I just purchased PS Elements 12 to replace old PS Album 2.0. When I installed Elements, I assumed that it would transfer all old PS folders and tags, but it didn't. How do I move all these old folders over to new soflware?
Is there a way to have the organizer folders set up the same was as Windows Explorer? I have a main folder called Family with sub folders for all the years and in each of the subfolders there could be other subfolders. It wouldn't allow me to click on main folder and get all sub folders. I had to open main folder and then it shows all folders and sub folders separately. They are no longer nested.
Along the same lines, I wanted to create an album of Family with all subfolders, but that doesn't work.that is definitely a short coming which is why I never have used the organizer program, but just PSE for editing.
Is there a way to transfer project folders and their respective thumbnail content (video, image, sound links) from Corel VideoStudio Pro x4 to the newly installed Ultimate x6?
I have many JPGs on a Macbook Pro that work find with PSElements 6. When I try to transfer them to my new Windows 8 computer with recenly purchased PSElements 11 the program rejects them. How do I transfer them?
I am moving Elements 9 from PC to iMac. My PC crashed but I have a copy of it's "C" drive on an external disc. How can I now get the catalog (24,000 tagged photdos) properly transferred?
I have approx 4000 tagged and organised photos on a windows version of Elements 7 and wish to transfer everything to the latest version of Elements on a new iMac. How do I best do this without losing any organisation of the photos and videos that I have already done?
How do you transfer a PSE 3 catalogue form an XP computer to PSE 8 or 11 on a new 7-64bit computer. I have not installed PSE 8 or 11 on the new computer yet. I need to have the PSE 3 catalogue transfered complete with groups and collections to the new computer. Should I install PSE 3 on the new computer then transfer or should I install PSE 8 or 11. I'm told that you can't transfer PSE 3 to PSE 11, but will PSE 8 work?
I just bought the new PSE12 full version. On my old computer I still have PSE7.How do I transfer the data in the organiser from PSE7 to PSE12 without starting all over again (pictures from over 12 years in there...)
I have PSE 9 all organize now I upgraded to PSE 11 and I am having trouble transfering my catalog.I've tried to import it from my external drive but it's not working.
I recently installed Elements 11 on a brand new computer. My old computer has Elements 8 and all the tags I want on the new machine. How can I transfer the tags from one machine to the other?
I just bought a mac but I have all my photos in PSE. Can I use the backup from the PC and do a restore with PSE? I don't want to buy PSE for the mac if I can not load all my pictures with tags from the PC.
I always work via folders, click on it and see images as thumbnails to then work from, but it decided today not to play anymore. I cannot view folders at all. which settings should I check to reactivate this function?
I've had Elements 11 for some time and can't use it as I can't seem to find a way to import an existing folder structure of images. It imports it flat, with every subfolder and parent folder listed on the same level, so my organisation is shot to hell. I'm sure it's me being dumb, (but in fact it's Elements being incredibly un-intuitive) but how to import an existing folder structure with many images, retaining the structure after import? Actually thinking about it, I can barely remember how to import at all, I found it quite difficult to achieve and I think I might have drag and dropped some files?
I opened a file within Elements (originally created in Photoshop) that has folders within the layers but unable to expand folder or edit the layers within Elements? How do I work with the folder within Elements?
I want to transfer a catalog from a machine running PSE 5 (XP) to a new machine running PSE 11 (Win7 64 bit).
Is this posible and does the transfer/backup include the actual photos or just the relevant details? as I already have the photos copied to the new machine.
I have created text within PSE10 editor and wish to use it within a Premiere Elements 10 project as text not as an image i.e. to be able to use the text animation within Premiere.So far I have only been able to import the text into Premiere as an image.