Photoshop :: Making Droplets In CS4

Jul 13, 2009

Does anyone else get this message when dropping files on top of a droplet?

"Droplet couldn't communicate with Photoshop"

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Photoshop :: CS5 Droplets In CS6?

Jun 21, 2012

confirm that droplets created in Photoshop CS5 will work in CS6.

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Photoshop :: Droplets In CS6 With OS X Lion?

May 30, 2012

A couple of days ago I upgraded to CS6 & Lion. When I creat an action it will run fine by itself but not working when a droplet is created?

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Photoshop :: Droplets With CS2 And Vista

May 6, 2009

I'm having a little trouble with CS2 droplets. They work fine on one of my PCs with windows XP but when I try to use them on a machine with Vista a message comes up 'Photoshop CS2 has stopped working' This also happens when I double click on the droplet.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Droplets Not Working

May 6, 2007

I have recently purchased and installed CS3 Design Standard, and I can't get droplets working within Photoshop CS3. I'm running on WinXP SP2.

As an initial test, I followed the documentation, and created a droplet from an existing action that I knew worked when applied within Photoshop. To keep things simple, I chose destination "none", so in theory the modified image should remain open once it has been processed. The droplet was created without issue, and I got a "Process.exe" in the desired output folder.

When I drag and drop an image onto the droplet, Photoshop gains focus (when it is running), or starts (when it is closed), but then nothing happens! Code:

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Photoshop :: Droplets Just Don't Work

May 15, 2008

Got a problem with Droplets on CS3. They just don't work despite even reinstalling CS3.
Running a Vista laptop with CS3, set up my actions with Open and save commands so ticking both relevant boxes in the droplet pallett, so I know the actions have been set up correctly.
I've installed CS2 alongside CS3 and suddenly the droplets worked when created in CS3.

I've gone to my other XP machine tested CS3 droplets and they didn't work, so did the same, ie installed CS2 aswell and again the droplets don't work when created in CS3, thing is they don't work in CS2 either now. I've reinstalled CS3 on this machine too.

The error messages are different, sometimes, an error message comes up saying Photoshop has experienced a problem.

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Photoshop :: Actions & Droplets

May 13, 2009

I create actions and droplets for batch file re-sizing and conversions.  If I try to send more than 25 images to a droplet at one time, I receive an error message telling me that Windows could not find the specified file name or path; and that I may not have the required permissions for this action.  If I try this for 20 images or less, everything works fine. Because other users I have spoken with have not had this problem, not the software. 

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Photoshop :: Droplets Not Working PS CS4

Nov 24, 2008

I have created droplets for Noiseware actions in PS CS4. When I try to run the action either by dropping images directly onto the droplet on the desktop, or by trying an export action from Lightroom (which is what I really want to do), I get a Microsoft Windows pop up box with the message "Adobe Photoshop Droplet has stopped working".

I have also tried changing the compatibility of the droplet to run as administrator, I then get a different error message, which says, "Droplet couldn't communicate with Photoshop".

Have also tried creating droplets for other simple actions other than Noiseware, with the same results.

Dell XPS420 Quad Core 2.4Ghz, 4GB RAM, Windows Vista 32-bit SP1, PS CS4 and Lightroom 2.1

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Photoshop :: Droplets Just Don't Work With CS3

May 16, 2008

Got a problem with Droplets on CS3. They just don't work despite even reinstalling CS3.
Running a Vista laptop with CS3, set up my actions with Open and save commands so ticking both relevant boxes in the droplet pallett, so I know the actions have been set up correctly.

I've installed CS2 alongside CS3 and suddenly the droplets worked when created in CS3.
I've gone to my other XP machine tested CS3 droplets and they didn't work, so did the same, ie installed CS2 aswell and again the droplets don't work when created in CS3, thing is they don't work in CS2 either now. I've reinstalled CS3 on this machine too.
The error messages are different, sometimes, an error message comes up saying Photoshop has experienced a problem. Other times Photoshop opens up but nothing happens, no error message.

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Photoshop :: Actions/Droplets

Jul 23, 2004

I do have a web photo gallery where images are stored in 1024x768 and thumbnails in 120x90 pixel dimensions. On my desktop computer I've the following folder structure:


Folder 2048x1536 contains the original source images acquired from digital camera.
Within this folder I play batch action called 2048x1536 that perfoms the following tasks:Prompts if an image should be rotated

Rotate image x degrees (0 = leave unchanged)

Save with quality 12


I play this action > Automate > Batch and set destination Save and Close.Within folder 2048x1536 I play also batch action called 1024x768 that performs the following tasks:Resize image with constrain proportions; width 50%
Auto levels

I play this action > Automate > Batch and set destination Folder 1024x768.Finally within folder 1024x768 I play batch action called 1024x768->thumbnails that performs the following tasks:Resize image with constrain proportions; width 11,7%

Unsharp mask (amount: 50%, Radius: 1px)

Reset watches

Set selection to all

Stroke (width: 1px, location: center, opacity: 100%, R:0, G:0, B:0)
I play this action > Automate > Batch and set destination Folder thumbnails.I would like combine these three steps together and save images under folders 1024x768 and thumbnails using file format image + 2-digit serial + extension (e.g. image01.jpg).

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Photoshop :: Editing Droplets

Jul 10, 2006

How can you edit a droplet? I want to change the file location for the saved file but can't seem to get into the droplet to edit it, do I have to create a new one?

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Photoshop :: Actions And Droplets

Jul 24, 2009

I've created an action, but it won't OPEN a file, I have to open the file manually, then start the action.  I need this action to work in a droplet for over 300 images, so it would REALLY be nice if I could automate the entire process.  My action is: OPEN - 324 PSD filesCROP - to specific demensions, resolutionEXPORT - Save for web as a jpegCLOSE - close this file and loop to the next.

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Photoshop :: Creating Droplets In CS6 With Mavericks

Nov 19, 2013

I have upgraded my OX to MAvericks and now I can't use my droplets.
They are all saved and I have hundreds of images in seperate folders that my droplet would open, turn to CMYK and save in the same file but as a TIFF. Job was great and saved me tons of time.
But I can't do that now - or can I? How to get this working again or if there's a new way of doing it?

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Photoshop :: Copy Droplets For Using It On Another Computer?

Sep 13, 2013

Is it possible to copy droplets for using  it on another computer?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Why Are Droplets Covered With NO Symbol

Feb 19, 2013

Should I have installed 32 bit photoshop CS5? Recently upgraded my old (32 bit) mac pro to OS 10.7.5 Lion. Then upgraded Lightroom from version 2 to version 3. And finally upgraded from Photoshop CS 3 to CS 5. Why do droplets of Photoshop actions have a NO symbol over them, and are unable to work as a preset in Lightroom?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Droplets In One Pass

May 5, 2012

've been using Photoshop for a while now, since v.5.5. I'm not new to Actions, batches, droplets and the like. However, I've run into the need to process multiple files, in a multitude of ways and seem to be hitting a roadblock.
The current workflow is to take a folder of JPEGs and drop them onto a droplet that turns them into "Antique" look, I repeat the dragging-dropping process again with a Black & White Droplet, then again with a Sepia droplet. Ultimately I'd LOVE to combine the 3 steps into one: dropping the images onto a single droplet (or whatever it takes) and return to have 3 folders full of my derivative images.
My colleagues idea was to add a "revert" step into the original action, do the next steps, revert, etc. This works fine on a SINGLE image—when run solely as Action—but fails when batching because of the saving as a jpeg step. 

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Photoshop :: CS4 - How To Run Number Of Droplets In Succession

Feb 19, 2012

I am using Adobe Photoshop CS4.  I have created about 20 droplets that work great. Any way to run a number of droplets in succession.  Once one droplet is complete the next one begins.  I would like to run all my droplets over-night when I go home from work to come back in the moring to having all my images adjusted from the droplets. how to make this happen?

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Photoshop :: Reproducing ImageReady Droplets In...

Jul 10, 2009

Two questions, actually. 1. I'm trying to reproduce an ImageReady droplet in Photoshop. The ImageReady droplet includes an "Export Layers as Files" step, but the "Export Layers to Files" script in Photoshop doesn't seem to work the same way.

For one thing, it doesn't work if the file has only one layer (which mine does), and it also doesn't have the same set of options. Is there another way to do the same thing in Photoshop?

I tried using "Save for Web/Devices," which does seem to have the same set of options as ImageReady's "Export Layers as Files" and thus might work well enough for my purposes. But is there a better way? 2. When exporting files (or saving them for web) in Photoshop, is there a way to set naming conventions (as one would do when using ImageReady's "Export Layers as Files")?

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Photoshop :: Batches, Droplets And Automations

Jun 13, 2004

I have several hundred JPEG images in a folder that I want to change to PDF's. There is something about the particular JPEGS that I have obtained that won't let me import them into Final Cut Pro. However, I can open them in Adobe Photoshop 7 (for MAC), and then resave them as JPEG's or PDF's, and once I've done that, they import fine for me into Final Cut Pro. Since I'm working with several hundred images at a time, (and do this process alot) and have to convert them all, I've tried automating the process by creating a BATCH or DROPLET Instruction. I tell the dialog boxes what folder I want the images to be taken from, I tell it I want to turn them into PDF's with the same names, and I tell it what folder I want those new files saved to.

The problem is that when using either a BATCH or DROPLET, Photoshop opens all the images, but it won't go any further. It prompts ME to SAVE the photo's and pick the size compression and tell it what folder to save them to even though I've already made those selections in the automation process.

While it saves me a little time to have it open all the files for me, I thought
the idea of a BATCH or DROPLET was that you didn't have to actually TOUCH or Manually save anything,....that photoshop does the whole process for you.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Droplets Stop Working 25 + ...

Feb 18, 2008

I have three machines with this same issue. XP pro fresh install of everything, OS, PS CS2, LR 1.3, etc. All updates. I found this problem related to someone updating PS from CS to CS2, but not for a fresh install. I had this same problem before my most recent XP reformat too-I reformat my machines about once a year.

I can't run a droplet on more than 25 images at a time. I have tried multiple combinations of file/folder/droplet locations. Running the droplets from LR 1.3.1 does the same thing. Running from Bridge also will not work. It works fine for a few images, but not for 50 or 100 or more.

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Photoshop :: Droplets Quit Working

Sep 12, 2008

I am currently using the trial version of PS CS3 on a vista machine. (my true copy is on the way) Droplets worked yesterday but suddenly don't work today.

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Photoshop :: Converting ImageReady Droplets To...

Jun 7, 2009

I have a bunch of ImageReady droplets that I use to process images for a website. The droplets do things like resize the images, add borders to them, and save them in various directories. I'm trying to create Photoshop versions of these droplets. I couldn't find a way to convert the droplets to Photoshop directly (if there is a way to do that, I'd love to hear about it!), so I tried creating new Photoshop droplets that do the same things as the ImageReady ones. I managed to reproduce the sequence of actions in Photoshop, but when I tried to run the droplets, I got a very unhelpful error message. (It was just the standard "Photoshop has encountered a problem and needs to close" message, except that when I hit "End Now," the program didn't close.) 

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Photoshop :: Renaming And Action Droplets

Dec 4, 2002

i'm trying to think of a workaround to an action I want to create. PS7 won't let me do it directly. I'm trying to create a Droplet that proforms it's action on the image and then automaticaly saves a new RENAMED version of the file in the same location as the original. The problem is in the droplet dialog box, PS will let you "Save and Close" the file or Rename and save to a SPECIFIC folder. I'd rather not specify a specific destination. And, If I just choose "save and close", then I have to work off of a copy of the image and then rename it by hand.

There is no renaming function in actions and I don't want any dialog boxes to come up and stop the action.

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Photoshop :: Droplets And Converting Color Spaces

Jun 16, 2013

I like to go into LAB mode to boost the colours on my photos.  I have created an action that converts to LAB, applies a couple of curves, and then converts the image back to RBG.  I created a droplet with the intent of using the droplet in Lightroom.  My plan was to apply to a smart collection of photos.  However, the droplet says that the convert is not available.   What am I doing wrong?  Am I approaching this the wrong way?  Is there a better way?  I take team photos and I have HUNDREDS to do.  This droplet will save me DAYS of editting time.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Droplets Not Working In OSX Mountain Lion

Aug 1, 2012

Just upgraded to Mountain Lion and my Photoshop droplets are not working. Have remade them all, even re-installed Photoshop, deleted prefs etc .... they are just not working. If you drop something on the droplet they go to launch (you see a flicker in the dock) then they don't.
Droplets work fine on "Lion".Exactly the same issue we had when we upgraded to Lion last year. so am hoping Adobe will release a fix?

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Photoshop :: Image Ready Droplets Don't Work With PS CS4

Jan 29, 2009

I just bought and loaded PS C4 after uninstalling my PS CS2 and noticed that CS4 doesn't come with ImageReady. I've been reading online that ImageReady has migrated into PS CS4. Now the droplets that a company I contract for created don't work. They were created using Photoshop 7.0 and have worked for every PS version until this one. I don't know how to create the droplets using Photoshop CS4. What's going on with ImageReady? Is there something I can do to make these droplets work? Or do I have to create new ones?

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Photoshop :: How To Point All Actions / Droplets To A New Hard Drive

Aug 7, 2013

I replaced a failing hard drive with a new drive (same name) with a mirrored file & folder structure as the old drive and now all my PS6 actions and droplets cannot work because they can't find the drive and folder.

The new drive is named the same as the old one with the exact same file structure. Is there some way to point all my actions & droplets to this new drive?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Create Water Droplets / Splashes

Jul 14, 2013

Had tried several unconvincing efforts to create background for my flyers with droplets splashing outwards. But is there any way of doing in convincingly?

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Photoshop :: Making A Map

Dec 24, 2012

I am highly interested in making maps in photoshop. I usually only used free software but I got Photoshop and I thought I could make some maps on here!
I want something like this:

Notice in the second SS how the mountains and stuff have a nice effect.
So basically I need a tutorial or at least a heads-up as I am a bit of a noob.
(I have CS6 Extended)

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Photoshop :: Avy Making

Aug 24, 2003

how to make avys of this time showed here I dunno if they are done in photoshop,

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Photoshop :: Making Net In PSD

Jan 10, 2009

I want to protect my pictures from enlarging on photo paper with applying net over image (vertikal and horizontal lines, like some plugin filter in photoshop when it is not registered).

I know about watermarks and resizing pictures but I want to try this.
So, how can I create such layered PSD file.

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