When I create a corridor surface I usually create a suface boundary automatically by daylight.Half the time this works fine, half the time it doesn't work at all. If I view the corridor in 3d view it looks fine.
I tried to create a shrinkwrap polyline to use as a boundary but when I picked the corridor in the shrinkwrap command
it locked up my computer. These are just simple corridors with no intersections. Why the automatic boundary only works intermitently? Is there a better/easier way to create the surface boundary?
I have created a surface from a corridor. I set the boundary of the surface to the daylight of the corridor. In some areas of the corridor the surface does not triangulate see attached.
I have problem with corridor surface boundary , in curve boundary line is jumping on daylight fill , but i have created surface on wearing layer ,also when i am adding boundary there is only 3 types of adding , corridor extends , polygon and interactively , photo attached.
I used a 2d polyline to create a surface boundary for a surface created. The polyline is a closed loop. For the boundary type it is outer, unchecked Non-destructive breakline, and mid-ordinate distance = 1.
My problem is that when I do this I only get a small portion of the surface to show up within my surface boundary. If I don't have a surface boundary the entire drawing surface shows up no problem.
The purple polyline is my boundary and the light blue is the surface created within the boundary.
My corridor surface is not matching my corridor top links. see attachments. this is affecting my volumes!
The section-plan(surface red).png is showing the section editor and the plan view. the red highlighted line in section is the corridor surface and as you can see in plan view the surface is incorrect and wiggly.
The pdf is all my sections with the red linework being the corridor surface.
I've set the corridor's surfaces to use the corridor boundariy & the datum's overhang correction to top links & bottom links, but for some reason it doesn't respect the corridor's boundary.
all of a sudden whenever I run audit on my corridor file the surface definition becomes a snapshot. To add to the drama, the corridor surface will not paste into an empty surface. Why?
My problem added with pic ... I want to make volume calculate for sample road project. When I try to compute materials I cant use Corridor surface for DATUM... There is only target surface on option..
I am trying to visualize a road project. The problems is, whenever the corridor surface goes below the EG surface (when the road is in cut) the EG surface is the only visible surface.
I sort of need to subtract the corridor surface from the EG surface, or merge the both surfaces into one.
I have survey data of the inside floor of a pond ( the pond has a flat floor ). The surface made from the survey data needs to extend to the outline of the pond instead of the outline of the survey points.
I tried the smooth surface method of kriging with a grid base and I sellected the outline of the pond for the output region and that worked somewhat but there are still gaps between the boarder and the surface.
I have alignments that go in and out of a surface boundary (this is because I have a surface that represents the bottom of pavement.) I want to show the surface profile with the gaps in the profile view (where there is no surface. However in the profile view the gaps are sometimes connected with a straight line instead of being blank.
How can I have a surface profile represent the bottom of pavement properly? (An alignment that is not fully withing the surface boundary.) I know I could add the profile multiple time with different start/end stations But, I don't want that, I want it to be dynamic, as the alignment will change.
The odd shapes are outside the daylight line. They follow a straight-line around the daylight limits (see third attached file), apparently triangulating unwanted areas. I've used a corridor shrink wrap for the surface boundary.
What is the best bet? I'd rather not draw a polygon along the daylight line and use it as a surface boundary, since it could change. Setting a max triangle length in the surface does not seem to provide a desired result.
I have problems applying an Outer boundary to eliminate a small area within a big surface (and a few Hide boundaries within that Outer boundary): Civil 3D somehow creates extra triangles within my surface (that don't really make sense to me). I am applying the boundaries as non-destructive boundaries as I need the surface to extend all the way to my applied boundaries. The surface needs to be untouched (except applying a few Outer and Hide boundaries) as it is design data.
I need to adjust a surface boundary. I need to remove a corrupted area in my surface. I do not need it. Is there any way to drag a boundary so I can exclude some of my contour area? Is there a command under settings on tool space that I may have overlooked? This surface was furnished by a client so I do not want to rebuild or alter except to exclude some contours.
what is the trick for holding triangulation within a surface boundary? I recall a setting somewhere but can't seem to find it... attached graphic, would like to hold the surface triangulation within the arcs which are in the surface definition as boundary
I need to convert my surface boundary to a polyline so I can use it to clip another surface. Is there a simpler way than tracing it with the polyline command?
I use Civil 3D 2011. I have created a surface from a point group. Now i want to extend the surface to an outer boundary. To do so, i do the following steps:
- Select the surface and Extract the border object. - Create feature line from the extracted border polyline - offset this feature line (featureoffset) to outside specifying a offset distance and specifying the elevation difference as 0. - Add this offseted new featureline as the boundary in the definition of the surface - Rebuild the surface
Now when i am selecting the surface, I see that the featureline is not a part of the surface and I do not find the contours and the TIN extending to this new boundary. Also I still find the old border in the surface.
I'm creating a corridor to widen a road on the left and right sides. I am using OverlayWidenMatchSlope, with various other subassemblies. In places it daylights, in places there's a cut wall modeled from generic links. I am trying to create a good boundary for the corridor surfaces but I'm puzzled by one thing. The OWMS subassembly has a P2 code, but the corridor will not generate a featureline connecting the P2 codes..
I will try adding another baseline, and a new subassembly that will just use a generic link to target the sawcut line (the insert point for OWMS). That should give me a featureline I can use for a surface boundary. Is there a way to generate that featureline from the inside edge (the insert point) of the OWMS subassembly?
I am trying to create a surface from a corridor. I have a sub-assembly attached, which I believe is working correctly. I managed to create the empty surface and when I try to add surface data nothing seems to happen. I keep changing the specified code to Base which is my finished gravel structure and hit the + but again nothing seems to happen.
Ultimately I am trying to determine a volume between my corridor and original topo.
I am having some issues with my corridor. It is for a 1.5 mile two lane section of highway. When I created the corridor, I used 15 assemblies. Now, when I try to create a corridor surface, I have issues. The file crashes when I try to load the surface.
I have one corridor with several baselines. I have asked it to generate a corridor surface but it has left out several baselines from the surface. I have ruled out assemblies. I am not sure what is going on. I am also unable to get feature lines from this portion of corridor as well. The corridor builds just fine and I can see what the daylight lines are etc. What's going on. Yes I have audited the drawing.
After you go thru and setup all of the links and feature lines that you want to use to create a corridor surface, is there any way to save that particular setup to be used on other corridors? That way you would not have to select all of them again and again, every time that you wanted to create, say a datum surface.
I created a surface corridor, called STAGE 1, that I would like to target with a second corridor, STAGE 2. In a new file, I data referenced in STAGE 1 surface. It is showing up as an option for me to use as a target in my STAGE 2 corridor properties. Once I look at my sections it shows there is nothing targeted on that side.
I've created a corridor with kerbline widths targeting featurelines. I've created the corridor at 1m centres and have added a number of individual points to ensure it properly picks up all of the geometry of the target featurelines. However, the surface that has been created has numerous holes in it along one side and I can't understand why.
I have been banging my head against a wall for a while now trying to get this corridor surface to form properly. It wont seem to triangulate properly from where I have copied the intersection into the East-West corridor.
I have had this issue at least 3 times and twice on the same drawing. I create a surface from corridor and add several polylines and feature line as well as a boundary to the surface. Randomly it will lose all definition (breaklines and boundary) and i will have to "select similar" (and hope I get everything) and add all of my definition back.
It seems to only occur on large files and when my frequency is tight on curve and vertical curves.
I built a corridor, then corridor surface. Then I changed the corridor onto a different profile. I noticed that the contours at the end were going crazy: the new profile ended before the corridor and everything was going down to zero elevation. So I went to edit my corridor region. I enter the required station, and my contours disappear.
Observations so far:
If I set the end of the corridor region to 2+377.91 to 2+384.54 inclusive, the contours on the surface disappear. The triangles and boundary still display, and the surface gives a Z reading when I hover the mouse over it. If I set the region end to something above 2+384.54 or something below 2+377.91 the contours reappear.
My profile ends at 2+383.00, and I would like the corridor and the surface to end there too!