Xara :: How To Deactivate Update Check In Photo Graphic Designer 9
Oct 28, 2013
is there a way to Deactivate update check in Xara photo graphic designer 9. Has Xara reg2.5 such function? Did look in settings and xara reg 2.5 but nothing found.
On each start of the program I have the update check what does take time...
I've just converted an A3 double sided file containing 100% text in 22 varying languages. The Xara a/w looks perfect but when I view the .PDF convertion it has added squares with a cross inside to several of the foriegn languages where there should be spaces. I've tried varying the .pdf convertor set-ups but to no avail.
I have tried three times today to download both Xara Designer Pro 7 and Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7 from both the US and English web pages. In all cases, all I get is a small 3.5 mb file. When I click on the file, i get a spinning astrix that spins for 5 minutes then times out.
I was going to buy Xara Designer Pro 7 upgrade tonight, but since this happened, I'm holding off till I know that the software works on my system
System specs: Win 7 Home Premium, 8 gb ram, ATI Radeon 3750 512 mb ram.
Is there a way to create a .avi file in Photo & Graphic Designer 7?
I want to create an animation (not an animated .gif) that I can then include in a movie. I see how to set the properties for an AVI file but when I try to export the animation, I do not see the otption to save my file as a .avi. Am I missing something or is there a better alternative for creating an animation that can be included in a movie file?
I am wondering if Xara supports layers in the same way as my other graphics programs. I am able to bring a bitmap into a layer over another bitmap layer and by applying a particular mode, lets say Overlay or Soft Light, it will change the appearance of the new layer. By doing this I build up new designs for digital papers.
I am working on a graphic design project - a print publication for a client. The original Word document that is the basis for the report contains footnotes. Insofar as I am able to do so, I would like to retain my client's structure, including the footnotes. Is this feasible with P&GD 6 or version 7? I cannot find any reference to "footnote" in the help provided with my installation.
why the PDF manual that comes on the Xara CD cannot be read on my iPad2. I have tried both Ibooks and GoodREader. Images and pages display, but the text is rendered as blurry black smudges. It's such a shame since I like to have my documentation beside my screens and use my monitors for palettes and the main window. Is it a problem with my copy and is there a way to get a working PDF?
I know how to go in to my settings and change the default page settings on a new design, but I want my settings to ALWAYS come up with the settings I change them to. How do I set these so that every time I start Xara I don't have to go change the settings AGAIN?
I used Graphics & Photos 2013, I update the software yesterday and if I save my job as PDF, the transparency done on a picture is inverted.Currently I removed the transparency but it is not the solution.Issue appear only when I create a PDF file. By creating a JPG file it works.
I have the latest version of Photo and Graphic Designer 9, and I have two .eps files that I cannot open because when I try to open them directly or import I get an error message that says that there is an error detected in the EPS file at line ####. These are files that I purchased and downloaded, and presumably they should not have errors. I don't have other software that is meant to open EPS files, so I cannot verify personally, but I do have reason to assume they are valid files. I saw this post that mentioned the same type of problem -
I had no problem working with and feathering masks in Designer Pro 9. However the upgrade to Pro X9 has made "improvements" that I cannot figure out.
I have a photo in which I want to blur and darken the background while leaving the subject person clear and bright.
I used the mask painter tool to mask out the person, so far so good. I used the picture editing tools to blur and de-bright the unmasked portion. So far, so good.
The result had (of course) too hard an edge between the masked and unmasked portions of the image.
How can I soften (feather) the edge of the mask? OR how else should I be trying to accomplish this task?
To repeat, I could do this just fine in Pro 9, but in Pro X9 I just can't seem to find out how to do it.
I have Xara Graphics and Photo Designer 6. I've mainly used it for web graphics but now I am doing some print work with it.
I want to set up the page so that it is 300 dpi. Then design the graphic and then export it.
However I am confused on how to do this.
It appears the way Xara is set up you design the graphic and then during export you tell it how many DPI you want it.
The problem is if I select 300 dpi during export, the resulting export is much too big.
I am sure I am doing something wrong. It seems to me there must be a way to set up the page before creating the graphic to 300 dpi (or whatever dpi you plan to export it in... right?)
Is there a simple way to make a cone shape in Xara Photo and Graphics designer 2013? I need to make a cone that can be extruded and shaped sort of like this?
If I create a text object, then copy and duplicate, how do make the width of the duplicate text smaller whilst maintaining the length of the object. I have worked out that I can use borders around text to create a smaller version however the effect is not suffice.
Effectively what I want to achieve is the 'feather' effect that reduces the width but retain the overall shape and dimension without any distortions.
It is there in the directory, and I can see it in xara 6 as well. But I go to use it and it says it isn't installed and that I should install from help menu.
I have tried so many tings and recently I tried changing the permissions, still no go.
It's weird cause I also own Xara Web designer 6 and they open in that program fine...
I wonder if PaGD7 could be used for a short, letter-sized 48 page grayscale booklet with two column text and images on nearly every page (at 300DPI) and multiple fonts. Can the software handle this or I would be asking too much out of it?
I seem unable to find an automatic page numbering option, which would be necessary for a print publication. All other needed functions, including accurate kerning and baseline controls are there. I found some old mentions of auto page numbering in old threads but no positive answer. It would be a nice feature to have, assuming the program can handle such filesizes.
I am wondering if it is possible to do a style update (or style update check) upon open of a drawing?
The example would be that I have stuff made from way back that the colors/dimension sytles ect dont match the current standard and upon opening a file where they are not current, it would either prompt to update immediatly OR update automatically with no prompting (preferred method).
I am doing a massive amount of updates from old files recently and to save myself 1 - 3 clicks per drawing would be wonderful.
What is the easiest way to open/import SVG files in Xara Designer Pro?
It's funny you can export as SVG but I cannot find SVG format when importing graphics.
My current workaround is to open SVG files in Illustrator, select, copy, jump over to Xara and paste as enhanced metafile. But what if I don't have Illustrator?
When ever I export to PDF from Designer Pro 7 a graphic ends up in the PDF file that isn't any where in the Xara doc. It happens on most files exported from Xara but not all. It also happens on both my laptop and my desktop PC. I'm pretty sure it used to happen in WD6 so it may stem from there.
I've attached a PDF exportd from Xara, you shouild hopefully see two black.. um.. cartoonish feet / foot prints. God knows where they came from, I must have imported them at somepoint. You should also notice they only appear on the first page of a document.
I've tried searching for just outlines in Designer pro but nothing.
Is there an .INI file or cache file I can clear?
I haven't tried a re-install yet as it happens on two PC's so can't see it being that.
does the new xarapro have a linked feature for placing 300 dpi images into a 50-60 pages? If not, is it even possible to have that many pages with those numbers of large size pictures? Just wanted to know if others have done such a thing. Also if possible, can a large document be divided into number of xara files and then exported as pdf and put together in adobe acrobat to make a large output for printers?
I noticed that when exporting a trifold to PDF, that a transparent PNG file contained in the design, actually has an opaque background, not transparent. I have used Commercial Printing as the export mode and played a little with custom settings.
If I type some text, then select the 'Selector Tool', then use the middle 'bounds handles' to resize.I would expect the text to be stretched.But, what I get is resizing in both horizontal and vertical directions. As if I was using the corner 'bounds handles'.
It works as I would expect in Designer Pro X.Is there a setting I've missed somewhere?
i am just testing Designer Pro X 9 (have Pro X) and when trying to locate PS Plugin folder, i get the window "currently no 64Bit (8bf) support" "choose the 32Bit Version". I have Av. Bros. plugins, which are also available in 64 Bit.
how do you change the tool bar buttons to small buttons? The options are all greyed out! I am old but not that blind yet. This is a work stoppage, and abandon software problem for me.