Photoshop :: CS5.5 Using A Lot Of Scratch Disk
Aug 10, 2012
I have just built my new rig (Asus p9x79 pro, 32GB 1600Mhz DDR3, Intel 3820, old GTX285 1GB, Win7 pro.....many hard drives ) as I am working on a very big project producing 440x240cm200ppi digital drawings to be installed as lightbox artworks at the same size.
My old system just could not cope with the demands I was putting on it as It only had 12gb RAM. I have two scratch disks set up x1 30gb SSD (dedicated) and x1 240gb SSD ( has other stuff on it with 75gb free ). I am also using Photoshop CS5 Extended (updated) with RAM usage set to 80% (23976).
While I realise PS will still make use of the scratch disk despite the amount of RAM I was shocked to see the first drive (30gb) was almost full with 5gb space left when I loaded the PSB file with x9 layers. Looking at the meta data in Bridge it tells me the file size is 6.90GB with pixel dimensions of 34646x18898@200ppi. Windows reports that I am only using 20GB of my 32GB..
Shouldn't PS be using more RAM before going to the slower reads on a SSD? Windows Task Manager tells me I have 8150 RAM cached, 12310 RAM Available and 4215 RAM Free. If Photoshop is not using the 12GB would it be wise to make a 9GB RAM DISK for an addition boost...not even sure if that would work, but, I hate the feeling of having all that RAM and 1/3 not being used.
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Mar 29, 2012
Windows 7, had everything working fine. Added SSD and installed system from scratch on SSD. Old drive is now my second drive.
Trying to put the scratch disk on the second (old) drive to reduce wear on the SSD. But every time I do, I get the disk error message and it erases all my settings (so annoying!)
I figure it's a permissions thing since I've had to deal with that already to some degree, but I don't know how to fix it since I don't know where adobe is trying to save the scratch file.
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Oct 8, 2012
I have recently bought an SSD (sandisk 120GB) which i have installed windows on. i have another 500gb internal drive which is empty and am wondering whether i should install photoshop on the 500gb drive and put the scratch disk on the SSD or the other way round.
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Aug 2, 2012
how an SSD differs from a regular hard drive, there is no drop in performance when your stratch disk is assigned to the same SSD containing your Photoshop app.. I heard this setup is much faster than the conventional setup of having your app and scratch disk on separate hard drives.
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May 11, 2007
I added a second hard drive and would like to know how to best set it up for use as a scratch disk.
The default in the Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks dialogue box was:
First: Startup
Second: None
Third: None
Fourth: None
I'm wondering if I should change the first to the new drive or keep it as "startup" and add the new drive to second.
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Sep 17, 2006
I have a Mac Pro, with more than one HD. When I try to assign the other drive as the Scratch disk, and relaunch PS, I get the dreaded "can't access disk". I then have to remove prefs. and my Scratch disk no longer appears.
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Feb 2, 2009
I'm thinking about the getting the Intel 80gb MLC ssd drive for primary use as a scratch disk...I may get a SLC if I can justify the price...
Has anyone tried SSD's as a scratch disk. Any 'real world' experiences out there?
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May 23, 2009
can explain the process to make a scratch disk for Photoshop cs3.I have a graphics company and bought cs3 it is working well but i am going to add another disk in my computer for this and need info to set this disk up.
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Dec 10, 2008
my computer got a lil virus, I had to system restore. Virus gone, BUT, seems as though my Photoshop kind of reset itself. Becuase when I opened it, the template was different (I used to have only 2 windows on the right, it reset itself to open with 4 windows) and when I used to create a new file the background was the transparent checkered pattern, and now it's just a plan white background, so something obviously reset.
THat's cool, no problem there. So I go to create a new photo, and I use a VERY simple too, I use the Paint Bucket to fill a 500x500 image, Photoshop has a lilttle load bar come up so it can LOAD to fill my little space, and if i let it sit, it will eventually say "Scratch Disk is Full".
Now, I've gone online to see how to fix that. I've found multiple FAQ sites. And this is what I've done to still no avail:
1. I've gone into Preferences and set the Scratch Disk location to my C:// drive that it previously was.
2. Set it so that 100% of my RAM can be used for Photoshop
3. Defragmented my C:// Drive
4. Searched for any ~PSD temp files, my computer said it found none.
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Apr 21, 2007
When I attempt to load photoshop,
A pop up box appears saying that the selected scratch disks are almost full,
and there are 4 drop down boxes: First, Second, Third, Fourth.
With the "First", with either Startup or C drive selected, photoshop won't load.
This pop up box has never appeared before.
So, when I press ok on this box, photoshop continues to load for a few seconds then it states that it cannot continue loading because there was an error that it couldn't recover from!
There are no PST temporary files located on my computer,
And it isn't the "working with large image" problem because I don't even GET to open photoshop in the first place!
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Nov 6, 2007
I am now working with 10megapixel images, just basic post processing i.e. saturation, curves, and sharpening.
My question is as follows.
I have a 1.6ghz dell laptop, with 1gb ram, and 80gb hd with about 32gb free.
Sometimes when batch processing (50 to 100 photos) at once, Ill get the scratch disk full error. I know its not a good idea to have the scratch and OS on the same drive, but not much I can do about it. I'm thinking about getting another gig of ram to bring me up to a total of 2gb, and a 500gb external hard drive. I can move the photos (about 20gigs worth) to the external, then i'd have about 50gigs free on my internal. I know an external is not the best for scratch, but again it will only be if I use the 50gb on my internal first. I will eventually have to get another HD anyway for these huge images.
So will a total of 2gb ram, 50gigs free on internal for primary scratch, and the remainder of my 500gb external for secondary scratch, give me a noticeable improvement?
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Feb 17, 2005
I am getting a "Scratch disk almost full" message when I start up PS.
I'm using v7.0 on XP.
The first disk offers me the option of C:/ or Startup.
When I select startup it complains its almost full but I can't find out where it is so I can empty it!
If I select C:/ it complains about sharing with windows and I don't know how to offer any further alternative.
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Jul 5, 2009
How much hard drive space should be allocated to photoshop? We are working with files at times exceeding 6GB. We have 32GB of RAM and a few hard drives, internal and external. Second: the size of my Documents folder is no more than 250gb and the capacity of the system hard drive is 500. What else could possibly take up so much room? the programs take up about 50gb so im left with 200 missing GB?
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Jan 11, 2013
which is the optimum location for photoshop scratch disk? startup disk or external disk. use imac i7,mountain lion.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am on OSX10.6.8 with CS4 and CS5 (some of my actions only run on CS4, so I quit and launch back and forth).
I had my CS 4 and 5 Scratch Prefs set to a specific scratch partition on another local disk where I had a small partition dedicated towards it. I was doing some disk maintenance on that other disk and forget to go into CS and reset the scratch to the start-up disk. Now I cannot open CS4 or CS5 because it is looking for a scratch disk that does not exist.
Is a complete re-install the only fix, or is there a command line or other way other way than a complete re-install?
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Oct 8, 2013
- Photoshop CS6 13.0.4 (64bit)
- MBP 15" retina (2,3Ghz intel Core i7)
- OSX 10.8.5
I create designs for a websites. I work only on one file at a time. A real life example: 83MB in size and 2400X6000 in dimension. When I open the file and start editing, within minutes, all my RAM is used, plus my scratch disk uses a whopping 55GB. This is all the free space I have on a total of 200GB. Often, mac Finder crashes, so a hard reset is needed.
I'm fully aware that a scratch disk can use a lot more then my 55GB. But, I don't do image editing, what I think is a large scratch disk user. And, I used to work with CS4 on an older mac with only 8GB of ram, and I never got a message about my scratch disk.
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Feb 17, 2012
I'm trying to set up a time lapse project at work using CS5 and extendscript. I'm getting a scratch disk full error, only when I run the script. I do need to know where PS saves the scratch disk info, as my company limits my access to computer folders, so if PS is trying to write directly to the c drive, it might be getting blocked. If I know where the info is being written, I can make sure I have access. why I'm not getting the error message when not using the script. Just a simple resize throws the error.
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May 31, 2013
From what I've read, the scratch disk in Photoshop is there so that if you become low on RAM, it will move data from the RAM to the allocated scratch why bother making that scratch disk the RAM when it'll just be going from the the RAM?
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Feb 5, 2013
if i add a external drive to my macbook air will it stop the scratch disk message from coming up each time i try to use photoshop cs6?
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Feb 16, 2013
I have not subscribed to the extended version and it ran out today now when I boot up cs6 the message is could not open a scratch file because the disk is not available.I can't get into adobe cs6 now
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Feb 18, 2009
I just put PS CS2 on my laptop today (dell latitude d610 with win xp), and as soon as I started running it I ran into a Scratch Disk Full error... not by cropping or anything big... but just using the pen tool on a 500x500 72ppi file.
I've been using CS4 for the past week or so with no problems, but didn't want to fork out the ridiculous price to keep it past the trial, so decided to go with CS2 as I've used it on another computer of mine and the price was good.
Is it possible I could be getting this error because of old PS files that weren't fully removed? I did the uninstall of CS4 before I downloaded CS2 so ??? I also did install CS2 before but wouldn't allow me to activate it because it was already on another comp.
I also heard it could be because of a lack of memory on the drive I use for the scratch disks, but I have almost 10 gigs free on the drive I'm using as my secondary (c:), not sure about the one I have as primary (startup). I'm using that as primary because it was there as a default, though I'm not sure what it is. And I did try them vice versa as well and still got the error.
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Jul 28, 2006
Lately when I try to crop an image in Photoshop CS2 (9.0.1) I get the message that the function could not be completed because the scratch disk was full.
I only have a "C" drive and I have over 15 gig free. I have optimized the hard drive and that didn't do anything . Can someone help me with this problem?
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Jan 4, 2004
What does it mean when I try to open a file in photoshop and get a scratch disk error. And how do I stop it from keep hapening again. I try to solve it by purging out stuff.
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Sep 19, 2005
It's about time I replaced my 5400RPM Drive for a 7200RPM unit. At the moment I have a partition used as Photoshop's Scratch disk. Just wondering if it would be wiser to keep the 5200RPm unit as a seperate scratch disk, or have a faster partition on the 7200RPM unit.
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Apr 1, 2008
I've recently switched to a new pc with Vista-64. After installing my CS3 I tried to give it a test to see how it performs. Medium sized files run very fast on difficult filters such as Lens blur. But when I open a large file like 300mb and try to run a Lens Blur filter on it, things get very slow for this PC. I think it takes 3-4min to complete the task.
What also bothers me is CS3 is writing/using on a external HD that's not chosen to be used as a scratch disk. I noticed this as I see the blue lights get active on the WD external HD. Then I checked what's happaning in the disk going to my computer. When I look into the HD I see bunch TMP files written during this filter task. Same type of files (different sizes)are also seen in the dedicated scratch disk. Is it normal that CS3 will access other HD's eventhough they are not chosen as Scratch disks or is it there anything wrong with my CS3 or OS? Also I believe that I should get a better performance with my setup, anything you might suggest?
My computer: Gigabyte EX38T-DQ6 motherboard, Intel Core2 Extreme x9650, Vista 64-bit, 4GB DDR3 RAM, OS, other programs and CS3 located on 4 WD Raptor HD's configured as RAID 0+1, separate 70GB Raptor HD for scratch disk, all photo files are stored on 2 750GB Lacie HD's as RAID 1 and I have one WD external 2 TB HD for back up connected with Firewire800. This is the one that's being accessed by CS3.
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Apr 1, 2009
i have a folder on the disk that i use for scratch disk
it is named something like: "97er4657u843l"
i have no idea what it is
is this a folder that photoshop put on the disk?
if not, it's probably a windows folder.
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Jan 10, 2009
i cant find the folder of the
scratch disk files...
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Jan 3, 2009
I am running PS7 on an XP SP2 system with 512 MB ram and a slow processor. I have two internal hard drives and have tried many times to assign the scratch disk to my second drive which is the largest and fastest. When I do this, Photoshop will not open and I have to delete the preference file in order to get the program to run. What could be causing Photoshop not to recognize my second drive on startup?
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Jun 29, 2005
I just installed a new hard drive to my computer, and when I started Photoshop it told me I aught to set the scratch disk to a better drive rather than the C: drive it was set to. How do I manually set the scratch disk?
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Mar 18, 2008
I have a 173G boot/Windows/programs disk and a 3-disk RAID5 array for data. I know the scratch disk should be on a 5th disk, but I don't have one. If I put the scratch disk on the boot drive, as far as performance goes, does it matter if it's in a separate partition or not?
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Apr 8, 2012
I have had Photoshop CS5 installed on my system for over a year, and it worked fine all this time under Snow Leopard. Now that I've upgraded to Lion, Photoshop will not open due to these messages:
-Could not open a scratch file because the disk is unavailable.
-Could not initialize Photoshop because the disk is unavailable.
The scratch disk in question is an 80gb partition of a 1tb internal hard drive. If I delete the preferences file (by holding down cmd-shift-opt when starting PS) then it starts up just fine. If I go into preferences and reset it to use the scratch disk, then next time I try to reopen the program I get the same 2 error messages and I have to ditch the preferences again.
There is nothing wrong with the disks, I verified them. And anyway, I've been using that scratch disk with Photoshop for the last year with no issues. It was only after I switched to Lion that this started happening.I need to be able to take advantage of the performance increase that a scratch disk offers.
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