but that does not work.
One of my CAD techs is having an issue with the Layer Properties Manager Palette. When she opened AutoCAD, the palette was gone. When she tried to bring it up with "LAYERPALETTE", she gets the "unknown command" message. When she tried to bring it up using "LA" or "LAYER" or the button on the ribbon, she gets a bunch of options in the command line.
How can we get the Layer Properties Manager Palette back?
I installed ACAD LT 2011 in my new HP Win7 computer, and the font in the Layer Properties Manager box is so large that it is unreadable. I have attached a file showing a 'print screen'. I need directions on how to put the text back to normal size. I had no problems with this program in my old Dell computer.