I am editing some .jpg's in photoshop and wanting to create a collage of all of them. I open a new document that is bigger in size than the pictures I want to add. When I drag and drop the picture that I have edited into my document, it is magnifying the area from where I grabbed it. Then it fills the whole area of my new document. What is going on here? I know I have done this before and it worked....
I've tried to compile videos in Quick time format at 800 x 600, 65% quality, using MPEG4 compression and each time it compiles at a much lower resolution than it should be, I used the Indeo compression for AVI and THAT compiles to my liking at 800 x 600, 65% quality, DivX is only free for 15 days, Xvid and Windows Encoder makes no difference (that can be noticed), Quicktime, DirectX and Windows Media Player is up to date.
I'll try compiling it using a compressor other than MPEG-4, but I'm not too hopeful of improvement, why it can compile AVI, but not Quicktime, I tried batch converting AVI to Quicktime, it still doesn't work.
I am in the process of compiling a parameter driven sprocket. I just download the model from the CBLISS website these items are spreadsheet driven and they conflict with the MRP system interface we are using here.
All my formulas seem to be going nicely until I have to enter the square factor into the formula. [i.e. (d0)^2 or powr ((d0):2)]
It just will not accept syntax function. I have an idea the problem my lay in the unit types in the equation or the previous equations.
The formula I am trying to achieve is
Hr = sqrt(Fr^2-(1.4ul*DR-0.5ul*PITCH)^2)
Refer to JPG for clearer picture as to where I am coming unstuck.
We currently utilize AutoCAD for our mine mapping purposes. I recently had a seismic study performed to determine the top of salt. I asked for a .dwg file of the contours that were developed. The .dwg file they provided does not have our autoCAD map on it. They are simply contour lines. These contour lines, however, have the same coordinate system as our mine map. The surveyor and I provided coordinate data to the company to develop the contour lines. I would like to lay these contours into our mine map. How do I import the contour .dwg file into our mine map file so that they lay exactly where they should?
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.Â
I imported pictures to Adobe Lightroom and exported them to my memory card. Now my memory card is broke! Is there any way to retrieve those pictures from Lightroom. Right now they are saying missing.
I am trying to place pictures into my paragraph text so that the text wraps around the picture (like you can in Word).? Can anyone let me know how to do this in Photoshop 7.0 for Windows??
All I can find is how to wrap text around object (i.e. word on a coffee cup image itself) or putting the actual picture as fill for the font.?
how to do this? I have included a PDF of a sample of what I'm trying to do.
I am trying to move my pictures in Photoshop starter edition 3.0 to my new computer. There are 6,000 pictures and I cannot find where they are. I also need a new version of Photoshop to import them into but do not know what is compatable.
My daughter tells me there are people out there that will manipulate your pictures for you?
I have two pictures, one of 3.7m and one at 107kb, the smaller one has all the characteristics that i want but can not print it of any size. Â I want to overlay it on the larger picture, so i have the 3.7meg size but detail of the 107kb picture.
I have pictures on Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 which is no longer supported by Adobe. How can I transfer them to Photoshop 7.0. Each time I upload pics from my iPhone they go directly to 3.0 even though I have now specified 7.0. I'm reluctant to uninstall 3.0 which might solve one problem, because I don't want to lose the pics.Â
I use Photoshop 8.1I have to make 100 pictures of some car antenna cables. When I have those pictures, I need to cut them out.I think in english it is called crop. (I have dutch versionATM I am doing every picture manually as the are all different. IS there a macro or plugin that cuts out the pictures itself or even help out with it alot ?Getting a bit fedup with setting all the achor points and straighten the lines.
Every time I try to open a photo in My Picture the program freezes, every time! To get around this I have to choose from within Bridge, how can I fix this problem?
How are you? I have a question, I am writing articles for this online magazine I do, and on a page I put 2 pictures (normal, square sized) on top and bottom, and I type in between. It gets realllllllly annoying trying to justify everything around it to fit perfectly, because i literally have to space until everything looks even, does anyone have any tips or anything?
I'm trying to put text on top of a picture but when I move the text on top of the picture it looks like its underneath the picture instead of on top making the text color look like grey compared to the black that I want.
I got an idea for a tattoo that I am wanting to get and the idea is very vivid in my mind, the problem is that I cannot find any "flash" for what it is that I want. I asked a friend of mine for help as he is a graphic artist, and he suggested I get familiar with Photoshop, so here I am. Here is somewhat of a graphical description of what I am attempting to do...
What I am going for is 3 seperate eagles all merged together (or layered on top of each other) in order to create one single piece for my back. The first eagle will create the center of the design with the second eagle above it and to the left a bit with the third eagle to the back of the first one and below the second to make it all one piece.
What I need to know is what would be the best way for a beginner to start doing all this? I am not a freeloader and am not at all intimidated by doing things myself, just a kick in the right direction should suffice. Thank you all in advance for your support. I know that I need to first get all three images onto the same pallet and extract the heads only (white feathers) from the first two images then merge them all together somehow.
You will find two simmilar pictures with only one noticable difference. To the middle left in one picture are a group of mountains, in the other one there are no mountains. What I ask everyone to do is to save these two pictures and answer me this question: Were the mountain edited out of picture 1, or edited into picture 2?
The more specific you get with your answers the better. In a day or two I will post my own answer to compare to everyone elses. As of right now I will not tell you which one is or isn't edited, I want everyone to figure it out on their own. Remember, right now, there is no wrong answer. But if you do answer, give whatever proof you can.
I have to make 3 similar images for a customer of a navigation menu on a PDA... The problem is that the company wants these 3 images in different resolutions - one in 10 bit, one in 12 bit and one in 16 bit. This makes it easier for them to decide which resolution the PDA have to work in. I have already told 'em that 16 bit would be best - but they still want these 3 images in different resolutions before they make the final decission.
So my question is this :
- How do I make a picture in PS where i work in 10, 12 or 16 bit color?
- Is it possible to make an image and then finally save in 10, 12 and 16 bit?
i have a few pictures in a folder and i want to put all of them into one picture and save as one .jpg file. someone told me to open a new file and move all my pictures to the new file. i tried but i couldn't do it.