Photoshop :: Slowness With Cropping?

Oct 20, 2012

I'm cropping 500mb images and the slowness of having to wait for crop generation is excruciating.

I added once ram once and did not work.this is an issue of hard drive speed correct?

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Photoshop :: Random CS5 Slowness After Adding More RAM And SSD Boot?

Dec 17, 2012

I have just completed an update of a MacPro 3,1 by adding more RAM, going from 12-20GB of RAM, adding a 240GB SSD that is less than half full vs 7200rpm 1TB boot drive. I've also moved my LR and Bridge cache off the boot drive to a 60GB SSD eSata Raid 0 setup. I have increased my PS allocated RAM up to 71% of my total RAM or about 14GB, History state is set at 20 levels and cache levels @ 6 and cache blocks at 1024k. PS scratch is set to the internal SSD boot drive.
But PS CS5 is experiencing random slow downs and total stops where we can not do anything, including exiting the app. Mouse will work but we can not run actions or use tools then all of a sudden it just snaps out of it but it will still be slow. We can then quit PS and relaunch and for awhile it will be fine.

Is this possibly a RAM issue?

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Photoshop Elements :: Slowness With Adobe Premiere 11 Inside A Proxy

Sep 29, 2013

I recently started working for a state government agency, we have 2 users in our department that have Adobe Premiere Elements 11 installed (they have for quite a while) I noticed while working on their PC that Photoshop elements can take 5-10 minutes to start once they click on video editor and new Project, also the help files do not work they produce a page cannot be found error.I am replacing there PC in a standard upgrade rollout schedule and I have noticed the same issue on their new PC's, after looking into this I thought I would try the application on the same PC but connected up to a standard ADSL line outside of our network and proxy, the application opens with 10-15 seconds and the help menus are working.
Is there any exceptions I could ask our network administrators to put into the proxy to allow the traffic out and in to fix this issue.
The PC is running Adobe Premiere Elements 11
Windows 7 x32 install

The PC far exceeds the minimum requirements for the application as listed on this website.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Slowness When Using PDF Underlay

Aug 26, 2012

Client of mine has been experiencing slowness with AutoCAD LT 2013.

The program works fine when working on floor plans. However when they open up any PDFs to be using as an underlay, AutoCAD LT performance on scrolling up/down left/right moves as a snails pace.

PC Specs are: Intel Xeon W3505 @ 2.53Hz, 3Gb ram, Windows 7 Pro 32-bit, nVidia Quadro FX 580

Currently about to suggest upgrading the video card to a Nvideo Quadro 2000 1Gb Video card. Would this solve the issue that my client is having the the slowness when scrolling when a PDF underlay is used.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Overall Slowness By 1 User On Shared Computer

Aug 20, 2012

We have a shared computer that a few co-workers all use C3D on. We each copied some clients standards to various C drive locations including some C:<user> folders. One user suddenly expierenced very slow opening of C3D (noted it kinda would stick at one of the Aecc...loading file) and once it opened, could not open a C3D file (alignment, profile, corridor type dwg). A small file with only text and no C3D files would open.

Other users could open these C3D files on the computer using their login, no slowness.

I realize this is vague and near impossible to pinpoint. I wonder if a Uninstall/Reinstall is a likely solution. This may require copying standard files again (a real pain).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Network Share Browsing Slowness - 2012

Jun 30, 2012

I am a technology consultant with a client using Civil 3D 2012.

They moved from 2008 to 2012, and we've noticed something a bit odd:  browsing network shares from within Autocad's file explorer is significantly slower than doing the same in Windows Explorer.  By "slower", I mean going from directory to directory shows noticeable lag before the directory contents are displayed, whereas in Windows Explorer there isn't any.  They don't recall having this issue with 2008.

All workstations are Windows 7, and the "server" where the shares live is running XP Pro (very small firm with 2-3 people hitting the "server" at any given time - 3 is rare).  I've updated Civil 3d with the latest service pack (2) as of this writing hoping it might resolve the issue, but it doesn't seem to.

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Photoshop :: Cropping In CS6

Jul 18, 2013

why can't i get my executed crops to save?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Cropping

Jun 7, 2009

I just got Photoshop CS4 (Design Suite Standard) last week after having used Elements (2, then 3) for the last five years.  In Elements, when you use the crop tool, you can move the entire frame around by clicking on the dot in the center and moving it. It seems that in CS4, when I attempt to move the frame, only the center dot moves without moving the frame lines.  I looked through the PDF manual, but couldn't find any explanation how to change this. I'll likely be back with more questions as I try to learn how to use CS4.

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Photoshop :: Cropping In CS3

Mar 13, 2009

I want to scientifically crop 2 pixels away from an image. The image is not square but the crop will be. Is there a handy tool to do that?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Cropping

Jun 30, 2009

I select the area to be cropped on the image.

Select "image>crop" and enter.

The picture disappears.

I had this happen with CS3 once; it was suggested to reinstall;

This time I have reinstalled PS CS4 twice (uninstalled first) and it still does this.

My PS CS3 was a separate PS package; the CS4 is part of the Adobe Creative Suite 4 (standard). The second reinstall, I reinstalled the whole Creative Suite. Still does the disappearing act.

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Photoshop :: CS4 With Cropping...

May 30, 2009

I go to crop or use the marquee tool(such as to make a border, when I put the cursor where I want it and left click to start cropping(for example) very often the cropping lines just do not stay where I want them...they go all over the place. This happens with both tools...

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Photoshop :: Cropping In CS3

Jul 24, 2007

I am having problem to crop using ratio instead of values of inches or pixels. In cs2 if i enter any values eg. 6 in width and 4 in height w/out specifying the unit it will use that value as ration instead, in this case 6:4. No resolution as i dont want to resample.

But when i tried this in cs3 it will use the value and i will get a 6 by 4 inches image instead of ratio.

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Photoshop :: Cropping Image Into 6

Jul 1, 2013

Photoshop 6. If I crop an image in photoshop 6 it becomes a 'layer'which I then need to 'flatten' before saving as a jpg file. How do I stop this happening?

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Photoshop :: CS2 Is Cropping Pictures On MAC

Nov 8, 2013


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Photoshop :: Straighten Without Cropping?

Nov 10, 2012

I haven't been able to figure out how to use the Straighten tool without cropping.
I am starting with a full page image with Pixel Dimensions of 9750 x 13050 pixels, and a Document Size of 8.125 x 10.875 inches. I want to use the Straighten tool, and then use the Patch tool to fix the resulting irregularities around the edges.
But no matter what I try, I end up with smaller Pixel Dimensions and a smaller Document Size; for example: 9725 x 13016 pixels and 8.104 x 10.847 inches. This occurs regardless of whether I have the Delete Cropped Pixels boxed checked.
I also tried starting with a Canvas Size of 8.125 x 10.875 inches, and using Place…to bring in the image. But the Straighten process still results in a similar reduction in the Pixel Dimensions and Document Size.
I am accessing the Straighten tool via the Crop tool. Is there any other method to Straighten?
The screenshots below show the original Image Size (top) and the Image Size after Straighten (bottom).

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Photoshop :: Cropping Tool In CS6

Aug 5, 2012

I am having difficulty with the new cropping tool in CS6... It is said to be a huge leap forward, however, I am finding it to be a big step backward.
The Issue?
In all of my previous versions of Photoshop I have been able to go to the crop tool, set the size that I wanted the photo to be after cropping and that would be the size I get. This is something that I can no longer do in CS6... Or if I can it is not as simple. As a professional Photographer that takes anywhere from 500 to 900 photos per sporting event that I do, I need to be able to quickly go in and crop my photos to the size I want them to be and away I go.

How to continue this feature in the new Photoshop I will glad take it... but as of right now, I do not have the time to sit there and fiddle with the crop tool until the images is the size that I need it to be.

Is it too much to ask to be able to say I want a Photo cropped to 8x12 and actually get that?! For right now I will be going back to using my CS5 Photoshop so I can actually get my photos done.

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Photoshop :: Cropping Tools In CS5

Jan 9, 2013

I have a question regarding the cropping tool in PS CS5. When I attempt to crop an image by manually entering the dimensions in the top of PS it takes an insane amount of time.

I have yet to actually have an image complete the process because after waiting about 30 minutes to only have the image be at 30% progress I cancel the operation. It is only when I enter the dimensions manually that it does this. When I just do a random crop the task is done in a matter of seconds.

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Photoshop :: Cropping Image

Aug 18, 2013

when I crop a picture and I want to move te framework to make a good crop, the picture oves, not he cropping-framework. I expect it is just 1 little adjustment, but I can't find it...

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Cropping CR2 File?

Feb 24, 2013

I'm new to CS6 and I'm having trouble cropping .CR2 files. Basically, I've just found out that I've been editing all of my RAW files as JPGs on CS5, which meant that I've been storing those huge files on my computer, but haven't been using them to their full potential. Now on CS6 I discovered Camera Raw, but I'm a bit confused as to how cropping a .CR2 file works on Camera Raw and on CS6.
If I open my .CR2 on Camera Raw, click 'Open Image' then use the Crop Tool, the image looks incredibly grainy (see below).However, if I open on Camera Raw and crop it there before clicking 'Open Image', it looks fine (see below). Why is that?I'm using a 5184 x 3456 px, ISO 400, 43mm, 0 EV, f/5.6, 1/60 .CR2 file and cropping it to 714 x 516 px. The image doesn't look grainy on Preview.
Also, when I open the .CR2 file on Photoshop, the image looks really dull and lifeless compared to when I see it on iPhoto (see below). Is that because the RAW file is stripped of all settings to give me more flexibility when editing it? If so, is there a way to match the settings that I see on iPhoto?

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Photoshop :: Use CTRL-key When Cropping Always?

Aug 31, 2012

In previous versions of PS I could just move the crop area around freely, rotating and resizing it. But now it seems it always snaps to is default position and I need to keep the CTRL-key pressed if I want to move it around without snapping.

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Photoshop :: Cropping From A Directory

Feb 18, 2012

I have a directory from a client with around 20,000 photos. most are in landscape format, while some in portrait format. The client wants all the photos cropped to 800x600 for the landscape and 600x??? for the portrait. With such a large number of photos what is the best way to get this done. Is there any type of logic I can apply to a photoshop script that can determine the image size and what it should be cropped, or resized to?

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Photoshop :: CS5.5 Hangs On Cropping?

Feb 11, 2013

I can't do any cropping, Photoshop just hangs. MacBook Pro, CS 5.5, OSX 10.8.2, 4GB ram, almost no other programs running, two scratch disks.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Cropping Tool

Oct 11, 2012

Ok, I understand that the kids at Adobe would like to change things around in "upgrade versions" of Photoshop.  However for working photographers and professionals that crop A LOT of images in the course of their work, the new cropping tool is a DISASTER!  A few may like the new tool... however, there are many that don't. 

To the point, here's how to fix the problem.  Adobe, you have the CS5 PS cropping tool code... please put that code EXACTLY as it is in CS5 into the "Classic" option for CS6 PS.  This way, those who WORK with Photoshop and PAY to use the software can get their work done using the excellent crop tool as was in CS5 (which I have downgraded to so I can get work done) and those who are giddy about the new crop tool can play to their hearts content.
Adobe, you are upsetting a lot of paying clients with your new crop tool and the "faux" classic tool option.  You might want to address this issue soon!

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Photoshop :: Cropping An Image

May 3, 2012

If I may, I'd like to know the answer to this.  For my own edification....
I have an image that is 16 x 24 inches.  It has a certain file size.
When I crop the image with the cropping tool, and set the tool to 16 inches wide by 24 inches high, the image file size increases significantly.
Is this what is called "resampling?"  The setting in the image size is set for Bicubic (for smooth gradients).
As an example, I saved the file (from a RAW conversion to jpg), and it was 14 Mb.  When I cropped it, it jumped to 19 Mb.

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Photoshop :: Cropping One Of The Layers

Oct 19, 2007

I have a multilayer image, I want to only crop one of the layers. When I do crop, it crops the entire image. Can this be done w/out moving the layer to a new file, cropping and then moving back to the original file?

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Photoshop :: Cropping Layers

Jul 15, 2005

I want to crop individual layers in a PST file is this possible or will I have to copy the layer to another PST file, crop it, and then copy and paste it back to my original file?

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Photoshop :: Cropping Text

Jun 7, 2008

I have an image and there is a text on it. I'd like to cut out only the text. What's the best way to do it?

I'm trying to erease the rest of the image, but I can't do it properly.

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Photoshop :: Cropping And Straightening

Jan 11, 2009

i have photographed an old book of mine, and i am batch cropping and straightening the photos in photoshop, but the cropping fluctuates from, in some shots, editing out just the borders around the book, which is what i want, to editing out one whole page (of the two per photograph)- something i do not want. there does not seem to be any logic to what is edited out or not, it seems random. can anybody help with this inconsistency problem?

i want to edit out just the border (background) around the book, but leave both pages in the photograph. why at times is the program editing out whole single pages leaving only one page per photograph?

P.S. just to update, i have realised that perhaps the problem has to do with the fact that the two pages on the book have, like all books, a dark line vertically down the centre between both pages where the binding is. think of a photcopied page which has a dark line down the centre separating left from right page. i believe that photoshop reads that black centre-line as a border itself and so edits one page out; it assumes the black line is a border and edits out everything outside of it (which contains the other page).

now i'm not sure how to overcome this. is there a way i can set it so that the cropping feature works on some rough template to do with size? the page sizes are relatively similar, so if it used a size-type template to crop, it would work well. this problem is random and not all photographs are problematic, but quite a few seem to cut out one whole page.

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Photoshop :: Automate Cropping

Dec 23, 2008

I have a one-time project of scanning hundreds of slides off a flatbed scanner and I'd like to automate what's possible. I've been filling the scanner surface with slides and scanning them into photoshop and I've found the scan and crop feature that does a good job separating the slides on the large scanned image into separate images. But, this would go a lot faster if I could automate the last step. Ideally I could just scan in a large number of images each consisting of many different slide images, and I could have photoshop process the files, producing the smaller images.

I feel helpless without a command line interface, though. Does photoshop have a scripting language? I'm only using photoshop for this one purpose so I'd rather not learn it unless it's based on a common language. Any suggestions to my specific file processing question, or how I'm going about the entire process ...

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Photoshop :: Cropping Around An Image

Jul 24, 2009

is this possibile? I want to leave no extra areas or canvas space0 around my image.

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Photoshop :: Nondestructive Cropping

Sep 19, 2008

I can't seem to do non-destructive cropping using cs3. If I have a multi-layered psd, and crop it - using the crop tool and selecting hide instead of delete in the options bar, supposedly I can come back to this photo, and by choosing Image> Reveal all, the uncropped image is restored.... trouble is, whether I choose Hide or Delete, the crop acts the same, namely I lose all the info I cropped away. What am I doing wrong?

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