AutoCAD Inventor :: Imports Sheet Metal Rule From ILogic?

Oct 3, 2013

Is this possible in ilogits? Imports sheet metall rule from ilogic

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule For Modeling / Sheet Metal State?

Oct 6, 2011

What is the iLogic rule for identifying if a part is in a "modeling" state or "sheet metal" state?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Defaults (Use Thickness From Rule) - ILogic

Sep 9, 2013

know a rule to check if this dialog box sheet metal defaults "Use Thickness from Rule" is checked, and checked a rule to automatically clear since using a rule amending the plate thickness but if the box is checked catastrophic error occurs, and unchecking the rule works as expected.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule To Insert Sheet Metal Thickness

May 1, 2013

In my title block I have a material section that pulls to iProperties from the model

One is material, which displays the material used in the model

and the other is manually input by me in the comments section of the model, I typically only use this field for sheet metal description, example, .125 Sheet Metal,  this saves me from a drawing view to show thickness only.

In my sheet metal template I have checked the little box for the thickness model parameter so it will show up as a custom property - model.

So i can display the thickness parameter anytime the sheet metal base view is placed.

My issue is I want the thickness property to have the following with it "Sheet Metal"

But I only want this to appear if the base view is in fact sheet metal, all other parts and assemblies, this field would be blank,

So this is what I want when a sheet metal part is placed:

This is what I want to display when a part is placed:

This is what I get when anything is placed:

Sheet Metal shows up because:

I am looking for a Rule that will only apply <Thickness> Sheet Metal to my title block only if the base view is in fact a sheet metal part. Is this possible??

Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal ILogic Rule Not Executing On Non-rectangular Base Sketch?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a template that I have created, in it I have a rule that changes the stock number and description based on which sheet metal rule is selected.   The weird thing is it works correctly if the first sketch is a rectangle.  If you sketch a circular shape and make that the face it will not work.  It blanks out the values for the stock number and description.  

I'm running Inventor 2014 update 2.

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:   33212 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:   33180 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Rule In Drawing

May 7, 2012

I have setup all our Sheet Metal Rules to be all of our stocked in house sheet metals.  The sheet metal rules are named like:

ALUM 5052 H32 1/2" (Part Number)
ST STEEL T304 3/8" (Part Number)
STEEL 44W 1/8" (Part Number)

And each rule has the proper thickness, material, and some standardized bend radius's.  I've done this to introduce more uniformity in our designs, and to also allow the designer to put as much information into the model as possible, so that if someone else does the drawings, there is no question as to which material is used.

I now want to bring in the Sheet Metal Rule name into the drawing automatically.  I can't seem to find a way to reference the Sheet Metal Rule directly from the drawing.  What I need to do is pick a standard field in the i Properties (I used Stock Number), and put in =<Sheet Metal Rule> so that now the Stock Number references the Sheet Metal Rule, and then in the drawing I can just reference the Stock Number, and it will come in.

I don't like having to use the Stock Number as a middle man though, as none of our existing models are setup like this.  Is it possible to reference Sheet Metal Rule in the drawing without having to use another field as a placeholder for the information?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change The Sheet Metal Rule?

Oct 6, 2009

In versions prior to Inv. 2009 the sheet metal rules were contained in the template and in 2009 they are in the styles library. In the past year we have changed some of our material and I would like to be able to look for certain sheet metal rules on legacy drawing and change them to a new one. Both styles are fairly close but I want to keep things consistant going forward. This way I can purge the style if it is not in the style library. Just can't figure out the code for changing the active style.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Rule Parameter

Dec 12, 2012

When our VAR initally setup our system for us he made it so the material selected in with the sheet metal rule would appear as the stock number in the ipropertys. I then set the sheet metal rule so the sheet metal rule material also had our material stock number for each different thickness. This gave me a value that was automatically loaded for drawings.

Now we have migrated to 2013 and in the migration things got mixed up so this no longer happens. I am assuming that when the SM Rule is set it creates a named parameter somewhere. What that parameter is? I am thinking if I go into the parameters of the template and set stock number = to SM Rule parameter I will regain this functionallity.

Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Rule Material Disappears

Jul 24, 2012

I'm trying to associate a material with a sheet metal rule, however, in the Styles Editor, it won't let me save a material to any sheet metal rule other than Default. If I set a material, then switch to a different rule, then switch back, it sets the material to blank.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remove Sheet Metal Rule From 2013?

Sep 14, 2012

I have not found a way to remove a sheet metal rule from appearing in the list of available options when making a sheet metal part. Is there a way to manually remove the incorrect rule?

I tried opening the sheet metal rule xml file and deleting out the section that codes the rule I want to remove, but after opening inventor and checking the xml file again, it has returned.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Duplicate Materials In Sheet Metal Rule Styles

Aug 3, 2012

So I'm in the midst of redoing my Sheet Metal Rules, and custom materials, since the update to 2013 kind of destroyed that.  I created a new material library, to house all of my custom Materials in.  I set it to be the only Material Library in the project, so now when I open up a file in that project, I only see my Custom material list, and that works fine when I go into the iProperties as well, the material list shows up correctly.

But when I go into the Styles Editor, and go to add my new custom Materials to my Sheet Metal Rules, the list of materials is shown in duplicate.  I have attached a couple of screenshots of me opening the iProperties, and the Sheet Metal Rules in the same file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Referenced In The Sheet Metal Rule Could Not Be Located

Oct 5, 2012

I open my assembly and get this prompt."The material referenced in the sheet metal rule could not be located....."

There are several sheet metal parts in this assembly, so I am not really sure which part it is talking about.  Would be good if it listed the part number so I could correct it. So I am off to find the one that is causing the trouble.  I close my iam and open the first sheet metal part, no dialog box, so I assume its not this one. Close it, and open the next one.  No dialog box, so I open the next one..... I continue this until I have opened all the sheet metal parts in this assembly and NONE show me the dialog again.... huh!!  That was yesterday. 

I come in this morning, start Inventor and open one of the sheet metal parts from yesterday and immediately get the dialog again.  The problem is that this dialog will only appear ONCE per Inventor session.

Once I nailed down the offending part, I then tried to find the offending material. I dont really know what this dialog is telling me cause the materials for the rules are stored locally in the part.  Why is it even trying to reference a material in the library?

Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 2.80ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, Update2
Vault 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Sheet Metal Rule For Changing Material

Aug 4, 2013

 I want to change the material of a sheet metal part using inventor api.I tried something like code
Dim partDoc As PartDocument partDoc = inventorApp.Documents.Open(FilePath & filename, False) If partDoc.SubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}" Then Dim smDef As SheetMetalComponentDefinition smDef = partDoc.ComponentDefinition Dim style As SheetMetalStyle style = smDef.SheetMetalStyles.Item("sheetMetalRule")

 But I can't get the code for material change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Controlled Through ILogic

Mar 4, 2013

Any way or a code to physically change the sheet metal defaults using iLogic code, I want to change parts in my assembly without opening each individual part and changing it there. Inventor 2014, Windows 7, 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Import Sheet Metal Style In ILogic

Sep 11, 2013

importing a sheet metal style (STYLENAME.styxml) into a sheet metal part. 

I would like to automatically import the style using an iLogic script.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ilogic - Sheet Metal Part Auto Update

Oct 18, 2013

i made a sheet metal part.ipt but that file is not updating immediately, i have added

iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True

also tick marked in parameters for IMMEDIATe update

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Invoke ILogic Rule Editor And Pass It On Existing Rule Name?

Jan 7, 2014

Is there a way to invoke the iLogic Rule Editor and pass it an existing rule name or external rule for editing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic / Run Assembly-level Rule From Component Rule?

Aug 2, 2013

I need a way to run a rule which is saved in my top-level assembly using iLogic rule which is saved in a part file in the parent assembly.

I have even tried using an external rule in a txt file, but that gives the error "Component: This function can only be used in an assembly."  - which makes no sense to me.   I hope I am just missing something simple.  I cant believe with all its other strengths, that iLogic would be so limited in that regard.   Why is there not simply a snippet under the 'Run Other' that allows you to specify an assembly file and the rule name?  (like there is for running a rule in a component from the assembly)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Run Ilogic Rule In Each Part From The Assembly Via External Rule

Dec 6, 2011

I want to simply set a custom iproperty as the Description in each part file within my assembly.  I can do this easily at part level with ilogic but I want to be able to run the rule from the assembly level and all the parts run the rule.  I am struggling to find a way to do this.

I think this may be the best method I have found but I think it must be far easier?


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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Design - Why Work With Local Rule But Errors On External Rule

Dec 9, 2011

I am working for customer with a simple item with his iLogic design. He has created a simple form to modify his iProperties. To modify the current material, a multi-value parameter was created and the following rule as a local rule;

"MultiValue.List("MATLIST") = iProperties.Materials
iProperties.Material = MATLIST"

He is now trying to make this an external rule but gets the following error

Error in rule: Mat2, in document: Mat2.iLogicVb
iProperties.Material: is probably a bad material name.

The more info tab says:

System.ArgumentException: iProperties.Material: is probably a bad material name.
at iLogic.CadPropertiesInRule.SetDocMaterial(Document doc, String matName)
at LmiRuleScript.Main()
at Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.AppDomExec.ExecRuleInAssembly(Assembly assem)
at iLogic.RuleEvalContainer.ExecRuleEval(String execRule)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Close ILogic Form With VBA Or ILogic Rule

Aug 19, 2013

how can I close an iLogic Form from either an iLogic Rule, or a VBA Rule (VBA is the Preferred method)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal From Flat Sheet To Rolled Part?

Sep 12, 2013

A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create A Rule In ILogic

Apr 18, 2012

I want to create a rule that will warn the user when the plate thickness they are using is not standard.  I have already created a multivalue parameter for plate thickness, which lists all standard steel plate thickness's and also allows for custom values.

I was hoping I could create a rule that would prompt a dialogue box warning when the user creates a custom value for plate thickness.

I know this can be done,  but like I said,  Im bloody useless with iLogic and find it hard to come across relevent examples and/or tutorials online.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Save As PDF Rule

Oct 24, 2012

I'm currently using this rule for easy PDF making

SaveLoc = "C:Temp"FileName = ThisDoc.FileName(False)Revnr = " rev_" & iProperties.Value("Project", "Revision Number")PDFnaam = SaveLoc & FileName & RevnrThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(PDFnaam & (".pdf") , True)MessageBox.Show("PDF is aangemaakt in C:Temp", "Document creation",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information)

 The problem with this is that i want to save without lineweight? is there anyway to do this with this code?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Running A Sub In ILogic Rule?

Sep 5, 2012

I have an ilogic rule with multiple Subs. How could I run one specific sub contained in that rule from an iLogic form or another rule?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete ILogic Rule Using VBA?

Jul 6, 2011

i have an iLogic rule in serveral files. Now this rule has to be deleted. This should be done with VBA. I can not find any function to delete a rule using VBA.

I found a function iLogicAuto.RunRuleDirect(rule), but not iLogicAuto.DeleteRule(rule) ...

I can not find any documentation for iLogic/VBA.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Trigger An ILogic Rule

Jun 26, 2012

I have an iPart which includes iLogic Rule. When I change iPart by table, iLogic Rules are not triggered.

In iLogic Utilities, there is a button "Rules Triggered by Events", If I use "Any Model Parameter Change", the update need long time, looks like Inventor is "No Response". I like the way "Material Change", but I need "part Number" change to trigger the rules. How can I do it? I tried other events as After Open, Before Save, etc, they are does not work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Drawing Rule

Jul 18, 2013

I have a rule setup for drawings. I need the rule to first determine if the there is a flat pattern view present. In other words, if there is no flat patter view, I want to the rule to stop.

I am very green to ilogic and VB. Running Inventor 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding ILogic Rule Using API

Oct 5, 2011

I've caught glimpses of how to do this (For instance, this plugin (Inventor LinkParameters)  [URL]...... when trying to actually find information on any documentation of how to get from point A to point B. I can't seem to find anything about ilogic automation / rule creation / ilogic in general, in the object browser at all. 

I know code like this exists

Option ExplicitSub RuniLogicRule()Dim iLogicAuto As ObjectSet iLogicAuto = GetiLogicAddin(ThisApplication)If (iLogicAuto Is Nothing) Then Exit SubDim doc As DocumentSet doc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim ruleName As StringruleName = "Rule0"Dim rule As ObjectSet rule = iLogicAuto.GetRule(doc, "Rule0")If (rule Is Nothing) Then Call MsgBox("No rule named " & ruleName & " was found in the [code].......
(and even fixed the error it gave me due to the original code leaving something out) , but any info on the GetRule method is. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule Shrinkwrap Substitute

Sep 19, 2012

Is there any way to create a rule to create a substitute on my weldment files?

what I need is something like:

If this document file type is weldment then create shrinkwrap substitute, go to the file (substitute) read the custom iproperty "area" and write to this document custom iproperty "area for sand-blasting" activate LOD Master then delete substitute LOD.

The propose is for purchase department to know the area of the assembly (only the area of visible surfaces).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Keyboard Shortcut For ILogic Rule?

Oct 15, 2010

Is there any command/option to add a keyboard shortcut for ilogic rule?

Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013

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