AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing From Surveyor In Rotated Coordinate System
May 17, 2013
I received the attached drawing file "A" from a surveyor that was created in an earlier version of AutoCAD (approx 2000). The attached drawing is rotated so that the view in Model Space shows the cross-hairs with north pointing northwest. There are points included within the drawing that do not match the coordinates of the surveyed points within the attached ascii text file. I would like to rotate the drawing so that the points match the coordinates in the ascii file and North follows the y-axis.
I have imported the points from the ascii text file into a new drawing file "B". I external referenced (overlay) the new drawing file B into drawing A. I tried moving all of the objects in the drawing file A (with MOVE) to a known point coordinate and then rotating (ROTATE) the objects to two known points. I don't know how to select all of the objects in drawing A and not the external reference in drawing B so that I may Rotate only drawing A objects.
How to move and rotate the surveyors drawing A so that I may match the coordinates in the ascii text file.
I want to attach a drawing (say A.dwg) and want to query some objects from it and want to draw in the current drawing. In addition to that I also want to set the coordinate system of current drawing ,same as attached drawing(A.dwg). How can I do it by using C#(Arx).
i have a two coordinate one is WGS84 my normal drawing but i want to convert that drawing into Air Port Coordinate system how can we convert any drawing with other coordinate system.
1 How do I determine what coordinate system a drawing I have received has been prepared in?
2 I know how to export drawings to a .shp file but how can I export this drawing to a .shp file and ensure that coordinate system is maintained or otherwise changed for use in Arch GIS?
I have successfully exported the .shp file geometry previously but the cordinates system doesn't seem to match ARCGIS data sets. I am trying to establish is this an Autocad or ArchGis issue I suppose.
I have a number of lines that will not fillet because they are non-coplaner. Is there a way to globally edit all the lines in a drawing to set the Z coordinate to zero rather than having to choose each line?
When I create a new dwg, I use a macro to set all the system variables in the drawing - ltscale, hatch scale, etc. I also use the setq function and define a few new "variables" in the drawing. For instance I use setq to define a variable I call "sf" and set it equal to 72. Everything works great and I do my work and close the drawing. Next time I open the drawing, all my custom variables no longer exist. I have to use redefine them all over again. Is there a way to get these custom variables that I create with setq to stick with the drawing permanently - so I do not have to redefine them every time I close/open the drawing?
saving the 'Map Coordinate System' on a specific drawing? - For example, I need to use Coordinate System MGA-55 when working on an Australian Project, and UTM84-39N when working on a Kazakh Project, however, if I set my coordinate system to MGA-55, then save my drawing, the Coordinate system resets to UTM84-39N when I reopen the same drawing (it appears not to be saved with the drawing). I'm Using 'AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 (64bit) running on Windows 7.
I have connected to some SRTM DEM data, but the resulting terrain and contours I generated are not showing properly. Specifically, the map area is stretched out of shape (too wide L & R). I seem to recall it had to do with setting the proper "define coordinate system" option for the file.
Im on a project including inserting an FAA sectional map and plotting new points on top of it. Im trying to setup the coordinate system right now before i import the data and i dont see an option that matches the map exactly. Im including the information from the metadata file included with the geotiff.
How can I extract coordinate system of a autocad Map dwg file by using C#. I have to use this information to set the coordinate system of other drawing.
The following code works for querying the global coordinate system of a drawing
Dim Current1 As Autodesk.Gis.Map.MapApplication Current1 = Autodesk.Gis.Map.HostMapApplicationServices.Application Dim Proiect1 As Autodesk.Gis.Map.Project.ProjectModel Proiect1 = Current1.ActiveProject MsgBox(Proiect1.Projection.ToString)
The following line of code doesn't work
Proiect1.Projection = "UTM83-12"
On gives this: "Exception of type ‘Autodesk.Gis.Map.MapException was thrown."
In Autocad gives this error: "Cannot save projection code to the drawing"
When I click on a block in my drawing the properties bar shows "position x" and "position y" but these coordinates do not match up at all with the x,y coordinates shown in the bottom left corner of the screen. For example, my cursor over the block is at about 370000,4900000 but the block position is 170000, -140000. Is there a different coordinate system the block position is referring to?
I want to have a piece of text added to the drawing notes that uses a field (or similar), to list the coordinate system code assigned to the drawing, i.e. UTM83-12.
Any setvar or something that I can use?
There are load of different coordinate systems to choose from, and I don’t want to have to manually enter it for every drawing.
My group is trying to convert a dwg from one coordinate system to another. The original drawing contains points, blocks, etc. in 1 system and we need it in a different one. We tried attaching the dwg to a new map with the new system using a layer query, but this did not appear to bring in the objects into the new system.
"Structures" is in the original system (OR83-NF), "StructuresHarn" is in the desired system (ORHP-NIF)
P.S. C3D 2011 Civil 3D 2013, HF3.0 Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1
How are we suppose to do a simple rotation around the y axis ( like a mirror of the sketch ). I think that I have pick every single line in my ipt but inventor can't show me what I want.
I have an Map that was drawn in regular autoCAD drawn 1:1. I know the coordinate system that I need to assign to it and some known coordinate but how to I go about getting my current map to be correctly Geo-referenced.
Is there a way to tell AutoCAD map that a certain few points are at certain coordinates, and the rest falls into place?
I received a drawing from a designer some time ago showing the UCS Icon rotated so that the building / structure on the drawing was square to the screen but the original coordinate system was also maintained. How to do this as I often have to rotate drawings to suit a particular site coordinate system and then have to view the drawing at an angle on the screen rather than square on. With irregular shaped buildings or structures it is not so important but for most buildings it would be useful to look at the plan the way it was drawn so as not to give myself a crick in the neck!
I try to reposition the origin of the coordinate system of a sketch with the pop up menu, on the RMB.
I position it correctly, then press enter-nothing happens. i RMB and select OK, and when i check again-the coordinate system remained in it's previous state. I did it a few times with 2 sketches and gave up
I am a new user of civil 3D 2012. How to write a new coordinate category in my computer.
I am using a 64 bit windows 7 and everytime I attempt to write a new coordinate system category it always display the words " no access to write to the dictionary".
We're looking into the "Workflow" system in Map3d.One of our most common tasks is to Set the coordinate system and then add a georeferenced image (such as a SID file).
I'd like to create a workflow that will do this -- but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get it to set the coordinate system. I will eventually need to tell the image what coordinate system to use (we normally have to edit that manually).