AutoCAD Inventor :: Synchronize Balloon With Part List
Jan 2, 2012
I have little problem for synchronize balloon with part list where some times I put single component to main assy for create detail drawing. The problem is balloon from single component must change manually for synchrone with Part List. If number changed in part list sometimes I forgot for change balloon. So it's become miss match between balloon and part list. How to make this become synchron.
im using inventor trying to put a part list on my drawings.but for some reason, the part list is using a Gost Form. ( diffrent layout and polish/ russian text )How do I go back to default.I have allready tried to reinstall inventor, no go.
I've assembly with multiples sub-assemblies, when I put part list with "parts only", it shows all parts of sub-assemblies and when I put with "structured", it shows all sub-assemblies(structured).
Is there a possibility to show selected sub-assemblies in parts while remaining as structured in one part list?
code for exporting the thumbnail image to excel URL......will this work with Inventor 2014...i knew that there is a Bom tolls pro avaolable in Autodesk Exchange apps but it is apaid version.
I got this routine off the In The Trenches blog and am trying to change it, some. For some reason when I export I can only get 4 columns to export. So what the heck am I missing here? The Part List I am using has all the colums I am trying to export on it.
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Inventor Pro 2013 (PDS Ultimate) Vault Pro 2013 Windows 7 64 Xeon 2.4 Ghz 12GB
i have an already edited part list (because there are parts that come from different assemblies and other ones that don't have to appear in that part list) and i like to show the total weight of my drawing, that doesn't correspond with any assembly.
So, there is any possibility of summing up the values of a part list column.
I need to change my parts list style for all of my drawings from this point forward. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do this. I have my project set to read-write and I've tried this 10 ways til Sunday but it won't take. There are several things that I want to achieve but I'd be happy with just one of them for now. All I want to do is remove the ITEM column from my default parts list. After this I want to merge rows by part number, etc.
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
I go to the Parts List, Insert a Custom Part, click Apply, Click Ok and nothing shows up. I go back in to Edit the Parts List and the Custom Part is not there at all.
I have a sheet metal part which has several holes in, from which I have created a hole table. The hole table does not list all the holes in my part as I am only permitted to to select holes on one face of the part in the selected view. I have tried selecting all holes on the Isometric view however I cannt do this either.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I have a problem here. I've created a tube & pipe assembly. Now, I want to know whether I can automatically generate "Location to" and "Location From" of my tube assembly. For example, tube A origin from part A goes to part B. So I want to automatically generate those. Is there is a way or do I need to type in manually.
I've done a 3D frame in Inventor 2012 and after doing a 2D with a partlist chart I found differences between lengths. The length of the part list was the first one, the frame was modified and the partlist didnt update.
Found out that the d18 parameter was a fixed number. I managed to change it manually by changing the G_L parameter to d18.How can I set up my inventor to update the part length automatically?
I'm writing code to split long part list in new sheets. Infact it's finished but very slow. Because each time I hide the line part list start to refresh itself...
I tryed to use
oDoc.DrawingSettings.DeferUpdates = True
But in this case I can only see empty part list on each page?!...
I just want to speed up process and I want to refresh part list view after than hiding process finished completely...
I am trying setup a default part list for my company in Inventor, where I am stuck at is I wish to lock the width of the columns so on all our drawings the part list is the same width, I have assigned each column its own width and when I bring it in to the drawing it's the correct size but I am able to drag the edges, and change its size, I want to lock it so if you try you cant
am I missing something obvious in the menus? Or is this a limitation with inventor.
I have created an iAssembly which contains 4 assembly variations. I now want to create an assembly drawing for these variations.
In this case all my assembly variations will have the same assembly part number as essentially they are all the same assembly except for a few "change over parts".
I intend to have one drawing with multiple sheets. Each sheet will have one variation of the assembly on it with a BOM for that specific variation. The problem I am having though is that the drawing BOM for each variation are linked and as a result each drawing has an inconsistant item numbering (for someone in the workshop who doesnt understand the CAD package and iAssemblies - They ask the question: Why are you skipping item numbers in the BOM's)
Is there any way I can get each BOM to show the item numbers sequentially? I tried editing the drawing BOM item number but the problem is that method propogates the item number changes to all the other BOM's as well.... (It is also tedious AND in my opinion it is generally bad practice to edit the BOM at the drawing level)
The default Insertion Point of a part list is its" range box.maxpoint",but I need to make its "rangebox.minpoint" as its InsertionPoint . My code to insert the part list is as follows :
I have tried using the code " oPartsList.RangeBox.MinPoint.InsertionPoint = True" , imitating "oSketchLines(1).EndSketchPoint.InsertionPoint = True" ,but without luck .