AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Drawing Template - One Drawing File Versus Individual Drawings
Jun 21, 2013
Setting up a tabulated ipart drawing template. Which is drawing file with a table or individual drawings for each tabulation? Also does one method work better than the other when introducing vault?
I have created an iLogic panel which allows me to control my revision a lot easier and puts my entered data into the parameters of the sheet itself, is there a way to have this show up on the drawing itself for a template?
I've recently made a new drawing template with ilogic prompts for entering data for all fields within the template. It also sets view sizes etc. I have lots of master drawings, which are reused when sizes etc change for a contract, which i would like to transfer to this new template. Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard does not offer this function.
I could get all drawings in a folder copied to specific sheet size on the master template.As the template will probably be developed further in the future I'm very loathed to do this take manually.
I have some code to replace the current title block with a title block from a template file. I just don't like how it adds a new title block definition named "copy of titleblock". I'd like to delete or replace the current title block definition so only the newly added one is listed.
Sub test() Dim odrawdoc As DrawingDocument Set odrawdoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument If (odrawdoc.DocumentType <> kDrawingDocumentObject) Then Exit Sub Dim oTemplate As DrawingDocument Dim oSourceTitleBlockDef As TitleBlockDefinition Dim oNewTitleBlockDef As TitleBlockDefinition Dim oSheet As Sheet Set oTemplate = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(ThisApplication.FileOptions.TemplatesPath & "template.idw", False) Set oSourceTitleBlockDef = oTemplate.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.Definition Set oNewTitleBlockDef = oSourceTitleBlockDef.CopyTo(odrawdoc) ' Iterate through the sheets. For Each oSheet In odrawdoc.Sheets oSheet.Activate oSheet.TitleBlock.Delete Call oSheet.AddTitleBlock(oNewTitleBlockDef) Next oTemplate.CloseEnd Sub
I'm just being picky at this point, but I don't want a buildup of title block definitions. We reuse drawings all the time which is why a simple method of updating a title block would be nice. I can just imagine in some years time after a title block update or two there are 20 "copy of copy of copy of .................. titleblock" listed in a drawing file.
I am experiencing a crash when I try and place an ipart (any of them) into a new drawing. The open file box works but when the base view is placed in the drawing it has an unexpected problem and crashes.
Is this a documented problem , and a hotfix is forthcoming or is this just me and something local to my installation. Normally my install is very stable.
I'm having an issue with Inventor crashing every time I attempt to follow this exact procedure:
1. I have a drawing open with an iAssembly or iPart in it.
2. I edit a view by double-clicking the view, opening the 'Drawing View' dialog box.
3. I open the 'Model State' tab.
4. In the 'iAssembly/iPart Member' menu box, I select a different member.
Now, it may or may not open the 'Save' dialog box. If it does, then I click 'OK' and poof, Inventor crashes without fail, asking to send in a crash report.
The same thing happens if I start a brand new drawing and attempt to follow the same procedure while inserting a Base view.
Now, I know for a fact that the not all of the drivers are not up to date on my computer, I am not using a recommended graphics card, and I am using SP1.1, not SP2. I have notified my IT guy about this, but he has yet to get back to me. I don't now if/when everything on my computer will be updated. I do not have admin rights to my computer.
In the mean time, Inventor has become essentially useless for me until this issue has been resolved. how I can get these drawings to start working?
I have two tables on a drawing one showing a parts list the other changes to dimensions.
The table to show the dimension changes is a configuration table pointing to an ipart.
iLogic is used to update the ipart but you have to right click to update the Active Member in the ipart to see the drawing update.
Is there a way to automate the 'update active member'? (on the ipart table - this does update the drawing)
I just have the one row in the table, it's purpose was to pass the values onto the drawing (as the part resizes I didn't want the dimensions moving so opted to tabulate them) - hoping they would update!
Is there a way to have a table update parametrically i.e. I've tried .csv as a source to the table but can't force an update. This way I could scrap the ipart & just import the values to a table.
The table also includes some txt comments which change with the ipart properties.
After reviewing many similar topics, I am still at a loss here. We are finding that the settings for using shift to deselect items seem to be changing within individual drawing files.
I open 2 drawing files. In one, the shift/deselect works fine, but in the other is does not deselect anything...
Further - within the non-working drawing file, the option to activate 2 hotpoints on a line and then stretch that line no longer works either.
Like everyone dealing with these shift/select/deselect issues, we are wasting an extreme amount of time trying to resolve issues that never seemed to be issues with past versions.
I need to show a particular part in a drawing view so that it's clearly visible. I mean, I can see it fine, but I would like it to pop out a bit more than it does and not blend in with other lines around it. Is there anyway to do this? I know you can make an entire view colored, but I just want one part colored within that view.
If not, then how do I remove the lighting from a particular view so that the parts will show as solid colors in a drawing view? They currently show with like a white reflection or sheen and a sort of gradient coloring to them.
IV2012 Windows XP SP3 32-bit Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram 2 GB Ram 160GB HDD
I have an iPart that I have created parameters to perform some basic calcs so the values will show up on every member. The parameters are correct for the different member so it appears to be working correctly on the model side. For example I have a parameter called 'CutLength' that performs simple math functions. But when I make the table on the drawing and I include this parameter, I see the formula in the table instead of the value. Is there a way I can have it display the value instead of the equation?
When editing the Title Box in a Drawing Template and attempting to insert a LOGO (bmp file) the logo file justs show an icon for the Logo and not the Logo
On my company's default drawing template, I have a text block on there with some drawing notes. We often edit some of the notes on the end at each drawing so I didn't create it on the "title block" layer, rather it's on the "top" layer. I also added (in the template) a revision table with Rev. A being "Released for Production" (because we are weird). How can I constrain those on the sheet so when I change sheet size, they stay in the same position relative to the corners of the sheet?
i use Inventor 2012 and Vault Collaboration 2012, and I often find drawing template cannot be open. with error message The template file is open. Please close it and try again
i am having a BOM template for the parametric modelling i have created using the excel sheet input link.
when i create the drawing from the model the default Bom part list is coming, instead of that i need to get the Excel Bom Template i have created based on the input excel link.
We are going to be using autodesk vault and it is my understanding that vault searches the iproperties defined in inventor documents. Is there a preferred way to set up the iproperties in the part, assy and drawing environments.
If I do a search in vault and the iproperty is only defined in the drawing, the main search results will only give me the drawing(s) and I will have to show dependencies to find the associated model or assy, right. If I define the iproperty in the part, model and drawing I will have to fill in the value of the iproperty possibly in three places. If filling in the value in three places is preferred is there an easier way to fill out the values.
I made iLogic for assembly and drawing, now i want to update drawing template parameters thru ilogic, as i already linked Fx(parameters) & iProperties to Template, but for updating template i need to close file and open again that file,
currently m using this method.
What is the solution for updating drawing template (like Model Description, Drawing no.).
Is there a way to have a part, which is a part of a larger assembly, get the title, subject, etc. from its parent assembly? I have my template set to use the "Title" property in my title block but I'd like each individual part drawing to pull that "title" from the assembly, not from the part itself.
I have updated our Company TB and Border and was now working with the Line weights of our layers. I placed our TB into the directory so when we do File -> New, we can select our TB. My problem is when I open it up, I get an error dialog box about a Conflict Styles (error shown below). Where exactly do I save our Library styles so that when I open up our TB, my pre-selected lineweights, layers, etc... load up?
I customer sent me a drawing template I need to use to submit a drawing to them. It is a ProE template which has a file extension of .frm.1 How to open this file extension and use it using either Autodesk Inventor or AutoCad?
I created a drawing template, saved on companies common drive, not local. When I created it I also created BOM to be filtered for certain iproperties. When I go "new" and open a new drawing file from the template I get the message about the style conflict and when open BOM in a new drawing I get default columns not the columns I set up in iproperties.
What is the process of setting up/changing styles?
I'm trying to automate the drawing-creation in our company. Steps I've taken:
- create new drawingdocument with template - Save new drawingdocument
Problem: Creation of new document works, but the next step, saving it to a specific location, fails. Error handler is initiated and displays error: Invalid procedure call or argument.
Dim DXF_DWG as DrawingDocument'Create new drawing based on templateSet DXF_DWG = ThisApplication.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kDrawingDocumentObject, ThisApplication.FileOptions.TemplatesPath & "Folded and Flatpattern DXF.dwg", True) 'Save new drawing to specific locationCall DXF_DWG.SaveAs("C:TempTest.dwg", False)
As told, the VB-code raises an error on the last command. What am I doing wrong? What are the correct steps in VBA to create a new drawing document based on a template and save the newly created drawing to a desired location?
Is there a way to pin or standardize where a revision table is located in a drawing?
I have a title-block set up and would like a revision table either embedded or populated upon command, just above my title-block. It would also need to extend upward with additional revisions...
Why do some drawings show in later drawings even through I have them set to invisible? I cannot find a consistent reason and the only way to "fix" it seems to be to delete the old drawing and redo it.
In Inventor 2013 it was easily to switch in a drawing view between different iPart members. Through Edit view => Tab Model State and then it was possible to switch between different iPart members. So it was easy to make a copy in the Vault from only the dwg (from a iPart member) and then change the iPart member. Now in Inventor 2014 it is not possible anymore.