Photoshop :: Saving Slices As .gif

Mar 23, 2005

Everytime I create a slice in Imageready, its being saved as .jpeg and all other automatic slices are created as .gif.

How can I make sure that my slices are also saved as .gif.

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Photoshop :: Saving Slices For The Web

Jun 8, 2008

I'm trying to customize a website template that was made in Photoshop and has been sliced already. When I select slices and save them for the web, the webpage looks wrong when I open it in Dreamweaver. The text and/or images are basically cut off. I've tried moving different slices forward or backwards, but it hasn't helped.
I'm using Photoshop CS2 and Dreamweaver 8.

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Photoshop :: Saving Slices As XML

Aug 4, 2009

I'm wondering if any of you designer/developers out there know of any PHOTOSHOP SCRIPTS that will allow me to save slices as XML with Top Left Coordinates and Height/Width dimensions. I know that if I save for web as HTML and click the generate CSS in the slices section that it will generate HTML with the data I need. But there's a LOT of data in there that I don't need as well. The fact that photoshop can generate that data in html leads me to believe it can generate that same data in xml...and some developer out there has to have done it before.

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Photoshop :: Saving Overlapping Slices

Aug 11, 2012

Got some question about saving overlapping slices.
All of the slices are 200px square and I want to save them as 200px. But they are overlapping and when saving for web, photoshop will divide them removing laps and changing squares to 180x200 or someting like that. I can select every slice and bring it on front, and save each other, but of course I would like to use some script or an action to do it.

Or maybe there is a script to save selections, so I could make 200px selections and save them all at once, probably with some action...

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Photoshop :: Saving Slices Dimensions

Oct 31, 2006

I have a number of HTML pages with similar designs that each need to be sliced up by exactly the same dimensions so I can just pop in new path names into the same HTML template.

Is it possible to save slices like pattern or brush sets where I can load them into a new document? I've been looking for a feature similar to this and can't seem to find anything that is helpful in Imageready, anyone have any ideas?

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Photoshop :: Saving Slices And Guides For Template

Jul 22, 2005

is there anyway of saving my slice and guides to use as a template for other projects? I've sliced up one image and created an HTML page, and the next image I want to use the same slice and guide positions, with some very minor adjustments.

can I apply one slice/guide template to another image in PS7?

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Photoshop :: Saving Slices Without Putting Them In An "images" Folder

Mar 16, 2009

Is there a way to stop photoshop from putting all my slices into an "images" folder? I want it to overwrite files in a folder that's not called "images," but it always creates a new "images" folder arbitrarily, which means I always have to go manually move them to the correct location.

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Photoshop :: Slices

Aug 16, 2003

can i get some links to some really good slice tool tutorials?

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Photoshop :: Slices

Apr 27, 2003

have played with Photoshop but never done any thing for the web, was wondering, how are slices saved and what makes the html code to use.When they are saved do they all have the same code or diferent codes? Keep it simple as you can, dont really understand this part.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Slices

Mar 19, 2009

Is there a way to slice PSD slices that appear on top of eachother in a PSD? What I mean is, can I assign a slice for each layer - since in the PSD the layers all appear at the same x,y coordinates...

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Photoshop :: Import Slices

Dec 2, 2006

I'm trying to move the slices from one psd to another, since I don't want to have to try and duplicate them by hand. (in imageready or pshop)

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Photoshop :: Slices And Tables

Oct 11, 2003

I did my layout with PS, make slices with ImageReady or Fireworks. Putting it all together in Dreamweaver is the problem. Making the second page, and so on is the problem. Becouse if I just import Fireworks Html there is no room for text or somethling elese if you unerstand me.

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Photoshop :: Size Of Slices?

Jan 11, 2009

i have just sliced black box with rounded corners, hence i slice the four corners and used css to change the background color of the rest of the box - so as not to export square items (as css can do this with changing the color only).

The reason i am asking is that we are now in age of DSL and high speed internet so maybe i should have sliced the whole image rather than the four corners?

This is where i get a little confused, of course the way i do it works but is it correct?

I have also noticed some sites are using a "LARGE" background image in there CSS which contains content holders (with square corners) etc... which i think is great, but does the file size / speed suffer

Once i have sliced and exported my images is it better to always put the images in as background images (within divs) rather than images thenselves?

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Photoshop :: Centering In Slices

Apr 2, 2005

1) I'd like to center certain compotents of my image into sections of the frame. I'm trying to go about this by creating my sections with the slice tool. Then, for any objects within that slice, I select it, but then I'm at a loss. How do I center the objects within my selection, and for that matter, how to I tell it that I want it to be centered in the sliced section only?

2) I'm trying to draw simple lines with the Line Tool, but I get this huge arrow instead of a line. I don't want an arrow, and I only want it to be 1 pixel thick. How can I do this?

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Photoshop :: CSS Code From PS CS2 Slices

Mar 21, 2009

how i can get the slicing feature of PhotoShop CS2 to create CSS rules that use the 'background-image' syntax in the css rather than putting images in the XHTML page using non compliant <img> tags.

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Photoshop :: Psd Files And Slices

Aug 3, 2006

I have downloaded a bunch of free web templates I found on the web.

Some of them contain an HTML document, and images, which are presumably the output to HTML of a sliced up psd file, as they also contain the full psd file when you download it. The odd thing is that the PSD file simply has NO slices

I have no idea why they would do this, but it makes taking a nice template and making slight modifications rather difficult, because it would require you reslice the psd file yourself. At that point, its almost useless to have the template at all.

Am I doing something wrong?

Here is an example of a template I download, that includes the html/images and the psd, but no slice information that I can find.

I use Adobe Photoshop CS2, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and Macromedia Fireworks 8

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Photoshop :: Transparent Slices

Feb 14, 2007

how to slice my images in imageready.

But I have a problem - most of the slices are bordering another image. The bordered images have a dropshadow effect - and no background.

I'll be using a background image, so the slices need to be transparent - but I can't figure out how to achieve the effect.

I've tried multiple tutorials, i have everything "transparency" checked (to my knowledge).

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Photoshop :: Working With Slices

Mar 7, 2004

I am working to export a photoshop image to a webpage. When I originally started slicing the image, everything worked great. Now when I want to make a new slice, it doesn't lock into the other ones I already made. So if I do not line up my new slice perfectly, I can accidentally creat 4 more slices that are barely visible. Is there anyway to turn on this 'locking' feature again so I can proceed?

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Photoshop :: Slices Questions

Sep 15, 2005

1) is there a way to "save for web" only user slices? without the auto slices?
2) is there a way to 'copy' the slices (all of them together) from one file to another?

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Photoshop :: Slices In Illustrator

Jun 18, 2005

I have a page of web art that I have sliced up. One section is a series of buttons. I have the different button states on different layers and I have created slices for each button and then duplicated the slices onto each layer so that every button state has a slice.

But...since the slices associated with a layer don't hide when you hide the layer, it's almost impossible to get at the underlying slices to name them and/or select them for output.

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Photoshop :: Copy Slices....

Aug 7, 2008

I inadvertently cleared the slices and need to get them back (file had been saved and session closed). I have another PSD file that has the slices layout I need but not the correct layers. I suppose I could just copy all the layers over but was wondering if there is a tool that allows you to save and restore the slices layout?

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Photoshop :: Slices Other Than Rectangular

Oct 16, 2005

i have been reading, slices in photoshop can only be rectangular in there any way to make irregular shaped slices? for example, if i have a jpeg opened in photoshop, i want to make a curved slice at the bottom right corner, but will only save and use the jpeg in mainphoto, which i want to have a rounded edge?

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Photoshop :: I Can't Output The Slices As A JPG ?! (CS2)

May 25, 2005

I have a sliced image, which i'm trying to "save for web" using JPG format for all slices, but when i select the JPG settings (these in right) it outputs as a JPG only one of the slices, and everything else is GIF?! If i select all slices one by one and set them to save as JPG, it will work, but that's just too much slices, and i think there should be better way?

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Photoshop :: Imageready & Slices

Jul 24, 2005

When creating templates with photoshop and image ready, is there a way to mark the slice as a background image?

When I generate the html the slices all end up as images. I then have to go into DW and change the img src to none and set the background image of the cell to the name it was.

Is there an easier way?

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Photoshop :: Slices For Tiling

Jul 20, 2007

I'm trying to take a big image and break it up into a lot of tiles. I know I can create horizontal and vertical guides and then make slices from those guides and then save each slice as a separate image all at once, but the thing is - that would require me to make a LOT of guides. I have a 1600x1600 image and would need 31 guides across and 31 guides down. (which makes 32 images up and down dimensions-wise) I will be dealing with bigger images. I can't do this for each one.

Is there an easy way to do this? Is there an easy way to tell Photoshop "make a horizontal guide every 50 pixels up to down, and, make a vertical guide every 50 pixels left to right"? I know there are separate programs that will do this like Split and Tile, but I don't want to have to pay for one.

I know C++ and thought about reading the data from bmp files to make my own program to do this, but the pixel data inside BMP files seems to be organized in an odd way. Like, the hexadecimal values are backwards and I don't know what the gibberish in the beginning of the BMP file is for.

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Photoshop :: Slices With Message Text?

Jun 13, 2013

After saving a slice with message text, I'm still not seeing any text show up as I view the file in Safari (or Firefox or Chrome). I even built a dreamweaver page - in order to "export" the file. When I test the appearance using Dreamweaver browser mode, I still do not see any message text when hovering over the graphic with the mouse. What am I missing???

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Photoshop :: Image Ready SLICES

Nov 14, 2004

How do I use them, I heard they were used to seperate animations.

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Photoshop :: Image Slices & Preloader

Jan 31, 2005

Is it possible to add slices to animated gif file ? + Is it possible to preload a .gif or .jpg file so when it loads completely it should show up.

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Photoshop :: Slices&the HTML Code

Mar 8, 2003

I just created an interface for my website and I made the slices and the slice adjustments to make the buttons links and I saved the file. I also uploaded the interface.html file and all of the images that went along with it. Now my problem is getting it on my website. I would GREATLY appreciate it if someone could give me the HTML code or JavaScript code to make it appear on my site. and all you have to say is Image1 or Image2 and so on and I will replace the names later.

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Photoshop :: Slices In Image Ready

Feb 21, 2004

I'm trying to put together a site for my wedding and ran into a snag. I made three slices in Image Ready 1 for the banner 2 for the NavBar and 3 for my Text, Links and Pics. The problem is that the third slice is a .gif file and I was wondering how to go about making this HTML.

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Photoshop :: Imageready Slices To HTML

Oct 9, 2004

I am creating an interactive trainer that operates like a website. I created slices and rollovers for different section within the trainer and all works flawlessly in Imageready, but when I preview there are gaps between the slices and some of the page edges are jagged where the slices seem to have moved or slipped?

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