AutoCAD Inventor :: Possible To End Process In Task Manager

Sep 17, 2012

We have a problem with Inventor freezing when saving idw. It is not possible to end Inventor process in task manager so the only way to quit Inventor is to force a complete PC shutdown.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: MDT Import Files Via Task Manager

Jan 18, 2011

I created a task to import (convert) a specified folder of MDT files using a specified ini file to ignore the layout drawings (tests resulted in near-useless idws with most missing drawing views - mainly due to our ignorance in creating MDT drawings).  I specified a subfolder as the destination for the converted ipt files.  After the task runs, the ipt files appear in the main folder (where I did not want them), while the destination folder has files with the names of <original part number>.dwg.ipt.  The ipt and dwg.ipt files appear identical and have the same feature tree.

A typical entry in the Import.txt file is:

22926.dwg Get Translator Success   ...InventorConvert MDT Files
dwg 22926.dwg Open Success    ...InventorConvert MDT Files
dwg 22926.dwg Import Success    ...InventorConvert MDT FilesInventor parts converted from MDT files22926.dwg.ipt
dwg 22926.dwg Close Success    ...InventorConvert MDT Files

So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.  It appears to be mainly working, but it will require cutting/pasting/deleting I wasn't expecting.  The main goal here is to create ipt files that our CAM system can (we hope) work directly with, as they dumped the MDT translators a while back.

Inventor Professional 2014 64 SP1
Windows 7 64 bit - SP1
Xeon E5-1620
16 GB Ram
Quadro 2000

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VideoStudio :: Turn Program Off Was To Use Task Manager To Close It Down

Jan 20, 2013

Had this installed and working fine for a month or so. Just learning how to use this when today when I went to start it up it would get to the welcome box and just stop. The box was completely blank and the only way to turn the program off was to use the Task Manager to close it down. After reading a few post on similar situations - the advise was to uninstall then reinstall the software. Used the windows uninstaller, afterwards rebooted then tried to re-install.

When I put in the the DVD I get to the screen where I accept the license agreement - scroll to the bottom and check the box to accept - hit next and nothing happens. I checked the services.msc and the Application Experience is started and on automatic.Tried this in the internal and external DVD drive with the same results.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Using It To Get Non-Inventor Files From Vault

Nov 18, 2011

We are trying to get task scheduler to automatically download certain files from the Vault. Templates and Styles. The templates work great, but there is no way to specify any filetypes other than Inventor filetypes. Am I missing something? Is there a way to specify non-inventor filetypes?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Printing With Task Scheduler

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to batch plot a series of IDW drawings through task scheduler, the results is the wrong proportions and size, I am wondering if there is setup command in task scheduler that can be modified or if the proportions are wrong due to the IDW setup within Inventor itself i.e. page not setup correctly.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler Is Not Responding

Mar 21, 2012

I´m having a problem with the Inventor 2012 Task Scheduler. I´ve done a couple of migration tasks over the last 2 months, actually quite some big tasks on our Vault Server.

Now I´m getting no more access to the application, it´s either showing a message that the server is busy and not responding or the application starts up and sits for a minute in the task bar and then opens up but still I can´t click any menus or create a report to control the tasks I've done earlier.

But I need to check the last couple of tasks to see which files have been successfully migrated and which are not. I know that I can view the logfiles manually but that still leaves me with no more tasks that I need to run to fix our database and Inventor files.

Let the application run with administrator rights doesn't work either. What else could be done to get the task scheduler back up running?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Reinstall

Mar 12, 2009

My task scheduler crashes as soon as I dbl click on it, does not even go to main window. Is there a way to only reinstall this part of INV Suite.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler And Run API / Macro

Jun 27, 2012

Is there a way by which I can run a vba - macro over all the file in a folder using Task scheduler.

Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Command Line - Task Scheduler

Jul 16, 2013

I want to automate the check in of design files to Vault on each PC, prior to running workspace sync (Vault) which does have command line support.

I know you can schedule tasks within the Inventor Task scheduler, but has task scheduled the Inventor Task Scheduler? I suppose in theory you could schedule the launch of Inventor Task scheduler via the Windows one? or is there any need? If the Inventor Task scheduler isn't running, but a task has been scheduled, will it execute the program itself?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Task Scheduler To Migrate All IPT Files

Aug 24, 2010

I am trying to use Task Scheduler to migrate all my .ipt files from 2010 to 2011. When I do it however it gives me the error , "cannot create Task" in a little pop up message box. It does this will types of task , i.e. I can not create any tasks ever.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Why Use Task Scheduler To Migrate Files

Nov 27, 2012

what is the benefit of using Task Scheduler to migrate all of my Inventor files to the latest versions?

I've upgraded several times, but I've never done a full file migration.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler File Naming?

Jan 3, 2013

I am batch publishing .idw files to .dwf and the default file name that it creates is XXXXX.idw.dxf. how to remove the .idw? Is there is setting in Task Scheduler that can be changed?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Task Scheduler Log File?

Aug 2, 2012

When I am in the Autodesk 2013 Task Scheduler and I click on the log file path to view the log file..... I get the log file, but it also opens the "View Downloads" window.. which I dont want.

It just started this in 2013 and it does it on every computer that I have tried it on.

Is there a way to make it not open the "View Downloads" when I view the log file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Files Using Task Scheduler

May 8, 2012

I want to save a bunch of inventor 2009 idw's  to AutoCad dwg's

I realize there are add-ins available for doing this, however i wanted to see how Task Scheduler performed this. I chose a export files task then selected the idw's to save as dwg's

This all went well until i looked at the result.

two things the dwg is saved as filename.idw.dwg     I do not want or need the .idw in the new file name, but can find no setting to remove this.

The dwg's are saved to a zip file. Again i neither need or want these in a zip file I just want them save in the same folder as the idw.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Task Scheduler Locksup

May 8, 2012

It has done this a few times on me with different files. I am trying to migrate our library of parts. It will get to 76% complete and locks up. showing no memory in use and not building any memory in the task manger process. I set the options to skip unresolved and to not purge old versions. I have to kill the process and then stop the task to close it. I am having more trouble with 2013 in the first couple months than I did with all of 2012. too late to turn back now.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler Failed To Connect?

Dec 4, 2012

I have been having problems getting Task Scheduler to work. Its failing to connect to the database?

Its teløling me that path is not valid. How to I change path to be valid?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Feature Recognition With Task Scheduler

Sep 27, 2006

I am using task scheduler to import about 20 Step files. I have feature recognition installed which of is a bit of a problem with Task Scheduler. Besides uninstalling, is there a way to suppress the dialog box that comes up on import of a step file.

I do not really want to watch my 20 step files being imported.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Errors In Log File

Dec 14, 2011

I just created and ran a migrate task using the Autodesk Task Scheduler.  I selected several folders and migrated the files from Vault.  When the task completed, there were several files that failed.  The majority of them had "---Failed at Child" in the log.

Just to see what the problem was, I did a get latest on several of these that failed and then opened them in Inventor.  They all opened just fine without any errors at all.

I am also seeing some entries like "xyz.ipt in 12345.iam -- File does not exist.  When I opened the iam after the task was complete, there was no errors and it found the xyz.ipt file.

Question is, why does the task scheduler report these in the log, when there is nothing wrong with the files?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Task Scheduler Won't Support Vault Project

Aug 1, 2012

I have installed Inventor 2013 on a machine just so that I can use this machine to migrate my files using the Autodesk Task Scheduler.  I started the TS, then Create Task>Migrate Files task.  I selected my "Vault" project and get a message that says "Vault Projects not supported". 

I noticed that in the Migrate Files dialog, there is not a box at the top that says "Migrate from Vault".

This is installed on "Windows Server Standard x64"  OS. 

I tried a repair install and Reinstall on the Inventor 2013 installation. Problem still persists.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Run Drawing Resources Transfer Wizard With Task Scheduler

Mar 8, 2013

I'd like to be able to queue up a set of processes using Inventor's task scheduler.  Ideally I'd be able to queue it, leave, and have it done in the morning.

The process is this:

1.  Check Inventor dwg files out from vault
2.  migrate files to 2013
3.  Run drawing resource transfer wizard
4.  Check files back in
5.  Export all files to AutoCAD dwg format

How can I queue step 3 to run through task scheduler?  DRTW is not an option in the task scheduler. I'll be giving it the same settings to use every time.

Win7 x64 - 16gb ram
i7 3610qm
FirePro M4000
Inventor 2013
ETO 6.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler (Unresolved References) Error Message

Sep 29, 2011

I am looking to batch convert my IDWs to AutoCad DWGs without having to go through and manually open each file and save as etc.  Right now I am using the export files task to do this.  I have saved an *.ini file with all the settings I want and successfully create the task.  After running the task it fails to convert all the files giving me an error message that says "File has unresolved references".  This shouldn't be the case though because the IDW's open and reference the part/assembly files fine.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2010 32bit edition SP3

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Copy Tasks To Multiple Computers

Dec 22, 2009

I have set up one computer to run the Task Scheduler to get the latest versions of my Library files (this is done with mutliple tasks thoughout the day). Is there a way to copy the scheduled tasked set up on this computer to other computers without manually setting up each machine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler Returns Zipped Files While Exporting IDW To DXF

Dec 14, 2011

I need to export my IDW drawings to DXF.

As long there are lot of files I wish the Task Scheduler will do that job.

It actually does but only with "File" option. I mean I cannot take a whole Folder

since there is no DXF option and should click each file and set the DXF there.

The second big problem it returns zipped DXF files, I cannot get rid of that.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Batch Print Series Of DWGs (2012) Through Task Scheduler

Nov 29, 2011

I am trying to batch print a series of Inventor dwg's (2012) thru task scheduler.

However, if I try to select any files that have a "-" in the filename it get teh following error: "....... The above filename is invalid."

Filename example:  XXXXXX-XXXX.dwg

I have tried files without the "-" and they appear to work just fine from the same folder.

Is Task Scheduler limited on characters?  If so what are the limitations on filenames that Task Scheduler will work?

Win 7 64 bit.

Inventor Pro 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Task Scheduler Won't Support Vault Project File

Mar 29, 2012

I tried to use 2012 task scheduler to migrate files, got an error message saying it won't support vault project file. I used vault project file for version 2010.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Process Modeling With 2011?

May 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a two sheet drawing showing the different states of manufacturing for a fabrication that is further machined.  The first sheet would be the fabrication and the second sheet would show the final machining.  Due to the complexity of the part, cramming everything onto one drawing is not a very good option.  I was hoping to use Views or LOD but that won't work.  Am I missing something?  The part is not suitable for using the weldments option either.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show User Only The Result Of A Process

Jul 18, 2013

I have a function programmed in that controls the opacity of parts in the active view. If the user is selecting objects and then starting the program the "non-Selected" Parts are disapearing step by step.

That's looking very interesting, but doesn't supports the user . Is it possible to freeze the active view of inventor and refresh it, when the job is done? So the user will only see the result of the process and not the working process.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Out-of-process C++ Application Causes Intermittent Crash?

Mar 30, 2012

I've written a piece of code in C++ to open a part in Inventor and get parameter data from the part from out-of-process. This code works, but occasionally (i.e. randomly) execution of the code will result in an error message being returned from Inventor which indicates a crash of the program. I cannot figure out why, and because the problem occurs randomly I've had difficultly isolating the problem. Here is my code. The error suggests that I might be releasing memory that I don't own or something like that, but since it happens intermittently it is hard to know.
int error;CComBSTR bsPartName;CLSID clsid;FILE *out;HRESULT hres = NOERROR;TCHAR szFileName[255];/* Global Autodesk Inventor pointers */CComPtr<Application> aiApp;CComPtr<Document> aiDoc;/* Get Inventor program ID


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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Stop The Code In Middle Of Process

Oct 21, 2013

I am using ilogic to modify the boxes:

I have a one rectangular box in that box again small rectangular boxes in this my problem is when iam giving value for smaller boxes(all boxes height) more than outer box how it will show the message box and how to stop the code.

d1=big box height
d2,d3,d4---small boxes height

I am writing code like this:

IF((d2+d3+d4)=<d1) then correct value)
end if

here it's showing the message and it,s not stoping the program.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add-in Manager Not Loading?

Dec 19, 2011

I have a user that just recently discovered that the add-in manager does not load any more. I has been working fine for some time.

And I mean that we can't even open the add-in manager. The button is non responsive. I have tried to open it from the windows start menu and I get the message " can't create apprentice server".

Of course this effects all of the ad-ins including the CC and the vault.

I can log in as administrator and everything works fine so the install is good. I'm assuming it's got something to do with his user account settings and on that vein I tried to delete his Autodesk settings in both the registry and his user folder but with no luck.

We are running IV2010
Windows 7 x 64bit.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Converting PMS To Process For Files To Be Printed 4 Color Process

Oct 4, 2012

How the PMS color palettes "simulate" on screen how the color will print on different substrates (glossy vs matte vs uncoated paper). That's great for comps, but if you convert it to CMYK to print it, and the values are representing a "simulated" color it won't look correct (by that I mean come close to matching the spot color). For example, the uncoated palette simulates the color by making them appear a bit washed out on screen - pretty good visual simulation. But it might do so by adding black and cyan to orange for example, etc. - effectively dulling the original color.

So if I convert that to CMYK within the new Pantone + color palette, and then send it to the printer - it won't appear as it did on screen, it will dull the end color even more because it's converted the color to the dull simulated version - what a disaster! It's only doing half the job - showing us what it should look like on screen. In order to be truly efficient for design professionals the CMYK conversion might remove black and cyan completely to effectively brighten the color in the final output on uncoated paper. I would prefer it just stick to the standard conversion, which Pantone did have as a standard palette option (PMS to process), and then I can adjust if I think it's necessary.
Any corporate branding system will likely start with a PMS spot color palette for the identity. Then it will build into many different adaptations - full color brochures, large format banners and trade show graphics, website, advertising. So any corporate branding system will need to have PMS, CMYK and RGB versions of their main corporate color palette. There was a standard for these translations that was automatically consistent in the Adobe software and that is now all over the place, so it relies on individuals manually adapting the color mixes for final use - what a great way to screw things up.

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