I'm following a tutorial that says how to do this effect, but my problem is that I'm working with high resolution, so whenever I try to dot it I get really small dots which aren't really visible.
I have just aquired a copy of my great grandmother, unfortunatly it came from a newspaper or a magazine. However I would like to remove the halftoning and then later colorize it. The latter should be no problem as I've done tht before, but those pesky halftones have me stumped. I have tried using gaussian blur and unsharp mask but it looks a bit iffy if you know what I mean.
I am printing to my Epson 4880 for screen printing film. I have recently upgraded to CS6 on Windows 7. I can choose the separations option in the print window and edit the dot frequency and angle options.
When the film is printed, the graphics are printed as grayscale NOT dot pattern. This will not work when exposing screens. There is nothing new that I am doing so I must have some settings overlooked.
"Can Illustrator allow the user to control the size of halftone dots?" Just to be clear, for silk screen, the dots must be course. I have read several posts on the subject and still there is no definitive answer. The PPD file has been loaded. The document is a CMYK. In the print menu the separation menu has only very fine settings available (The lowest is 56 lpi/300dpi) which if selected makes very little to no difference in the dot patterns.
Just to reduce confusion, often a silk screen printer will try to get two colors for the price of one. The simplest example would be to get Black & Gray with one screen. If I set the Gray to 50% and the Black to 100%, still no change. If I use spot colors like PMS Cool Gray and Black, no change. Moving the files into Photoshop may work but fundamentally speaking PhotoShop in my opinion is for constant tone images or Photos, and it seems counter productive to add in a extra step (and software) to the work flow.
I like Illustrator and have invested hundreds of hours learning and promoting it's virtues. When I was asked by a local shop how to do this task, I responded,Can I do this or do I need to tell my associate to keep using CorelDraw! 7...
I am a Photoshop newbie and I have a series of graphics (all 72dpi from a website) that I would like to print in 300dpi. Is it possible to take a 72dpi .jpeg or .gif file and easily convert it to a higher resolution printable graphic? If Photoshop can't do it, is there any type of program that can?
I'm trying to create a high resolution version of a low resolution texture used in a game. I've found a pattern that I think is acceptable, from a real image.Now the question is this: how can I colorize the large image to that it is as resemblant as possible to the original one? I've tryed a simple colorize, but the result is not so good...
I'm looking for a way to print at around 200 lpi with a laser printer, but I don't know which one. I've bought a Laserjet Pro 200 n251mw but it doesn't seem to be able to print in halftone even with the PS emulation.
I'd like to be able to reproduce the distinctive rosette pattern on one of my collectible playing card. I've looked everywhere on google, but most of the doc about halftone is referring to low lpi work like T-Shirts.
The fact is that I can produce the desired halftone pattern I want in Illustrator, I just can't seem to find a way to print it. I've read about Xerox printers on this forum that are maybe able to do it, but I don't know. Is a 600 dpi laser printer enough or do I need more ?
Here's a sample of the halftone I want to reproduce, the canvas is approximately ¾ of an inch.
Idea is to make halftone effect but with hexagons or triangles (for example) instead of circles... don't know if there ever was some plug-in (or it is some complicted programing) for doing this but i saw similar stuff so...
i know i can mask some patterns but all the shapes has same size then so that's not it...many thanks in advance...
I created a graphic to use on the web (72 dpi), client called and now they want to print it postcard size so they can mail it out. The Original image is 480 x 611.
Most of it is just text and a few rectangle marquee boxes to give color. There are three pictures used. What's the quickest way to replicate this? can I just create a new document at 300dpi and drag all my layers(except the pictures) into it from the low res one or do I have to recreate everything?
I just installed CS6 and am trying to save a high resolution PNG in Photoshop. When I go to File > Save As there is no longer a PNG option available. How do I save a high resolution png?
This may seem a simple issue , but i want to make a picture that is 140mm by 170mm using an existing hi res image , i've put the sizes into a new document in ps.
I then dragged the high res photo i need into Photoshop, the photo is 6144pxl by 4113pxl so is very large, but when i drag it to PS it goes really small about a quarter of the size of the new document template, i then drag the image to to my new correct sized document template but i have to enlarge it , which in turn makes it go blurred.
Well, now to my Q. My wife works in a print shop and she has been working with PS for a few months. And now she stumbled upon a problem. As the heroic husband I am I promised to help her out. Now, gathering the forces of good I hope for a happy end...(yes I just saw the Incredibles)
She creates a gradient from 0% black to 100% black. The area is an A4 (210x297 mm). When she save this image as a high-resolution PDF the gradient gets striped. Both when viewed and when sent to the rip. Are there any secrets yet to be revealed about the PDF export?
I am running CS4 on an 8 processor, 3 GHz machine with an nvidia fx3700 and a screen that offers 2600 x 1900 resolution. With all this power, the package is much slower than CS3 on a lap top. One can actually see the action of one's paintbrush trailing centimetres behind the cursor.
Well, we can perhaps live with this, with the leaping menu bar and the many other oddities until Adobe fix the thing. However, what isa truly hard to accept is that it is impossible to resize the tool icons, symbols on the tool bars, silly menu stud-type things of floating menu items so as to allow work at high resolution. Drop down menus follow what we have told Windows to apply, and are thus legible. Anything in the application GUI is, however, invisibly small at 2600 x 1900, Even MS Office 2000 - ten years old - allows you to resize the icons and tools, for heavens sake, but it appears that a modern package that is aimed explicitly at people who work with images cannot do so. It all seems deeply retrograde, an instance where 'new' equals 'worse'.
Perhaps I have missed something: so does anyone know how to resize the various menus and tools so that they can be read without a magnifying glass?
Im trying to make a label for my CD using PS7, and I wanted to put a high rez business image on it. I know on the internet you can buy high rez CD's, but unfortunately I dont have alot of money. Can anyone suggest where I can find free high rez images. I was thinking of trying some of my local libraries to see if they would have any high rez image CD's,
I'm working on a graphic image, but I'm using a bit of photography in it. My problem is that the .jpg I get from the Save as, is not large enough. If I had to start all over, should I create a larger document or is it alright to enlarge the image size and the graphical element itself?
I have been doing this 1 by 1 for the first 100 photos and I now have a headache. I am doing this 1 by 1, anyway that I can do this way more easier? I am just converting from high to low res. Image size, changing "Bicubic Sharper" to "convert to profile" "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" then to "8RGB".
Just scanned an image at 600dpi resolution, is it ok for printing a 2' x 1' image from a studio ? or should I go for high resolution ? + There is some dust at that resolution so how can I get rid of it ?Thanx waiting for your replies.
I am creating an extremely large file to be printed @ over 20 feet long. I've been in touch with the printer who told me that my original file, at 1/4 scale and 100 DPI was not high enough resolution, 1/4 would have to be 400 PPI, which is where I am now.
I started a thread on Windows/ Photoshop entitled "CS4 with a high resolution screen". People have replied to this, according to e-mail direct response. However, it is not on the list of forums, and neither does it appear on 'search'.
To repeat: we have a high resolution HP LP 3065 screen, which supports up to 2560 x 1600 pixels. At this resolution, images are still less than print size, but CS4 is essentially unusable because the menu text and other icons do not scale. Does anyone know if it is possible to manage this silly interface to allow the user to see what they are doing? Is there even a visual disability option? Even MS Office 2000 - ten years old - allows "large icons".
While asking another question, I discovered problem I'm having when I save .jpgs. tested this with several images now.When I save an image, it always gets HEAVIER, even if I save it at an image quality of "5" instead of my usual "12."
Attached is a donkey. It's 200px wide and 53k.When I saved it, changing nothing the name, using "baseline standard" and a quality of "5," it STILL becomes 127k. then I tried to save it to another folder, using a quality of 0, as in ZERO, and it became 123k.
I'm trying to print the presidential medal of freedom in high-res but all the samples I found on Google image search and on wiki are low-res. Since I need it for print, I increased it to 300dpi and it looks really jagged and blurred. I tried to search for a vector version, but couldn't find it. This is how it looks:
I tried all the filters as well, but couldn't find one that suits me (cutout is the closest, but it still looks horrible). I'm using Photoshop CS5.
Except finding an original high-res (which is impossible right now), in which other creative way can I fix it?
I have both PS 4 and PS CS5.1 installed. A client gave me a Word file with embedded high resolution photos. When I copy them from Word and open a new file in PS4, the photo comes in at full resolution. If I do so in CS5.1, it's like a screen shot--72 dpi. Is there a way to have it be high res in CS5.1?
I am trying to create a hi res version of a logo for someone.
If I copy and place the logo as a smart object into a photoshop file and then save it as a .tif with 300 dpi resolution and CMYK should that make it a hi res version?
I've tried inserting a table from Excel into Photoshop and making a jpeg and gif out of it, but when I upload it to the web the resolution is terrible. How I can make get a table into an image? It's a bit too complex to create with HTML.
I have taken 500 photos (in highest resolution, JPG, each ~5 MBytes) and want to crop them individually. With fewer ones I opened eg 30 at once, made my changes (eg cropping) and exported/saved these images via an action. But this method -- esp. opening the files -- took some time even on a "faster" computer, 16 GB RAM.Now the idea (or wish ):
1st step: decrease the dimensions of the images (maybe 840 x 540) 2nd: opening eg 60 at once (much faster...) 3rd: editing/cropping picture by picture
and in the last step: let PS do these changes on the original / high resolution images automatically..Are there plugins or other methods (or programs) for doing this?
Few years ago I tried programs like URL.....But the handling for selecting the area to be cropped was not very comfortable as it is in PS
I have an image that I want to use in a video, though it is not physically large enough to fill the 1920 x 1080 dimensions of the video, though it has a 300ppi resolution and video only needs 72ppi. How do I take advantage of the fact that it is high resolution image, and increase the physical dimensions of the image? Is there a way to do this?.