I have been using Photoshop for a while in various graphic-oriented tasks. The problem I am facing is as follows: I was asked to do a watermark on some images on a net-store. The problem with this is that I want to do them in an unorthodo-style. See I have done it all before, just can´t remember, nor find information on how to do it. I want to do the "watermark" from a shadow of a text, so that the shadow follows the pictures curves. I remember that there is somewhere in there a function that allows you to "count" the depth based on brightness etc. In other words I want an effect that a text is casting a shadow on a 3d-object, which here is a 2d-photograph. Somebody following me?
Could somebody please help? I have already made a font of the logo that is to watermarked. I plan to cast a shadow from it on the pic, then copypaste the upper part so that the text the shadow is casted from doesn´t show.
I don't know if this problem was already there in earlier 3ds max versions, but i cant find anywhere on the internet how to create a shadow on a invisible plane like matte shadow could :
I used the Photo Shop CS6 trial to see how well I could manage my photo scans. I scanned a coupled of photos and saved them in psd format. My question is: does the trial version include any special watermarks or manipulate the image in any way while the trial is active? Or is the trial version a full featured time-limited evaluation of the actual CS6? Â I dont see any watermarks but I was wondering if the trial version does any modifications to images I scan from teh TWAIN plugin.
whack of images all at once...or just how do you do it even on one shot...if watermarking is a way to big a deal...then is there another way to otherwise mark up the shot so it will not likely get used but you can still see what it is...about to burn about a hundred images to disk and just sorta put them out there..
I have CS5. I have a jpg with a watermark on it that I can't seem to get rid of. It's the sew-classic.com across the page in the image. I was hoping that it would come up as a separate layer in Photoshop, so I could just delete it, but it's all on one. If it comes to zooming in and going over it with the background color it won't be worth the effort!
I need to place a semi-transparent logo onto about 300 images so people do not take my pictures right off the web and use it as their own. Instead of doing them one at a time, is there a batch method to crank these out? All the images are the same size and I have them in both PSD and Jpeg format.
A friend was messing with watermarks on some of my photos. Is there a way to remove watermarks he put on? It isn't a permanent picture, we are just messing with it.
I've been having some trouble trying to get the watermark feature (or Digimarc as CS2 calls it) to work. The digimarc isnt free, and all I'm wanting to do is put my name in the bottom corner of my pictures. Does anyone know how to do this....
I need to remove watermark from a pdf already created. I have Adobe Professional 7.0. The instruction said to go to watermark and click remove but I don't have the option.
My first question is, does anyone know the legality's of taking an image with a watermark on it, changing it with photoshop and removing the watermark?
Granted, I know that the watermark is there to prevent a picture as being claimed by someone else. However if that picture is changed and no longer the original, is it then fair game to remove the watermark?
I have 80-100 pictures from a senior photo shoot I did. I want to add a watermark to all of them, so I can distribute the CDs and not have to worry about printing without authorization. I suppose the best way is to create a layer with "DO NOT PRINT" and then add the layer to all of them. If there is an easier way without using layers please by all means let me know. All pictures are in JPEGS at this moment I know how to edit images on photoshop but I am not an expert on the program, what is the function or what are the steps I have to do to process all of them at once and not have to do one per one. Should I do it trough Bridge or Photoshop. Please give me directions step by step, dont assume that I know all the functions, as mentioned I am not an expert.
I'm looking for some watermark plugin for photoshop 7 or photoshop cs to put watermark to my digital pictures and avoid them from unauthorizied printing.I have tried some watrmark programs out of photoshop but they put visible watermark on pictures (over the human faces and so).I want to put unvisible watermark to my pictures ( unvisible when looking the pictures on computer monitor) but visible when somebody try to print them in photo labaratory. I try to use DIGIMARK filter in photoshop 7 but without succsess .I put few digits in ID box and PIN box, copyring year, then read the watermark atributes, everything seems is OK but when I print pictures there is no watermark.
I'm looking to create a batch that will allow me to resize an image (I can do this part) and then put a watermark (watermark.psd) on top of it. I have followed several tutorials and tried the actions and know how to batch, etc...but when I try to put an image over it, it errors. I have just been starting the recording and then drag and dropping from watermark.psd to the file I'm working with. That causes an error.
Is there a way I can apply a psd to many pictures at the same time? I've been trying some watermark programs but they didn't work... I want to keep the transparency from the psd on the pics
if there was anything like a action to batch process say 30 images with your insignia as a watermark. Applying it to all of them in a specific location with one press or would you have to make a action to do this and use it on each picture in turn.
I am really bad at Photoshop but willing to learn. Please let me know how to achieve this text watermark effect for an image. I have included an example of exactly how I would like it to look.
Also, it is important for me to know how to automatically put the watermarked text in the exact centre of the image. I will be doing this for more than a hundred images, so putting the text in the centre of every image is important for me.
Is there any way to include a watermark in files that I export from the PSE 11 Organizer or is Process Multiple Files in the Editor the only way to add a watermark?
I've been provided a PSD that contains a background image, a photo for the masthead, and a watermark that overlays the background color but underlays the photo.Â
I need to create a valid HTML5/CSS3 layout. How do I go about slicing the photo, and the overlapping watermark, ensuring that the watermark doesn't include the photo and vice versa?
How can I put a custom watermark logo on every pictures of my blog.There are many pictures on my blog where I need to put my blog's URL as a logo.how can I create a logo?
My blog URL .... and you can check those pictures visiting my blog where I want to put a watermark logo.Can i use photoshop to sharpen some blurr images as well?
Im trying to create a watermark action set. I have my watermark made and set to 30% for this particular set of images. When I paste the watermark on an image it comes into the new image at 100%. How do I get the opacity to remain consistant from document to document?
I add a watermark to all the photos I post to the web. I've (for years) used a transparent .png file and it's worked fine. Since starting to shoot with Canon Raw, I'm now doing the editing in CS5 for Windoze. (W7 pro 640 bit)  Since I've been unable to find a visible watermark feature in CS5, I've been dragging, then dropping the .png file on the edited image, placing it, then adjusting the opacity to a value of 5 or 6. That works out ok.  But when I drop the .png onto the edited file, its size is inconsistent. Well, it's consistent in that it's about 150 percent of what it should be. Both the edited file and the watermark image are 800 pixels wide. However, at what seems random frequency, the dropped image is about 1200 pixels wide, necessitating alignment and resizing before placing.  First, have I overlooked a visible watermark function?I know that's a loaded question, but if it's a method that should work, why is the dropped image inconsistent in its size? Next, is it reasonable to create an action to overlay the edited image with the watermark? I always use the same file, so it would seem like a reasonable thing.
I downloaded [URL] Automator Actions for Photoshop CS5.5. I took ages customizing a watermark action. Â I get Automator to resize the image without 'constraining propotions', the action itself also changes to the same size to make sure; Action then: places my logo, and selects all layers, aligns using horizontal centres and places it about 1/3 from the bottom; Â Problems: Â 1) The watermark is not placed horizontally centre on all images, what I don't understand is some photo's it is perfect, others it is slightly to the left?I thought it may be where I have rotated images in Bridge, but that is not the case, then maybe if I have zoomed in on the camera; but again not the case, seems intermittent! Â 2) Bugs: I created another watermark action, tried this one but did not work great, so I deleted it. I now have approx 50 of that listed in the actions folder. I cannot delete them, the arrow is pointing downward and appears like they are all open?
I'm using CS5, not that it really matter much for this question. I've used the same watermark for probably 5 or 6 years now. All I remember about creating it was that I did it while either reading or watching a tutorial on the subject. The reason that I love it is because is shows up very well no matter whether it is over a light image or a dark image. I have long since lost the tutorial and have spent the last day and a half looking at other tutorials with no luck. None of the ones that I tried work on both light and dark images.  Unfortunately, although I've been editing images for years, I do VERY little text and or font and or font effects work. That's why I'm a total loss about this thing. I will be attaching a jpg of my watermark duplicated with one placed on a white background and the other on a black background. Take note that this is the exact same watermark on both backgrounds. It isn't one that is special for dark and one that is special for light.  Steps that I need to make in order to duplicate this effect so that it looks exactly like this on both white and black surfaces? The font is "IMPACT".