AutoCAD Inventor :: Inserting Picture In A Sketch?
Jul 6, 2013
when i insert a picture into a sketch to act as a panel face representation with dials on, the picture edges have construction lines on view, how do i turn these of but keep the picture visable?
When I insert a drawing from ACAD into an Inventor sketch I get the geometry I want but also allot of points or blocks are inserted also that are not in the original ACAD drawing at all. I cant pick these points to delete them even though they highlight when picked.......
I have a basic problem but I can't seem to be able to get around it. I added an image to a sketch successfully but it cam with a yellow line around it (see attached) and I can't remove it. In the sketch properties I was able to change it's color to black to make less visible but it's still there.
I inserted .gif picture to my drawing file. Is it possible to insert the picture into the file that when I open the dwg file on other pc, it doesn't need gif picture from my hard drive? I want to copy dwg ( Do I have to copy all the pictures too?)to the CD and print it in a copy store.
I've created a shared sketch and have used it with various features. Sometime those features are suppressed. The model works fine but the shared sketch generates a sketch doctor error because the feature that created it has been suppressed. Is there anyway to make the sketch suppressed so it doesn't trigger a sketch doctor error? Inventor 2013
How do I duplicate the 2D line work from a part level sketch into a drawing level (overlay) sketch?
I started a simple 2D piping system diagram sketch by opening a new part file and using a sketch to stick draw the system schematic including some annotations. Then I opened a new drawing file and made a base view of the part file to bring a view of the original sketch into the drawing.
I realize now that it would have been much easier to have created the schematic directly in a 2D sketch at the drawing level, which would have made editing the annotations much easier at the drawing level, and there is really no need for the part file to exist. I have no intention of creating a 3D model or "real" part in the .ipt file, was just using it as a jumping off point to sketch.
I was thinking that I could correct my error in judgment by just copying the sketch and pasting it into a new sketch on the drawing, but it doesn't want to work that way. I have tried copying both the whole sketch at the browser level, and the entire sketch contents (all of the lines and annotations) from the opened part sketch, but when I attempt to paste either of those into the drawing, paste does not seem to be an option. I'd rather not have to draw the whole thing again, as in typical fashion, my once simple sketch has grown in proportion and complexity from its simple beginning.
to make large magnets with my own picture. Vista Print has these guides for making the pic.
Full Bleed Size (starting document size) 5.59" x 4.33" 142mm x 110mm 1677 x 1300 pixels * Finished artwork should use the full bleed dimensions for best results.
Document Trim Size (final size after being cut) 5.47" x 4.21" 139mm x 107mm 1642 x 1264 pixels * keep all text within the safe margin. Resolution 300 DPI
They are telling me to verify:
1. final document size is correct. (5.59" x 4.33")
2. all background colors and images bleed to the edges of the document at the full bleed dimensions (5.59" x 4.33").
3. all important text and images are within the safe margin (.137” from the edge of your document).
4.resolution is 300 DPI at 100%.
5. all fonts are converted to outlines (Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw).
I'm having trouble with constaints, I'd like to constrain my sketch to a point in another sketch on a different plane. Is this posible in Inventor? If so how? If Inventor works differently how would you get a points in one sketch to be linked to points another?
I created a Ipart with like 14 different configurations now it operates smoothly within the part. Now once i insert it into a assembly it wont let me chance the configuration. I heard there was a problem like this but i thought it was only when you insert a part into a assembly and change it into a ipart while its still within a assembly.
Now my part never was in a assembly. Ill upload it and let me know if you have the same issue. Once i drop the part it doesn't give me the option to choose a configuration and when i click the configuration in the itable it still doesnt change it. Now this is only within a assembly.
Is it possible to insert symbols into a table in Inventor 2011? Â I have a table set up that handles tabulated dimensions, and I need to be able to insert symbols, such as diameters, degree marks, +/-, etc.
i got a good one, just installed 2013 and vault upgrades, and all WAS fine until we found a issue. If i trying opening a MODEL (ASSEM OR PART) from the vault server, (not locally), it ill work...yeah....NOW if i do the same thing BUT browser down 3 sub folders, it will example,  if i browse to ....Railpower ProjectsNew NomenclatureHARDWARE CATALOGCATALOG BB007. choose any part...poof.. good bye inventor. This happens at any folder at 3 levels deep...with any part or assembly. we have do this with about 100+ senerios - different parts - different assemblies. the only thing constant is after going 3 folders deep (or more) it will crash
Our customers insist that we provide our drawings in AutoCAD format and that the drawings have the views in paper space (layout) as well as the full scale view in model space. We are using an Inventor dwg to satisfy the requirement for AutoCAD format but I am not sure if we can get all of the views in model space and paper space without saving as an AutoCAD dwg and creating a viewport. I have used the "Insert in Model Space" command when you right click on a view, but this will only insert one view and then the command is no longer available. Is there a way to add all of the view to model space using this command?
I'm having a very frustrating glitch when working with *.idw drawings. Whenever I create a new sheet in the drawing, the boarder on several of the other sheets resizes, and which sheets resize as well as the size they change to seems completely random.
For example, I have an 8-sheet drawing. If I go to the last sheet, which is B-sized, and then RMB->New Sheet in the browser, Inventor creates the new sheet just fine. As I go back up and look at all my sheets, the boarder for sheets 1, 2 and 8 (B-size sheets) has been changed to C-sized. Sheet 3, an A-size, has its boarder as a C-size as well. Sheets 4-5 (C-sized) and 6-7 (B-sized) are just fine. I deleted the new sheet, went to sheet 5 instead, and then created the new sheet. This caused different sheets to change to different random boarder sizes.
I am running inventor 2010 suite with service pack 2 and when I try to insert a JPEG or BMP into a Drawing Sheet (not a sketch on a part file), the image does not appear. I have done this on previous versions numerous times and it worked perfectly fine.
The message which appears on the screen says "TEMPEMBED.BMP" and it has a photoshop CS4 logo. When I do a print preview, nothing appears on the page. I have opened up a previous drawing sheet, which has a JPEG & BMP inserted and the image is shown, but when I try to insert another image on the same drawing sheet, the same thing happens.
I am running a pretty fast machine, with an intel i7 processor and a pretty hardcore graphic card.
I am having trouble inserting a JPEG image in Inventor 2011 LT drawing (DWG) file. Â The Image button on Insert panel under Manage tab is always disabled. Â I am able to bring in the image using Insert Object feature and selecting 'create from file' option. Â Although the resulting image looks OK on the screen, it looks inverted and distorted when printed.
I am facing the same problem when I try to insert image in a dwg sketch, however, the process works as expected on part sketches.
Im using frame generator, i create my skeleton part, start up frame generator, select my frame types and connect them to the lines, press OK, accept the default filenames then get this error:
 [WARNING] Frame Generator: Errors occurred during inserting Frame Member(s)
 [WARNING] Insertion of frame member(s) failed
 [ERROR] A frame member could not be created. The template file for ANSI ANSI AISC (Rectangular) - Flat Bar Steel could not be located in the Content Center library. and no parts are put in the assembly.
 I have updated the content centre etc and installed all the latest updates. I have also reinstalled Inventor and The local content centre but the error persists.
Ive included a couple of screen shots that show the error.
frame generator is useless until this is fixed and i need to design some frames. Â w7u-64sp1,iv13sp1.1,intel.xeon.e5-2620 0 @2.00 2.00-32gb,gtx560-4gb
Just when I thought I was getting somewhere I come to a complete standstill. I'm attempting to insert an iFeature, louver to be exact. I inserted the one from cbliss easily and was able to edit the width, length, thickness etc. but had trouble trying to change angles. I later tried inserting one someone emailed me, so I removed the other one and now I can't insert new one and I can't even go back to insert cbliss one. Not sure what changed or what I messed up. I'm new to IV and not overly experienced in AutoCAD period.
Is there a way of inserting points from an excel spreadsheet that come into the part file already fixed, instead of manually selecting the points and selecting the fix constraint?
I am using Inventor Pro 2014 on Windows 8.1 and when I insert or import a DWG file from AutoCAD into Inventor to extrude it into a solid, nothing shows up. Apparently a wizard is supposed to pop up but when I try it nothing at all happens. I have tried reinstalling it but nothing seems to work. I think importing a DWG into a 2D sketch is a fairly basic thing to do but I'm baffled that it isn't working. I have SP1 already installed.