Photoshop Elements :: 569 Photos In Revel Disappeared?
Nov 9, 2013Also, yesterday the 569 photos in Revel disappeared. After reinstalling the Revel apps 50 photos came back. What's going on?
View 1 RepliesAlso, yesterday the 569 photos in Revel disappeared. After reinstalling the Revel apps 50 photos came back. What's going on?
View 1 RepliesI can not find my photos on revel
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow does one upload photos from Elements to Revel? How does one look at his photos on Revel? You have made a big deal about moving them to Revel. I think that is great but only if one is given enough information to look at the photos. The only way I can see to view them is with a smart phone--not your computer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHave been trying for 2 days to upload photos to Revel but all I get are the album covers coming through, no content. Revel Agent constantly showing "Detecting Changes".
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I download photos from Revel to Elements 12
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 1500 photos that were placed in revel, that now I can't find or reconnect and it has made it impossible to backup My Catalog. I don't know how to proceed
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to upload photos from elements 9 to Revel
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have Photoshop elelments 10 and recently purchased 11. Under 10 I saved to "online album" With 11 I have saved albums to Revel. When I try to find them I wind up back at the old online album. How do I access the photos on Revel?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHOw organize 3000 photos if albums do not move from Elements 8 to REvel?
View 4 Replies View RelatedNow that the transfer is complete and you cannot log into will any new photos be backed up to Revel automatically? I am still only using Elements 9 from my PC, I do not have a smart phone and I could not find and app for Adobe Revel for my Kindle Fire HD. Will I have to do my only uploading to Revel each time?
I was able to successfully log into Revel to see my photos and albums after much searching through the discussion forums but I think there could have been better information or tutorials for those of us who are novices in the use of todays technologies.
Having decided Revel was not appropiate to my use, I've tried to delete the Revel icons from every jpg in my catalog and delete the mobile album from my Organizer, to no avail. Also would like to disable/delete auto analyzer since it uses so much CPU resources.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirst, all of the photos in my albums and folders disappeared from Organizer leaving empty album and folder categories. The next day, the album and folder titles disappeared, leaving one big blank space. how I can retrieve all of my photos and why this would have occurred in the first place?
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy computer was running very slowly so I ran some diagnostic and "fixit" programs on it. After that, I am no longer able to see the photos that were in the albums I created - if I try to reimport them, it says they are already in the catalogue. All I see are white boxes!! I cannot see them in the photo bin of the editor either. I checked and all my photos are in their original folders where I off-loaded them from my camera. Obviously my fixit program broke the links. how I can get the photos back, or even just delete the albums and catalogue so that I can start again?
the really weird thing is that I can do a slideshow of the supposedly missing photos -- but they still don't show up as thumbnails in the albums!
I am using Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 on a Mac running Mountain Lion. When I opened PSE today and the organizer, I noticed that the Albums all had a "- sign" - sure enough, I looked in each album and they are all empty. I didn't actually notice it until I'd created a new album, dragged in some photos, looked at the photos in the editor and then went back to the organizer where I found that the album I had been working on was empty. The photos themselves all appear to be in the media of the organizer but just not in the albums an longer. or if not, how the heck do I just delete an album?
btw, all my "folders" still show up below the albums.
a PS.. since posting this, all the media has disappeared from my organizer (the albums part) previously if I clicked on the "all media" button, it would show me all my photos but they have now disappeared as well.
a new glitch -- now when I double click on an album - photos appear in it that don't belong there -- in fact in most albums, I'm getting the photos I just imported into my hard drive today and made into a new album!
In PSE 6 Organizer the tags disappeared from below the thumbnails. How do I get them back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can organize photos into collections in Lightroom 4 and publish them to Revel, but I can't access them as collections or albums in Revel. Is there a way to publish from Lightroom as a collection or album and have the organization transfer to Revel?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I opt out of the new revel online program?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is case # 212156741 which was closed by Ramesh. Originally I got an email saying to reset password by clicking on a link. Couldn't do that so I copied & pasted. Tried to log on and got "Photoshop services unavailable - try later-check connections error 400". went to forum - later got an email to reset password - did tha - t same error many times.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using photoshop elements 12 organizer as well as revel on multiple computers and an ipad. Revel syncs perfectly across all devices including elements. Changes made in elements organizer though, do not. They used to, but have inexplicably stopped. New pics don't upload, additions to albums don't sync, tags don't either.
Revel agent says checking for changes and sometimes says up to date. I've restarted the agent and the computer a gazillion times - nothing doing!
Supposedly my files were transferred from to Revel. But, I am not certain if my files are actually in Revel. When elements backup/syncronization finishes syncing 25 files, it repeats the syncing of the same 25 files over and over again without ever completing the task.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I sync PSE9 with the new Revel Account (which is working just fine on my ipad and iphone)? I can't even open my PSE9 "catalog" anymore.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen Photoshop switches to Revel, will I still be able to create PNG files and edit them (make transparent backgrounds by outlining them) as usual? Or will all photos have to be JPEG?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just started working with Revel as I was hoping it would be a great way to get all the photos from all the different phones in our house into Elements.
I went to the effort of creating some albums called "Wife's Upload" etc to seperate each phone and then at my leisure I could import the photos from the upload folder into Elements and then purge them from the Revel upload folder.
The problem is when I choose to import from Revel it is showing me ALL the photos from ALL the albums, making this function almost useless. They went to the effort of allowing me the ability to choose the TARGET folder I want them going to - but not the SOURCE album on Revel? I am not finding an intuitive way to do this. Is it not possible?
every time I choose import I have to sort through ALL of the photos to find anything recent or separate that I have uploaded. This almost seems like nothing but a one time import function and not something very useful to people that are updating on a constant basis.
If I click on "Mobile Albums" and type in my Adobe id and password then it just sits there with the clock spinning. It never responds. I can log in from a browser window no problem. I have also tried to login from the Preferences -> Adobe Revel screen
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you auto sync from Photoshop 11 to Revel. I just upgraded and had this set up on the previous version, but I do not see how to do this with 11. Also, how do you sync albums to Revel?
View 1 Replies View RelatedExporting to Revel from organizer has failed several times.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have elements 12 and a new iphone. It seems that all of camera pictures from my phone have automatically been included into my elements library without plugging it into itunes. What process is doing this? Is revel syncing the camera roll with elements and how can I disable it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used Elements 11 Organizer to manage my photos including adding tags. I've uploaded to Revel photos before Revel had tagging capabilities photos from Elements 11. Now that Revel can handle tags how can I sync my tagged photos that are currently in Elements Organizer (I upgraded to Elements 12) with the photos that were already loaded into Revel.
View 3 Replies View RelatedNo yellow icon next to mobile albums for opening Adobe Revel and the drop down is shaded for Adobe Revel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I opened Lightroom, all my photos and folders had disappeared. I thought I might've opened another catalog, so I went to File > Open Recent, but there was only the one catalog listed
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Lightroom 3.5. I imported todays shoot into Lightrooms catalogue. They were converted from raw to dng. But only when the import was finished did I notice that all my collections and photos were missing. Before I went to my most recent backup I went to my catalogue and double clicked Karls catalogue.lrcat. This restored all my collections and photos, except for todays import.
When I open Lightroom I always hold down Alt so that it opens my catalogue rather than creating a new catalogue, but I must have not pressed Alt hard enough or something because I suspect Lightroom did in fact create another catalogue. I did a search for .lrcat in windows explorer and found my catalogue and 3 backups on my external drive, however I also found Lightroom 3 Catalog.lrcat in C;/Users/Karl/Pictures on my laptop.
How can I retrieve todays import and put it onto my catalogue?