Photoshop :: Hair Masking
Jul 14, 2009
trying to finish this image up for a few hours now and can't find a suitable way to get rid of the background behind the hair and within the net meshing. I know you people are way smarter than me and have done even harder ones than this. I just need apoint in the right direction, not looking for step by step or for someone to do it for me (I gotta learn too) - just need a bit of guidance. Brad LawrykAdobe Community Expert, DreamweaverAdobe Usergroup Manager, Northern British Columbia Adobe User Group
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Jun 24, 2013
I'm having problems masking hair in this photos:
As you can see, after refining edge, I come up with an area of lighter hair. How can I correct this?
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Mar 11, 2013
Still getting mixed results using "Refine Mask" feature. I have seen the tutorials on this -Russel B, and Juleane Kost. Sometimes the results are outstanding, other times I have to resort to contrast masking, etc. I currently have a series of portraits shot against blue (basically a blue screen). Some of the subjects have good hair contrast (very dark brown or grey). There are many parameters to set in the refine mask dialog. I need a clean, sharp silo of hair edges.
I have tried many combinations, and typically use "smart radius". But I am particularly disappointed with the results of one subject who has grey hair -good contrast against the blue. They mask tool keeps including too much of the BG blue. I have also tried decontaminating colors, but prefer to do that later with a layer set to "color". Some of the tutorials sneer at the use of Contrast Masks (which I typically get good results from). But the the Refine Mask options often produce flawed results -which is surprising with these blue screen portraits.
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Oct 19, 2011
I have worked with adobe Photoshop cs5 and know that it can do a great job with masking hair through the use of channels and its quick select tool. Can Photo Paint X5 do the same.
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Aug 12, 2007
trying every layer mask combo I could think of to create a realistic shade of white hair that doesn't look like I just used the brush tool to make it.
I've tried lighting up the shadows with the curves option then using the selective color option. But all that does is make a very fake looking film to put over the eyebrows (ya it's eyebrows I'm working on, I'm trying to get them to match a white wig the subject is wearing.)
I've also tried using the solid color option, and a color overlay and that just came out weird.
Has anyone ever turned pitch black hair to white and had it still look like hair?
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Dec 20, 2005
OK I just wanted to see what other people out there, do to make a GOOD mask I have friends they just use levels, other just curves. so on and so forth.... Any real good way of making a good selection? Such as hair in the wind?
Oh and I posted another thread ( ACE and photoshop BUG ) or some thing like that. Did I post that in the righ place or should I have posted some where ells?
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Nov 5, 2006
I go into masking mode.mask a circle [for example purposes] then revert back to standard mode. I want to edit WITHIN the circle that i just masked,but Photoshop will only edit OUTSIDE the circle...
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May 18, 2007
Has anyone tried the Quick Select Feature ? I understand together with the Refine Edge feature, it makes the job easier to extract the background.
Anyone care to comment or throw some light when it comes to hair masking.
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Aug 4, 2009
I'm switching from Corel to Adobe and in transition I keep thinking ia have it and then I'm lost again. In CorelPaint, I could mask an area and then use a tool to add to or delete from the mask pixel by pixel or larger areas if I wanted by using a brush. I am REALLY good at it in Corel but can't figure it out yet in Photoshop. I can draw simple masks but not manipulate them.I hope this makes sense. I want to learn adding to and deleting a masked area. I looked at some online searches but here I am. In response to my last posting (another topic) I was directed to some tutorails and got it quickly.
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Feb 24, 2013
In the attached image, I would like to mask out everything in the photo outside of that shape. How do I do that? The shape is currently a smart object btw. Do I need to change it to something else first?
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Aug 5, 2012
In previous versions I could create a custom (vector) mask using the pen tool in 2 easy steps. Draw a shape then drag that shape to the image i wanted the mask on. Done.
This "feature" has been removed from CS6 and its extremely annoying. Or has it just become a lot more complicated to achieve this?
I know i can create a clipping mask using the shape layer but that requires another visible layer in the layers panel. Having "roto'd" 50 elements in previous versions in the same workspace gave me 50 layers (cleaning up the solid black shape layers after). In CS6 it gives me 100 layers.
I know i can select the shape as a selection and then apply a mask but that would make the mask a solid. I want to be able to move my tangents around etc. 100% non-destructively.Â
I work 100% non destructive and yes, my psd's become very large but thats no biggie, my computer can handle it. I don't want to rasterize.
If you have CS5.5 or earlier versions, create a shape and drag that shape to the layer you want to mask, remove the fill layer and you'll see what i mean. Thats what i want to be able to do in CS6. Is this 100% gone from CS6?
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Feb 20, 2013
I'm editing a video that contains two shots in which the set had to have black gaff tape around the perimeter of the floor in order to container a pool of liquid in a kitchen (see attached image, yellow arrows added). For budget purposes the scene had to be shot this way instead of allowing the liquid to go wherever and damage the set.
My question is, what is the best/simplest/most effective way to eliminate the tape from the scene and create a new background in its place? Luckily, the shot is entirely static and the tape is not too thick/prominent, so I'm fairly confident it can be done and done well. Unfortunately, I don't have an image from the exact angle without the tape, although I could potentially get one if that would be easier than recreating it in PS. I'm a beginning to intermediate PS user and this is a little above my skill level.
I'm running CS4 on a MacBook Pro. The footage is ProRes 422 which I can export as still images (jpg, png, other) to work on individually in photoshop (assuming this is the best/smartest method). Also, as you can see a character is in the shot and moves some but not a lot. There is a fair bit of the background that will be entirely the same from frame to frame. How best can I automate as much of the process as possible?
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May 16, 2011
what the "Masking" adjustment does within Camera Raw's (I have 4.6) Sharpening section? With the image at high magnification and moving the slider to extremes, I am not seeing any changes to my image.
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Jun 15, 2011
The image above is some text with various blending options applied ... well a part of it.
I have applied and outerglow and a drop shadow to the text. But, I want that gap to be filled with white and to have no drop shadow as you can see.
How can I achieve that? I assume with some sort of masking? I want to ensure the text can be resized so rasterizing and painting that area white is not an option.
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Dec 19, 2008
just wanted to know the purpose of masking... i want to design cd covers for bands in the future, so just started using photoshop recently....
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May 17, 2006
i know this is posible cause i did it once but now i don't remember how to do it... i need to mask something but i want it to kinda of disappear.... just like a gradient that goes from solid to transparent....
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May 27, 2004
I am having trouble filling the background when I put a mask on an image. It used to work, but now when I hit the fill button, it fills the background the color I want, but it also fills part of my image I have masked. It is about 50% filled.
For example, if I am putting a whitebackground on an image, the background becomes white, but the image also gets a white film over it. Even if I try and cut the image, it still adds the white film over the image when I paste it in.
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Jul 6, 2003
I was given a psd template to use on a regular basis. I need to update an image within the psd that is masked. How can I insert a new image into the mask, or apply the mask the have created to the new image.
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Feb 25, 2008
I'm working on an animated texture which features a frame (think picture frame) that has text panning through it, but I don't want it to show up on the outside of the frame (picture frame). How do I make this text slide through the frame, but not show up on the outsides?
I guess to try and make it easier to visualize, picture a yellow smiley face ( > <) on a white background. Next, picture a red bar sliding from the right side of the image, across the smiley face, and then off the left side of the image. Now, imagine that the red bar does not
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May 14, 2007
The photoshop I am using is CS3.
I was looking into developing my skills of Photo Masking and designing Web 2.0 layouts. With Photo Masking, I have no clue where to start. I've been trying to find some good tutorials but they are quite complicated. I believe it would be easier for me to learn "the action" of adding a powder layer or whatever than to download an action (which I can't find anyway). This would also help my knowledge.
I am thinking of designing a Web 2.0, corporate kind of website for my Dad (who owns a plumbing business.) However, because of his logo, which is an annoying shape and due to the nature of the business, I can't seem to think of any ideas and get started with a general layout before adding the glossy buttons, gradient backgrounds etc.
I think that a long running tutor would be better to help me with the Web 2.0 designing. All in all, it would be awesome for someone to help a budding "aspiring" designer get ahead of the game!
Any cool techniques or effects that you can do would also be awesome to be taught with someone as a tutor, rather than reading a poorly written tutorial!
An example of some work I have done in the past is here (Warning - Contains Partial Nudity). This was the main image of a Div Layer layout I made for somebody as a favour (clearly it is not a corporate website).
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Apr 24, 2006
how they use lines to fade an image by incrementally increasing the height of the each line. Something like whats in this link. I'm pretty sure they are masking an object with lines with different levels of thickness but my question is how do i determine those lines....
I'm trying to create a V with one side of the V just horizontal lines.
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Jan 11, 2008
I've built this 3d model and i need some help compositing into the photo
the problem im having is that i need to keep the monkey puzzle tree and the bare tree infront of the building but apart from painting a mask buy hand i i'm struggeling to get any decent results.
Here is a quick mock up i did but i need to mask out the trees accurately
I managed to get the trees where they over lap the sky because the background was contrasting and consistant using the technique below but it removes the bottom of the building and only helped with the trees that intercept the sky line.
I'm using Photshop 6.
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Dec 13, 2006
background Masking (for PS7),
cutting out object from its background.. Most tutorial I've browsed just uncomfortable, misty, poorly illustrated or unwarrantedly complicated and confused.. Good tutorial must be detailed, with exact amplification where every element located.
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Dec 20, 2007
I'm not quite sure what I did to screw this up, but for the past few days, I can't fully airbrush blend/ remove parts of an image when layer masking (i.e. when airbrushing out @ 100% hardness, opacity, fill, flow... all the good stuff... the image I'm trying to airbrush out remains as though I've just taken the opacity or fill down to about 5%). I've tried messing with different types of brushes, but nothing seems to work.
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Aug 22, 2013
we recently had some photos done of the staff.
they don't like the orange background and want some other nice looking background. the male individuals would be pretty easy to cut out with pen tool but there are some females that have fluffy or frizzy hair and how to cut out around hair?
i use CS4
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Dec 17, 2003
how do i make hair that looks pretty real?
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Aug 5, 2009
i would like to know if its possible to get the hair of a guy and put it in an other with the photoshop . if its possible can u tell me how to do it ?
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Aug 24, 2004
I'm working on a project of an elf girl and she has thin straight black hair, but I'm really not sure how to get that to work... I'm sure I could go one strand at a time, but I did that last time and I really don't have that kind of patience to do it again... Is there any kind of shortcut effect?
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Jan 1, 2006
You know those glossy ads that appear in magazines for hair products that show a beautiful woman with long shiny hair? I don't believe it's the product or that her hair is that perfect, no split ends etc. How can the smoothest hair be acheived using Photoshop?
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Nov 16, 2006
I got a picture of a lady, however, because of the lighting and the fact that it's b/w some parts of the hair are so dark that you can't see the hair at all.
Is there any techniques I can use so that I can make it look like the hair is slightly visible (even though that area is currently a solid black).
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Aug 10, 2013
I have a standalone Photoshop CS 6 v 13.05 and a Photoshop CC v 14.0 both running on the same MacPro using OS x 10.8.4.
The Smart Filter Masking by painting in the standalone version of Photoshop CS 6 works perfectly.However, try as I might I just cannot get my smart filter/s masked by painting in them in the Photoshop CC version.
Is there a switch or setting somewhere that I’m missing?
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