I am using Photoshop Elements 10 and from time to time I want to open my NEF files. It seems that I need a plug in that will allow me to do so. Link to download and use in conjunction with PElements.
I have recently bought a new Nikon D7100 camera . When I try to open some NEF raw files, Photoshop Elements 11 complains my camera is not on the Camerra Raw list. I have tried for hours and hours to see how to fix this ... I have done the usual look at the plug-ins etc - the plug-in states I haev version 7.4 - which according to the blurb means D7100 files should be Ok ... beginning to get a bit pee'd off now with Adobe......
I've been using Photoshop Elements 11 for several months with my laptop running Windows 8. All of a sudden today I can't open jpegs. I click "open," navigate to the picture I want to open and nothing happens. I tried holding down, Ctrl, Alt, Shift when starting the editor to reset preferences and that did nothing. I even tried going to Preferences and clicking Reset Preferences on next launch and that also did nothing.
I have exactly the same problem as pewter23 but with Elements 9, but raw files from my old 400D open ok. I have updated through the Help tab but this had made no difference.
I use MediaPro to manage my media assets and it allows me to pass files to PE10 with an "Open With..." feature. So I can have a file selected in MediaPro, and then open that file with PE by using this feature. It worked great with PE8, but for some reason I cannot get it to work with PE10. When I use the feature, PE10 opens, but to a blank page - the actual image fails to come into the program.
I know the problem is NOT with MediaPro, since this worked flawlessly with PE8. The problem appears to be with PE10.
I cannot open any file types on Photoshop 11 (jpeg, tiff, dng). I uninstalled (including the preferences) and re installed. I still cannot open a file.I cannot open any file types on Photoshop 11 (jpeg, tiff, dng). I uninstalled (including the preferences) and re installed. After I reinstalled the software I updated the RAW editor. I still cannot open a file.
I downloaded Elements 11 Trial and installed it. However, when I tried to start it, the shortcuts that were created were broken. Also, if I launch the Editor directly (Program Files > Adobe > Photoshop Elements 11 > Adobe Photoshop Editor), I cannot open any RAW files (File > Open) . Also, tried running the Application Manager for Updates and none were needed.
If I uninstall it, and reinstall it, will I lose my trial or will it give me the remaining part of my 30 days? I have 28 days left.
cannot open my RAW files from PSE 11 or PSE 10. I recently bought nikon D600 and cannot edit pictures at all. I bought the PSE11 today because a representative from adobe told me today that my camera was supported. I have downloaded DNG converter.
Windows 7(x64) Photoshop Elements 7.0 Camera Raw Plugin (old camera raw .8bi file removed, I did not use the 64-bit version of the new Plugin) Camera: Canon SX50HS (which is included in the list of supported cameras)
Nothing I've tried has eliminated the "wrong type of file" message when trying to open .cr2 files.
So, then I read that I should get the Adobe DNG converter (v7.2.0.46) and convert the files to DNG format. OK, I got the converter but it doesn't recognize the .cr2 files in the folder in which they exist. I read another post which indicated that the DNG converter only worked from the C: root directory. So, I put one of the .cr2 files there, and used that as the folder to "select images to convert". It began scanning my drive, and found all of the .tif files on the drive, but none of the .cr2 files. It did not convert any of the .tif files.
I am new to the use of RAW format images, but not to the concept of drivers, plugins, versions, and following installation instructions precisely and have years of professional experience in software (even more frustrating!). It seems as if there could/should be a plugin update utility that prompts for the camera make/model, verifies that it is compatible, and installs the appropriate software. I'm sure that the camera information is also embedded somewhere in the image file.
I have a dvd with drawing files on it using .eps format. It says that photoshop will open these files but when i try i get a photshop message saying unable to open/read files.
I cannot open any files at all in either PS Elements 9 or 11. I keep getting the same error message: "Cannot complete your request because the file format module cannot parse the file". I have an iMac running MAC OS-X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion.
I have read in numerous articles that I can open jpg files in ACR from within Elements 11. They all state to go File>Open, then browse to the jpg you wish to open, select Camera Raw from the file type and select the jpg. When I select the Camera Raw file type then all the jpg images disappear in the selection area or if I click the jpg first and then select Camera Raw and open then it says file not found. Am I doing this wrong or are the articles I am reading incorrect?