Photoshop :: Best Hard Drive For PS, RPM Or MB CACHE...
Jul 29, 2009
I am putting together a pc ideally for using Photoshop, I was wondering in terms of buying a hard drive if I should get one with a higher rpm rate or higher cache? Which does Photoshop rely more on?
While I have a 500 Gb hard drive, I notice that the Bridge CS 6 cache is getting larger quickly (looking forward to 1 Terabyte SSDs).
I have most of my images on external hard drives, but Bridge CS6's cache seems to be on my computer.
Can I store the Bridge cache locally?
So, if I have 1000 images on hard drive A, the cache for them would be on hard drive A.
And for 100 TIFFS on hard drive B, the cache would be on hard drive B.
And for the 100 most recent TIFFs I keep on my computer's hard drive, the Bridge cache would be on my computer.
It this what checking the box next to "Automatically Export Caches To Folders When Possible" does or am I misunderstanding this - and this option only puts COPY of the cache files on the external hard drive, but the Bridge cache file on my computer still contains all the images, not matter on which hard drive they'd be?
I am not changing anything in my system. I am using windows 7 and will continue to. No change in elements version (10). how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures. I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera I will connect to the external hard drive.
I'm copying RAW files from a shoot onto my network RAID drive in a per-album folder, from where I then import into a new LR catalog (I'm using LR 4.1) on my Windows laptop for that album.
I'm finding that editing RAW files on a network drive from a wireless laptop is awfully slow (not to mention not being able to continue the work offline somewhere else), so I'd like to cache those files on my speedy SSD drive just until I'm done editing and exporting/publishing that album.
I back up my per-album catalog onto the network folder alongside the RAW files since that's my IT-managed master repository. When I'm done editing, I'd purge the cached files and just keep the catalog previews on my limited capacity SSD.
So, is there a way to tell LR to, for one/all files imported from a location (in my case a network folder), look in an alternate location for the identical files? Since I create per-album catalogs in per-album folders, there wouldn't be filename clashing. Either LR can provide this caching behavior on its own or I'd manually copy files from the network folder to a local folder and tell LR to look there first.
I don't really want to make copies of files into secondary folders within LR since then it's a hassle to merge edits on the cached copy to its master copy (I haven't done this, but I'd imagine so).
Using Elements 11 - My photos are taking over my hard-drive and I want to safely transfer all my photos and videos to an external hard-drive. How do I do it without loosing info and/or later having to re-connect thousands of pictures?
I have several hard drives. Say D, E and F. I want to migrate or move the folders that are listed under each hard drive in my lightroom to say Hard Drive G. How do I do this so that all my keywords, and selects and color codes move with it? and that in lightroom G hard drive would be my only hard drive listed? I want to do this to get everything nice and orderly
I moved images from my harddrive to an external drive.
I opened Lightroom.
Noticed there was a question mark by the photo folder I needed.
I synchronized the folders. Nada.
I rememebered I moved the images (first line ^^)
I re-imported the images from the external drive into Lightroom.
These images (other than one that was marked previously with a blue label) look completely untouched - completely original files - even though I spent hours working on them.
I am glad the images weren't deleted BUT re-doing 600 images will be a MAJOR FAIL if I can't figure out how to import the images with the settings / developments I did beforehand.
I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive. I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive. Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?
I transferred my LR3 files from my WD hard drive to my new Lacie Thunderbolt drive and now I can only get the preview and it says the file is missing. Is there a setting I need to change that I am not aware of?
Map 3d 2011.User A connects to SDE using FDO and creates a dwg containing Mastermap data and other shape files held in SDE.User A saves Map 3D dwg on network drive that all users can access where all acad dwgs, docs etc. for that project are stored.
User B who is working on the same project at another PC tries to open the Map 3D dwg created by user A from the shared network drive but gets a "Failed to open FDO connection" error and cannot open the dwg.
Is this because Map 3D caches all data from SDE on the local drive of the PC on which the dwg was created?Is there a way around this to allow both users to access the same drawings?
My products only lists that I purchased CS4, I have also purchased the upgrade to CS5 and to CS6. I need to de-activate CS6 on my Hard drive and install it on a new Hard drive - but how do I get CS 6 again and what license serial number must be used?
I'm putting together a new system partly to run Photoshop, Bridge, and Camera Raw, and I have a question about the optimal hard drive configuration. Software is CS3 running on Windows XP Pro SP2.
With three physical drives, I would probably do it like this: 1. 10k RPM - OS, programs 2. 10k RPM - ? 3. 7.2k RPM - Assets
Where is the best place for the Windows page file and the Photoshop scratch disk?
Or would I be better off going with four (less expensive) 7.2k RPM drives, in which case the OS/programs, page file, scratch disk, and assets could all have their own drives?
I've purchased a Windows 7 PC with 16 MB RAM, 2 terabytes and a 250 GB SSD. I'm going to load Photoshop on the SSD and the OS on the hard drive. Where should the scratch disk go?
My hard drive crashed last week and a new one was put in. I know you can only re-use a serial number if you deactivate PS on the computer it was previously on...however that is impossible because my hard drive is toast.
The software appears to install on my windows vista op.sys machine BUT when I try to start photoshop CS3 it just hangs..tried to reinstall several times but still same.
My Dell laptop crashed about a year ago, and I was able to have the hard drive backed up to an external. I now need my PhotoShop CS which is on the external hard drive. I need to know how to install PhotoShop, and others in the creative suite, from the external drive. I am having a problem figuring out which files need to be installed first, i.e. .exe and .dll files.
The hard drive is an iMicro 3.5" SATA and IDE HDD
I am currently running Windows Vista, Gateway Notebook **I can not find the original Creative Suite cds; I think they may have been "accidentally" thrown away by someone other than myself.
I installed Photoshop on my portable hard drive in hopes that I can travel with it without the need for a laptop since I have a computer at home and work. I would like to use it at both. I get an error at work that says.... Memory could not be allocated for the activation process. Please close all applications and try again..... I Know this is incorrect as there is plenty of ram and available memory on the sytem.
The hard drive on my laptop is performing erratically and CHKDSK can't fix it, so it's time for a new drive. In preparation for the new drive, I tried to transfer activation of Photoshop CS2. I get the following error dialogue box message:
"The application or DLL C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS2Activationen_USalmuirsc.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette."
The only choice for this box is to click the OK button. When I do, I get the following message:
"Sorry, a serious error has been detected. To continue using Adobe Photoshop, please reinstall the appliation."
i have PS CS3 with 2 licenses. one is activated on my laptop. the other was activated on my desktop PC. however, the previous hard drive on my desktop PC died.
i now have a new hard drive in it, but it won't activate PS unless i deactivate the installation on the hard drive that died.
When I rebooted and reopen the program, it would not allow me to open my project giving me a scratch disk full error. I checked my hard drive and noticed I was down to around 6GB of free space which seemed odd given that I have a 55GB harddrive. So I deleted a bunch of huge multimedia files, freeing up an additional 6 or so GB. Again it ran fine for awhile, then froze. I checked again, down to 3GB. At this point photoshop was closed, so it should not be using any resources. I repeated the process - deleted 7GB of files, reopened photoshop and worked until it froze. When I rebooted, I was down to 2GB of free space. I have freed up a little more room now (6.71GB total) and I can open and work in photoshop. When I do, the harddrive space goes down to around 1-2GB, but when I close the program, it goes back up to 6.71 so clearly this is temporary usage. However, I'm afraid to actually use it because it might freeze again. That seems to be the problem - when it freezes, the scratch disk space that is occupied does not get freed up the way it would if I closed the program of my own accord.
It now has approximately 15-20GB of space that is eaten up with nothing and I want it back.
I had a virus and had to reload photoshop on my pc. Now photoshop cant find the photos on my external hard drive. What to do for photoshop to find the photos on my drobo.
I bought a highly recommended Western Digital My Book Essential external hard drive to backup image files, then discovered that the WD software doesn't support .dng files. Is there any way to get around the WD software and backup .dng files to the WD external drive? I'm using PS CS5.1, version 12.1 x32 on a PC with Windows XP professional.