I need to batch process multiple files where 'select Path1/copy/paste' is part of the action. All images contain a path named Path 1 but the action is only working on 30% of the images - I'm using PS 5.1 on a mac.
I have a whole bunch of photos I need to batch process, but, when creating an action for this, I stumbled upon the problem that the paths I selected with the pen tool, and saved under the "Paths" tab need to be in every image for to be used in the action.
We are possibly going to start shooting volume HDR images. Time will be a factor when shooting 4 locations a day and still having to process. Is there a way to stack the images at the end of the job like an action, then when I get back to the studio, I can tweak the images?
I have some images which I want to increase the border pixels by about 2-3pixels. Then I want to add a shadow effect. I need to do this for around 150 images. I've tried to do it via new action/record and then batch processing but its not doing the job.
I'm going on a scrapbooking retreat this weekend and need to develop 200+ photos and upload to CVS.com. I have all my pictures in .jpg format now but I need to get the overall size of the files under 6mb to work with CVS's website.
I know that CS2 has a batch process to take the file size to certain pixel dimension but wanted to know if anyone knew a way to do it to fit overall file size vs. dimension.
I created an action to convert a file to grayscale from RGB but when used in batch processing it opens and saves the files to the specified folder without applying the mode conversion.
If I use the action on a single file it works fine.
I have a folder of about 1000 pictures that I need to resize and save for the web. Using Photoshop CS4. The originals are all JPG files, but are saved at high resolutions and sizes. But they are not uniform in size. I need to resize each to be 200 px wide @ 72 dpi, but allow the height to vary depending upon the image dimensions. I haven't used Photoshop for a number of years. I *think* I remember the ability to walk through a series of steps and record them and then batch apply to a whole folder, but can't see a way to do that now.
I do see in the Image Processor the ability to resize and save, but it doesn't allow me to set the width and leave the height empty.
I am batching both photoshop native files and attempting .Pdf files. They are both located in the same folder.
The .psd files process correctly,(converting to jpg) to .jpg file formats. But the .pdf files don't actually save. If I use the action on these files individually, the action works fine.
We are holding a conference of sorts, and we are making name tags for everyone to hang around their necks. We have a design in photoshop. We have an excel spreadsheet with everyone's name and forum. Traditionally, the name tags were juts copied and pasted by hand, which is tedious and prone to mistakes.
is there a faster way to do this? i heard something about scripts, but i have no idea where to start. does anyone have a pointer to where i can learn it? i only want to learn the bare minimum to write THIS script, as im sure it's the only script i'll ever write for photoshop.
Batch Photoshop processing from bridge does not work , it says no files to open using bridge select or folder select. I am not suppressing open dialog (although I tried it that way too).
Anybody able to point me in the direction of a plug-in/software that will add the filenames to a batch of 200 images and then assimilate them into a template, ready for printing?
I use CS and can do this in Picture Package a few at a time but it is a little cumbersome. I am a school photographer.
advanced batch image processing. I need the following to happen to a folder of images:
1) All images in the folder are resized with constrained proportion to a width of 250px.
2.) They are then combined into one image file placed above each other in a column (literally, not layers). Each image also needs spacing between the other, about 20px
3.) This is then compressed as an 8 quality jpeg and exported as a new image.
So basically I have a folder of images that I want to convert into a long 'gallery' image with spacing between each.
I scan 6x6 negs on an Epson scanner and when they are done they need to be rotated 90 degrees and flipped horizontaly. I set up an action to do this (Rotate, Flip, Save and Close) and everything was going swimmingly - then recently I've started having problems. For example - I've scanned 60 images which I select in Bridge and then open them in PS CS4. I select Automate>Batch and then select my saved action and away it goes. PS chugs its way through the 60 photo's and closes them all (so it looks like they have all been processed), but when I go back to Bridge and it starts refreshing the thumbnails only 30 of them have been rotated and flipped. So then I select the remaining 30 images and batch process them - this time it only processes 15 and so on.
I shoot all my photographs at 7.1MP and would like to batch process them to a smaller size for e-mail. I have a folder with 100 7.1MP images and want to copy then resize them in a new folder keeping the image name the same. I'm hoping to resize them to 100K in size.
I recently upgraded to CS3 form CS2. Over the weekend, I spent several hours tweaking about 200 RAW images in Bridge, that I need to convert to JPGs. I used a batch action that I created some time back in CS2 to convert the images from RAW (basically open and do a Save As as JPG), but it didn't pick up any of the tweaks that I made to the images during the conversion process, because I had Ignore or Suppress Open Dialog checked. I unchecked that open and re-ran the script but am now being prompted to open each image. I then modified the action to include the open command. Running the script now still doesn't quite seem to work as I'd expected. The only tweak it seems to pick up are the crops, but it doesn't process any of the tonal/color balance tweaks. Each image has the modification icon on them, indicating that changes were made, but the Photoshop Batch command isn't using them. Any suggestions on how to get this to work? I'm also very open to any other suggestions one may have on converting adjusted Camera RAW images to JPEG.
1) All images in the folder are resized with constrained proportion to a width of 250px.
2.) They are then combined into one image file placed above each other in a column (literally, not layers). Each image also needs spacing between the other, about 20px
3.) This is then compressed as an 8 quality jpeg and exported as a new image.
So basically I have a folder of images that I want to convert into a long 'gallery' image with spacing between each. I know this isn't explained well, but is it at all possible?
I have been using several resizing and sharpening batch processes which have saved a resultant file at the end with a different name. In the Batch process an original folder was selected and a destination folder and the file name changed with a different custom prefix. I have been using these batch processes with no problems for years. Without warning I have noticed that all of these batches are no longer working and the end result is one file in the destination folder, ie it must me overwriting. I have tried to recreate the basic batch process again and have resorted to using both 'save; and 'save as' at the end of the process in different test batch processes and the same result happens pretty much each time, the one file after the original folder had 5 images. I have noticed that 'Save as' is not showing up in the actions of the batch process (only shows as 'Save' irrespective if you selected 'save' or 'save as'. It is like Photoshop is refusing to accept 'save as' with a new file as a valid action. I have also tried to check the override 'save as' box etc. If you edit normally in Photoshop and 'save as' for that image, there are no problems .
Here is the thing. I have implementes several action on Photoshop. SOme of the include several sub actions and different saving locations. For example, I open a file, then I hit my prefered key combo for that action, and I have:
1) convert to cmyk 2)save copy as JPG with 11 quality level 3) save to folder A 4) image size to 72 dpi 5) covert to RGB 6) save as JPG 6 quality level 7) save to folder B 8) close file and discard cahnges.
Everything runs like heaven, but the moment I want to batch several files everything stalls.
I choose file > Batch > Choose my set > choose my action Source > I choose where my files are (usually a PDF) then I use "Supress file open options dialogs" Destination> Since I already have set destinations y my actions, I choose here a "dump" folder On errors > I hit Save As... and put a name for that log.
Then photohop opens my PDF on Photoshop and does nothing! It keeps my file open. I ma about to work with 400 files to batch, and this batch system does not work.
Takes a jpg draws a shape masks the image adds another shape . So I can batch process a ton of images. I managed to do something like what I'm after but the thing I'm having trouble with is that the original images will have different dimensions.
I have attached (via link) an example image which would be the original (start.jpg), one which would be the desired end result (done.jpg) and the .psd
IF there needs to be a step in the middle of the action where I need to intervene and resize the flat image slightly to fit the canvas it'll still save a load of time.
I know that opening and saving will be taken care of using the batch feature and the result only needs to be a jpg.
I am a Retoucher and I have a new client that sends me 150 - 200 Real Estate photos per day. They shoot the photos so that I have 1 ambient exposure (Background Layer) and 1 flash exposure (Layer 1) which I then blend together with a recipe I designed for their look. I need to find a way to speed up the processing and although my action executes the look exactly how I need it in a very efficient manner the real time killer is the opening & layering steps.
I know this a long shot but my ideal solution would be to drag the folder of images which are sorted and/or labelled in the correct order in to a droplet and from there it processes the images one at a time but layering the files (ambient as "Background" and flash as "Layer 1"), running the action, has a stop-action on lens correction, asks me where to save, closes the image and continues to the next image.
I am creating a layout which includes an image file. The base layer is a jpg file and the image needs to be placed ('Place' command) on top of this layer and I call for a couple of other processing steps after that (these extra steps are not shown below). Easy enough to turn this into an action.
>Open (open the bkg image) >Place (place the subject's image file) >Set Current Layer (change blend mode of subject image layer) >Save >Close
But, when I try to automate this action, the Place command does not work properly. It's because I chose a specific image file to be placed. How do you program an action with a 'wildcard' so that it can be used in batch and process a whole folder of images?
I have about 400 JPGs with Camera Raw settings applied. I am trying to run a batch action on them in Photoshop but it keeps getting stuck opening each image in Raw. How do I run the batch on them or convert them into regular JPGs with the raw settings applied?
I've got to submit about 130 images in JPG form to the media department by 1 o'clock today EST.
Basically, this is my setup up in PS CS5. I have a simple graphic (a black decorative border) in its own layer. Below this, I have a mask so that the images below it can peek through the decorative border. The sample below only has 1 image, but in my actual document there are about 130 layers under this mask, each with a different image.
I have to export every single image as a JPG. Not all the images are the same size so I have to turn off all layers, and leave only the layer being exported visible every time.
Is there anyway I can batch this? I don't see how can PS turn on/off layers automatically as it exports.Or how could I have done this differently for future reference?
I have 115 files that I need to create six files respectively from each, a total of 690 files. Each of the batched six files are different sizes and the last two numbers need to change. For example, I start with 781.08, from there I get 781.08_1, 781.08_2. 781.08_3 up to _6.
I made actions in Photoshop, but they did not keep the current file name I was working on such as 782.08, it defaulted back to the file name in which I build the actions in such as 781.08.
This seems easy enough, but not sure what the solution is to both re-size and rename the files in a batch process.
The Problem which i have is that Photoshop don't updated the selected Folder for Batch Processing. If i choose the right folder for Batch Processing, Photoshop displays the right folder but if i start up the action all the pictures i want to Shrink were in another Folder as i have Chosen before.
I'm sure this question would have been asked before but i couldnt find it anywhere here, so:
Upgraded to PS7 and found that when doing batch resizes of jpegs the jpeg option save window pops up after every jpeg is resized. The list of actions includes only the resize of the image. Is there a setting that I do not know about?